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Jan 22nd, 2018
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  2. Fennboi Eli - Today at 10:02 AM
  3. By the way
  4. What's with Capitalist IZK?
  5. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 10:02 AM
  6. Its our response to East AB
  7. Its a meme
  8. But Ilya thought it was a rebellion
  9. Fennboi Eli - Today at 10:06 AM
  10. Whats funny is that it kicks any IZK member shwo join
  11. oof
  12. my spelling
  13. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 10:09 AM
  14. Because it's not a rebellion
  15. Real IZK members aren't supposed to join(edited)
  16. Fennboi Eli - Today at 10:12 AM
  17. They were real IZK members
  18. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 10:14 AM
  19. My phone fucked that up, it's meant to be "aren't"
  20. Fennboi Eli - Today at 10:15 AM
  21. How'd you get into the IZK discord?
  22. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 10:15 AM
  23. Shhhhhh
  24. Sleeper cells are GREAT
  25. Fennboi Eli - Today at 10:16 AM
  26. Nah, Ilya invited you
  27. I can tell because you have the foreign monkis role
  28. Get trickeried
  29. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:29 PM
  30. I got kicked from the IZK server...
  31. Ok
  32. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:30 PM
  33. oh
  34. I just noticed
  35. oof
  36. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:30 PM
  37. Btw
  38. Did you know ABMC and it's likeness is covered by a $50 copyright
  39. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:31 PM
  40. wait wat
  41. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:32 PM
  42. I bought copyrights for AB and all things related to it, just for 50 bucks
  43. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:33 PM
  44. But y tho
  45. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:33 PM
  46. Why not
  47. You legally can't knowingly make a web domain in the US that is directly related to our AB without our permission
  48. Also, rip East AB
  49. It violates copyright
  50. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:35 PM
  51. Welp, it got made before the copyright, so
  52. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:36 PM
  53. The copyright was made in 2016
  54. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:36 PM
  55. Also what about these
  57. ABMC
  58. ABMC Webmaster
  59. Home
  61. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:36 PM
  62. Not our AB
  63. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:36 PM
  65. American Bio Medica Corporation (ABMC)
  67. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:36 PM
  68. "Knowingly"
  69. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:36 PM
  71. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:37 PM
  72. If you directly make a bootleg of OUR ABMC, it violates the copyright
  73. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:37 PM
  74. I don't own it, somebody10 does
  75. Oof
  76. You're suing your own family
  77. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:37 PM
  78. Technially our family is the copyright holders
  79. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:38 PM
  80. Can I see the legal documentation?
  81. There should be a certificate
  82. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:38 PM
  83. I'll need to find it
  84. it was a packet
  85. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:38 PM
  86. If you have a paper like this
  88. Then I believe you
  89. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:39 PM
  90. back
  91. I'm still in school btw
  92. But yeah, you can still use the ABMC logo because of some regulation involving free speech in the media
  93. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:41 PM
  94. Well I'm afraid to say that unless we have a direct confirmation of your certification of trademark, then we are not illegally making a bootleg, considering how we do not have the direct knowledge of this trademark. Other than your word, of course, which is easily discarded.
  95. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:41 PM
  96. Nigga, I'm still in school
  97. I can't just pull it out of my ass
  98. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:42 PM
  99. We'll keep East AB up until we can see the documentation
  100. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:42 PM
  101. Alright
  102. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:43 PM
  103. Also, isn't ABMC still a bootleg in itself?
  104. It is using a modified variant of the Fallout Minuteman logo
  107. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:45 PM
  108. We can use it as long as we included credit given to Bethesda
  109. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:45 PM
  110. Where's the credit?
  111. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:48 PM
  112. Stated in one of the pages of the packet
  113. They gave me a packet detailing everything
  114. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:48 PM
  115. How long is it? Who gave you the packet?
  116. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:50 PM
  117. 30 pages
  118. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:50 PM
  119. Who gave it?
  120. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:50 PM
  121. It as mailed
  122. We registered it online
  123. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:52 PM
  124. What did you classify it under in the registration office?
  125. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:52 PM
  126. Web domain
  127. Wait
  128. Title/web domain
  129. Naming rights and shit
  130. basicly
  131. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:53 PM
  132. How long did it take to get this paperwork?
  133. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:53 PM
  134. like, 4 months I think
  135. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:53 PM
  136. And how long have you had it?
  137. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:54 PM
  138. Since March of 2016
  139. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:54 PM
  140. And why has it not been referenced sooner?
  141. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:55 PM
  142. Because no one ever made a AB bootleg yet
  143. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:55 PM
  144. And how have you gotten this copyright past the three other large ABMC's?
  145. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:56 PM
  146. Our copyright doesn't apply to them because the paperwork refers to ABMC as "AB Militia Corps"
  147. and the AB in East AB violates it because Ilya directly copied AB form us
  148. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:57 PM
  149. The copyright only applies if it duplicates the whole name
  150. Not two letters
  151. BlubberyOyster4 - Today at 1:57 PM
  152. Two letters is the whole name
  153. Plus, like you said it's a bootleg
  154. Fennboi Eli - Today at 1:58 PM
  155. You just told me everything I needed, we do not violate this copyright
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