
Tsubaki and Anon pt. 6

Feb 9th, 2017
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  1. >Turn around to get a face full of Kamille's cleavage.
  2. >She's unbuttoned most of her top exposing her massive breasts.
  3. >A look of ravenous lust sat upon her face.
  4. >"Well sweetie you tried~. Lemme at least thank you~."
  5. >Kamille pushed me back up against the wall of the building, trapping me in between the two dumpsters.
  6. >One of her hands grabbed my crotch, massaging it through my pants.
  8. >"Relax Sweetie~. I just want to reward you for all your trouble~ I Promise it'll feel good~".
  9. >She licked her lips as her gaze went down to my manhood, clearly hardening from her movements.
  10. >Kamille leaned into me whispering.
  11. >"See how good it feels~? I promise you'll enjoy every bit of this sweetie~".
  12. >Felt my head swimming as I felt blood rush downstairs.
  13. >Grit my teeth as I felt my dick twitch, the last bits of rational thought fading.
  14. >Still have an ace up my sleeve this woman doesn't know about.
  15. >I get really aggressive when aroused.
  16. >Decide to play along, trying to focus my muddling mind into the building aggression.
  17. >Manage to perform a throaty growl to help focus.
  18. >"Oh my~ Are you purring like a kitten sweetie?~ That's so cute, lemme hear you purr more~".
  19. >Focus on looking for an opening in all this.
  20. >"I bet you're nice and ready sweetie~. You certainly feel it~".
  21. >Kamille's hand pulled away, giving me the opening I needed.
  22. >Lunge as hard as I could to force out from under Kamille.
  23. >Despite the size difference it was somewhat too easy.
  24. >Try to keep focus by remembering a song.
  25. >Manage to get "Gallant Char" stuck in my head.
  26. >Kamille's expression changed from a smug lust to one a bit more haughty.
  27. >"Oh my~, the cute little kitty has claws~. I can't let you bear them juuuust yet sweetie~. Not till I take you home and make you feel good~."
  28. >The air took a darker tone as I noticed something changing with Kamille.
  29. >Some sort of black stuff oozed out and around her.
  30. >Slow realization that this woman wasn't the least it human.
  31. >"OK, nottahumannottahuman...can't be a shoggoth, umm echidna?"I thought to myself
  32. >"It looks like the poor kitty doesn't know what I am." She said still wearing that smug face. "It's ok Sweetie I'll tell you~. I'm a doppelganger and you're going to become my cute little kitty~."
  33. >Realized the situation was fucked hard.
  34. >Running wouldn't work as she'd probably grab me or trip me up and blacking out meant the end.
  35. >Calling for help wouldn't work either as she could probably silence me quickly, her not doing so earlier was probably just her wanting to hear me moan.
  36. >Only one real solution to this do or die situation.
  37. >"Alright Kammy, I give up." I shrugged, "I'm not going to win this so I'm yours I guess..."
  38. >I walked towards her hands up in a 'I give up' position.
  39. >Kamille looked me over, a rather evil look in her eye.
  40. >"Not only cute but a smart kitty too~. Don't worry Sweetie, I'll take good care of you I promise~."
  41. >I did my best to hide the hard swallow I took as I kept the thought of 'one shot at this' running through my head.
  42. >Kamille walked towards me, arms outstretched as I walked towards her in my faked defeat.
  43. >Body goes tense as she puts a hand on my shoulder.
  44. >Hear noises below my waist, whatever she was shifting her body into was attempting to at the very least undo my belt buckle.
  45. >Kamille leaned in again and whispered in that same seductive voice.
  46. >"It'll all be over soon sweetie~, I promise it'll feel good~."
  47. >This was it, this was the moment.
  48. >No snarky remark, no snappy one liner, with as much strength as I could muster I drove a fist right into her stomach.
  49. >Kamille reeled away back in pain clenching her gut and gasping for air.
  50. >She's just looking up at me wide eyed in fear.
  51. >My heart is racing with part of me screaming to finish it.
  52. >Instead leg it to work as fast as I can.
  53. >Get one last quick glimpse at the situation as I round the alley's corner, Kamille still standing there stunned.
  54. >Get to work shaking like a leaf, have no idea how long it's been.
  55. >Check PSP, the 2 minute fast clock read 6:43am.
  56. >flip it into sleep mode and try to put the event behind me.
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