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L. Jameson Short - Chapter 2

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Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. Chapter Two
  5. The crash alerted the attention of the paramedics that had been called to the scene by an unknown third party. The figures who had exchanged an intense conversation, had since vanished. The party-goers had approached the car that housed their two “friends” one they cared about slightly more, the other she didn’t really matter all much. She was a weirdo, she would spend her time talking to herself, and muttering incoherent statements and then she would deny it like she hadn’t been some Skitzo freak. Emmalyn had heard her muttering about Arkn and other crap. Arknza? Like what the fuck was going on in that weirdo’s head? No wonder her family left her.
  7. As they opened the crushed side door they saw the bloodied bodies of both of the girls, the driver was obviously more bruised, her stomach was bloody almost appearing as if she had been stabbed. Cuts covering her face, while her passenger seemed to have different injuries, they had been scaring for years, electric shocks, her wrists appeared to be violently slit, almost intending to kill herself or someone trying to kill her in the past.
  9. “We got an accident on the Maple Avenue… two girls… one appears to have sustained critical injuries, the other appears to have fractured ribs.. Possible concussion, but is unconcious… has past scars. Might need to dig into records..“ one of the paramedics.
  11. Both girls were immediately rushed into the hospital, the passenger remained unconscious for a few hours while her companion was frantically rushed into the ICU and immediately put in surgery.
  13. Parents instantly called, the girls’ fighting for their lives. The commotion of the hospital was the perfect distraction for her and her companion to slip in and visit Lilly. She was in a hooded cloak, covering her down She stroked the young girl’s cold still cheek, she wasn’t destined to die. Not yet, she had a much bigger role, that would become the beginning of the end.
  15. The taller boy, who had been looking over at the girl,
  17. “Celia… she’s not ready… not yet.” He said pulling her back.
  19. The hooded figure nodded,
  21. “She’s going to need you…. Find her. I’m counting on you Jo’n ” She whispers.
  23. He nodded,
  25. “I’ll make sure she’s ready…” He pulled the cloaked Celia towards him and kissed her head.
  27. The two of them vanished, as Lilly’s mom walked in, part of her felt like something was off with her daughter like the presence was almost supernatural. It was sort of familiar as well.
  29. Lilly’s mom, held onto her daughter’s hand. The night was becoming morning, 3:30 a.m and she refused to leave her side. Until a slight twitch of the hand awoke her.
  31. Lilly recoiled slightly, before relaxing again and letting her mother’s hand rest in her palm.
  33. “Mom…. Where’s Becs?” She whispered.
  35. Her mother’s eyes became misty and brimmed with tears,
  37. “Oh Lilly….. She didn’t make it. She died in surgery…” Her mother says. She rubbed her daughter’s hand slowly and softly.
  39. Lilly’s hand retracted, from her mother’s hand. Lilly’s heart simply shattered, her best friend dead. Her birthday, yet again was a curse; first her biological family and now her best friend.
  41. ~Two Weeks Later~
  43. The funeral was simple, it was dark and somber, as well serious. Rebecca was in a beautiful black dress, she had her silver necklace on. She had told me it was her great-grandmothers. How she would say she would give it to me, she was so progressive in that way. I looked over at Rebecca’s family, their faces were angrier than I had ever seen them.
  45. ~Four years earlier~
  47. “Lils its the celtic symbol for destiny… Like how we are best friends.. Like how I saved you or like how we have the same birthday…Destiny. Like it means it was meant to happen ” She would say to me. That necklace always bonded Rebecca and I, it made me feel safer.
  49. “D…Destiny…” My voice was slow and crackly I hadn’t talked since my parents murder. I swallowed uneasily not wanting to talk again.
  51. Rebecca’s eyes went wide.
  53. “You talked… and it was for me… Wow. I’m so.. “ She whispered.
  55. The necklace was always one of my favorite things that she owned.
  57. Her mother, as soon as the body was laid in the dirt and the service was over, angrily marched towards me and my mom. Her father close behind her, he was attempting to pull his wife back, but she fought back his attempt to stop.
  59. Her words spewed with venom. Her daughter’s death obvious affecting her, but her words didn’t seem to be her’s, almost like something was controlling her body.
  61. “You killed her you rotten vile demonic child! You were never good enough for my daughter” She snarled.
  63. “I’m sorry… I never wanted any of this to happen. “ I whispered. I felt my hands getting cold and my voice was shaking at the same time.
  65. “Bullshit! You deliberately let her die.. ” She growled and with that she slapped me hard in the face. The smack resonated like an echo, and felt like what I assumed getting electrocuted would be like. My cold tears, which streamed down to the area, it caused the slap to burn more.
  67. She angrily huffed away, and her husband mouthed an apologetic
  69. I’m sorry.
  71. It was now time for me to go, she was dead. I warned her not to plan a party, but it was Rebecca she would of done it and she would still be dead. But was it Destiny?
  73. ~~~
  75. I woke up almost everyday, going to therapy and going to school, everyday feeling like hell. I blasted music hoping to forget that my best friend was dead. Emmalynn and her posse approached me, all of them pushing me, spitting in my face, kicking me in the stomach, before finally Emma pepper-sprayed in the face.
  77. I doubled over in agony, I winced and felt all the pain I thought I could handle for at least for today.
  79. I blindly stumbled, and eventually into the water fountain. And eventually washed out the pepper-spray out of my eyes.
  81. ~~~
  83. I went to my therapist, it was an awkward conversation about how I was feeling, how I had been slapped in the face, my therapist recommended I stay home and eventually switch schools. He also recommended an aid. Johnathan.
  85. It was simple I suppose, he gave me medication, pills something made by some guy named Ellis. Carson also recommended I start a video log to aid with the healing process to help recover from her death.
  87. ~~~
  89. The moon hung overhead, and loud shoveling sounds echoing in the graveyard. They removed the small silver pendant and placed around the girl’s neck.
  91. A voice whispered,
  93. “It has begun…”
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