
The right questions to soothe the pain

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. [14:29] Reunan Volos says, "That young girl's mouth will get her into far more trouble than what it's worth to defend her."
  2. [14:29] Xavier Grissom says, "Oh fuck yeah."
  3. [14:30] Xavier Grissom says, "If she didn't look so young I would have considered scorching her arm."
  4. [14:30] Xavier Grissom says, "However."
  5. [14:30] Xavier Grissom says, "I think we can do a collaborative effort."
  6. [14:31] Reunan Volos says, "I would have stopped you on principal. But yes, I kept a girl from harm, vampire didn't like that he was deprived of a girl that he seemed to be.. affixed upon, and thus bounty."
  7. [14:31] Reunan Volos says, "If there are any vampires that come through here causing trouble, I will likely step in to cease that trouble."
  8. [14:31] Xavier Grissom says, "We can tear most of the forces in the caves."
  9. [14:31] Xavier Grissom says, "Oh."
  10. [14:31] Xavier Grissom says, "Well."
  11. [14:31] Xavier Grissom says, "Count me in."
  12. [14:31] Reunan Volos says, "I have people to protect here, after all. Ashley, Eiphraem, Tragedy, Perseus, more notable names."
  13. [14:31] Reunan Volos says, "There she si."
  14. [14:31] Redtael asks, "Is- anyone here a runescribe?"
  15. [14:31] Reunan Volos asks, "Did.. she get hurt again?"
  16. [14:31] Ashley says, "Yes..."
  17. [14:32] Reunan Volos asks, "Who?"
  18. [14:32] Ashley says, "The space butterfly.."
  19. [14:32] Redtael gestures to Ashley's injured leg.
  20. (Redtael)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [14:32] Redtael says, "She needs a prosthetic applied."
  24. [14:32] Ashley sniffles miserably, her leg is a mangled mess and limp. How pleasant!
  25. (Ashley)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [14:32] Reunan surges with an oppressive energy, the ground beneath him beginning to buckle under the weight of his control.
  29. (Reunan Volos)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [14:32] Xavier Grissom asks, "The fuck happenend to her?"
  33. [14:33] Redtael says, "Rogue demon by the sounds of it."
  34. [14:33] Reunan Volos says, "Unity has attacked many under Eiphraem's Protection."
  35. [14:33] Xavier Grissom says, "Not good."
  36. [14:33] Ashley says, "I think it just wants to talk... But doesn't know how to do it right..."
  37. [14:33] Xavier Grissom says, "As much as I am ok with demons not good at all."
  38. [14:33] Xavier Grissom says, "Nope."
  39. [14:34] Xavier Grissom says, "That demon wants blood."
  40. [14:34] Reunan Volos asks, "No. More over I am unable to defeat it yet.. There will be runescribes here soon. Is she safe with you, Tael?"
  41. [14:34] Ashley says, "... Reunan would you still be my friend if I was a boy..."
  42. [14:34] Reunan Volos says, "Yes, I would still be your friend."
  43. [14:34] Ashley asks this random question out of the blue, literally.
  44. (Ashley)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [14:34] Redtael says, "She is. I found her up in Bhaldraithe looking for a runescribe"
  48. [14:34] Ashley says, "Okay.. Good.."
  49. [14:35] Redtael raises an eyebrow when the question is asked.
  50. (Redtael)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [14:35] Reunan Volos says, "So close to the vampires.."
  54. [14:35] Xavier Grissom says, "Ashley."
  55. [14:35] Xavier Grissom says, "Do you feel safe alongside the vampires."
  56. [14:35] Ashley says, "Yes.."
  57. [14:35] Ashley says, "Oh..."
  58. [14:38] The girl blinks lamely, looking as miserable as she could possibly look. It was a very direct question, one that caused her shoulders to slump in defeat. It seems whenever questions were asked that could free those around her of misinformation or implications, she simply lost the will to answer properly...
  60. On one hand, she hated and feared most of the vampires. On the other hand, some of them were tolerable to be around.
  62. She tugs tightly at her cloak, the indecision leaving her in a state of a mind-numbing and blank stare before she lets out a miserable sigh. It didn't matter if she felt safe alongside the vampires or not, did it?
