
In Their Tongue She is Miki-kin

Feb 12th, 2013
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  1. The breeze blows quietly over the hill, my hood flapping along with it as I survey the scene in front of me.
  3. The fort is ancient, abandoned decades ago, and the wooden gates lay open for all to enter. Most don’t though, too afraid to enter the lightless confines, and for years what plunder entombed within stays safe. Of course, being a military fort, this is narrowed down to armaments along with what possessions garrisoned troop carried with them. Doesn’t matter to me though, loot is loot, and I need food in my stomach.
  5. I slide down the hill, dew-covered grass easing my way, and crouch low as I close in on the open gate. Flattening my back against the stone wall I peek inside, discovering nothing but overgrown remains of structures inside. Letting out a sigh of relief I stroll into the courtyard, avoiding the broken pieces of a cart, and looking for some sort of…
  7. AHAH!
  9. Across the courtyard is the door inside, oaken doors framed with wrought iron, and I quickly close in to open them. They’re heavy, but I’m small, and I only need a little room to squeeze through. Thankfully that room is easy to get, and I flop onto the dusty floor after forcing myself through the crack I make in the door. It’s dark, ridiculously so, and I fumble around for the small crystal I stole from the alchemist in town. It’s a lightstone, supposedly taken from a cave nearby that only shines in the darkness, and I mumble a silent prayer that it works as I pull it out.
  11. The sudden flicker of white light proves that something heard my prayer, and I wince at the intensity of the stone in my hand. Once I’ve adjusted to the light, I direct it as best I can in front of me, revealing a rather empty hallway. Sauntering down said hallway, I stop at each anterior room to check for valuables, finding nothing but dusty bowls and unreadable parchment.
  13. I guess most of the good stuff would be deeper in, probably down near the prison.
  15. Making my way deeper inside, I start to ponder just why this place was abandoned. I’ve heard several stories, everyone has their own version, and I’m drawn back to the tale my grandmother used to tell me.
  17. - - -
  19. Way back when there used to be a greedy warden that worked here. He would strip the possessions off all the inmates (and sometimes fellow soldiers), eventually amassing a large trove of gold and jewelry. His greed was so great that he even stole the golden teeth of executed prisoners, and his trove continued to grow until one day fate struck him back for his greed.
  21. Swooping out of the sky, a great red dragon dove onto the fort, routing the soldier occupying it. Its intent, as was wont of red dragons, was to seize all the shining treasure for its own horde. It tore through the fort, roasting men and women alive as it followed the call of the gold. The last person burnt was the warden himself, drawing a blade against the dragon to defend his own vice. Ever since then the king left the fort unoccupied, as if to serve as a warning to those who lived their live around money.
  23. - - -
  25. Of course I think this was just an embellished tale to scare me from stealing when I was young, but the story was nice. It was definitely better than the tale about the scarred ghost that haunted the halls wreathed in ethereal fire. All this musing helps me pass the time as I descend a spiral stairway into (what I’m hoping) is the prison. The sight of weapon racks with chains hanging from it proves I’m where I need to be, and I almost feel a smile cross my face when a heavy hand knocks me unconscious.
  27. - - -
  29. “So you thought you could steal my shit didya?”
  31. The rough voice in punctuated with a harsh backhand, throwing my head sideways. Snapping my eyes open, I wince in pain as I take a look at my kidna-
  33. Oh gods help me.
  35. The “dragon” from my grandmother’s story was real, and she stands in front of me now. Almost six feet of dark brown skin, crimson scales around her arms from the biceps down, and those same scales covering her thighs to her feet, forming into strange heel-like shoes showing off her dainty toes that impatiently tap as my sight starts to work its way upward. These same scales form a “bra” around her deliciously perky breasts that do nothing to cover the tender flesh sacks, and I notice that behind the tousled mane of brunette hair are two wings folded up.
  37. Finally bringing my gaze to her actual face, I’m drawn in by her amber colored irises as she scowls at me.
  39. “You’re the first fucker in sixty years that’s tried to make off with my shit, all the others are dead. Their ashes scattered amongst this room just like their dreams of handling my riches. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t crispify you right now,”
  41. She accentuates her threat by blowing out two gouts of steam from her nostrils, and I gulp in fear as I try to conjure some bullshit reason for her not to blaze me like a pipe. Unfortunately she doesn’t give me much time, and she glares at me angrily as she starts to back off, wings spreading as she takes a deep breath.
  43. “W-WAIT!” I scream, attempting to force a bit more time out of her. It works and her wings fold back as she gives me a quizzical look.
  45. Alright Hisao, time to use that silver tongue of yours.
  47. “You’ve been sitting here for sixty years right? You must be bored as all hell, and could use a companion!”
  49. Her eyes perk up at that, and she starts to close in on me as I continue.
  51. “Well look no further, name’s Hisao, and I’m a professional companion!”
