
(nsfw) SpearGarb

Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. >Well, Fizz's been gone for a while.
  2. >His parents decided to come down and show him the migration path or something.
  3. >I guess they're afraid he'll get lost.
  4. >I'm kinda afraid he'll get lost too.
  5. >Least we got plenty of hot action before he left.
  6. >I guess this gay shit isn't so bad.
  7. >Just wish he was still's been like eight fucking days and I might as well color my whole groin blue.
  8. >But shit, Spear came back yesterday.
  9. >Spear is my BRO man... Like you don't understand.
  10. >He and I were bros like, the moment we came out of our eggs.
  11. >Seriously, before he went out to travel by himself, we were inseperable.
  12. >He was really good at coming up with ways to prank Fizzle.
  13. >Just thinking about that motherfucker makes me smile.
  14. >Which is why I was a little bummed when he went on his little life quest.
  15. >But I had all kindsa brospect for him, so I had to let him go. You never hold a bro up from following his dreams.
  16. >He was out in gryphonlands...looking for...well, he didn't say what he was looking for when he left.
  17. >He's changed alot since he came back.
  18. >Maybe it's Fizzle's fault that I'm noticing these things now but...
  19. >Spear is one of the only dudes I know who has hair, and he let it grow out while he was gone.
  20. >Blonde and deep purple look pretty good together if you ask me...
  21. >Shit, I just said hi to him yesterday before he went off to nap from his long flight.
  22. >Purple really fits his feels like he's gotten smaller though.
  23. >Maybe I just filled-out more than he did.
  24. >Honestly, when I first saw him I thought he was a chick.
  25. >Maybe my memory is bad, but even his voice sounds more effeminate.
  26. >Even the way he holds his hands with grace and delicacy started to shine through to me.
  27. >Then again, I guess Spear had always been one of the weirder ones of us.
  28. >Always really taking care of himself.
  29. >Polishing his scales and his horns.
  30. >Making sure his claws were never chipped.
  31. >And even when we gave him shit about it he stayed cool-headed.
  32. >Come to think of it, he really is an oddball. Most of us would get red-eyed at shit like that.
  33. >But he just never acted that way.
  34. >He was always the calm to my storm.
  35. >I guess that's why we were tight bros before he went off to dick around with gryphons.
  36. >And now that we've both gotten a bit older and he's gotten a bit...hotter... Our hang-out tonight should be interesting.
  37. >Or maybe Garble Jr is just lonely without his white-and-pink ass to confide in.
  38. >That's how I ended up taking a long nap so I could stay up with him tonight.
  39. >Show up to his little hovel of a cave.
  40. >He grins up to me when I come in, his tail already swaying.
  41. >Not seeing your best bro in a while, ya gotta give him a hug.
  42. >A bro hug of course.
  43. >A really tight brohug.
  44. >A really tight brohug with the most petite girl I know.
  45. >"Goddamn, dude, I've missed you like crazy," he says, sighing with relief as I hug him tightly.
  46. >His voice is full of wistfulness.
  47. >He smells kinda strange for that matter.
  48. >Whatever, gryphons have weird shit. He probably was around alot of it.
  49. >Pull back from the hug and smirk at him, "Well, shit man, you left me hangin long enough!"
  50. >He laughs and it's like a bunch of jingling bells to my ears.
  51. >Spear brushes his claw over his bangs, but they fall back almost exactly where they were before.
  52. >Thanks to Fizzle, I find this action cute.
  53. >It's like Spear knows exactly what to do to make a bro need a rut all of a sudden.
  54. >However, I don't feel like losing any teeth tonight, so I'm not even gonna bring the shit up.
  55. >He's my bestie, after all. I'm just here for him.
  56. >But god is he a prize to look at.
  57. >Fucking unobtainable treasure bullshit.
  58. >"Sorry, Garbs," he smiles again and takes a seat on a couch he stole from some ponies a couple years ago.
  59. >Plop down next to him.
  60. >Get to the point.
  61. >"So what the hell did you go looking for anyway, man? With how long you've been gone, I'd like to think you found the shit."
