
Text Adventure Chapter 36 Log

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. [Cannot talk to others during training!]
  3. >General selected
  5. >”Your markings show a very strange pattern of flares in your mana pool, as if it were constantly trying to grow on its own. You’ve managed to learn in one night so far what unicorns take months to learn! Keep this mindset up, Anon, because I’m going to go a little deeper now.”
  6. >...
  7. [1 hour and 30 minutes have passed.]
  8. [You now have a greater understanding of the inner-workings of magic and can better control the flow.]
  9. Magic Experience: 300/300
  10. >You are able to upgrade your magical prowess, but you can do it in a multitude of ways!
  12. -Potency (Increases base MA by 20.)
  13. -Bastion (Increases MD by 20.)
  14. -Knowledge (Increases your knowledge to Moderate levels) {Requires an extra hour of training, causes exhaustion}
  15. -Creativity (Exclusive to training - Allows you to design a new magical ability with Twilight’s aid!) {Requires an extra hour of training and -10 MP}
  17. >What would you like to upgrade?
  21. >Knowledge selected!
  22. >You request Twilight to give you just a little more detail on the subject’s she’s discussing about.
  23. >...
  24. [1 hour has passed.]
  25. [ACQUIRED MODERATE KNOWLEDGE OF MAGICAL PROPERTIES - You can now learn intermediate spells and tomes.]
  26. >You are exhausted.
  28. >You end up going on for so long, Twilight stops the session herself.
  29. >”Anon, I really love your enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge! But, I think it’s about time we called it a night, okay?”
  30. “Alright, sorry… I’m really tired anyways.
  31. >As Twilight begins to power down her machine and gather her data, you look back and see that both Redheart and Pinkie were asleep, piled over each other like a cute little white and pink pillow wrapped in leather and metal.
  32. >You let out a big yawn, and steal a look at the clock.
  33. >It is now 11:30 P.M.
  34. >You really need to get down there and check on the rest of your party.
  35. >You start getting your armor back on, staying as quiet as possible minding Red and Pinkie, and once geared up and ready, you wave to Twilight and exit out into the library, heading to the lobby.
  36. >Your armor felt a lot lighter than you remember, but at the same time it was much colder, so your scrambled mind is probably just having trouble remembering what touch feels like after stuffing so much knowledge into your brain.
  37. >You reach the lobby and see that AJ and Gable have returned, but they’re both asleep, both on each side of the hall once again.
  38. >Yet there was still no sign of Berry or Iron Will.
  39. >You were pretty sure they were alright considering they could take care of themselves, but where the hell are they?
  40. >You have to wake up your party so you can take them back to Wheaties’ anyways.
  41. >What would you like to do?
  45. >You think about the situation here for a moment.
  46. >Waking them up would be a bit rude, and the walk to Wheaties’ would easily take over half an hour from here.
  47. >Berry and Iron Will were most likely fine, and knowing the combination, they probably won’t be back until tomorrow anyways.
  48. >You make another beeline for Twilight’s office, and give a slight tap before coming back in.
  49. “What time do the bars close around here? I asked Berry and a friend of ours to go rumor-hunting, but knowing them they got 'distracted'. Mind if we wait for them and maybe spend the night here?”
  50. >She looks back at you as her magic takes care of finishing up the organization.
  51. >”I suppose if you really want to, but… There’s no proper beds besides mine in the back, and I need my sleep because we’re having a field trip from the school come here.”
  52. “That’s fine, thank you.”
  53. >Your party is clear to sleep here, good thing since they already are.
  54. >It is now 11:45 P.M.
  55. >AJ and Gable are asleep in the lobby.
  56. >Redheart and Pinkie are asleep here in the office, but there are no more vacant seats.
  57. >What would you like to do?
  61. >You wish Twilight good night as she enters her bedroom, and you’re left alone with the snorers.
  62. >So much for being pent up…
  63. >You take off your coat and throw it over the two, making sure they were comfy under it before taking your leave back into the library.
  64. >Making sure there was nobody else around, you walk around all the way back to the back corner at aisle ZA, and you start taking down books about a zebra named Zap Flow and Zamian insects.
  65. >After a few minutes, you create a modest bed with a few extra layers on the edges so you won’t fall off, and you stretch yourself out, preparing for bed.
  66. >It is currently 11:58 P.M.
  67. >Is there anything you’d like to do before you fall asleep?
  71. >You settle yourself down into the book bed, and an afterthought drives you to rip out a blank cover page from one of the books you were laying on.
  72. >You take out your marker and write out a quick note:
  74. “To whoever finds me: Please do not disturb before 8. Berry + Will not back as of 12:00; if not back by morning wake me.
  76. Dr. Anon”
  78. >Once you finish this, you put it under the corner of the little post you made with the books, and you settle yourself down.
  79. >You’re very tired, but you’re still pent up as all hell.
  80. >...You know what?
  81. >You sit back up and take a long look down the aisles, your ears on high alert for the slightest sound.
