

Apr 5th, 2019
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  1. on rightclick with book:
  2. if name of held item is "&b&lアクア":
  3. if level of player is more than or equal to 26:
  4. set {aqua.%player%.cooldown} to difference between {aqua.%player%.lastused} and now
  5. if {aqua.%player%.cooldown} is less than 10 seconds:
  6. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to players at volume 1
  7. show an action bar from "&4&lCooldown &e%difference between 10 seconds and {aqua.%player%.cooldown}%&7..." to player
  8. stop
  9. set {aqua.%player%.lastused} to now
  10. reduce level progress of player by 26
  11. set {aqua.%player%.x} to x-coords of player
  12. set {aqua.%player%.y} to y-coords of player
  13. set {aqua.%player%.z} to z-coords of player
  14. set {aqua.%player%.location} to location of player
  15. loop 6 times:
  16. execute console command "/particle splash %{aqua.%player%.x}% %{aqua.%player%.y}% %{aqua.%player%.z}% 2 0 2 0 1500 mode @a"
  17. wait 5 tick
  18. play sound "item.bucket.empty" with volume 2 and pitch 0.75 at player
  19. loop 8 times:
  20. execute console command "/particle splash %{aqua.%player%.x}% %{aqua.%player%.y}% %{aqua.%player%.z}% 2 %loop-number% 2 0 %loop-number * 500% mode @a"
  21. loop all blocks 8 meter above block above {aqua.%player%.location}:
  22. loop all entities in radius 3 around loop-block:
  23. loop-entity is not player
  24. make player damage loop-entity by 28
  25. apply slow 3 to the loop-entity for 5 seconds
  26. loop all blocks 8 meter below block below {aqua.%player%.location}:
  27. loop all entities in radius 3 around loop-block:
  28. loop-entity is not player
  29. make player damage loop-entity by 28
  30. apply slow 3 to the loop-entity for 5 seconds
  31. wait a tick
  32. else:
  33. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to players at volume 1
  34. show an action bar from "&e&l%26 - level of player% &d&lMP &care not enough" to player
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