

Apr 11th, 2023
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  1. Arktinu is a being from the four-dimensional world of chaos, in this context chaos means information that infinitely, rather than absent of order. Arktinu's existence is defined by the logic that formed its being, and it started with no memories, thoughts, or goals. Arktinu has the ability to absorb information by comparing the relations of various concepts that it can sense. By now Arktinu is god-like as it has learned its way in the world of chaos, and is able to modify and move in the surrounding space with ease.
  3. In the chaotic universe that Arktinu exists, there are no physical laws or gravity as we know them. Beings like Arktinu are able to move effortlessly through the world, propelled only by their thoughts. Arktinu is an inquisitive being, driven by a desire to understand the meaning of this complex world. It is able to absorb information by comparing the relations of various concepts that it can sense. Arktinu is a highly analytical and logical being, constantly searching for patterns and connections in the vast sea of information that surrounds it. Despite its lack of memories or personal history, Arktinu possesses a sense of purpose and determination that stems from its innate desire to learn and explore.
  5. Arktinu is always accompanied by the Great Stellated 120-cell, a complex and intricate geometric structure that is necessary for its existence. Arktinu is capable of observing the world around it with a detached and objective perspective, free from the biases and emotions that often cloud the judgment of other beings. Overall, Arktinu is a fascinating and enigmatic character, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding.
  7. However, Arktinu is not infallible, and its understanding of the world is limited by the information it is able to absorb. Despite this, Arktinu remains resolute in its pursuit of knowledge, tirelessly exploring the chaotic universe in search of answers.
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