  82. >When it seems like there was absolutely no activity, you settle back down and start undoing your belt.
  83. >You needed some release and you need it now.
  84. >Gloves off, armor down, and before you know it fantasies are flashing through your mind as you begin to, uh, take care of business.
  85. >It doesn’t take long to find the right mood, just thinking about what Redheart said to you today made it almost too much to bear.
  86. >Your heart races, your palms sweat, the feeling rises in your gut as you’re ready to pop--
  88. >Oh holy shit.
  89. >Oh holy shit.
  90. >You’re cumming, it’s spurting, and you see the old librarian covering her mouth in shock, unable to tear her eyes away from the immoral act!
  91. >What do you do?
  95. >You couldn’t think during the massive euphoria that surges through your muscles, which only makes the moment even more awkward as you just end up letting it happen.
  96. >Suddenly, an idea pops into your head from earlier, and you hope for your sleep tonight that this works.
  97. >You get yourself up quickly and raise your hands in the air, activating your Lumination spell that you learned from Twilight.
  98. >The markings on your palms begin to glow brightly, and you start waving your hands in an eerie fashion.
  99. “Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halleluuuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaaj, remove thyself from thy dreams, as thee hath been dreaming! Thy reality is shaken!”
  100. >She’s staring you down, and you already know that’s not going to work.
  101. >You futily wave your hands a little more to see if she’d get phased at all, and after confirming, you just let the spell drop.
  102. “Okay, uhh… Here’s the thing, uhm, I'm really sorry. You see, humans have a very strong libido and I haven't, uh..”
  103. >You cough a bit to clear your throat.
  104. “In a few days, and it was seriously disrupting my thoughts and abilities to function. Can we please, please forget this ever happened?
  105. >The Librarian raises up a shaky hoof, and pushes up her glasses.
  106. >”Sonny, you’re full of shit.”
  107. >You could almost feel your heart sinking.
  108. >What would Red think of this?...
  109. >”But you made this little ol’ gal a bit happier today, I haven’t seen any action in years!”
  110. >You are now very aware that your package is still out, and dripping.
  111. >”You can come by and do that anytime, so long as I get a little taste, heeheehee…”
  112. >She turns around and walks away from you, laughing all the way down the echoing chambers.
  113. >You’re still standing there with your limp, wet noodle just hanging out.
  114. >You rip out a few extra pages from that book and clean yourself, then you cover back up and lay down, doing your absolute best to forget that shit that just went down.
  116. >...
  117. [Rested. Party fully healed and all status effects removed!]
  118. >...
  120. >You feel a tapping on your armor.
  121. >You shrug it off, but then the tapping turns into a smack on your head.
  122. “Huh, wha…?”
  123. >You open your eyes and see Applejack standing over you in the morning light.
  124. >”Ya know, if you’da just asked I woulda given you the bench, Anon.”
  125. “..I didn’t want to wake you… What time is it?”
  126. >”8:30. Woulda woken you up sooner, but I saw that note. Berry and that Iron Will guy never showed up. What do you think happened?”
  127. >They didn’t show at all?
  128. >You get yourself up and stretch a bit to start the day.
  129. >”...Uh, that’s not what I think it is, right?”
  130. >You look down at where she was pointing, and there was a little white dried globular substance on your boot.
  131. >What do you say?
  135. “Oh… I must’ve uh, stepped in something. I was pretty tired when I made this bed so I wasn’t paying attention.”
  136. >”Right… anyways, the bird’s up but I don’t know where the rest of us went, do you?”
  137. “Red and Pinkie are probably still up in Twilight’s office, so I was going to go give ‘em a a wake up call.”
  138. >She nods, and you start putting back the books, which AJ kindly helps you out.
  139. “So I’m thinking we could check out again and split up a bit to save some time, just to search for them. Any chance you could go back to Wheaties’s place and see if he and Berry are there?”
  140. >”Wait, why would Iron Will be there?”
  141. >You look at her intently as you stow in a few more books, eyebrows raised.
  142. >”Oh… D-do ya really think?”
  143. “I think.”
  144. >”Alright, but if I’m interruptin’ something private, I’m not bein’ subtle.”
  145. >That’s totally fine with you.
  146. “Meet us back at Gyro Gear’s with or without them, okay?”
  147. >She groans, shifting her hammer on her body.
  148. >”Again?... Fine, alright, but ya’ll better make this visit count, ya hear?”
  149. >The two of you finish putting back the books and you both walk back to the library, where you split as she walks out the door.
  150. >You see Gable rubbing the back of his head, and you realize your neck hurts too.
  151. >Books might be softer than crystal floor, but not by much.
  152. “Hey Gable.”
  153. >He gives you a nod and a grunt, the true man’s, or in this case, gryphon’s greeting.
  154. “I need you to go and check Iron’s trailer and see if Berry Punch and Iron Will are there.”
  155. >”Why me?”
  156. “Because I need people to spread out so we can knock off some time. The quicker we get what we need done, the quicker you’re home free. Incentive enough?”
