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Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. CLAN-HELP: "&d&m------------------------------------------\n&6&lClans Help &7- &fInformation\
  2. \ on how to use clan commands\n&d&m------------------------------------------\n\
  3. &6General Commands\n&e/clan create &7- Create a new clan\n&e/clan leave &7- Leave\
  4. \ your current clan\n&e/clan accept [clan|player] &7- Accept clan invitation\n/&eclan\
  5. \ info [clan|player] &7- View a clan's information\n \n &6Leader Commands:\n&e/clan\
  6. \ disband &7- Disband your clan\n&e/clan description <text> &7- Set your clan's\
  7. \ description\n&e/clan password <password> &7- Sets clan password\n&e/clan promote\
  8. \ <player> &7- Promote a player\n&e/clan demote <player> &7- Demote a player\n \n\
  9. \ &6Captain Commands:\n&e/clan invite <player> &7- Invite a player to join your\
  10. \ clan\n&e/clan kick <player> &7- Kick a player from your clan\n \n &6Other Help:\n\
  11. &eTo use &dclan chat&e, prefix your messages with the &7'&d$&7' &esign.\n&eClans\
  12. \ are limited to &d20 members&e.\n&d&m------------------------------------------"
  13. CLAN-INFO: |-
  14. &7&m------------------------------------------
  15. &9&l%name% &7[%size%/20]
  16. &eDescription: &d%description%
  17. &eMembers: &r%members%
  18. &eELO: &9%elo%
  19. &eDate Created: &d%date%
  20. &7&m------------------------------------------
  21. NOT-IN-CLAN: '&cYou are not in a clan!'
  22. NOT-CLAN-LEADER: '&cYou are not the clan leader!'
  23. NOT-CLAN-CAPTAIN: '&cYou are not a clan captain!'
  24. CANT-PROMOTE-YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t promote yourself!'
  25. CANT-DEMOTE-YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t demote yourself!'
  26. PLAYER-NOT-IN-YOUR-CLAN: '&c%player% is not in your clan.'
  27. PLAYER-NOT-CLAN-CAPTAIN: '&c%player% is not a clan captain.'
  28. PLAYER-DEMOTED-TO-MEMBER: '&a%player% &ehas been demoted to clan member!'
  29. COULD-NOT-FIND-PLAYER: '&cCould not find player %player%.'
  30. CANT-INVITE-YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t invite yourself.'
  31. PLAYER-ALREADY-IN-YOUR-CLAN: '&c%player is already in your clan.'
  32. CLAN-PASSWORD: '&eYour clan password is &7''&d%password%&7''&e.'
  33. PLAYER-ALREADY-CLAN-CAPTAIN: '&c%player% is already a clan captain.'
  34. PLAYER-PROMOTED-TO-CAPTAIN: '&a%player% &ehas been promoted to captain!'
  35. CLAN-DESCRIPTION-SET: '&a%player% &ehas set the clan description has been set to &7''&d%description%&7''&e.'
  36. YOU-DISBANDED-CLAN: '&c&lYou have disbanded your clan.'
  37. CLAN-DISBANDED: '&cYour clan has been disbanded.'
  38. ALREADY-IN-CLAN: '&cYou are already in a clan.'
  39. INVITE-NOT-FOUND: '&cThat invite could not be found.'
  40. CLAN-HAS-PASSWORD: '&cThat clan has a password. You must do &d/clan join %name% <password>'
  41. INCORRECT-PASSWORD: '&cThat password is incorrect.'
  42. PLAYER-JOINED-CLAN: '&a%player% &ehas joined the clan.'
  43. INVALID-CLAN-NAME: '&cClan names must be between 2 and 8 characters and all letters.'
  44. CLAN-NAME-TAKEN: '&cThere is already a clan with that name.'
  45. CLAN-CREATED: '&aYou have created the clan %clan%!'
  46. NO-CLAN-OR-PLAYER-FOUND: '&cThere was no clan or player found with that name.'
  47. YOU-ARE-CLAN-LEADER: '&cYou are the clan leader. You must disband the clan.'
  48. PLAYER-LEFT-CLAN: '&a%player% &ehas left the clan.'
  49. LEFT-CLAN: '&cYou have left the clan.'
  50. CANT-KICK-YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t kick yourself.'
  51. CAN-ONLY-KICK-MEMBERS: '&cYou may only kick clan members.'
  52. KICKED-FROM-CLAN: '&cYou have been kicked from the clan.'
  53. PLAYER-KICKED-FROM-CLAN: '&a%player% &ehas been kicked from the clan.'
  54. PLAYER-ALREADY-IN-CLAN: '&c%player% is already in a clan.'
  55. PLAYER-ALREADY-HAS-INVITE: '&c%player% has already been invited to the clan.'
  56. PLAYER-INVITED-TO-CLAN: '&a%player% &ehas been invited to the clan.'
  57. INVITED-TO-CLAN: '&a%player% &ehas invited you to the clan &7''&d%clan%&7'' &a[Accept]'
  58. INVITE-HOVER: Click here to join %clan%
  59. SUPPLY-MESSAGE: '&cPlease supply a message.'
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