Guest User


a guest
Aug 22nd, 2016
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text 74.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [15:43:46 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8.8
  2. [15:43:46 INFO]: Loading properties
  3. [15:43:46 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  4. [15:43:46 INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52 (MC: 1.8.8) (Implementing API version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  5. [15:43:47 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  6. [15:43:47 INFO]: Using 8 threads for Netty based IO
  7. [15:43:47 INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
  8. [15:43:47 INFO]: Generating keypair
  9. [15:43:47 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25567
  10. [15:43:47 INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  11. [15:43:47 INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  12. [15:43:47 INFO]: [ReflectionHelper] Version is v1_8_R3 (10803)
  13. [15:43:47 INFO]: [INFO][NoCheatPlus] Mon Aug 22 15:43:47 CEST 2016
  14. [15:43:47 INFO]: Player instances are stored for efficiency.
  15. [15:43:47 INFO]: [ES] : USENCP = true
  17. [15:43:47 INFO]: [LinksOnSigns] Loading LinksOnSigns v1.9
  18. [15:43:47 INFO]: [SupplySign] Loading SupplySign v1.9.8
  19. [15:43:47 INFO]: [AnimeLimiter] Loading AnimeLimiter v1.0
  20. [15:43:47 INFO]: [InterestingFish] Loading InterestingFish v1.0
  21. [15:43:47 INFO]: [zPermissions] Loading zPermissions v1.3-SNAPSHOT
  22. [15:43:47 INFO]: [Lockette] Loading Lockette v1.8.36
  23. [15:43:47 INFO]: [ConsoleSpamFix] Loading ConsoleSpamFix v1.1.2
  24. [15:43:47 INFO]: [NoHitDelay] Loading NoHitDelay v2.2
  25. [15:43:47 INFO]: [AnimeCreative] Loading AnimeCreative v1.0
  26. [15:43:47 INFO]: [ItemShowCase] Loading ItemShowCase v3.0
  27. [15:43:47 INFO]: [BossBarAPI] Loading BossBarAPI v2.4.1
  28. [15:43:47 INFO]: [Edit_Mobs] Loading Edit_Mobs v1.7.3
  29. [15:43:47 INFO]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Loading EpicWorldGenerator v6.34-RELEASE
  30. [15:43:48 INFO]: [Realistic_World] Loading Realistic_World v1.9.2.1
  31. [15:43:48 INFO]: [NoCraftCreative] Loading NoCraftCreative v1.0
  32. [15:43:48 INFO]: [AntiInvisible] Loading AntiInvisible v69
  33. [15:43:48 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] Loading PlayerTahgs v1.3.2
  34. [15:43:48 INFO]: [LightAPI] Loading LightAPI v3.2.2
  35. [15:43:48 INFO]: [CustomEntitiesAPI] Loading CustomEntitiesAPI v1.5
  36. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityIronGolem with temp.CustomEntityIronGolem
  37. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySheep with temp.CustomEntitySheep
  38. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySkeleton with temp.CustomEntitySkeleton
  39. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityVillager with temp.CustomEntityVillager
  40. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityZombie with temp.CustomEntityZombie
  41. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityCreeper with temp.CustomEntityCreeper
  42. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySpider with temp.CustomEntitySpider
  43. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityGiantZombie with temp.CustomEntityGiantZombie
  44. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySlime with temp.CustomEntitySlime
  45. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityGhast with temp.CustomEntityGhast
  46. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityPigZombie with temp.CustomEntityPigZombie
  47. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityEnderman with temp.CustomEntityEnderman
  48. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityCaveSpider with temp.CustomEntityCaveSpider
  49. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySilverfish with temp.CustomEntitySilverfish
  50. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityBlaze with temp.CustomEntityBlaze
  51. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityMagmaCube with temp.CustomEntityMagmaCube
  52. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityEnderDragon with temp.CustomEntityEnderDragon
  53. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityWither with temp.CustomEntityWither
  54. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityBat with temp.CustomEntityBat
  55. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityWitch with temp.CustomEntityWitch
  56. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityEndermite with temp.CustomEntityEndermite
  57. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityGuardian with temp.CustomEntityGuardian
  58. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityPig with temp.CustomEntityPig
  59. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityCow with temp.CustomEntityCow
  60. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityChicken with temp.CustomEntityChicken
  61. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySquid with temp.CustomEntitySquid
  62. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityWolf with temp.CustomEntityWolf
  63. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityMushroomCow with temp.CustomEntityMushroomCow
  64. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntitySnowman with temp.CustomEntitySnowman
  65. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityOcelot with temp.CustomEntityOcelot
  66. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityHorse with temp.CustomEntityHorse
  67. [15:43:48 INFO]: Overridden entity EntityRabbit with temp.CustomEntityRabbit
  68. [15:43:48 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Loading AsyncWorldEditInjector v3.3.5
  69. [15:43:48 INFO]: [HealthBar] Loading HealthBar v1.8.2
  70. [15:43:48 INFO]: [SuperSaiyan] Loading SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
  71. [15:43:48 INFO]: [CPS-Alert] Loading CPS-Alert v1.0
  72. [15:43:48 INFO]: [OpenInv] Loading OpenInv v2.2.4
  73. [15:43:48 INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials vTeamCity
  74. [15:43:48 INFO]: [GameModeInventories] Loading GameModeInventories v2.5.4
  75. [15:43:48 INFO]: [ClearLag] Loading ClearLag v2.9.3
  76. [15:43:48 INFO]: [ChatControl] Loading ChatControl v7.0.10
  77. [15:43:48 INFO]: [AutoMessage] Loading AutoMessage v2.5.2
  78. [15:43:48 INFO]: [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.8.6
  79. [15:43:48 INFO]: [Votifier] Loading Votifier v1.8
  80. [15:43:48 INFO]: [Yamler] Loading Yamler v2.2.3-SNAPSHOTb-73
  81. [15:43:48 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5-b699
  82. [15:43:48 INFO]: [TimedCommands] Loading TimedCommands vFINAL
  83. [15:43:48 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v3.7-SNAPSHOT-b232
  84. [15:43:49 INFO]: [LibsDisguises] Loading LibsDisguises v8.6.8
  85. [15:43:49 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Loading NoCheatPlus v3.13.7-RC-sMD5NET-b925
  86. [15:43:49 INFO]: onLoad: Early set up of static API, configuration, logging.
  87. [15:43:49 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Logging system initialized.