  53. She stops for a second; gaze dropping to the ground in what I’m guessing is an attempt to figure out just what the hell I’m babbling about. Realizing my imminent death, I say a quick prayer for forgiveness and decide to look my killer in the eye as she vaporizes me.
  55. Wait… what the hell is…
  57. She gives me this weird look, closing in on me and breaking the chain holding me to the ceiling with a swipe of her hand. I drop to the ground, rubbing my wrists as she saunters away toward the exit, giving me a full view of her bare, heart shaped ass and the tail sprouting just above the crack that sways with her hips.
  59. Casting her gaze back, she gives me that same look before speaking.
  61. “Hurry up, or you’re toast,”
  63. Rubbing my raw wrists, I follow her deeper into the basement, passing by SEVERAL rooms filled with all manners of gold and silver. I hesitate for a second with each door passed, only moving again once the dragon huffs at me impatiently. Our destination is a large bedroom, still kept (partially) clean, and the dragon (Girl? Woman?) trots over to the large canopy bed, sitting down on the edge.
  65. “Well come the fuck on, ain’t got all year.” She gruffly states, eyes avoiding mine as I close the distance between us.
  67. Once I reach her, she points toward the floor with one finger, and I sit down only to have her grunt at me in frustration.
  69. “Not what I wanted, but fine, guess I get to start this party,” she murmurs before pushing me onto my back with one bony heel.
  71. With one flap of her wings she’s on me, straddling my body, and shredding my leather jerkin with one swipe. I yelp reflexively, and she scowls at me before flapping her wings once more. This time she straddles my head, and I’m greeted with the feeling of her sex on my face. It’s hot, hot enough to burn me, and I yelp into her folds as she drags her nails up my pants, peeling them off me in pieces.
  73. “Hahaa… not bad human,” she chuckles, warm breath hitting my now exposed cock.
  75. I did NOT expect this at all.
  77. Guess it could be worse though.
  79. “Hey! Get to work or it’s burny time, starting with this!” she shouts, wrapping one hand around my shaft and squeezing it harshly.
  81. Eager to stop the pain in my groin, I dive my tongue into her, surprised at the slightly sweet taste of her slit. I begin to swirl my tongue about in her, tracing her folds, and even giving her clitoris a quick lick. She approves apparently, death grip on my dick weakening, and being replaced by her tongue. She almost imitates my own movements, tracing the crown before running up and down the shaft. She puts her free hand to work, carefully maneuvering my cock to allow her tongue access to the entire surface, covering it in her saliva.
  83. Suddenly remembering that I have hands as well, I move one hand to assist in my ministrations, gently parting her lips so I can spear my tongue inside her deeper, my thumb idly flicking her nub as I work my jaw off to please her lest I end up ashes on the ground. She moans at my efforts, sending vibrations across my member as she kisses her way up its length, stopping to swirl her tongue around the tip before sliding it into her mouth.
  85. Now it’s my turn to moan, her lips forming this delicious tightness around my cock as she begins to bob her head up and down. It feels amazing, the hot, wet hole encasing my member as her tongue moves about inside, gently rubbing the underside as she moves her free hand to cradle my testicles. Grunting, I try to push back my impending orgasm, intending on coaxing hers out first.
  87. Doubling my efforts, I begin to flick my tongue rapidly inside her, hand now focusing solely on the hard nub as I desperately try to beat her in this race. My face is sticky with all the juices she lets out, her core becoming even hotter with each second, and I use my other hand to fondle her ample buttocks in an effort to hasten things along. Unfortunately, I start to feel my balls tighten in preparation for unloading, and I make my final gambit for victory.
  89. Taking my eyes of her sex, I see her tail moving about in midair, and I make the last ditch move. Taking my hand off her tight asscheek, I grab ahold of her tail, and give it a quick yank as I speed up the movement of my tongue.
  91. “Oh ffffffuck!” she breaks off my cock to scream, a fresh torrent of girly juices flooding my mouth as she cums.
  93. The feeling of her body spasm as she rides out her orgasm is nothing compared to the way she slams her head down on my crotch, taking my full length in one swoop and furiously working my length in her throes of pleasure. Taking that as the signal that everything is A-Ok, I let myself go, grunting in exertion as a torrent of off-white semen shoots into her mouth. The orgasm lasts longer than any I’ve had before, the dragon working my shaft with both hand and mouth to milk all of my seed out of me. Surprisingly she manages to swallow the entire load as well, cheeks inflating slightly between each gulp.
  95. After we’ve both come down from the high, she points me in the direction of the treasure, informing me that I’m allowed to take as much as I can carry, but only if I promise to return again in a fortnight. Smiling I agree, helping her off the floor and receiving a quick peck to the cheek (and a slap on the butt) as she pushes me out of the bedroom, turning back at the last second I ask her what her name is.
  97. “It’s Miki, short for Mikiiraen,” she smirks, shutting the door in my face, and I can hear her giggling through the slightly rotted wood.
  99. Best deal I’ve ever made.
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