
Plane size

Jan 7th, 2024
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  1. By the time they arrived on the small airfield where Caleb's private jet waited to take them back to the States, they were all hot, sweaty and miserable.
  3. Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain, chapter 29
  5. Unsurprisingly, the blonde led them back through a padded door and into a much more mundane section of the plane. There were only single seats, one on each side of the aisle and about seven rows. Behind that, the rest of the seats had been removed and a sturdy metal cage had been built. Jason laid spread eagled on the floor inside the cage, leg and wrist cuffs chained to heavy bolts in the floor.
  7. Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain, chapter 29
  9. Meanwhile Dina had managed to lock herself in the tiny bathroom. Jason was quickly making short work of the flimsy folding door.
  11. Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain, chapter 29
  13. Alex opened the door opposite the little bathroom. It looked to be a small supply closet. As soon as Alex got the door open, Butch kicked the hissing, flailing Dina into the closet and slammed the door, throwing home the latch.
  15. "I don't know how long that's gonna hold," Butch said. "We need to get out of here."
  17. Alex pounded with her fist on the door separating their cabin from the fancy first class area.
  19. "Open this fcking door!" she called.
  21. Jason had let the twitching and bloody mess that used to be RJ fall to the floor and turned, advancing toward them with the gorestreaked machete held high.
  23. "I thought I told you to handle this problem," the producer said through the closed door.
  25. "Goddammit, Caleb or whatever your name is, Alex yelled. "If you don't open this door, I'm gonna kick it down, and if I kick it down we won't be able to shut it again and then you can figure out how to fcking handle your pet monster."
  27. "Caleb," Butch called. "This is the Butcher! You realize that if Jason kills us now, that's the end of your precious show."
  29. The door opened. Caleb reached through and yanked the two of them in, slamming and locking it seconds before Jason hit it with his full weight.
  31. "All right," Caleb said. "We're over the Mexican dessert, north of Guadalajara. We'll be back in Burbank in less than an hour. We have to keep him out until we land."
  33. Alex looked up and saw a huge flat screen television. In a moment of totally surreal fascination, she saw that the screen showed the three of them. Caleb facing the camera and she and Butch facing away. There were two beautiful stewardesses on the leather couch, watching the screen, mesmerized, as if what they were watching was not happening right beside them.
  35. Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain, chapter 29
  37. Meanwhile, in the first class cabin, the Italian-looking stewardess had hit Jason with a heavy champagne bottle. Jason's shoulders foamed with expensive champagne like the bow of a recently christened ship. He easily ripped the jagged neck of the bottle from her hand and jammed in into her beautiful face, twisting fiercely and snapping off chunks of thick green glass as the edges chewed up her flawless skin.
  39. Back in the main cabin, Butch was wrestling with RJ, who was infected and hissing, teeth snapping at Butch's face. Butch pulled RJ's gun from the leather holster in his armpit and Alex gasped, thinking of what Dina had said about not firing bullets in the plane. Would the cabin depressurize? Would they be sucked, screaming into the frozen sky? Before she could warn him, Butch fired, not at RJ but at the round window beside them.
  41. Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain, chapter 29
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