
preliminary Regrowth 0.9.1 Changelog

Jan 11th, 2016
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  1. 0.9.1 - AKA the "OMFG THINGS BROKE HALP!" bug fix update
  2. Mod Changes:
  3. - Added Java Version Checker version Java8Checker v2.0
  4. - makes the new requirement for java 8 more apparent
  5. - Downgraded AcademyCraft to pre2_1
  6. - Downgraded LambdaLib to 1.0
  7. - Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.8_dev_r7
  8. Config Changes:
  9. - Minetweaker Scripts
  10. - Added a missing comma in the agricraft.zs file, the absence of which had screwed up custom soil requirements and mutations.
  11. - Added a second copy of the imag seed recipe in the metallurgic infuser, so analyzed, 10/10/10 osmium seeds can be used as input.
  12. - Could technically make it work with every single combination of stats, but it would require adding a copy of the recipe for every single possible combination.
  13. Quest Changes:
  14. - Changed the reward from quest "Meddling with nodes" to not be quite so ridiculously OP/broken. Now includes a hint as what Growing nodes are capable of.
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