  88. [15:43:49 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Detected Minecraft version: 1.8.8
  89. [15:43:49 INFO]: [AnimePvP] Loading AnimePvP v1.0
  90. [15:43:49 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Loading AsyncWorldEdit v3.4.1
  91. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat vTeamCity
  92. [15:43:49 INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.4.1-b436
  93. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Loading ProtocolSupport v4.22.1
  94. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Allocator: PooledByteBufAllocator(directByDefault: true), direct: true
  95. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Compression level: 3
  96. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Assume 1.5.2 ping delay: 500
  97. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Assume legacy ping dealy: 1000
  98. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Login threads max count: 8, keep alive time: 60
  99. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Using injected ServerConnection
  100. [15:43:49 INFO]: [PlayerParticles] Loading PlayerParticles v2.6
  101. [15:43:49 INFO]: [LightSource] Loading LightSource v3.1.0
  102. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: permission
  103. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: entity
  104. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: world
  105. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: update
  106. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: play_effect
  107. [15:43:49 INFO]: <LightSource>: Registered new flag: delete_light
  108. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EnderPearlCoolDown] Loading EnderPearlCoolDown v1.5.0
  109. [15:43:49 INFO]: [NoGodModePVP] Loading NoGodModePVP v1.0
  110. [15:43:49 INFO]: [AntiCommandTab] Loading AntiCommandTab v3.4
  111. [15:43:49 INFO]: [DabCore] Loading DabCore v1.1f
  112. [15:43:49 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.1.13
  113. [15:43:49 INFO]: [BlueShop] Loading BlueShop v2.1.6
  114. [15:43:49 INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Loading PlayerPoints v2.1.3
  115. [15:43:49 INFO]: [TheUnderground] Loading TheUnderground v5.7
  116. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect vTeamCity
  117. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EditableSign] Loading EditableSign v2.2.0
  118. [15:43:49 INFO]: [SimpleVoteListener] Loading SimpleVoteListener v2.6
  119. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn vTeamCity
  120. [15:43:49 INFO]: [PlayerHeads] Loading PlayerHeads v3.9-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-50-g9b018cd
  121. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  122. [15:43:49 INFO]: [TryMe] Loading TryMe v4.5.0
  123. [15:43:49 INFO]: [BlockVersion] Loading BlockVersion v1.2
  124. [15:43:49 INFO]: [LiteBans] Loading LiteBans v2.1.7
  125. [15:43:49 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Loading GuiPlayerShop v2.4.4
  126. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WhatIsIt] Loading WhatIsIt v1.3.8
  127. [15:43:49 INFO]: [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1267)
  128. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ColoredTags] Loading ColoredTags v2.1.3
  129. [15:43:49 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] Loading VanishNoPacket v3.20
  130. [15:43:49 INFO]: [BattleLevels] Loading BattleLevels v7.1.1
  131. [15:43:49 INFO]: [AnimeFishSell] Loading AnimeFishSell v1.0
  132. [15:43:49 INFO]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Loading EnjinMinecraftPlugin v2.7.7
  133. [15:43:49 INFO]: [floAuction] Loading floAuction v3.0.4
  134. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.9
  135. [15:43:49 INFO]: [Factions] Loading Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2
  136. [15:43:49 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading MythicMobs v2.4.5
  137. [15:43:49 INFO]: [DeathMessages] Loading DeathMessages v1.10.0
  138. [15:43:49 INFO]: [FactionFly] Loading FactionFly v1.6
  139. [15:43:49 INFO]: [CommandNPC] Loading CommandNPC v1.7.2
  140. [15:43:49 INFO]: [PvPManager] Loading PvPManager v3.5.8.3
  141. [15:43:49 INFO]: [Bank] Loading Bank v2.4l
  142. [15:43:49 INFO]: [FactionWars] Loading FactionWars v2.4
  143. [15:43:49 INFO]: [Jobs] Loading Jobs v3.5.7
  144. [15:43:49 INFO]: [CrateReloaded] Loading CrateReloaded v1.3.78
  145. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WGCustomFlags] Loading WGCustomFlags v1.7
  146. [15:43:49 INFO]: [ChestShop] Loading ChestShop v3.7.15
  147. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WGPlayerDamageFlags] Loading WGPlayerDamageFlags v0.6
  148. [15:43:49 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Loading BossShopPro v1.1.3
  149. [15:43:49 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loading LeaderHeads v2.5.2
  150. [15:43:49 INFO]: [WGFlyFlag] Loading WGFlyFlag v0.2
  151. [15:43:49 INFO]: [MyPet] Loading MyPet v2.1.7
  152. [15:43:49 INFO]: [zPermissions] Enabling zPermissions v1.3-SNAPSHOT
  153. [15:43:49 INFO]: [zPermissions] 1.3-SNAPSHOT (build: ) starting...
  154. [15:43:49 INFO]: DataSourcePool [zPermissions] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20]
  155. [15:43:49 INFO]: DatabasePlatform name:zPermissions platform:mysql
  156. [15:43:49 INFO]: SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader []
  157. [15:43:50 INFO]: Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[10]
  158. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] Checking database schema...
  159. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] Current schema version: 7 (Thu Jul 28 19:10:12 CEST 2016)
  160. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] 0 entities to migrate
  161. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] 0 memberships to migrate
  162. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] Nothing to migrate
  163. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] Using database storage strategy.
  164. [15:43:50 INFO]: [zPermissions] Loading all permissions from database...
  165. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] Finished initial load (959 ms).
  166. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] Using storage strategy as first-level UUID resolver.
  167. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] WorldGuard region support: Waiting
  168. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] Installed native Vault Permissions bridge
  169. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] Installed native Vault Chat bridge
  170. [15:43:51 INFO]: [zPermissions] 1.3-SNAPSHOT (build: ) enabled.
  171. [15:43:51 INFO]: [ConsoleSpamFix] Enabling ConsoleSpamFix v1.1.2
  172. [15:43:51 INFO]: [ConsoleSpamFix] Config file loaded!
  173. [15:43:51 INFO]: [ConsoleSpamFix] ConsoleSpamFix has been successfully loaded!
