
MB Fury stat replacement proposal

Nov 13th, 2011
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  1. A BRIEF PREFACE: This change is intended to address two main issues I see with the way Magical Attributes are distributed now. One, they heavily slant character creation towards extroverted characters; withdrawn or reclusive characters aren't well represented in the system. Second, Fury is a very narrow stat compared to Heart; the way most games in #magicalburst are played now, Fury is de facto treated as representing loneliness, fear, and a whole other swath of negative emotions that are decidedly not Fury. This change essentially codifies that unwritten rule, and it has the added bonus of making the Fury OC discharges suck less.
  3. Magical girls’ powers are governed by three attributes: Magic, Heart, and Grief.
  4. Magic is of course pure magical power. At its best, you can literally conjure miracles and defy the laws of the universe. At its worst, reality backlashes at you, attempting to twist you in the same ways you twist its rules.
  6. Heart is your strength drawn from being closer to other people. At its best, your capacity for love and affection grants you great power to fight for the people you care for. At its worst, you develop unhealthy obsessions with and dependence on others.
  8. Grief is your strength drawn from your drive to protect yourself from the outside world. At its best, you are filled with self-confidence borne from your ablity to overcome trauma. At its worst, you push others away or lash out at them violently to protect yourself from the unknown.
  10. Distortion (Up to 3 Overcharge)
  12. Grief: Relapse
  13. Anxiety and stress finally get to you, and you induldge in unhealthy destructive behavior. The more points you're removing, the more harm it does to yourself or those around you.
  15. You can remove up to 2 Overcharge points by indulging in violence or self-destructive behavior, such as getting in a small scuffle or binge drinking.
  17. You can remove up to 3 Overcharge points by having a more intense relapse into violent or self-destructive behavior, and it must be noticed clearly by someone you have a relationship with. If you do not have any remaining relationships, roll for a Flare (see below) Fallout instead.
  19. Flare (Up to 5 Overcharge)
  21. Hysterics (Grief 1)
  22. The worst aspects of your instinctual fight or flight reflex come up to the surface. You either flee from the scene, driven by primal fear, or you stand your ground and fight in a desperate melee.
  24. If you choose the former, you are overcome to the point you will do anything you can to escape. If there is anyone you currently have a relationship with present, you will do everything you can to throw them in the way of whatever brought on the Hysterics if it will help you get away. Take a -3 to any combat-related challenges, but a +3 to any related to escape.
  26. If you choose the latter, the power of the rage you’ve channeled goes completely out of control, temporarily turning you into a crazed berserker. For a full scene, you attack anyone and anything that gets in your way. You cannot use your Heart attribute, but you get a +2 bonus to your Results for Challenges made in battle. You can damage property, hurt people, fight youma, etc, but you must do violence as much as you possibly can for an entire scene.
  28. Psychopath (Grief 2-3)
  29. Whether you are normally antisocial, normally an aggressive and angry person, or simply a recluse driven by fear of the unknown, your emotions reach a zennith, twisted by magic into either self-loathing and self-destructive behavior or a burning resentment for someone you have a relationship with.
  31. If you choose the former, you spend the next few scenes attempting to drown your sorrows in self-hatred, indulging in an all-night drinking spree, acquiring and doing hard drugs, or perhaps cutting yourself or burning a hole in your pocket gambling. This is always noticed by multiple people you have relationships with, but you must continue your self-destructive behavior even if they attempt to dissuade you. If you don't have any relationships, the GM chooses for your antics to be noticed by others in a way that significantly inconveniences you.
  33. If you choose the latter, you blame this person for your misfortunes and must do whatever you can to undermine him or her until the end of the episode or until you roll another Psychopath fallout result. If you don't have any relationships, your GM chooses the target of your Psychopath fallout instead if you choose this option.
  35. Burst (8+ Overcharge)
  37. Grief: Own Worst Nightmare
  38. Your magical power is twisted into the worst form of isolation and fear of the unknown. A large Nightmare is created in the area, manifested out of your worst fears, most selfish desires, and need for control of anything that can harm you, focusing upon one specific stressful issue in your life. You are trapped within this Nightmare until you find and destroy a manifestation of this issue in the Nightmare, or until you are able to personally reach resolution with this issue. The Nightmare, in addition to spawning Youma, will attempt to break your mind by replaying your worst memories, rendering real your worst fears, and using other non-combat tactics.
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