  64. People would assume what they wanted.
  66. Her only response was a slow, lame shrug of her shoulders.
  67. (Ashley)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [14:40] Leland Lelhua whispers something.
  71. [14:40] Ashley says, "No..."
  72. [14:40] Leland Lelhua says, "..."
  73. [14:42] Reunan slowly stepped forward, taking off the wolf faced helm that donned his head and hooking it to his side above his satchel. He kept the rest of his armor on as he stood before Ashley, tail slowly swishing behind himself, happy to see her safe, though not happy to see her injured as one ear rest against his head.
  75. "What about the vampire Lucien, do you feel safe around him? Do you feel safe around me?"
  77. He kept his protective aura confined within his body and the faint light that excluded from his body slowly died down, as if to diminish his own presence to give her full weight to judge. A broad stroke of a whole race was like trying to judge all demons by the actions of a single. Much like the oppressive butterfly and the 'caring' snake, or the terrifying little girl.
  78. (Reunan Volos)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [14:48] Had a totally hard boiled egg shoved into her mouth by a small child.
  83. Slowly she chews on it. A simple meal if one could call it that as her eyelids droop listlessly. Staring at Reunan with her usual miserable expression. Her mangled leg brimming with a mix of occultism, cosmic magic and- bandaged heavily to keep the bones from moving too much.
  85. It was lame, useless, and would need to be replaced. That much was obvious, and she did have a prosthetics kit for the job!
  87. Thankfully, Reunan knew exactly how to ask her questions. Simple, sweet, and lacking any form of ambiguity.
  89. Lucien scared her, but she felt safe around him.
  90. Reunan sometimes made her uncomfortable, but she felt safe around him.
  92. Without a need to vocalize, she simply begins nodding her head. A slow, single dip before she finishes chewing the meal Leland had quite literally force-fed her.
  93. (Ashley)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [14:48] Xavier Grissom says, "Wow."
  97. [14:48] Xavier Grissom says, "Welp."
  98. [14:48] Xavier Grissom says, "Imma get some stuff ready."
  99. [14:51] Eyes opening he would look to his surroundings. Much to his displeasure a peaceful like city. He would need to adjust it seems. The parasite calling from him. Hunger. He would flinch as he knew it was time to be prepared and get ready.
  101. He rather not mingle with the crowds.
  103. Maybe find a separate territory? The young man was not sure but he was quick to begin preparation.
  104. (Falen)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [14:51] Redtael floats off to the side as the youths speak. He'd be watching quietly from the stool beside the tower.
  108. (Redtael)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [14:52] Leland shines bright like a diamond.
  112. (Leland Lelhua)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [15:00] Reunan nods slowly and lowers his voice slightly to a calm murmur, though not too quiet that others couldn't try to hear if they focused enough. His other ear began to lift slightly as his tail continued to wag behind him.
  117. "I know it's painful to have two people who want to protect you fight over the smallest of things. But you're making progress, so much progress even if it seems so very small to you." He reaches a hand out to her floating leg's knee, his energy pulsing outwardly once more, a protective aura that was actually as unbreakable as diamond. Oh so shiny.
  119. He pours fourth an energy that tries it's hardest to undo the pain given from such a wound but could only dull the pain, he wasn't there to protect her this time and his face looked absolutely haggard. His past few days had not been easy, the months even further from easy but every fight brought him closer toachieving things that others could never say of themselves. A self made man with an affinity for protection that never faltered for those who truly, truly needed it. Even if said protection was from themselves.
  121. "We'll get you a good rune crafter to assist with your leg. But you're going to have to start learning to assert yourself, okay? I know people don't like the way I treat you because they cannot understand the concept of what we go through and that sometimes.. we just need a little help. But where I have Lord Eiphraem here to help me continue on, you have me, your friends, even the vampire Lucien when he comes around or you see him elsewhere."
  122. (Reunan Volos)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [15:07] A relaxed sigh of sorts, the numbness in her leg dulling over the pain for the time being. Holy magic was nice like that, the leg twitching every so often but otherwise remaining a twisted, mangled mess. She yawns afterwards, drawing in his words quietly with that glassy eye'd verdant stair.
  127. "Okay..."
  129. Though she didn't sound very convinced. A quiet sagging of her shoulders accompanied by a limp-noodled shrug afterwards.
