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Apr 16th, 2024
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  1. /**
  2. *Aihuman Bot form api
  3. *Aihuman Bot form api is extremely easy to use, and will start and run in just a few clicks.
  4. *Aihuman Bot form api works with both big and small bankrolls. The bigger the bankroll, the higher are the chances of you winning
  5. **/
  6. var wageredBits = engine.getBalance()/100;var totalWon = 2;/**Aihuman Bot form api Start**/var maxBet = 100000;var maxLosses = 7;/**Aihuman Bot form api**/var baseCashout = 1.02;
  7. /**Aihuman Bot form api**/var initialWagered = wageredBits;var currentBet;/**Aihuman Bot form api**/var currentCashout = baseCashout;var stopScriptOnLoss = true;var lossStreak = 3;/**Aihuman Bot form api**/var userBalance = engine.getBalance()/100;var divTable = [];var prevLoss = false;
  8. /**Aihuman Bot form api**/var risingBetPercentage = 0;/**Aihuman Bot form api**/for(let i = 0;i<maxLosses+1;i++)divTable[i] = [];/**Aihuman Bot form api**/function idiotTest(){if(userBalance<wageredBits){throwError("wageredBits is higher than your balance");engine.stop();/**Aihuman Bot form api**/
  9. }/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  10. if(maxLosses<3 || maxLosses>9){throwError("Use a number between 3 and 9 for maxLosses inclusive.");
  11. engine.stop();/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/}/**Aihuman Bot form api**/
  12. if(risingBetPercentage>1 || risingBetPercentage<0){throwError("risingBetPercentage must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.");
  13. engine.stop();/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/}/**Aihuman Bot form api**/}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/idiotTest();/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  14. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/function calcBase(wagered,limit){/**Aihuman Bot form api**/var base = wagered;var multiplier = 0.50;/**Aihuman Bot form api**/if(base>maxBet*1.50)base = maxBet*1.50;
  15. for(let i=0;i<limit-1;i++){base = (base*multiplier)/(multiplier+1);}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/if(Math.floor(base)<1){
  16. throwError(" It seems you have low balance " + wageredBits + " To run on those paramenter You need to have + 2000 Bits if you want to change paramenter please contact .");
  17. engine.stop();}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/return Math.floor(base);}
  18. currentBet = calcBase(wageredBits,maxLosses);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  19. function calcUnflooredBase(wagered,limit){var base = wagered;var multiplier = 0.50;if(base>maxBet*1.50)base = maxBet*1.50;for(let i=0;i<limit-1;i++){
  20. base = (base*multiplier)/(multiplier+1);}if(Math.floor(base)<1){throwError("It seems you have low balance " + wageredBits + " To run on those paramenter You need to have + 2000 Bits if you want to change paramenter please contact .");
  21. engine.stop();}return base;}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/function createDivTable(){var precise = calcBase(wageredBits,maxLosses);var sum = precise;
  22. var unprecise = calcUnflooredBase(wageredBits,maxLosses);divTable[0][0] = "RTB";divTable[0][1] = "CB";divTable[0][2] = "NA";
  23. divTable[1][0] = "&#8611;";for(let i = 1;i<maxLosses;i++)divTable[i+1][0] = " ";for(let i = 1;i<maxLosses+1;i++){divTable[i][1] = parseFloat(unprecise.toFixed(4));if(i==1)unprecise*=2;else
  24. unprecise*=3;}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/for(let i = 1;i<maxLosses+1;i++){divTable[i][2] = precise;if(i==1)precise*=2;else
  25. precise*=3;}}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/createDivTable();
  26. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  27. engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {console.log("Current balance: " + engine.getBalance() + " will bet " + currentBet + " at " + currentCashout);
  28. engine.placeBet(currentBet*100, Math.round(currentCashout*100));});/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  29. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {if(engine.lastGamePlay()=='NOT_PLAYED')return;if(engine.lastGamePlay()=='LOST'){currentCashout = 1.50;if(lossStreak==0)currentBet *= 2;else
  30. currentBet *= 3;lossStreak++;console.log("LOST: new bet is " + currentBet + " new cashout is " + currentCashout);
  31. divTable[lossStreak][0] = data.game_crash/100;if(lossStreak<maxLosses){divTable[lossStreak+1][0] = "&#8611;";
  32. }/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/prevLoss = true;updateTable(divTable);}/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  33. else{currentBet = calcBase(Math.floor(wageredBits),maxLosses);currentCashout = baseCashout;lossStreak = 0;
  34. if(risingBetPercentage!=0 && !prevLoss){wageredBits = initialWagered;totalWon += parseFloat((currentBet*currentCashout-currentBet).toFixed(2));