  157. >Gable tightens his headband and heads out without a word.
  158. “Be sure to go to Gyro Gear’s shop when you return!”
  159. >He takes flight as soon as he hits the crystal road.
  160. >You turn around and see the lobby desk, and the old librarian behind it.
  161. >She starts to wave at you with a salty look and you instantly bolt up the stairs out of sight, quickly pacing to Twilight’s office.
  162. >You give a few knocks and slowly walk in, and see that nothing had changed from last night, as all three were still asleep.
  163. >Except now Pinkie is hogging your coat.
  164. >And Redheart’s spooning her.
  165. >Interesting.
  166. >You pick up your coat and wrap it back around you, securing your belt and recompleting your attire.
  167. >You bend down and place a hand on each of their sides, slowly and softly shaking them awake.
  168. “Red, Pinkie, wake up.”
  169. >They slowly stir and yawn, but Pinkie does a little sleeptalking instead.
  170. >”Mmm… Nonny, stop, hmmhm.”
  171. >Whoa, what?
  172. >Before you can process what just happened, they both awake and look up at you.
  173. >”Hey babe…”
  174. >”Oh, hi Nonny!”
  175. >Then they look at each other.
  176. >Red and Pinkie separate faster than an atom splitting, both a bit flushed in the face.
  177. >”So, uhm, what’s the agenda for today?...”
  178. “I’ve got AJ and Gable searching for Berry and Iron, since they never showed up.”
  179. >They both get a little worried at this news.
  180. >Red voices this emotion first.
  181. >”What do you think happened?”
  182. “They probably went home together.”
  183. >It takes a moment for them to realize what that means, Red getting it first.
  184. >”O...kay… So uh, what are we doing, then?”
  185. “I need to go back to Gyro’s.”
  186. >They both groan in simultaneous annoyance.
  187. >”Before long you’ll have a closer relationship with him than you do me…”
  188. >She walks out of the door with Pinkie following her, and you look back at Twilight’s door, and you’re surprised to see her standing there, with a messy mane.
  189. >”Could’ve told me you guys were going to talk in here and make all that noise, you know…”
  190. “Sorry. Hey, if Berry and Iron Will come back here, can you direct them to Gyro’s?”
  191. >”Uh, sure, you’re leaving?”
  192. >She rubs her eyes, obviously not quite awake yet.
  193. “Yeah, we should get going. Got a lot of stuff to do.”
  194. >”Alright… Well, come back anytime!”
  195. “Bye, Twilight, and thanks for the session last night!”
  196. >You leave the office and get back down to the lobby, rejoining Pinkie and Red with the rest of the party out doing what you told them.
  197. >What would you like to do?
  201. >Inspect Hypno-Necklace
  202. [A necklace with multiple spinning black and white pinwheels, moving on their own with a tiny little motor. It’s actually quite enticing… (0-4 fail, 5-9 win, confuses enemy)]
  204. “Hey Red, can you please go down to the castle, we need to know how we're getting in there to see Cadence. If the two of us being medical professionals isn't enough, ask them what would be?"
  205. >She glances at you and smiles.
  206. >”Alright, babe. I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not sure if they’re going to let us in anytime soon.”
  207. >She gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, then you then turn to Pinkie.
  208. “Think you could ask around about Rainbow Dash, Pinkie? If Twilight's worried, we definitely should be too. I bet you'd know exactly where you'd go if you were her, so see what you can find out.”
  209. >”Okay Nonny, but will we get to see you more often after this?”
  210. “We’ll be sticking together, trust me.”
  211. >She gives you a quick hug, and she and Red begin
  212. “Good luck, and let's meet at Gyro's in 2 hours, hopefully I'll get everything done and be ready to go by the time you gals get there, so you don’t have to wait through all of that.. Sound like a plan?”
  213. >”Mhm!”
  214. >”Sure thing.”
  215. >You wave goodbye to both of them and you head off to Gyro’s.
  216. >You really have been going there a lot, but hopefully your business showing up here will be done, and you can get to the bottom of this investigation properly.
  217. >You make your way to his store, which looks like it’s still pretty busy, but at least there wasn’t a line this time.
  218. >You walk in and give the pony himself a greeting as soon as he sees you.
  221. >”Oh, well hello again, uh, t-thanks for all the help! I see that uh, pink one is really sociable, it seems, uh, yeah, thanks. So what’re you uh, doing back here? You’ve come just about every day, it seems, heh.”
  222. “Oh, it’s no problem, and I’m just getting some loose ends tied up.”
  224. -Buy
  225. -Sell
  226. -Modify
  227. -Exit
  228. -Talk to Gyro
  232. >Talk to Gyro
  233. “By the way, gotta say that this is probably my favorite store in the whole Empire. If things keep up like this, you might have to buy a second store, even!”
  234. >Gyro gives an awkward smile, exhaling a bit at the thought.
  235. >”Yeah, r-right… Nopony’s ever needed a second store before, like uh, ever. T-thanks for the thought, though.”