  174. [15:43:51 INFO]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Enabling EpicWorldGenerator v6.34-RELEASE
  175. [15:43:52 INFO]: Loading EWG schematics (.EWG);
  176. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_tropicalForest_medium_2
  177. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_forest_house
  178. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_big
  179. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_tiny_3
  180. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_normal_2
  181. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_fantasy_small_3
  182. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_stoneForest_normal_3
  183. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_big_2
  184. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_small
  185. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_tropicalForest_small_1
  186. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_tiny_2
  187. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_normal
  188. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_small_2
  189. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_birch_normal_4
  190. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_big_3
  191. [15:43:52 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_theunderground_mine2
  192. [15:43:53 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_birch_normal
  193. [15:43:53 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_normal
  194. [15:43:53 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_medium
  195. [15:43:53 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_normal_2
  196. [15:43:53 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_theunderground_mine3
  197. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_medium
  198. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_big_2
  199. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_portals_204
  200. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_normal
  201. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_medium_2
  202. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_tiny
  203. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_stoneForest_normal
  204. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_fantasy_normal
  205. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_tropicalForest_medium_1
  206. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_normal
  207. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_big
  208. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_normal_2
  209. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_jungle_tower
  210. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_small
  211. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_big
  212. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_fantasy_small_2
  213. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_medium_2
  214. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_fantasy_normal_2
  215. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_normal_3
  216. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_tropicalForest_medium_4
  217. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_small_3
  218. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_small_2
  219. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_medium
  220. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_huge
  221. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_normal_2
  222. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_small
  223. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_huge
  224. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_tiny
  225. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_normal
  226. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_tiny
  227. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_small
  228. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_medium
  229. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_theunderground_mine1
  230. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_stoneForest_normal_2
  231. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_fantasy_small
  232. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_huge
  233. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_medium
  234. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; DECO_desert_tower
  235. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_birch_normal_2
  236. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_normal_4
  237. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_forgottenForest_medium_5
  238. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_dead_huge
  239. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_bonsai_big
  240. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_jungle_small_3
  241. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_forgottenForest_normal_3
  242. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_nether_normal
  243. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_tropicalForest_medium_3
  244. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_birch_normal_3
  245. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_huge
  246. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_pine_tiny_2
  247. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_forgottenForest_medium_4
  248. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_medium_2
  249. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_forgottenForest_medium
  250. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_willow_big
  251. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Loading EWG file; TREES_forgottenForest_normal_2
  252. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
  253. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW]
  254. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] EpicWorldGenerator has been enabled!
  255. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW]
  256. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Your version: 6.34-RELEASE
  257. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW]
  258. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Plugin provided by minelazz
  259. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW]
  260. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Licensed to: 2961
  261. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW]
  262. [15:43:54 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
  263. [15:43:54 INFO]: [Realistic_World] Enabling Realistic_World v1.9.2.1
  264. [15:43:54 INFO]: Loading RWG...
  265. [15:43:54 INFO]: Overwrite
  266. [15:43:54 INFO]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  267. [15:43:54 INFO]:
  268. [15:43:54 INFO]: Everything is fine, thanks for using a licensed version! Hopefully you support the plugin ;)
  269. [15:43:54 INFO]:
  270. [15:43:54 INFO]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  271. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Enabling AsyncWorldEditInjector v3.3.5
  272. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Injector platform set to: InjectorBukkit
  273. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Injecting WorldEdit classes...
  274. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession injected.
  275. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.function.operation.Operations injected.
  276. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.SchematicCommands injected.
  277. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.ScriptingCommands injected.
  278. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.RegionCommands injected.
  279. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Enabled
  280. [15:43:54 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v3.7-SNAPSHOT-b232
  281. [15:43:54 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  282. [15:43:54 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Enabling AsyncWorldEdit v3.4.1
  283. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Plugin installed
  284. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Platform set to Bukkit API
  285. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] DirectChunkAPI adapter set to Spigot v1.8 R3
  286. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] PlotMeFix set to class org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.plotme.NullFix.
  287. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] New class factory set to: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.injector.async.AsyncClassFactory
  288. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Enabled
  289. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.4.1-b436
  290. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  291. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault][Permission] zPermissions hooked.
  292. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] zPermissions found: Loaded
  293. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  294. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault][Chat] zPermissions hooked.
  295. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] zPermissions found: Loaded
  296. [15:43:55 INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.4.1-b436
  297. [15:43:55 INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Enabling ProtocolSupport v4.22.1
  298. [15:43:55 INFO]: [TheUnderground] Enabling TheUnderground v5.7
  299. [15:43:55 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] You have the latest version of the plugin.
  300. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  301. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  302. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  303. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  304. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  305. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  306. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  307. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  308. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  309. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  310. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  311. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  312. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  313. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  314. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  315. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  316. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  317. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  318. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  319. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  320. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  321. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  322. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  323. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  324. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  325. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  326. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  327. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  328. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  329. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  330. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  331. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  332. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  333. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  334. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  335. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWolf'
  336. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  337. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  338. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  339. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  340. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  341. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  342. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  343. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  344. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  345. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  346. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  347. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  348. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  349. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  350. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  351. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  352. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  353. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  354. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityOcelot'
  355. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  356. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  357. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  358. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  359. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  360. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  361. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  362. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  363. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  364. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  365. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  366. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  367. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  368. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  369. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  370. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityOcelot'
  371. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  372. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  373. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  374. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  375. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  376. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  377. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  378. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  379. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  380. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  381. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  382. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  383. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  384. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  385. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  386. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  387. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  388. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  389. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  390. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  391. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  392. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  393. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  394. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  395. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  396. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  397. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  398. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  399. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  400. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  401. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  402. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  403. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  404. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  405. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  406. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  407. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  408. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  409. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  410. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  411. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  412. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  413. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  414. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  415. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  416. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  417. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  418. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySheep'
  419. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityRabbit'
  420. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityPig'
  421. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  422. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCow'
  423. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityChicken'
  424. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  425. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  426. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  427. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySpider'
  428. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityZombie'
  429. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySkeleton'
  430. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityCreeper'
  431. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySlime'
  432. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityEnderman'
  433. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityWitch'
  434. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntitySquid'
  435. [15:43:55 WARN]: [EpicWorldGenerator] Could not find right class for mob; 'CustomEntityBat'
  436. [15:43:55 INFO]: Loaded: River
  437. [15:43:55 INFO]: [TheUnderground -FW] Biome stoneforest will not be generated.
  438. [15:43:55 INFO]: Loaded: TheUnderground
  439. [15:43:55 INFO]: Loaded: TUFlat
  440. [15:43:55 INFO]: Loaded: TULavaOcean
  442. [15:43:55 WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  443. [15:43:55 WARN]: Whilst this makes it possible to use BungeeCord, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  444. [15:43:55 WARN]: Please see for further information.
  445. [15:43:55 WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  446. [15:43:55 INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  447. [15:43:55 INFO]: Preparing level "montagna"
  448. [15:43:55 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 227290)
  449. [15:43:56 INFO]: [LinksOnSigns] Enabling LinksOnSigns v1.9
  450. [15:43:56 INFO]: [LinksOnSigns][LinksOnSigns] loading LinksOnSigns v1.9
  451. [15:43:56 INFO]: [SupplySign] Enabling SupplySign v1.9.8
  452. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign: ShowErrorsInClient=false
  453. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign: FixSignOnSignGlitch=SupplySignOnly
  454. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign: AllowNonOpAccess=false
  455. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign loaded 975 items.
  456. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign loaded 1 kits from kits.yml.
  457. [15:43:56 INFO]: SupplySign version 1.9.8 is enabled!
  458. [15:43:56 INFO]: [AnimeLimiter] Enabling AnimeLimiter v1.0
  459. [15:43:56 INFO]: [InterestingFish] Enabling InterestingFish v1.0
  460. [15:43:56 INFO]: [InterestingFish] Initialized with 7 descriptors
  461. [15:43:56 INFO]: [InterestingFish] 7 Descriptors & 14 Breeds loaded
  462. [15:43:56 INFO]: [InterestingFish] lazertester's InterestingFish is enabled!
