
Predator If It Bleeds 45

Dec 23rd, 2023
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  1. Unnecessary adjustments-the helmet was already perfectly in place, because it sealed itself. It was as if a ghost were doing it. The heads-up display instantly lit up in response, with luminous green readouts alongside his shield mask.
  2. It probably wasn't as information-comprehensive as the Yautja's own bio-mask, but the HUD had a lot of sensors, it had sharp zoom function, and, rear view scanning. And it fit well.
  4. Nialls had spent a lot of time testing in two other prototype armored suits. The Mark I and Mark II suits didn't do a third of what this new one did. They'd been bulky, clumsy. But the Mark III... Nialls pulled on his left-hand gauntlet, thinking, The Mark III fits like a glove. He figured what he had to do today couldn't be tougher than that last Mosul action in Iraq. He signed on for the armor-testing assignment so he could help develop new
  5. ways to keep his brother Rangers alive. Rangers and every other American in combat. The Mark III had the potential to do the job. Super lightweight composite materials made The nanotech cut down on weight and energy consumption, easy to move in, and provided good ballistic protection, and it sped up responses.
  7. And the Yautja tech...First time he'd seen the original tech, from a Predator scout ship shot down in this same desert, he'd felt a long, cold shiver go through him. The marl and gnarl of that gear-definitely not something designed by human beings. They'd retro-engineered a good deal of it; energy flow from the extraterrestrial's bio-mask, the alternative micro-circuiting of the wrist gauntlet-and especially, the plasma caster.-pg.257 chpt.10
  9. After a moment, Javitz nodded. "I'll get 'er done, General. But-my rifle's not much use against that armor Nialls is wearing."
  11. "That's right-it stands up to snipers, small arms fire of all kinds, grenade fragments, flamethrowers, mines, and most IEDs. But you think it'll protect him from a 30mm cannon? He'll be pulverized inside it. Second shot'll blow it open. I'm giving you a Stryker outfitted with a cannon.”-pg.268 chpt.10
  13. Which meant that Nialls had no weapon now-his assault rifle was in that burning Humvee. But then, his armor was itself a weapon. He could batter down a metal door with it-or an enemy's skull.-pg.274 chpt.10
Tags: Predator
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