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- //Global variables
- const app = SpreadsheetApp
- const ss = app.getActiveSpreadsheet();
- const env = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
- const token = env.getProperty('TOKEN');
- function onOpen(e) {
- app.getUi().createMenu('IMDB')
- .addItem('Refresh All', 'refreshAll')
- .addItem('Refresh Top250Movies', 'top250movies')
- .addItem('Refresh Top250Tvs', 'top250tvs')
- .addItem('Refresh MostPopularMovies', 'mostPopularMovies')
- .addItem('Refresh MostPopularTVs', 'mostPopularTVs')
- .addSeparator()
- .addItem('Set API key', 'setAPI')
- .addToUi();
- }
- function setAPI() {
- const key = app.getUi().prompt('API Key').getResponseText();
- env.setProperty('TOKEN', key);
- }
- function refreshAll() {
- top250movies()
- top250tvs()
- mostPopularTVs()
- mostPopularMovies()
- }
- function top250movies() {
- getIMDBtops('Top250Movies', 'Top250Movies')
- }
- function top250tvs() {
- getIMDBtops('Top250TVs', 'Top250TVs')
- }
- function mostPopularMovies() {
- getIMDBtops('MostPopularMovies', 'MostPopularMovies')
- }
- function mostPopularTVs() {
- getIMDBtops('MostPopularTVs', 'MostPopularTVs')
- }
- function getIMDBtops(endpoint, sheetname) {
- const url = `${endpoint}/${token}`
- const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
- const items = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).items;
- const headers = Object.keys(items[0]);
- const imageIndex = headers.indexOf('image');
- const data = [];
- items.forEach(movie => {
- data.push(Object.values(movie))
- });
- const formulas = => {
- return [`=IF($B$1 = true,IMAGE("${movie[imageIndex]}"),)`];
- })
- data.unshift(headers);
- const sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
- sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).clearContent();
- sheet.getRange(3, 1, data.length, data[0].length).setValues(data);
- sheet.getRange(3, sheet.getLastColumn() + 1).setValue('Cover');
- sheet.getRange(4, sheet.getLastColumn(), formulas.length, 1).setFormulas(formulas);
- }
- function actorsInSameMovie() {
- const sheet = ss.getSheetByName('ActorsInSameMovie');
- const [actorOne, actorTwo] = sheet.getRange(2, 2, 1, 2).getValues().flat();
- const searchActorOne = `${token}/${actorOne}`
- const searchActorTwo = `${token}/${actorTwo}`
- const searchResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetchAll([searchActorOne, searchActorTwo]);
- try{
- var actorIds = => {
- return JSON.parse(seach.getContentText()).results[0].id;
- });
- } catch (err){
- app.getUi().alert('One of the actors is not found')
- return;
- }
- const [actorIdOne, actorIdTwo] = actorIds;
- const actorInformationOne = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${token}/${actorIdOne}`).getContentText());
- const actorInformationTwo = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${token}/${actorIdTwo}`).getContentText());
- const moviesOne = actorInformationOne.castMovies.filter(movie => movie.role == 'Actor');
- const moviesTwo = actorInformationTwo.castMovies.filter(movie => movie.role == 'Actor');
- const matches = moviesOne.filter(m1 => moviesTwo.some(m2 => ===
- .map(match => {
- return {...match, ...getMovieFromId(}
- });
- const pictures = [[`=IFERROR(IMAGE("${actorInformationOne.image}"),)`, `=IFERROR(IMAGE("${actorInformationTwo.image}"),)`]]
- const keysNotToProcess = ['id', 'image', 'knownFor', 'castMovies', 'errorMessage'];
- const actorsInfo = [];
- Object.keys(actorInformationOne).forEach(key => {
- if (!keysNotToProcess.includes(key)) {
- actorsInfo.push([key.toUpperCase(), actorInformationOne[key], actorInformationTwo[key]])
- };
- });
- sheet.getRange(4, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).clearContent();
- if (matches.length > 0) {
- const matchesToArray = => {
- return Object.values(match);
- })
- matchesToArray.unshift(Object.keys(matches[0]).map(key => key.toUpperCase()));
- sheet.getRange(4,2,1,2).setFormulas(pictures);
- sheet.getRange(10, 1, actorsInfo.length, 3).setValues(actorsInfo)
- sheet.getRange(4, 5, matchesToArray.length, matchesToArray[0].length).setValues(matchesToArray);
- } else {
- sheet.getRange(4, 1).setValue('No matches found')
- }
- }
- function getMovieFromId(id){
- const url = `${token}/${id}`
- const data = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText());
- const object = {
- runtime: data.runtimeMins,
- awards: data.awards,
- directors: data.directors,
- genres: data.genres,
- rating: data.imDbRating,
- plot: data.plot
- }
- return object;
- }
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