  463. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Enabling Lockette v1.8.36
  464. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Version 1.8.36 is being enabled! Yay! (Core version 1.3.5)
  465. [15:43:56 INFO]: minor >
  466. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Detected Bukkit version [v1_8_R3] ok.
  467. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Custom lockable block list: [116, 84, 57, 145, 154]
  468. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Ignoring linked plugins: [mcMMO]
  469. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Loading strings file for English by Acru
  470. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Using ops file for admin permissions.
  471. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Lockette] Ready to protect your containers.
  472. [15:43:56 INFO]: [NoHitDelay] Enabling NoHitDelay v2.2
  473. [15:43:56 INFO]: [NoHitDelay] NoHitDelay v2.2 by Hendrik_the_best enable
  474. [15:43:56 INFO]: [AnimeCreative] Enabling AnimeCreative v1.0
  475. [15:43:56 INFO]: [ItemShowCase] Enabling ItemShowCase v3.0
  476. [15:43:56 INFO]: [BossBarAPI] Enabling BossBarAPI v2.4.1
  477. [15:43:56 INFO]: [Edit_Mobs] Enabling Edit_Mobs v1.7.3
  478. [15:43:56 INFO]: Edit Mobs v1.0 has been ENABLED!
  479. [15:43:56 INFO]: Edit Mobs v1.0 Created by winjw7
  480. [15:43:57 INFO]: [NoCraftCreative] Enabling NoCraftCreative v1.0
  481. [15:43:57 INFO]: [AntiInvisible] Enabling AntiInvisible v69
  482. [15:43:57 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] Enabling PlayerTahgs v1.3.2
  483. [15:43:57 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] Enabling listeners...
  484. [15:43:57 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] Listeners enabled successfully!
  485. [15:43:57 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] Setting up hashtags...
  486. [15:43:57 INFO]: [PlayerTahgs] PlayerTahgs v1.3.2 by DonkeyTeeth2013 has been enabled!
  487. [15:43:57 INFO]: [LightAPI] Enabling LightAPI v3.2.2
  488. [15:43:57 INFO]: <LightAPI>: Loading handler for Spigot git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52 (MC: 1.8.8)
  489. [15:43:57 INFO]: [CustomEntitiesAPI] Enabling CustomEntitiesAPI v1.5
  490. [15:43:57 INFO]: [HealthBar] Enabling HealthBar v1.8.2
  491. [15:43:57 INFO]: [SuperSaiyan] Enabling SuperSaiyan v10.0 | (1.9.x)
  492. [15:43:57 INFO]: [SuperSaiyan] Super Saiyan has been ENABLED 10.0 | (1.9.x)
  493. [15:43:57 INFO]: [CPS-Alert] Enabling CPS-Alert v1.0
  494. [15:43:57 INFO]: [OpenInv] Enabling OpenInv v2.2.4
  495. [15:43:57 INFO]: [OpenInv] Your version of CraftBukkit is not supported.
  496. [15:43:57 INFO]: [OpenInv] Please look for an updated version of OpenInv.
  497. [15:43:57 INFO]: [OpenInv] Disabling OpenInv v2.2.4
  498. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials vTeamCity
  499. [15:43:57 INFO]: Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
  500. [15:43:57 INFO]: git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52 (MC: 1.8.8)
  501. [15:43:57 INFO]: 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  502. [15:43:57 INFO]: Using locale it
  503. [15:43:57 INFO]: Using locale it
  504. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  505. [15:43:57 INFO]: Essentials: Using zPermissions based permissions.
  506. [15:43:57 INFO]: [GameModeInventories] Enabling GameModeInventories v2.5.4
  507. [15:43:57 INFO]: [GameModeInventories] Invalid material in blacklist
  508. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ClearLag] Enabling ClearLag v2.9.3
  509. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ClearLag] Loading modules...
  510. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ClearLag] Modules enabed, loading config values
  511. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ClearLag] Modules have been loaded!
  512. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ClearLag] Clearlag is now enabled!
  513. [15:43:57 INFO]: [ChatControl] Enabling ChatControl v7.0.10
  514. [15:43:57 INFO]: _____ _ _ _____ _ _ +
  515. [15:43:57 INFO]: / ____| | | | / ____| | | | |
  516. [15:43:57 INFO]: | | | |__ __ _| |_| | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | |
  517. [15:43:57 INFO]: | | | '_ \ / _` | __| | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| |
  518. [15:43:57 INFO]: | |____| | | | (_| | |_| |___| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | |
  519. [15:43:57 INFO]: \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\_____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| \___/|_|
  520. [15:43:57 INFO]:
  521. [15:43:57 INFO]: Configuration loads..
  522. [15:43:57 INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  523. [15:43:57 INFO]: NOTICE: MySQL support is in beta stage.
  524. [15:43:57 INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  525. [15:43:57 INFO]: Connecting to MySQL database...
  526. [15:43:57 INFO]:
  527. [15:43:57 INFO]: Checking compatible plugins..
  528. [15:43:57 INFO]: Rules loads now..
  529. [15:43:57 INFO]: Listening starts..
  530. [15:43:57 INFO]:
  531. [15:43:57 INFO]: Chat now controls. (took 32 ms)
  532. [15:43:57 INFO]: ______________________________________________________________
  533. [15:43:57 INFO]:
  534. [15:43:57 INFO]: [AutoMessage] Enabling AutoMessage v2.5.2
  535. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.8.6
  536. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using elliptic/round border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
  537. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  538. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "plotworld" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  539. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "lava" has border radius 2000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  540. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "Foresta" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  541. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "nether" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  542. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "fazioni2" has border radius 17000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  543. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "Spawn" has border radius 400 at X: 1463,0 Z: -279,5
  544. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "world" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  545. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "fazioni3" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  546. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "world_the_end" has border radius 20000 at X: 0,0 Z: 0,0
  547. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "RealFaction" has border radius 12000 at X: -648,5 Z: -478,5
  548. [15:43:57 INFO]: [WorldBorder] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: -28,0 Y: 196,0 Z: 222,0
  549. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.8
  550. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Votifier] Votifier enabled.