  236. >He seems to be a really humbled stallion.
  237. “It’s a good thing Pinkie got so much help, while she was finding employees we wrote a letter to Celestia and Luna and told them about the weapon and its uses, so hopefully you’ll be getting a good deal from their military. So, are you ready for those two blueprints now that you have help?”
  238. >Gyro clicks three new bells on his counter, and three different crystal ponies come up to the counter.
  239. >”Uh, yeah, I got all the time in the world, come on back, I-I guess.”
  240. >He leads you back to the familiar workshop in the back of the store, but this time there were at least a dozen workers getting to work on a bunch of different metallic objects that you eventually see to be your own invention.
  241. “Getting them to work, huh?”
  242. >”Y-yeah, I figure, if I have the hooves, might as well uh, use them, right? So, uh, show me what you have, here… Here, yeah.”
  243. >He pulls up two sets of schematic sheets and hands you a pen.
  244. >You raise your hand and watch as the pen floats into your grasp, and he gives you a strange look.
  245. >”Uh… I uh, didn’t know you could do that.”
  246. “I learned from the best. Alright…”
  247. >You start each schematic with their titles, one headed with ‘Distance-Increased Cycled Kicker’, and the other with, ‘Compact Ordinance Chambered Kicker’.
  248. >This way he wouldn’t have to chance any of the names, but you still got your… kicks in.
  249. >”Man, this just won’t stop with you, huh?”
  250. “Nope. Now, here’s how the specs for these are going to work…”
  252. >...
  253. [1 hour and 45 minutes have passed.]
  254. >...
  256. >You set in the last measurement for the pistol after confirming the correct size with Gyro, and down goes both papers to him.
  257. “Pretty neat, huh?”
  258. >”It’s definitely… Ingenious, I mean, if these measurements work, It’ll be like… like a ranged revolution.”
  259. >You give a smile as he starts scrolling them up.
  260. >”So, uh, I can get to work on these real quick, and uh, I think they’ll be done in a few days, just gotta get t-the other shipments out, and uh… yeah, you’ll get more royalties, o-of course.”
  261. “Hey, thanks for putting up with me.”
  262. >”Putting up with? I mean, you uh, single-hoofedly saved my business man, I-I have no problem with it.”
  263. “It’s really no problem.”
  264. >”I’m gonna, uh, go ahead and get started on these, so I-I’ll be seeing you.”
  265. >A moment of silence passes, and you both lean in and hug each other, bro to bro.
  266. >Third time’s the charm it seems, as it wasn’t even awkward.
  267. >You say goodbye and leave the workshop getting your way back out.
  268. >Once you appear, you see that Red has returned, less than enthused about being back here, but happy to see you.
  269. >”Hey!”
  270. “Hey babe, so, how did it go?”
  271. >Her ears fall flat.
  272. >”Sorry, but there was no way they would let us in right now. They told me they couldn’t even let in the commanders of the armies right now, and only ponies with full royal attire and a pass could go in.”
  273. >You knew your hunch was onto something.
  274. >It is currently 10:30 A.M.
  275. >Would you like to wait for the others, browse the wares here, or other?
  279. >You decide to take a seat on the side and Red sits next to you.
  280. “Gonna read for a bit, since I told them to meet up here. I promise, you won’t be seeing much more of this place. Though, we’ll need to get back to Ponyville eventually so we can get the mail, if you get me.”
  281. >”Oh, did you make more deals?”
  282. “Let’s just say that you won’t have to work overtime anymore if you don’t want.”
  283. >Redheart wraps her hooves around you and you reciprocate.
  284. >”Well, what should we do?”
  285. “I said two hours before, and it looks like we only have a few minutes… Want to read a little together?”
  286. >She rubs your waist in agreement, and begins to undo her bag to fish hers out.
  287. >Before either of you could crack open any pages, however, the front door slams open, and Gable walks in silently, the rest of the ponies in the store staying stone still.
  288. >Following him is a rather scruffy Iron Will and Berry, and the latter looked positively pissed.
  289. >”Yeah, THANKS, Anon! ...Having the jerk screw over our morning, I oughtta...”
  290. >Iron sets a hand on her shoulder.
  291. >”You should be proud at this guy’s metal! I’ve never seen such an assertive attitude! Though, you could’ve waited until we finished.”
  292. >Oh dear god.
  293. >Redheart seems to be thinking the same thing.
  294. >”That’s horrible! You two actually, !?”
  295. >Berry gives a penchant smile and Iron just scratches his head.
  296. >”Well, what can I say? He’s a hunk…”
  297. >Iron flexes his pecs for show, and then the three join you at the side.
  298. >”So, Dr. Moose, what are we out here in the dork age, for?”
  299. “I just got done drawing up schematics for more deadly weapons. By the way, the dork age is selling them here.”
  300. >That shuts him up pretty quickly.
  301. “Now, status report, guys? How’d the search go?”
  302. >Berry pipes in, finally getting a bit happier from her apparently ruined morning.