  62. >He grins scandalously, "I was looking for herb, man."
  63. >Raise a brow at him, "You mean that shit's actually real?"
  64. >"Yeah dude, Gilda wasn't lying about it."
  65. >I laugh. Yeah, I remember that crazy bitch.
  66. >So I ask, "Is it as good as she made it out to be?"
  67. >He smirks, reaches under the couch cushion, pulls out a brown paper bag and gives it a shake, "Wanna find out?"
  68. >Like I'd say no, "You're fuckin right, I wanna find out."
  69. >Watch as he produces some little pieces of paper.
  70. >He pours the herb into one of them and starts to roll it up.
  71. >I'll never understand how he's so good with his claws.
  72. >If I had to do something that delicate, that flimsy paper crap would probably be confetti in seconds.
  73. >Why am I picturing those precise digits handling something attached to my crotch?
  74. >Glance up at the ceiling while he finishes.
  75. >Don't need to pop a boner while he's about to get us ripped as hell.
  76. >"Hey dude, check this shit out," he says mischievously.
  77. >I watch as he puts the joint in his lips.
  78. >He tilts it upward his mouth and snorts some red fire from his nose.
  79. >It burns and lights the end of the herb-filled paper.
  80. >The cherry glows a little brighter as he sucks in the ensuing smoke.
  81. >Watch as that cherry travels down a good bit of the paper before he pinches it from his mouth with his claws.
  82. >Starting to wish that suction was being applied to my-
  83. >Goddammit, dick, shut up.
  84. >He's giving me an interested gaze with lidded-eyes as he blows the smoke out into the cave.
  85. >"This shit's better than cider, dude," he comments suggestively as he hands me the burning roll.
  86. >Something about the way he's looking at me and the way he says that makes my cheeks feel red.
  87. >Dammit, I wish Fizz would get back already.
  88. >"I guess we'll see about that," I say as I take it from his grip and mimic his actions.
  89. >It's got a nice taste. Earthy, but a little rancid
  90. >Dragons are into that sort of thing.
  91. >"Tastes good, huh?" he smirks as he sees the look on my face when I exhale the plume of smoke. He's leaning towards me expectantly.
  92. >Like he's aiming to please.
  93. >I let the all the fumes drift out of my lungs before I answer, "Yeah man, this shit's not bad."
  94. >One joint turns into two.
  95. >Two joints turn into four.
  96. >Shit man, why are we even laughing?
  97. >Poke at my cheek a few times because it feels rather interesting now, "I feel like I'm fucking floating dude."
  98. >We both laugh, he with his hand over his mouth before he says, "Dude, your eyes are as red as mine, I bet."
  99. >They do feel kinda dry now that he mentions it, but I don't give a damn at this point. This is fucking tranquility right here.
  100. >"Roll another one, bro, this shit's good," I hand him the last bit of the one we're on now.
  101. >I lost count.
  102. >Doing my best to hold my urges down. I just want to see him wrap his lips around another one.
  103. >I find out real quick that I like this shit...
  104. >Only problem now is, I can't even hold my cock in anymore.
  105. >Neither can he apparently.
  106. >Raise a brow at him while he's rolling the next one, "Hey man, Spear Junior came out to say hi, huh?"
  107. >"Yeah dude, this shit does that to ya," he laughs like it's no big deal.
  108. >Like it's no big deal that both our dicks are harder than we've ever felt them before.
  109. >No sweat that we're both making pools of pre on our legs and hotboxing this cave.
  110. >"So you smoked out with gryphons with a fuckin chubby?" I laugh and he laughs too after he hits the roll.
  111. >"Yeah dude, they were all ragin too," he replies, not even hiding the fact that he's admiring mine when he hands me the joint again.
  112. >Goddamn this shit is good, it's making me feel like my cock is like twice as big as usual.
  113. >It's intoxicating in so many ways that cider isn't.
  114. >He apparently decides we should keep talking about dicks.
  115. >As I'm handing him the smoke again, he comments, "Shit, Garbs, how many girls have you ripped apart with that thing? They must be all over you."