  551. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Yamler] Enabling Yamler v2.2.3-SNAPSHOTb-73
  552. [15:43:57 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b699
  553. [15:43:57 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -48380550695622893)
  554. [15:43:58 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 1901351343163015145)
  555. [15:43:58 INFO]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~[ EWG Settings for TheUnderground ]~~~~~~~~~~~~
  556. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Generation version: 6.34
  557. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Biomes:
  558. [15:43:58 INFO]: + TULavaOcean
  559. [15:43:58 INFO]: > EWG Schematics:
  560. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Trees:
  561. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Ores:
  562. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIRT | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  563. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GRAVEL | Size: 33 | Count: 8 |
  564. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  565. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  566. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  567. [15:43:58 INFO]: - COAL_ORE | Size: 17 | Count: 20 |
  568. [15:43:58 INFO]: - IRON_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  569. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GOLD_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 2 |
  570. [15:43:58 INFO]: - REDSTONE_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 8 |
  571. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIAMOND_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 1 |
  572. [15:43:58 INFO]: - LAPIS_ORE | Size: 7 | Count: 1 |
  573. [15:43:58 INFO]: - EMERALD_ORE | Size: 4 | Count: 2 |
  574. [15:43:58 INFO]: - OBSIDIAN | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  575. [15:43:58 INFO]: - SOUL_SAND | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  576. [15:43:58 INFO]: + TheUnderground
  577. [15:43:58 INFO]: > EWG Schematics:
  578. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Trees:
  579. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Ores:
  580. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIRT | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  581. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GRAVEL | Size: 33 | Count: 8 |
  582. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  583. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  584. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  585. [15:43:58 INFO]: - COAL_ORE | Size: 17 | Count: 20 |
  586. [15:43:58 INFO]: - IRON_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  587. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GOLD_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 2 |
  588. [15:43:58 INFO]: - REDSTONE_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 8 |
  589. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIAMOND_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 1 |
  590. [15:43:58 INFO]: - LAPIS_ORE | Size: 7 | Count: 1 |
  591. [15:43:58 INFO]: - EMERALD_ORE | Size: 4 | Count: 2 |
  592. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STAINED_CLAY | Size: 17 | Count: 20 |
  593. [15:43:58 INFO]: - OBSIDIAN | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  594. [15:43:58 INFO]: - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1 | Size: 9 | Count: 5 |
  595. [15:43:58 INFO]: - SOUL_SAND | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  596. [15:43:58 INFO]: + TUFlat
  597. [15:43:58 INFO]: > EWG Schematics:
  598. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Trees:
  599. [15:43:58 INFO]: > Ores:
  600. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIRT | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  601. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GRAVEL | Size: 33 | Count: 8 |
  602. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  603. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  604. [15:43:58 INFO]: - STONE | Size: 33 | Count: 10 |
  605. [15:43:58 INFO]: - COAL_ORE | Size: 17 | Count: 20 |
  606. [15:43:58 INFO]: - IRON_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  607. [15:43:58 INFO]: - GOLD_ORE | Size: 9 | Count: 2 |
  608. [15:43:58 INFO]: - REDSTONE_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 8 |
  609. [15:43:58 INFO]: - DIAMOND_ORE | Size: 8 | Count: 1 |
  610. [15:43:58 INFO]: - LAPIS_ORE | Size: 7 | Count: 1 |
  611. [15:43:58 INFO]: - EMERALD_ORE | Size: 4 | Count: 2 |
  612. [15:43:58 INFO]: - OBSIDIAN | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  613. [15:43:58 INFO]: - SOUL_SAND | Size: 9 | Count: 20 |
  614. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Base height: 100
  615. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Sea level: 90
  616. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Biome size: 1350.0
  617. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Stone mix: true
  618. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> EWG Schematics: true
  619. [15:43:58 INFO]: -> Optimized for mc version: 1.8/1.9
  620. [15:43:59 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: 4098407694807552950)
  621. [15:43:59 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: -3505522324363341323)
  622. [15:43:59 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 5 - World(s) loaded.
  623. [15:43:59 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5-b699 (API v19) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  624. [15:43:59 INFO]: [TimedCommands] Enabling TimedCommands vFINAL
  625. [15:43:59 INFO]: [TimedCommands] Starting...
  626. [15:43:59 INFO]: [TimedCommands] Loaded 1 Commands!
  627. [15:43:59 INFO]: [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v8.6.8
  628. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Enabling NoCheatPlus v3.13.7-RC-sMD5NET-b925
  629. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] McAccess set to: 1.8.4-1.8.8 / Spigot-CB-1.8_R3
  630. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.5 blocks.
  631. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.6.1 blocks.
  632. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.7.2 blocks.
  633. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.8 blocks.
  634. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Inventory checks: FastConsume is available, disabled InstantEat.
  635. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Adding packet level hooks for ProtocolLib (MC 1.8.8)...
  636. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Available (and activated) packet level hooks: UseEntityAdapter | MovingFlying | OutgoingPosition | KeepAliveAdapter | SoundDistance
  637. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Version 3.13.7-RC-sMD5NET-b925 is enabled.
  638. [15:44:00 INFO]: [AnimePvP] Enabling AnimePvP v1.0
  639. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat vTeamCity
  640. [15:44:00 INFO]: [PlayerParticles] Enabling PlayerParticles v2.6
  641. [15:44:00 INFO]: [LightSource] Enabling LightSource v3.1.0
  642. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: sealatern
  643. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: lavabucket
  644. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: glowstone
  645. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: jack
  646. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: redstonelamp
  647. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: torch
  648. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: endrod
  649. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: furnace
  650. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: redstoneore
  651. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: redstonetorch
  652. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: enderchest
  653. [15:44:00 INFO]: <LightSource>: Added new item: testItem
  654. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EnderPearlCoolDown] Enabling EnderPearlCoolDown v1.5.0
  655. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EnderPearlCoolDown] Vault hooked. Enderpearl throwing price enabled.
  656. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodModePVP] Enabling NoGodModePVP v1.0
  657. [15:44:00 INFO]: Essentials found!
  658. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodPVP] Enabling listeners..
  659. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodPVP] creativefly loaded
  660. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodPVP] gamemode loaded
  661. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodPVP] vanish-potion creativefly loaded
  662. [15:44:00 INFO]: [NoGodPVP] vanish-splash loaded
  663. [15:44:00 INFO]: NoGodPVP has been enabled!
  664. [15:44:00 INFO]: [AntiCommandTab] Enabling AntiCommandTab v3.4
  665. [15:44:00 INFO]: [DabCore] Enabling DabCore v1.1f
  666. [15:44:00 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.1.13
  667. [15:44:00 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, adding support for player relative variables.
  668. [15:44:00 INFO]: [BlueShop] Enabling BlueShop v2.1.6
  669. [15:44:00 INFO]: [BlueShop] Loaded Vault successfully
  670. [15:44:00 INFO]: [BlueShop] 724 Items loaded
  671. [15:44:00 INFO]: [BlueShop] Metrics enabled: Submitting
  672. [15:44:00 INFO]: [BlueShop] Enabled!
  673. [15:44:00 INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Enabling PlayerPoints v2.1.3
  674. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect vTeamCity
  675. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EditableSign] Enabling EditableSign v2.2.0
  676. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EditableSign] EditableSign version 2.2.0 is Enabled
  677. [15:44:00 INFO]: [SimpleVoteListener] Enabling SimpleVoteListener v2.6
  678. [15:44:00 INFO]: [SimpleVoteListener] Config file found. Using it!