  303. >”Well, after a whole lot of fun, my sources, and by sources I mean drinking buddies, told me all about the little trade here in town. Turns out those thieves that jumped you guys? They have their own little club over at Onyx corner, another bar that they switch between so the guards don’t find them. They’re really riled up that the kingpin’s gone, and it’s reportedly. Very. Chaotic.”
  304. >She emphasises the last three words in glorious triumph, and rewards herself with a large swig from her flask.
  305. “So they’re at Onyx corner?”
  306. >”Well, they switched up their schedules, so you’ll only find one of the guys you’re looking for each work shift, but yeah. And uuh… There is some bad news.”
  307. >The party leans in to listen to her more closely.
  308. >”Well, apparently they got wind of the new weapons that you made, and they already have some weird prototype things their black market engineer made, so they’re armed with these firearm things you’re talking about. So I’d say… lay off it, because Pinkie’s fine now, and nobody needs to get shot with any metal balls.”
  309. >That is some very bad news.
  310. >You’ll have to see what you can do about it later, but for now, you needed to wait for Pinkie Pie and Applejack.
  311. >Gable, Berry and Iron Will have returned, but Pink and AJ have not.
  312. >It is currently 11:50 A.M.
  313. >What would you like to do?
  317. [QUEST VIGILANTE JUSTICE UPDATED: Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinke (0/3); Take in the engineer responsible for ripping your schematic (0/1)]
  319. Current questlog (7/10 total):
  320. [Investigate Shadow] - Find it (0/1); Exterminate it (0/1); Report to Celestia (0/1)
  321. [Become a Legendary Doctor] - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Optional [Legendary]: Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (1/3)
  322. [Spear Mastery] - Learn Spear Juggling (0/1)
  323. [Spicing up the Bedroom] - Find Redheart’s fetish (1/Pegging); Improve foreplay (0/1)
  324. [Vigilante Justice] - Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinkie Pie (0/3); Take in the engineer responsible for ripping your schematic (0/1)
  325. [Mare in the Family] - Ask a high-level Unicorn about uncurable diseases (1/1); Find a way to help Charm Rose’s brother (0/1)
  326. [Just like Clockwork] - Travel to Appleoosa and speak to Frizzy Gear (0/1)
  328. >You decide it’d be best to make use of this time, and brew a batch of potions while you wait.
  329. >Unfortunately, you’re going to have to do this outside.
  330. “I’m going to go make a few potions while we wait for the other two.”
  331. >”Alright babe, don’t freeze to death out there.”
  332. >Wait, what?
  333. >The party all says okay to your course of action, and you step outside.
  334. >You’re met with very chilling winds, and the armor doesn’t help this feeling one bit.
  335. >Damn, it couldn’t be more than 40 degrees now.
  336. >Either way, the fire of the kit would keep you warm, so you set up your potion-making kit and get ready…
  338. >With your ingredients, you can make up to three batches of 6 small potions each, 4 mediums, or 2 large.
  339. >Small potions take half an hour to brew, medium take 45 minutes, and large takes an hour, with multiple batches not affecting time.
  340. >Which size of brew would you like to brew?
  342. >Medium selected
  343. >...
  344. [Alchemy experience: 75/150]
  345. [You receive Medium Healing Potions (4)]
  346. [-1 wisp weed, 2 lifeleaf, 1 rizzleberry bunch]
  347. [45 minutes has passed.]
  348. >...
  350. >Both AJ and Pinkie returned about twenty minutes into the brewing and you gave them a quick hello before returning your attention to delicate procedures.
  351. >By the time you were finished, your entire group were sitting next to you trying to warm at the fire you had created.
  352. >Now you were capping the final potion, and you store them on the specially-made belt that your modified bag has.
  353. “There we go, much more prepared now.”
  354. >”I didn’t know you could brew like that, brother. Say uh, next time you’re free, want to make me a batch of my special protein shakes? I got the recipe, but not the know-how.”
  355. “Maybe later, Iron. Anyways, now that I’m done working, what’s the word you two?”
  356. >AJ goes first as she pulls her ears into her hat from the cold.
  357. >”Well, I obviously didn’t find nothin’ since they were over at his trailer, but Wheaties’ was a bit offended we didn’t go over and sleep at her house. She said somethin’ about you not livin’ up to your friend promise, Anon, but I told her we were busier than applebuckin’ season, so she understands.”
  358. >You make a note to go apologize to her later.
  359. >Pinkie doesn’t say anything for a moment, but when you prompt her, her mane deflates slightly.
  360. >”I…. couldn’t find anything, Nonny… I’m sorry.”
  361. “It’s okay, there’s barely any leads right now as it is. We’ll find her, don’t worry guys.”
  362. >You put out the flames much to everyone’s dismay, and put up the kit, stowing it in your bag.
  363. >You’re out in the Crystal Empire, finally united with your entire party.
  364. >It is currently noon.
  365. >What would you like to do?
  369. >You see that Pinkie is still sad that she couldn’t find anything about her best friend.