  116. >Complimenting a guy's size, probably one of the biggest turn-ons for creatures as egotistical as dragons.
  117. >I grin at him confidently and give a buck of my hips, making pre drip on my bellyscales, "They all turn in to sluts around me," I lie a little.
  118. >He licks his lips slowly after taking his hit- smoke curling around his face as his one eye looks at me through his veil of hair, "With good reason, I'd say."
  119. >As I'm putting the joint to my lips, he wordlessly gets to his knees and between my legs, "You just enjoy that Garbs. I'mma smoke something else."
  120. >Days of back up.
  121. >Sultry bedroom eyes from that girlish expression Spear is wearing.
  122. >My dick twitches eagerly at his words.
  123. >There's no way to say no.
  124. >I can't help but smirk victoriously and take another slow drag.
  125. >Blow the smoke down towards him, "Smoke away, bud."
  126. >He rumbles blissfully up to me.
  127. >Even his rumble is effeminate-sounding.
  128. >Those soft purple lips take purchase around the tapered crown of my cock and slide down much farther than I was expecting them to.
  129. >Fizzle tried once after I convinced him it would be okay if he kept his eyes closed.
  130. >He could barely get halfway.
  131. >All of the nerve endings in my dick are blasting pleasure to my brain.
  132. >The joint crackles cheerfully as I hit it again.
  133. >His one eye watches me from beneath his hair as those lips hug the base of my pulsing arousal.
  134. >Spear's nose nuzzles fondly right into my pubic scales.
  135. >I can't help but maintain eye contact with him.
  136. >I'm so turned on that I'm rumbling now in response to his purr.
  137. >Which, of course, makes his throat vibrate around my cock.
  138. >I can even feel him swallowing as I start to douse his velvety maw with pre.
  139. >When he slides his lips back to my tip, that deft tongue spirals around my girth for a lewdly welcome hug.
  140. >I sigh out the next lungful of smoke with a groan, my hips bucking forward softly.
  141. >This herb makes you slower, but everything you feel is enhanced one hundred percent it seems like.
  142. >Every little slide of his cheeks, grip of his tongue, warm squeeze of his throat- I can feel it.
  143. >And he knows it.
  144. >He proves that by gently swaying his head, gently gulping, softly moving his tongue to stroke with the movement of his slow head-bobbing.
  145. >Stone crackles beneath us as my claws dig into the floor.
  146. >"Ffffuck...Spear...goddamn that's good shit..." Smoke puffs out of my mouth with each word.
  147. >I can barely register the couch holding me as I lean back, shoving my cock into his throat yet again.
  148. >As though this was the signal, he slides his head away until I'm not in his mouth anymore.
  149. >My cock slaps wetly against my bellyscales, and the arcing motion throws pre on my cheek.
  150. >His tongue slides from my base to my aching tip.
  151. >He makes a point of licking up a drop of pre that was there.
  152. >That one, cute eye meets my gaze again as he purrs out, "I know something that'll feel even better..."
  153. >I'm about to ask him what, but he turns around and crawls forward a few feet.
  154. >Without any shame whatsoever, his tail slides up and points to the ceiling.
  155. >Round purple rump cheeks surrounding a bright-yellow crack wiggle in my direction.
  156. >Purposefully, he clenches that needy hole for me.
  157. >Don't register the sound of my own pre splattering healthily to the floor.
  158. >He turns back at me with a luscious smirk, "Damn, man, you're pretty fuckin blitzed~"
  159. >"Yeah," I agree as I pull myself to my feet, "Yeah I am."
  160. >Practically fall ontop of him on my own hands and knees.
  161. >Prod my slick, dripping rod desperately at that teasing pucker.
  162. >He moves with me, possibly having done this before.
  163. >Not a moan this time when my fat length slides in.
  164. >He looks back at me from under that veil that hides half his face.
  165. >Licks his lips.
  166. >Gives off a sultry, "Mmmm~"
  167. >Like he's being relieved of some great hunger.