  679. [15:44:00 INFO]: [SimpleVoteListener] SimpleVoteListener 2.6 successfully enabled.
  680. [15:44:00 INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn vTeamCity
  681. [15:44:00 INFO]: [PlayerHeads] Enabling PlayerHeads v3.9-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-50-g9b018cd
  682. [15:44:00 INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  683. [15:44:01 INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
  684. [15:44:01 INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_8_R3 as the Bukkit adapter
  685. [15:44:01 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Initializing WorldEdit.
  686. [15:44:01 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Direct chunk commands...enabled
  687. [15:44:01 INFO]: [TryMe] Enabling TryMe v4.5.0
  688. [15:44:01 INFO]: [TryMe] Version 4.5.0 has been enabled
  689. [15:44:01 INFO]: [TryMe] Vault was found - Enabling economy capabilities.
  690. [15:44:01 INFO]: [TryMe] Connected to Mysql
  691. [15:44:01 INFO]: [BlockVersion] Enabling BlockVersion v1.2
  692. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] Enabling LiteBans v2.1.7
  693. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] Loading SQL driver: mysql (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
  694. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] Connecting to database...
  695. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] Connected to [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/factionperm] (10,1 ms).
  696. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] [Sync] Server name: litebans
  697. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] [Sync] Server UUID: 909f57ca2c834f38b29e65088679456b
  698. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] Database connection fully initialized (15,1 ms).
  699. [15:44:01 INFO]: [LiteBans] v2.1.7 enabled. Startup took 133 ms.
  700. [15:44:01 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Enabling GuiPlayerShop v2.4.4
  701. [15:44:02 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Setting up connection pool...
  702. [15:44:02 WARN]: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
  703. [15:44:02 WARN]: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
  704. [15:44:02 WARN]: SLF4J: See for further details.
  705. [15:44:02 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Connection pool setup!
  706. [15:44:02 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Setting up tables...
  707. [15:44:02 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] The table has already been altered to support full item blob.
  708. [15:44:02 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] Tables setup!
  709. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WhatIsIt] Enabling WhatIsIt v1.3.8
  710. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WhatIsIt] has been enabled.
  711. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1267)
  712. [15:44:02 ERROR]: [Citizens] Missing preferred location bundle.
  713. [15:44:02 INFO]: [ColoredTags] Enabling ColoredTags v2.1.3
  714. [15:44:02 INFO]: [ColoredTags] Hooked HealthBar plugin!
  715. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] Enabling VanishNoPacket v3.20
  716. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] Colored nametags enabled, but I couldn't find TagAPI
  717. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] For awesome colored nametags on vanish, visit
  718. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket]
  719. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] and download TagAPI.jar
  720. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] Now hooking into Essentials
  721. [15:44:02 INFO]: [VanishNoPacket] 3.20 loaded.
  722. [15:44:02 INFO]: [BattleLevels] Enabling BattleLevels v7.1.1
  723. [15:44:02 INFO]: [BattleLevels] Please install WorldGuard 6 or later to use the special zones.
  724. [15:44:02 INFO]: [AnimeFishSell] Enabling AnimeFishSell v1.0
  725. [15:44:02 INFO]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Enabling EnjinMinecraftPlugin v2.7.7
  726. [15:44:02 INFO]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] MC 1.3 or above found, enabling version 2 XP handling.
  727. [15:44:02 INFO]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] MC 1.7.2 or above found, enabling version 2 log handling.
  728. [15:44:02 INFO]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Couldn't find the TuxTwoLib plugin. Only able to give items to online players only.
  729. [15:44:02 WARN]: [EnjinMinecraftPlugin] Economy plugin is not enabled.
  730. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Enjin Minecraft Plugin] Votifier plugin found, enabling Votifier support.
  731. [15:44:02 INFO]: [floAuction] Enabling floAuction v3.0.4
  732. [15:44:02 INFO]: AnimeAste has been enabled.
  733. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.9
  734. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (montagna) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  735. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (montagna) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  736. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (montagna) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  737. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (montagna) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  738. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'montagna'
  739. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Fazioni) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  740. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Fazioni) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  741. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Fazioni) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  742. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Fazioni) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  743. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Fazioni'
  744. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (RealFaction) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  745. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (RealFaction) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  746. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (RealFaction) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  747. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (RealFaction) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  748. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'RealFaction'
  749. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (TheUnderground) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  750. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (TheUnderground) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  751. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (TheUnderground) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  752. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (TheUnderground) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  753. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'TheUnderground'
  754. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (eventi) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  755. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (eventi) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  756. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (eventi) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  757. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (eventi) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  758. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'eventi'
  759. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] 3 regions loaded for 'montagna'
  760. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] 24 regions loaded for 'Fazioni'
  761. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] 8 regions loaded for 'RealFaction'
  762. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] 2 regions loaded for 'TheUnderground'
  763. [15:44:02 INFO]: [WorldGuard] 63 regions loaded for 'eventi'
  764. [15:44:02 INFO]: [zPermissions] WorldGuard region support enabled.
  765. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Factions] Enabling Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2
  766. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] === ENABLE START ===
  767. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] Loaded 2 players
  768. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] Loaded 4 Factions
  769. [15:44:02 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] Loading board from disk
  770. [15:44:03 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] Loaded 217870 board locations
  771. [15:44:03 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.
  772. [15:44:03 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true
  773. [15:44:03 INFO]: [Factions v1.6.9.5-U0.1.19-RC2] === ENABLE DONE (Took 634ms) ===
  774. [15:44:03 INFO]: [Lockette] Enabled link to plugin Factions for Groups, version
  775. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Enabling MythicMobs v2.4.5
  776. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading MythicMobs for Bukkit v1_8_R3 (Minecraft 1.8)...
  777. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs Lib's Disguises Support has been enabled!
  778. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs Vault Support has been enabled!
  779. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs WorldGuard Support has been enabled!
  780. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  781. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  782. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  783. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  784. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.2;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  785. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.2;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  786. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.2;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  787. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.2;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  788. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.5;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  789. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.5;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  790. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.5;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  791. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=0.5;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  792. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  793. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  794. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @Self
  795. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  796. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  797. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  798. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  799. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=1} @Self
  800. [15:44:03 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Bad syntax! Failed to load skill line: effect:particles{p=sweepAttack;amount=20;hSpread=1;vSpread=0.1;speed=0.1;yOffset=0} @origin
  801. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 13 mobs.
  802. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 3 vanilla mob overrides.
  803. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 0 mob stacks.
  804. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 60 skills.
  805. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 2 random spawns.
  806. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 3 mythic items.
  807. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 1 drop tables.
  808. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded 0 mob spawners.
  809. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs configuration file loaded successfully.
  810. [15:44:03 INFO]: [MythicMobs] v2.4.5 has been successfully loaded!
