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Unjust Ban

a guest
Mar 22nd, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. TheLegendaryD: i got 800k
  4. TheLegendaryD: my vayne last game almost 1v5'd lol
  5. TheLegendaryD: but we lost cause our jungle inted lol
  6. TheLegendaryD: unlucky
  7. TheLegendaryD: same tbh lol
  8. TheLegendaryD: have lost literally 6 games in a row to feeders and afkers
  9. TheLegendaryD: /ff
  10. TheLegendaryD: just waiting till 15 at this point
  11. TheLegendaryD: games over lol
  12. TheLegendaryD: literally just muting you all and sitting bot
  13. TheLegendaryD: open mid
  14. TheLegendaryD: wanna know how i know it's gg? the only people thats been bot for a gank is their entire team
  15. TheLegendaryD: 2 more mintues
  16. TheLegendaryD: open mid
  17. TheLegendaryD: or bot since yall already there
  18. TheLegendaryD: now can we ff?
  19. TheLegendaryD: cause that was a 5 for 1
  20. TheLegendaryD: so you guys keep wasting my time
  21. TheLegendaryD: im gunna be side lanes
  22. TheLegendaryD: no we gave up the second time you left
  23. TheLegendaryD: and got camped by the wntire enemy team
  24. TheLegendaryD: gg report afk hec
  25. TheLegendaryD: thanks for the loss hec
  26. Post-Game
  27. TheLegendaryD: gg hec
  28. TheLegendaryD: thanks for the demotion
  29. TheLegendaryD: love ya
  30. TheLegendaryD: gotta love afk fucking scumbags playing ranked and getting people demoted
  31. TheLegendaryD: thanks for wasting 10 extra minutes ahri
  32. TheLegendaryD: could've left and been demoted at 15 min
  33. TheLegendaryD: rather the 25
  34. TheLegendaryD: get blocked
  35. TheLegendaryD: hope to never see you again
  36. TheLegendaryD: jesus christ
  38. Game 2
  39. Pre-Game
  40. TheLegendaryD: you ever read a name on a game and think... if that person ever goes pro...they'll be known as "Im Super Wet"
  41. TheLegendaryD: and that on a jersey is frightening
  42. In-Game
  43. TheLegendaryD: just played with this vlad and ww
  44. TheLegendaryD: vlad went 0/9 in lane then didnt die the rest of the game
  45. TheLegendaryD: and brought it back to 9/9
  46. TheLegendaryD: very
  47. TheLegendaryD: yeah he was toxic last game lol
  48. TheLegendaryD: i mean his name is just as garbage as his ww Kappa
  49. TheLegendaryD: wow
  50. TheLegendaryD: nami took them
  51. TheLegendaryD: bet you he's pissed at nami
  52. TheLegendaryD: watch now he wont gank casue she got the kills
  53. TheLegendaryD: pretty toxic to me last game
  54. TheLegendaryD: that's why i reported you
  55. TheLegendaryD: i am determined to get this fucking win lol
  56. TheLegendaryD: i want plat 1
  57. TheLegendaryD: yeah who's useless now ww?
  58. TheLegendaryD: kog gets 1 item and can solo me lol
  59. TheLegendaryD: yo ww you there bud?
  60. TheLegendaryD: looking bad on you not being toxic while you afk
  61. TheLegendaryD: GG
  62. Post-Game
  63. TheLegendaryD: yeet
  64. TheLegendaryD: plat 1
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