  168. >Like he's about to enjoy some gourmet gems.
  169. >Like he's been wanting me to fuck him for years.
  170. >Much like the cave itself, things get rather foggy after that.
  171. >He moans loudly as I start to pound into him.
  172. >He wants it and I know it.
  173. >This herb stuff must really do some synergy shit with my stamina.
  174. >I ram him into the ground for a while.
  175. >Grabbed the back of his legs somewhere in the midst of this.
  176. >Held him against me as I flopped back onto the couch.
  177. >Dig my claws into his thighs as not only do I thrust up into him, but he bounces and slaps his pert ass cheeks against my lap to bury that cock deeper.
  178. >Somehow in the midest of this, he ends up facing me.
  179. >I can feel his cock rubbing against my abs as he pulls my head towards him.
  180. >Fizz did this once, he tasted like sapphires.
  181. >We both taste like herb.
  182. >I don't even care. I'm too turned on to care.
  183. >I start fucking him harder, putting more strength into it.
  184. >Sensuality and lust all in one package.
  185. >Next thing I know, I have his back pinned to the couchback and I'm standing.
  186. >Stuffing him with upward-jutting thrusts as his hips hang off the couch.
  187. >Something about this position really sets him off.
  188. >His voice reaches a girly pitch that I didn't think he was even capable of.
  189. >The sound of it makes me want to ram my hips harder against him.
  190. >Make his rump red with a spanking from my hips.
  191. >Without warning, his cock jumps and ropes of pre start lining his yellow, scaly torso.
  192. >Red fire bursts from his mouth as he roars with no care in the world but the bliss he's now in.
  193. >I feel my world pulse vividly around me.
  194. >My vision blurs some as I feel every little muscle in his tight rear constricting powerfully around my invading shaft.
  195. >Nothing could prepare me for that.
  196. >My hips jerk erratically and my knees buckle some from the feeling.
  197. >But I don't stop thrusting.
  198. >I want to hear him moan.
  199. >He screams my name.
  200. >I want to hear him scream louder.
  201. >The next thrust pierces my body as well as his.
  202. >It's like a needle of hot, burning-white pleasure was dropped into my cock head.
  203. >It flows like lightning into the rest of my body, stealing sensations of normalcy in my nerve-endings and replacing them with shuddering, fiery bliss.
  204. >He whimpers shrilly as my dick thickens in his hole.
  205. >My roar reverberates the cave powerfully.
  206. >I can hear the squelching as my load not only paints his insides white, but drobbles out and splatters lewdly to the floor of the cave.
  207. >The two of us remain frozen for a while as my seed empties into his curvy body.
  208. >The air is still as smoky as it was before.
  209. >It's hot in here in so many different ways.
  210. >The two of us huff pathetically for a while.
  211. >He's still holding on to the back of the couch with his hands over his head- like he's trying to come back down to earth or something, "Shit, Garb...where did you learn to fuck so good...?"
  212. >Pant a few more times before I answer, "I guess I'm just a stud, Spear."
  213. >Lean in and nip at his nose.
  214. >Slip in the pre and seed beneath my feet.
  215. >Couch knocks over and we both and up on the floor.
  216. >"Ow, shit dude..." he groans as we settle together, "Didn't know you were such a violent cuddler."
  217. >"Fuck cuddling," I say as I nip at his cheek, "This is just an extended bro-hug. You've been gone forever."
  218. >He chuckles and shakes his head, but still wraps his arms around me, "You are high as fuck, Garb."
  219. >"And I have you to thank for it, asshole," I use my weight to keep him pinned.
  220. >Neither of us wanna move anyway.
  221. >Apparently this herb shit makes you sleepy.
  222. >I don't have any qualms sleeping on the floor with Spear's cute ass.
  223. >I dream of threesomes.
  224. >Fuck, I'm glad he came back.
  225. >Little do I know that there is a rather red-in-the cheeks Fizzle that sees us in the mouth of the cave in the morning.
  226. >May you live in interesting times, I guess.
  227. >Stupid Sexy Spear.
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