  370. >You kneel down and take her in your arms without hesitation, and she hugs back tightly.
  371. “Hey, we’re going to find her, okay? I promise you.”
  372. >”...P-pinkie promise?”
  373. >Oh yeah, she showed you that once. How did it go?
  374. >”Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”
  375. >She gives you another tight hug, and after a while you think she is milking it for the warmth of your body.
  376. >You pat her back and stand up to break it, and she looks much more cheerful.
  377. “I think it’d be best if we got something to lower the brisk of this cold. Let’s hop down to the tailor’s again real quick, and we’ll get started?”
  378. >A unanimous yes from your party sends you on your way.
  379. >You and the group quickly travel to the Tricks and Needles, taking refuge in the lovely warmth of the tailor shop, where Ms. Stringtie greets you once again.
  380. >It is currently 12:20 P.M.
  382. [Tricks and Needles] - Owner: Ms. Stringtie
  383. >“Welcome back, Dr. Anonymous! We have new wares for you to browse in, tell me what you like! Oh, and sorry but Miss Rarity is out on business right now, she isn’t here.”
  385. -Buy
  386. -Sell
  387. -Modify
  388. -Exit
  389. -Speak to Ms. Stringtie
  390. -Speak to Rarity (LOCKED - Subject not present)
  395. >Buy
  396. >”Well, We have caps, coats and pantaloons, as well as tough boots to keep you out of the horrid cold out there, I’ll even mark it for you! Anything for such a famous doctor~”
  399. -Sunhat (“Keeps the sun out of your eyes! What else?”) [24 bits]
  400. [Recommended] -Knitted Cap (“It keeps you warm from the bitter cold!”) [32 bits]
  401. -Coif (“It keeps you cool under the heat, a high plus if I might say.”) [Lowers exhaustion rate, 40 bits]
  402. -Stetson hat (“This one’s a fan favorite, I have someone from Ponyville ordering these by the crateful!”) [45 bits, slightly increases leg strength]
  403. -Ballcap (“Oh, it’s not very fancy, but any colt comes in here and this is the first thing they look at.”) [10 bits]
  404. -Pork Pie hat (“I keep getting strange bald stallions buying these. A lot of them have goatees too, I wonder if it’s a trend…”) [50 bits, slightly increases alchemy output]
  405. -Fedora (“A wonderful and classy choice. I remember the first time I sold one, it was returned because this couple’s son got spaghetti sauce all over it.”) [70 bits]
  406. -Tophat (“High Class for High Ponies!”) [100 bits]
  407. [New!] -Leather Reign (“It’s got a million uses, please buy one!”) [20 bits]
  410. -Corset (“Tight and stringy, keeps a nice form for you mares.” [40 bits])
  411. -White-collar Dress Shirt (“It looks grand on any stallion, or what’s it called, hyooman?” [40 bits])
  412. -Swashbuckler’s Shirt (“Unisex and Universal, you can’t go out without something stylish like this.” [30 bits])
  413. -’I wish I weren’t here right now’ T-shirt (“A little humor can brighten up anyone’s day, don’t you think? [15 bits])
  414. [Recommended] -Thick winter coat (“The summer doesn’t last forever, and it works for those rough-weather days if you still need to go out.” [45 bits])
  415. -Flannel Shirt (“A bit uncouth for sure, but it comes with ultimate comfort, and the ponies of the south seem to like it!” [20 bits])
  418. -Checker-pattern skirt (It has a librarian look to it, and it’s quite breezy. [15 bits])
  419. -Bell-bottom shorts (A set of shorts that remind us of a simpler time…” [15 bits])
  420. -Genuine Kilt (The forefathers of the gryphons started this trend, and it’s the best way for stallions and er, men alike to enjoy open-ended breezes!” [30 bits])
  421. -Overalls (“For the dirtier jobs, so you don’t have to have so much laundry.” [25 bits])
  422. -Black Latex Covers (“Don’t wear it out in the sun, it gets very hot!” [35 bits])
  423. [Recommended] -Thick Knitted Pantaloons (“We have to keep our lovespots warm, too!” [25 bits])
  426. [Recommended] -Avian Leather Boots [You currently own this item]
  427. [Recommended] -Cowpony Boots (“The boots of the west! [Lowers exaustion rate, 50 bits]
  428. -Black Latex Boots (“Whether for those kinky nights or for sneaking around, there’s many uses for these.” [40 bits])
  429. -Stockings (“A bit of lingerie for the bedroom, tame, but enticing. Comes in patterns of diamond, hearts, bubbles, and all kinds of colors!” [20 bits])
  430. -Crystal Slippers (“It’s like you’re a real princess, real crystal too!” [100 bits])
  433. -Gala-themed Dress (“If you don’t have a home pattern, then this is a great look for the upcoming Gala!” [80 bits])
  434. -Celestia-themed Dress (“Praise the Sun!” [80 bits])
  435. -Luna-themed Dress (“Praise the Moon!” [80 bits])
  436. -Crystal/Cadance-themed Dress (“Praise the ...uh, crystals?” [80 bits])
  437. >”I only have a few sets of robes, but I received them from Fortuna Potions in their big sale, so I believe they have magical qualities!”