  811. [15:44:03 INFO]: [DeathMessages] Enabling DeathMessages v1.10.0
  812. [15:44:03 INFO]: [DeathMessages] Creating FactionHelper instance
  813. [15:44:03 INFO]: [FactionFly] Enabling FactionFly v1.6
  814. [15:44:03 INFO]: [CommandNPC] Enabling CommandNPC v1.7.2
  815. [15:44:03 INFO]: Injecting command info into Citizens.
  816. [15:44:03 INFO]: [PvPManager] Enabling PvPManager v3.5.8.3
  817. [15:44:04 INFO]: [PvPManager] Vault Found! Using it for currency related features
  818. [15:44:04 INFO]: [PvPManager] WorldGuard Found! Enabling WorldGuard Support
  819. [15:44:04 INFO]: [PvPManager] FactionsUUID Found! Hooked successfully
  820. [15:44:04 INFO]: [PvPManager] NPCs are supported in this version!
  821. [15:44:04 INFO]: [PvPManager] Auto Respawn is supported in this version!
  822. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Bank] Enabling Bank v2.4l
  823. [15:44:04 INFO]: [FactionWars] Enabling FactionWars v2.4
  824. [15:44:04 INFO]: [FactionWars] Loaded 1 map(s).
  825. [15:44:04 INFO]: [FactionWars] Loaded 5 kit(s).
  826. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v3.5.7
  827. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Your server version don't support BossBar. This feature will be disabled
  828. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 8 titles!
  829. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 0 restricted areas!
  830. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 10 restricted blocks!
  831. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 24 restricted blocks timers!
  832. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 24 restricted place blocks timers!
  833. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 641 custom item names!
  834. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 41 custom entity names!
  835. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 27 custom enchant names!
  836. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 16 custom color names!
  837. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] 4 shop items loaded!
  838. [15:44:04 WARN]: [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid Break type property: CHORUS_PLANT!
  839. [15:44:04 WARN]: [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid Break type property: CHORUS_FLOWER!
  840. [15:44:04 WARN]: [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid Break type property: BEETROOT_BLOCK-3!
  841. [15:44:04 WARN]: [Jobs] Job Hunter has an invalid Kill type property: SHULKER!
  842. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 12 jobs!
  843. [15:44:04 INFO]: [Jobs] Explorer job manager registered!
  844. [15:44:05 INFO]: [Jobs] Started database save task.
  845. [15:44:05 INFO]: [Jobs] Started buffered payment thread.
  846. [15:44:05 INFO]: [Jobs] Preloaded 7 players data in 0.0
  847. [15:44:05 INFO]: [Jobs] MythicMobs was found - Enabling capabilities.
  848. [15:44:05 INFO]: [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.
  849. [15:44:05 INFO]: [CrateReloaded] Enabling CrateReloaded v1.3.78
  850. [15:44:05 INFO]: [CrateReloaded] v1_8_R3
  851. [15:44:05 INFO]: [WGCustomFlags] Enabling WGCustomFlags v1.7
  852. [15:44:05 INFO]: [WGCustomFlags] Loading configuration...
  853. [15:44:05 INFO]: [WGCustomFlags] Configuration loaded.
  854. [15:44:05 INFO]: [ChestShop] Enabling ChestShop v3.7.15
  855. [15:44:05 INFO]: [ChestShop] Lockette version 1.8.36 loaded.
  856. [15:44:05 INFO]: [ChestShop] Vault loaded! Found an economy plugin!
  857. [15:44:05 INFO]: [WGPlayerDamageFlags] Enabling WGPlayerDamageFlags v0.6
  858. [15:44:05 INFO]: Added custom flag "allow-damage" to WorldGuard.
  859. [15:44:05 INFO]: Added custom flag "deny-damage" to WorldGuard.
  860. [15:44:05 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Enabling BossShopPro v1.1.3
  861. [15:44:05 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Loading data...
  862. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Enabling LeaderHeads v2.5.2
  863. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Successfully connected to MySQL.
  864. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Hooked into Citizens
  865. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly initialized skin manager
  866. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Hooked into HolographicDisplays
  867. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loading custom statistic: example.yml
  868. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loaded automatic reward: votes
  869. [15:44:06 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loaded automatic reward: kills
  870. [15:44:06 INFO]: [WGFlyFlag] Enabling WGFlyFlag v0.2
  871. [15:44:06 INFO]: Added custom flag "fly" to WorldGuard.
  872. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] Enabling MyPet v2.1.7
  873. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] #####################################################
  874. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] # A new version is available: MyPet-Premium 2.2.8 #
  875. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] #####################################################
  876. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] ProtocolLib hook activated.
  877. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] WorldGuard hook activated.
  878. [15:44:06 INFO]: Added custom flag "mypet-fly" to WorldGuard.
  879. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] WorldGuard Custom Flags hook activated.
  880. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] Compat mode for v1_8_R3 loaded.
  881. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] --- Loading WorldGroups ---------------------------
  882. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'montagna' to 'default'
  883. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'TheUnderground' to 'default'
  884. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Inferno' to 'default'
  885. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'eventi' to 'default'
  886. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Fazioni' to 'default'
  887. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'plotworld' to 'default'
  888. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'end' to 'default'
  889. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'world' to 'default'
  890. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'cacata' to 'default'
  891. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'figo' to 'default'
  892. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'mondo' to 'default'
  893. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'bordellopeso' to 'default'
  894. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Arenaspleefc' to 'default'
  895. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'mondoso' to 'default'
  896. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'mondolotti' to 'default'
  897. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'lottis' to 'default'
  898. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Lotto' to 'default'
  899. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Plots' to 'default'
  900. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Ploto' to 'default'
  901. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Lottini' to 'default'
  902. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Lottino' to 'default'
  903. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'town' to 'default'
  904. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'bridge' to 'default'
  905. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Lottinos' to 'default'
  906. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Plottini' to 'default'
  907. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'LottiAnime' to 'default'
  908. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'AnimeLotti' to 'default'
  909. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'faffa' to 'default'
  910. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Lottio' to 'default'
  911. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'WorldLotti' to 'default'
  912. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Mammadidark' to 'default'
  913. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'IlFazioni' to 'default'
  914. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'AclFazioni' to 'default'
  915. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniAni' to 'default'
  916. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniAc' to 'default'
  917. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniNew' to 'default'
  918. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniTop' to 'default'
  919. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniOs' to 'default'
  920. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FactionTop' to 'default'
  921. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FactionAcl' to 'default'
  922. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'lollo' to 'default'
  923. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniM' to 'default'
  924. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FactionOt' to 'default'
  925. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'myvanillaworld' to 'default'
  926. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniAl' to 'default'
  927. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniMio' to 'default'
  928. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniLast' to 'default'
  929. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'RealFaction' to 'default'
  930. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniUlt' to 'default'
  931. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FazioniAPro' to 'default'
  932. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'FactionAclN' to 'default'
  933. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] added 'Citypark' to 'default'
  934. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] -------------------------------------------------
  935. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] Thank you for buying MyPet-Premium!
