

Jun 28th, 2016
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  1. [b]WWF Title: [url=""]Austin[/url] v [url=""]Taker[/url][/b] started with both men brawling, throwing hard hands. Taker got the early advantage, and began working over Austin in the corner until the champ dodged a punch, got behind Taker, and pushed him face-first into the corner, before working him over with hard strikes to the back. Austin kept going, whipping Taker across the ring to the opposite corner and bashing him with a hard corner lariat before starting on the Deadman's legs. Eventually, Austin rolled out of the ring and attempted to use the ringpost to further assault Taker's legs, but the Deadman saw it coming and kicked him away before following him to the outside.
  3. They began brawling on the outside as the ref counted the both of them out. Austin hung back, trying to use the Champion's Advantage to keep his title by countout, but Taker knew what he was doing and restarted the count, rolling in and out of the ring before going straight for Austin. He tried to knock Austin over the barricades with a running Big Boot, but Austin stayed upright and slammed Taker's leg onto the barricade, further weakening it before dragging him back into the ring. Austin taunted Taker as the Deadman tried to get his footing back, before going for a Stunner! Taker wasn't going down that easy, though, and pushed Austin away, catching him on the rebound with a hard soupbone to the jaw that sent him right to the mat. Taker wasted no time dragging him off the mat and going for a Tombstone! His leg couldn't hold, though, and Austin was able to reverse into a Tombstone of his own! Austin crossed Taker's arms over his chest, rolled his eyes back into his head, and went for Taker's signature pin.
  5. 1...2...2.9, Taker kicked out! THE CROWD WENT WILD! Austin was enraged, and immediately dragged Taker to his feet before kicking for the Stunner. He got reversed, though, and Taker picked him up for the Tombstone! Austin reversed into a hammerlock, transitioned into a Million Dollar Dream, planted Taker on his head with a Sleeper Suplex, and went for the pin.
  7. 1...2...2.9, Taker kicked out again! Austin went for another Stunner, but Taker caught him in a Chokeslam!
  9. 1...2...2.9, Austin kicked out! Taker hauled Austin up, went for another Tombstone, but his legs still couldn't hold, and Austin reversed, kicked for the stunner, AND FINALLY HIT IT!
  11. [b]1...2...3! Austin retains the title![/b] This was a damn good match, one of the best Raw matches in a good while.
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