  438. -Magician’s Robes (+6 MP, +5 MA [95 bits])
  439. -Practitioner’s Robes (+4 MP, +10% medkit/healing effectiveness [95 bits])
  440. -Royal Robes (+2 MP, Allows passage into Crystal Palace with appropriate ID [150 bits, Royal Pass])
  441. -Highguard Robes (+12 MP, x1.5 MA, +10 MD [200 bits])
  443. >”Are there any dazzling colors that catch your eye, or were you still looking for temperamental protection, hm?”
  445. -Buy item(s)
  446. -Inspect item(s)
  447. -Back to Menu
  448. -Exit
  452. >You turn back to the group for a moment, or, at least the ones who bothered to stay near you, which were just the ponies minus Berry, still flirty with Iron.
  453. “Alright, my line of thought right now is, if we want in the Crystal Palace to talk to Cadance about this entire shadow deal, we’re going to need a pass. So what we need to do is go to that outpost and see if we can’t find that missing officer with his pass and ask him if we can get it, and on the way we’ll see if Rainbow Dash stopped by there. Since we’re going right into the Tundra, we’re going to need gear, so…”
  454. >You look at AJ and Pinkie, and get Iron Will’s attention by whistling at him.
  455. “If you guys pitch in, we can get some winter gear to get ourselves protected from the Tundra, now did you guys want to do that?"
  456. >Each of them nod at different speeds.
  457. >”I don’t wanna freeze out there, so, I guess I’m on board.”
  458. >”Totally! I mean bouncing only gets me so warm and I don’t want my very best friends to freeze.”
  459. >”I don’t really have to pitch in, do I? Brother, I used my pocket change to woo my sweet Berry, and you can’t put a price on a flank like that!”
  460. >Berry nuzzles up to him and they start some major PDA, so you divert attention.
  461. >You’ll at least get AJ and Pinkie’s share if you need it.
  462. >You look back at Ms. Stringtie, ready to say something…
  464. >What do you buy?
  468. >Your Bit pouch: 84 bits
  469. >Applejack’s Bit pouch: 2 small gems
  470. >Pinkie’s Bit pouch: 75 bits
  472. -Buy item(s)
  473. -Inspect item(s)
  474. -Back to Menu
  475. -Exit
  479. “Ma'am, I would never ask you to take a loss on a sale on our account, but is there some way we could work out a small discount in exchange for our services or something to that effect? It's just that we're stretching our budget a bit thin right at the moment…”
  480. >Ms. Stringtie instantly throws her hooves up in protest.
  481. >”No famous fighting doctor from a strange land is ever going to do anything in service to this mare! I just have to ask, where did your prize money from the tournament go?”
  482. “We ended up having to spend it on armor and weapons to better protect ourselves for the coming journey, and I guess I was a bit uh, shortsighted…”
  483. >”Well now, we can’t have you shivering in such a cold when you were just trying to protect yourselves! I’ll tell you what, I’ll knock off a whole 25%! I can’t go more because Miss Rarity would ream me, but I hope you guys can handle that?”
  484. “Yes, that’d be wonderful, thank you so much.”
  485. >She nods happily and rings up your selection.
  487. >You have selected Thick Winter Coat (5)
  488. >Total: 165 bits
  489. >Total bits to spend: 239
  490. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  494. >+2 Thick Winter coats
  495. >You have selected Thick Winter Coat (7)
  496. >Total: 236 bits
  497. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  499. >Y
  500. >Items bought!
  501. [You have received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  502. [Redheart has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  503. [Pinkie Pie has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  504. [Applejack has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  505. [Berry Punch has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  506. [Gable has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  507. [Iron Will has received a Thick Winter Coat.]
  508. >Your bit pouch: 1 bit (1 bit to Applejack and Pinkie Pie)
  510. “Thanks for the discount, it really helped us out.”
  511. >”No problem! If you ever need anything else, just come on by.”
  512. >Each of your party pulls on the coats as they wave goodbye and exit back out into the even colder wind.
  513. >Why was it getting so cold, anyways?
  514. >In any case, at least none of you would freeze to death.
  515. >It is currently 12:45 P.M.
  516. >What would you like to do?
  520. “Alright, let’s head to the guard station. Want to make sure we don’t get lost on the way, I suppose.”
  521. >”Mmmmmm…!”
  522. >You look back at your group, looking around for the source of the sudden noise.
  523. >After a minute or so of confusion, you notice the subtle way Pinkie is crossing her legs.
  524. “Bathroom?”
  525. >”Just a minute, Nonny!”
  526. >Pinkie rushes back into the tailor’s shop, and the rest of you are left out in the cold, waiting.
  527. >”It’s about time she said something, she was holding it in for what, the last ten minutes? Honestly, if she thinks she could hold her own in a contest with me, she’s got another thing coming with a small ‘balloon’ like that.”