  131. "Master Lucien does not like you..."
  133. Stating the obvious like some kind of broken record, as if she thought he didn't know. The youth sniffling and rubbing her cloak lightly against the forming and commonplace nosebleeds she had. Both eyes blearily half-way shut.
  135. "Do you help me because it is the right thing to do?"
  137. It was yet another random, out of the blue questions. But Ashley did have a tendency to swap topics on the fly. Her eyes glancing around momentarily.
  138. (Ashley)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [15:14] Spending the rest of the collection coin he gathered. Falen would gaze around. He needed someone to latch on to. Maybe a ally. Friends were not needed. Feelings only cause weakness. But partnerships had benefits. Much he had to learn.
  143. He look around. Wondering where to find such.
  145. "Hmmm." Though the hunger he felt. He need to be careful around those who he call allies. As he was danger himself.
  146. (Falen)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [15:17] Tanya says, "Good evening all."
  150. [15:17] Redtael says, "Heya- Tanya."
  151. [15:17] Ashley says, "Hi.."
  152. [15:17] Redtael says, "Oh- Ashley"
  153. [15:17] Redtael says, "there's Tez."
  154. [15:17] Ashley says, "Oh.."
  155. [15:17] Ashley says, "He looks busy..."
  156. [15:17] Redtael gives her a look.
  157. (Redtael)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [15:18] Redtael says, "Tez- th is girl is ah-"
  161. [15:18] Ashley evidently, takes Tez enchanting a scroll over getting a prosthetic set up.
  162. (Ashley)
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [15:18] Redtael says, "She needs a prosthetic applied to her leg."
  166. [15:18] Tezoxochel Coza asks, "... ?"
  167. [15:18] Tezoxochel Coza says, "Oop."
  168. [15:18] Ashley says, ".. I have a prosthetic but.. No money.."
  169. [15:19] Reunan's healing pulse surges once more as he saw the twitches, he wished he could do something more, something to truly help where he could not have. Perhaps if he could simply.. give her his own leg to protect her. It would not protect her memories of the injury if he could, it wouldn't even have stopped the fight.. but it would be something he could do to protect someone who reminded him so much of himself, someone truly in need of aid that no one else seemed to see or believe.
  171. A small snort as his mind was distracted by the second statement, he knew all too well that the vampire did not like him. He didn't like the vampire either, there was something so bloodthirsty and manipulative about that creature in his eyes. Where Tepesh was a man in monstrous flesh, Lucien was a monster in the guise of a man from his view.
  173. Then came a question that was.. somewhat expected to be had, but none the less it was a start towards Ashley's self reliance in hiseyes. A question of intention. His chuckle ceased as a small smile formed, trying to seem calm even though he might cause her pain from what he was about to say.
  175. "Ashley, I help you because you need help in the same way that I need it. I help you because at my core I know that I'm worthless, but to someone else I can be worth something. I don't claim any steps on the moral high ground as to whom deserves protecting, I do at times deny someone protection who brings wrath upon themselves.. But in my heart I feel it is the right thing to do, to protect those I know I can protect, even if I get nothing out of it. Even if it causes me daily pain I'll know that I've offered what I can offer to the world. This is all that I can take from the world, this piece of mind... Oh look, an enchanter.
  177. Tez!"
  178. (Reunan Volos)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [15:19] Tezoxochel Coza says, "... Where's-- all the food..."
  182. [15:19] Tezoxochel grumbles.
  183. (Tezoxochel Coza)
  184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [15:20] Reunan Volos says, "I'll pay for her prosthetic. One nyesk and eight hundred coin."
  187. [15:20] Leland Lelhua asks, "Food...?"
  188. [15:20] Leland Lelhua says, "Oh."
  189. [15:20] Leland Lelhua says, "One moment."
  190. [15:20] Tanya says, "oh boy"
  191. [15:20] Redtael says, "She has the prothetic, she just needs it applied."
  192. [15:20] Redtael says, "i believe."
  193. [15:20] Reunan Volos says, "That's what I mean. "
  194. [15:20] Tanya says, "Trouble in paradise"
  195. [15:21] Leland Lelhua says, "There..."
  196. [15:21] Reunan Volos says, "Even runescribes need to make coin from the process."
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