  936. [15:44:06 INFO]: [MyPet] version 2.1.7-b275P ENABLED
  937. [15:44:06 INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  938. [15:44:07 INFO]: Done (11,338s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  939. [15:44:07 INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Loading plugins...
  940. [15:44:07 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added hook: AllViolations(NCP) [1.0].
  941. [15:44:07 INFO]: [BattleLevels] Successfully connected to MySQL.
  942. [15:44:07 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable running...
  943. [15:44:07 INFO]: [BattleLevels] Database startup done.
  944. [15:44:07 INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable finished.
  945. [15:44:07 INFO]: [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
  946. [15:44:07 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found a new version available: v2.2
  947. [15:44:07 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Download it on Bukkit Dev:
  948. [15:44:07 INFO]: [HolographicDisplays]
  949. [15:44:07 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] [GuiPlayerShop]Using existing table for items.
  950. [15:44:07 INFO]: [GuiPlayerShop] [GuiPlayerShop]Using existing table for name lookup.
  951. [15:44:07 INFO]: [Citizens] Loaded 41 NPCs.
  952. [15:44:09 INFO]: [BossShopPro] [ServerPinging] Loading ServerPinging Package!
  953. [15:44:09 ERROR]: [BossShopPro] Mistake in Config: '700' is not a valid 'type'. Unable to find a fitting material.
  954. [15:44:09 ERROR]: [BossShopPro] Mistake in Config: '1000' is not a valid 'type'. Unable to find a fitting material.
  955. [15:44:09 ERROR]: [BossShopPro] Mistake in Config: '500' is not a valid 'type'. Unable to find a fitting material.
  956. [15:44:09 INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates:
  957. [15:44:09 WARN]: [Vault] Stable Version: 1.5.6 is out! You are still running version: 1.4.1
  958. [15:44:09 WARN]: [Vault] Update at:
  959. [15:44:09 ERROR]: [BossShopPro] Mistake in Config: '500' is not a valid 'type'. Unable to find a fitting material.
  960. [15:44:09 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Loaded 15 Shops!
  961. [15:44:09 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Successfully hooked into the Points plugin 'PlayerPoints'!
  962. [15:44:09 INFO]: [BossShopPro] Vault found.
  963. [15:44:11 INFO]: <LightAPI>: New update is available: 3.2.3!
  964. [15:44:11 INFO]: <LightAPI>: Repository: BeYkeRYkt/LightAPI
  965. [15:44:11 INFO]: <LightAPI>: Update type: Patch
  966. [15:44:11 INFO]: <LightSource>: You are running the latest version!
  967. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the bl-kills daily sub-statistic.
  968. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the playerpoints daily sub-statistic.
  969. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the kills daily sub-statistic.
  970. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the played daily sub-statistic.
  971. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the balance daily sub-statistic.
  972. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the kills weekly sub-statistic.
  973. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the balance weekly sub-statistic.
  974. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the played weekly sub-statistic.
  975. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the playerpoints weekly sub-statistic.
  976. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the kills monthly sub-statistic.
  977. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the played monthly sub-statistic.
  978. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the bl-kills weekly sub-statistic.
  979. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the balance monthly sub-statistic.
  980. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the playerpoints monthly sub-statistic.
  981. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Starting the bl-kills monthly sub-statistic.
  982. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished sending playerpoints data to the database (size=0, uuid=true, online-only=true)
  983. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished sending bl-kills data to the database (size=0, uuid=false, online-only=true)
  984. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished updating the bl-kills leaderboard in 0.037 seconds.
  985. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished updating the playerpoints leaderboard in 0.037 seconds.
  986. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished sending balance data to the database (size=0, uuid=false, online-only=true)
  987. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished updating the balance leaderboard in 0.04 seconds.
  988. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly loaded skin: 9868bfc52c1f12c6c885cebac049a798463c8376f5eb59adcf8baa3e9d1a5
  989. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly loaded skin: 7c68eaaa5f6ef21ab6770ff816a166f7f811ad02c6f35aa1c41a699cff91df
  990. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly loaded skin: 23aece3fe6557934d75fb045aefa696f231f53373a7ca0977054782fc6b6a7
  991. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly loaded skin: 5eaf9513b08d1b90b673fd5940bc5fe722c585cf9485396df27df49114611b77
  992. [15:44:13 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly loaded skin: 7038d8725a3c5365ad11147f3ce8124b34da6c9c961b1d5f974c9c6da80da
  993. [15:44:13 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  994. [15:44:13 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 1eb150f8-f0b3-3e54-9a18-e5ec60f9db58
  995. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  996. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: e1fa7552-d292-308f-98b2-0aba85aac58f
  997. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  998. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: e1fa7552-d292-308f-98b2-0aba85aac58f
  999. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1000. [15:44:14 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: b5ea7f98-6b6b-3aa0-a84f-6c94ec458e55
  1001. [15:44:15 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1002. [15:44:15 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 7a7b78f5-0d20-37d9-8ff1-f02a0977f571
  1003. [15:44:15 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1004. [15:44:15 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 7a7b78f5-0d20-37d9-8ff1-f02a0977f571
  1005. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1006. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 3c03d5d4-cc2c-3889-840b-15d907c4455c
  1007. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1008. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 3c03d5d4-cc2c-3889-840b-15d907c4455c
  1009. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1010. [15:44:16 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: faab016f-0d54-348a-8039-4572bc210d92
  1011. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1012. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: faab016f-0d54-348a-8039-4572bc210d92
  1013. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1014. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: faab016f-0d54-348a-8039-4572bc210d92
  1015. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1016. [15:44:17 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: faab016f-0d54-348a-8039-4572bc210d92
  1017. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1018. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 286983e5-920f-333c-859b-522677c7d9dc
  1019. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1020. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: 286983e5-920f-333c-859b-522677c7d9dc
  1021. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1022. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: c6f56586-6ec8-3a6a-9001-86eb18395e6e
  1023. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1024. [15:44:18 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: fda427d3-f3fe-3448-b2c7-9744667f6caf
  1025. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1026. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: fda427d3-f3fe-3448-b2c7-9744667f6caf
  1027. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1028. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: edaebadd-386b-3a6b-8dc7-53f94786962d
  1029. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads]
  1030. [15:44:19 WARN]: [LeaderHeads] Could not fetch name for UUID: edaebadd-386b-3a6b-8dc7-53f94786962d
  1031. [15:44:19 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished sending played data to the database (size=0, uuid=true, online-only=true)
  1032. [15:44:19 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished updating the played leaderboard in 6.099 seconds.
  1033. [15:44:19 INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Finished sending kills data to the database (size=0, uuid=t
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