  528. >Berry’s voice is quickly drowned by a swig of her flask.
  529. >Redheart watches her throw away her liver swallow by swallow.
  530. >”I just don’t understand how you drink like that all throughout the day, and I’ve yet to even see you go.”
  531. >Berry gives her a devious grin.
  532. >”I got my secrets, don’t you worry.”
  533. >Iron Will chuckles as he wipes a bit of run from his chilled nose.
  534. >”Secret? Iron Will remembers a little hard bottle in your tail, that you said was for-”
  535. >Before you can register what had happened, Iron Will is clutching his crotch and doubled over.
  536. >”Alright… duly noted…”
  537. >Pinkie returns after this little fiasco, bouncing and catching the wind like a kite as she somehow floats back to the group without a care in the world.
  538. >”The lizard is bled! Er, I think that’s the expression… I need to ask Gummy when I get back, he knows all sorts of stuff like that!”
  539. >The group shares a little laugh from this, and you finally begin to lead the group out to the Guard Department.
  540. >It takes a few more minutes out of the day, but you arrive at the station no later than 1:00 P.M., and you head inside.
  541. >The guards are different in here today, and you can’t quite remember any faces.
  542. >What would you like to do?
  546. >You walk up to the Guard’s desk and catch the attention of a new stallion.
  547. >Well, not really, as he knows you’re there but he doesn’t even look up from his desk.
  548. >”If you’re donating to the Foal’s Crystal Fair Toy Drive, it closed yesterday, we apologize for any inconveniences… Oh.”
  549. >There we go, now he’s looking.
  550. >”Oh, you’re Doctor Anonymous, right? Tournament winner?”
  551. “That’s me.”
  552. >”Wow, good to meet you! So uh, what are you doing here?”
  553. “Well, we were actually in here earlier trying to find a group that robbed the financial district and hurt my friend here, Pinkie Pie.”
  554. >She gives a little wave from behind you obliviously as you continue.
  555. “We've got a possible lead that they occasionally show up in Onyx Corner, but the more important point is that they may be making black market versions of the new weapon that you may have already scheduled shipments for, the F.U.C.K.E.R. If they're poorly made, or even well-made, they could be dangerous to both your men and themselves. If you hear any info on them, I'd like to be part of the investigation, if our excursion goes well, and I just wanted to inform you of that.
  556. >He nods in tandem with your words, letting you finish.
  557. >”Well Doctor, we’ve actually been quite aware of the situation in Onyx Corner, but we’ve been doing recon as of late so we didn’t stir up any controversy during the Crystal Fair. Ensuring protection of the city as a whole trumps some petty gangs, after all. However, thank you for bringing this information to us, It always helps knowing that the civilians are playing their part, too.”
  558. >How does the Crystal Fair protect the city?
  559. >You must’ve missed something about it, but you continue on, the issue at hand being more important.
  560. “It’s no problem, but I actually had something else to talk about, too. Did a blue mare with rainbow hair come by here earlier, maybe? We've been searching the whole city, but to no avail.”
  561. >”Rainbow Dash? She’s one of our missing ponies, and we have a search party going for her right now under Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle’s jurisdiction. If you had any leads, that’d be great.”
  562. “First, I could really use a map of the Tundra and any supplies you might be able to lend us, as my friends and I here are getting ready to try and find your missing Officer Tidal Wave out there, and we have reason to believe that RD is there too. Think you have one to spare?”
  563. >He looks through his desk for a moment.
  564. >”Well, I’m not… technically supposed to reveal the location of the outpost, but since you’ve been such a good samaritan, I don’t think it’d hurt to let you guys help, and after winning a tournament like that? Well, I know you can take care of yourselves. Ah, here we go!”
  565. [Deskguard gives you a Map to the Tundra Outpost.]
  566. >”It’s about 5 miles one way, so I’d suggest traveling during the day, because it gets bitter cold under Luna’s moon. Unfortunately, we’re actually running low on supplies ourselves, waiting for a shipment from Canterlot that’s late, so I can’t give you anything else. Some knucklehead working my last shift gave away our last spare hoofcuffs, can you believe it?”
  567. >You avoid that question like the plague.
  568. “Well, thanks for the help you’ve given us.”
  569. >Redheart nods.
  570. >”You’ve been very helpful, and we will do our best to find that officer.”
  571. >The deskguard nods and salutes you and your party.
  572. >You, Redheart, AJ, Pinkie and Berry all salute in turn, with Iron Will confused at the action and Gable standing stone still.
  573. >”Hey, you guys be careful out there, okay? I’ve heard there’s been some extra danger out on the pathway because of some frightened animals or something.”
  574. “We’ll be fine. Thank you!”
  575. >You and your party wave goodbye to the deskguard, leaving you with a map and virtually nothing else.
  576. >Applejack sighs and looks up at you.
  577. >”So, we goin’ through the snow?”
  578. “Looks like we are.”
  579. >What would you like to do?
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