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a guest
Nov 24th, 2019
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  1. #Name of the advent calendar inventory
  2. inventoryName: "&2&lAdvent calendar"
  3. #Number of days in the advent calendar
  4. days: 24
  5. #Choose whether the day number should be displayed as the item quantity in advent calendar GUI
  6. displayDayNumber: true
  7. #Choose whether players should be able to claim gifts from previous days they haven't claimed yet
  8. allowClaimingUnclaimedGifts: true
  9. #Choose whether it should be broadcasted globally when someone claims their gift
  10. broadcastClaimedInfo: true
  11. #Choose whether players should be notified about not claimed gifts when joining the server
  12. notifyUponLogin: true
  13. #Choose whether single or multiple gift groups should be given. Eg. when player is eligible to receive default & donor gifts, he receives only donor one (which has higher priority)
  14. giveSingleGifts: false
  15. #Maximal amount of enchantments which can be applied to an item (it applies to enchantment gifts)
  16. maxEnchantments: 3
  17. #Choose whether advent calendar windows should be displayed in shuffled order
  18. shuffleWindows: false
  19. #Choose whether windows should have 1 slot padding from each side of advent calendar for nicer display
  20. windowsPadding: true
  21. #Choose whether windows should be glass panes with random colors, regardless of placeholders settings berlow
  22. windowsRandomColorGlassPanes: false
  23. #Item to fill the empty slots of calendar with
  24. fillItem:
  25.   material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  26.   name: " "
  27. placeholders:
  28.  #Item placeholder for already claimed gifts
  29.   claimed:
  30.     material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  31.     #%day% is the placeholder for the day number
  32.     name: "&2&lDay %day%"
  33.     lore:
  34.      - "&8Already claimed."
  35.   #Item placeholder for gifts which weren't claimed but can be
  36.   unclaimed:
  37.     material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  38.     name: "&a&lDay %day%"
  39.     lore:
  40.      - "&8Click to claim!"
  41.   #Item placeholder for gifts which weren't claimed and can't be
  42.   expired:
  43.     material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  44.     name: "&c&lDay %day%"
  45.     lore:
  46.      - "&8Gift has expired."
  47.   #Item placeholder for today's gift
  48.   current:
  49.     material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  50.     name: "&a&lDay %day%"
  51.     lore:
  52.      - "&8Click to claim!"
  53.   #Item placeholder for gifts from upcoming days
  54.   upcoming:
  55.     material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  56.     name: "&c&lDay %day%"
  57.     lore:
  58.      - "&8Can't be claimed yet."
  59.   #Item placeholder for not configured gifts
  60.   unavailable:
  61.     material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  62.     name: "&c&lDay %day%"
  63.     lore:
  64.      - "&8This gift is unavailable."
  65. #Gift priorities. The format is PRIORITY:NAME (the name is used in the section below). Basically the higher priority, the earlier player will be checked for the permissions. "default" is necessary and will be given to all players without any additional permission.
  66. #Example: with 1: default and 2: donor the player will be checked for first, if they don't have it they will receive the "default" one
  67. giftsPriorities:
  68.   1: default
  69.   2: donor
  70. gifts:
  71.  #Day number
  72.   1:
  73.    #Type of the gift, explained above in giftPriorities section
  74.     default:
  75.      #Type of sold item, valid values are item/permission/enchantment/command
  76.       type: item
  77.       item:
  78.        #Material name, full list can be found here:
  79.         material: BREAD
  80.         #(optional) Quantity of the item
  81.         quantity: 32
  82.         #(optional) Data value, for example 1 for WOOD:1 means spruce wood planks
  83.         damage: 0
  84.         #(optional) Custom name
  85.         name: "&aYummy bread"
  86.         #(optional) Lore, can contain multiple lines
  87.         lore:
  88.          - "&3<3"
  89.     donor:
  90.       type: item
  91.       item:
  92.         material: BREAD
  93.         quantity: 64
  94.   2:
  95.     default:
  96.       type: item
  97.       item:
  98.         material: GOLD_INGOT
  99.         quantity: 16
  100.     donor:
  101.       type: item
  102.       item:
  103.         material: GOLD_INGOT
  104.         quantity: 32
  105.   3:
  106.     default:
  107.       type: item
  108.       item:
  109.         material: IRON_INGOT
  110.         quantity: 32
  111.     donor:
  112.       type: item
  113.       item:
  114.         material: DIAMOND
  115.         quantity: 16
  116.   4:
  117.     default:
  118.       type: enchantment
  119.       enchantment: FORTUNE
  120.       enchantmentLevel: 1
  121.     donor:
  122.       type: enchantment
  123.       enchantment: FORTUNE
  124.       enchantmentLevel: 2
  125.   5:
  126.     default:
  127.       type: command
  128.       commands:
  129.        - "say Merry christmas, %PLAYER%!"
  130.     donor:
  131.       type: command
  132.       commands:
  133.        - "say Merry christmas, %PLAYER%!"
  134.         - "broadcast Merry christmas, everyone!"
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