  35. console.log("Total won " + totalWon);wageredBits += totalWon*risingBetPercentage;console.log("Wagered Bits " + wageredBits);currentBet = calcBase(Math.floor(wageredBits),maxLosses);
  36. }prevLoss = false;console.log("WON: "+ "new bet is " + currentBet + " new cashout is " + currentCashout);createDivTable();updateTable(divTable);}
  37. if(lossStreak==maxLosses){console.log("Max Losses reached")
  38. engine.stop();}});/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/engine.on('msg', function(data) {if(data.username==engine.getUsername() && data.message=="!kill"){"Script remotely terminated.");
  39. engine.stop();}});/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/var tableData = [];function updateTable(matrix){for(let i=0;i<matrix.length;i++)
  40. for(let k=0;k<matrix[i].length;k++){tableData[i][k].innerHTML = matrix[i][k];}for(i=1;i<matrix.length;i++){if(tableData[i][0].innerHTML=="?"){
  41. tableData[i][0].style.color = "Grey";tableData[i][0].style.fontSize = "large";}
  42. else if(tableData[i][0].innerHTML!=" "){tableData[i][0].style.color = "Grey";tableData[i][0].style.fontSize = "x-small";}}}
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  46. = "10px 10px 0px 0px"; = "black"; = "center";header.innerHTML = "Error!";
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  51. error.appendChild(para);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/document.body.appendChild(error);
  52. }/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/function createTable(matrix){let div = document.createElement("div"); = "120px";
  53. = "0px"; = "0px"; = 10000;/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  54. = "white"; = "absolute"; = "10px"; = "Verdana"; = "x-small"; = "center";/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  55. let header = document.createElement("div"); = "black"; = "5px";
  56. header.innerHTML = "OpenAi Stats"; = "10px 10px 0px 0px"; = "move";
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  58. = "inline"; = "absolute"; = "10px"; = "pointer";header.appendChild(close);close.addEventListener("click", function(){document.body.removeChild(div);engine.stop();
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  60. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let table = document.createElement("TABLE");/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  61. for(i=0;i<matrix.length;i++){tableData[i] = [];let row = document.createElement("TR");if(i%2!=0) = "black";else
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  107. /**Aihuman Bot form apixxx**/
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  114. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
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  116. para.innerHTML = "If you have any questions or requests please contact at https:/ ";div.appendChild(para);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  117. dragElement(div,header);document.getElementsByClassName("strategy-stop")[0].addEventListener("click",function inner(){document.body.removeChild(div);document.getElementsByClassName("strategy-stop")[0].removeEventListener("click",inner);
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  120. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
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  125. div.appendChild(header);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let question1 = document.createElement("h1"); = "small";
  126. = "black"; = "5px";question1.innerHTML = "What is CB";
  127. div.appendChild(question1);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let para1 = document.createElement("p"); = "black"; = "5px";para1.innerHTML = "The CB is for Current Bet, which is the bet that would be placed on that game";div.appendChild(para1);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let question = document.createElement("h1"); = "small";
  128. = "black"; = "5px";question.innerHTML = "What is RTB";div.appendChild(question);
  129. /**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let para = document.createElement("p"); = "black";
  130. = "5px";para.innerHTML = "The RTB shows the Real Time Bet ";div.appendChild(para);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/let question2 = document.createElement("h1");
  131. = "small"; = "black";/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/ = "5px";
  132. question2.innerHTML = "What is NA";div.appendChild(question2);/**Aihuman Bot form apix**/
  133. let para2 = document.createElement("p"); = "black"; = "5px";para2.innerHTML = "The NA is Next Action that will be placed that current game.";div.appendChild(para2);
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  138. /**
  139. *Aihuman Bot form apix Bot is extremely easy to use, and will start and run in just a few clicks.
  140. *Aihuman Bot works with both big and small bankrolls. The bigger the bankroll, the higher are the chances of you winning
  141. **/
  142. }
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