
Who Ya' Gonna Call? Part 7: Interview with a Princess

Nov 16th, 2012
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  1. >A part of you wanted to stick around and bask in the attention of the crowd. Maybe meet some new people, put out some feelers for a job, but it seemed Princess Celestia didn't have a lot of time. So, while you walked back to the library, AJ and Rainbow filled her in on what happened. The ghost, the fire, why you looked like you lost a fight with an oven...
  2. >”I have never heard about such occurrences. Are they common where you are from, Anonymous?”
  3. >You nod your head, still trying to adjust your PKE meter back to factory settings while you walk.
  4. “Depends on where you are. Some areas just have more paranormal activity than others. Though, it could just be a fluke. I've been to places with no sordid past whatsoever that suddenly found themselves neck deep in spirits.”
  5. >Which was very true. While there were some signs that an area was more prone to hauntings than others, it was seemingly random. From what you could tell, P0nyville wasn't filled with strife and discourse.
  6. >Princess Celestia nodded her head, “I see. Well, that is reassuring. Even with my one thousand years of ruling this land, it always manages to find new and interesting ways to surprise me.”
  7. >...Did she just say 'one thousand years'?
  8. >You turn the last dial to it's original position and flip the meter on... And it nearly shorts out. It yells in pain as the chips and wiring strain to cope with the strain of being so close to a supremely powerful divine entity. You stop walking, and just stare at it for a few moments...
  9. “Huh.”
  10. >You can feel the p0nies' eyes look at you curiously.
  11. >”Is something wrong, Anonymous?” Twilight ask, looking concerned, “Is your PKE meter broken?”
  12. >You quickly shut it off, and clip it back onto your belt.
  13. >You were in a land of magic, talking horses, and other craziness. They would have a full blown class seven goddess as their leader. That would explain why Twilight told you that she raises the sun, probably because she LITERALLY does.
  14. “Nothing. I think I need to adjust the sensitivity just a little.”
  15. >Celestia gives you a knowing smile.
  16. >She must be able to read minds or something.
  17. >”Well, I must say that it has been most enjoyable seeing all of you all, again. And it has been a pleasure meeting you, Mister Anonymous. We must do this again.” She smiles at you all, “You are welcome to stay in my kingdom for as long as you require.” She smiled at you.
  18. >Wait, what?
  19. >Don't question a good thing! Just roll with it!
  20. “Thank you. I'll try to keep myself out of trouble.”
  21. >Suddenly your phone begun to ring.
  22. “Hold that thought!”
  23. >It shouldn't be ringing at all. You didn't have any signal, unless a telecommunication satellite magically appeared out of nowhere. You reach for it, and take a look at the number... It wasn't any number you recognized, though.
  24. >You could care less right now: someone was calling you. Someone who could help you out of your current predicament. You hit the answer button and slowly raise the phone up to your ear...
  25. “...Hello?”
  26. >”An-anonymous?! Your alive! Your alive right? Oh god, you aren't in hell are you?”
  27. >You take in a long breath as you grinned widely. It was Frank. Frank found a way!
  28. “Frank! Oh you magnificent bastard, its so good to hear your voice!”
  29. >The other p0nies stopped and looked at you curiously, you look to them and grin.
  30. “Its Frank. He's one of my friends. He found a way to call me.”
  31. >Twilight grinned widely, and moved closer to listen in, as did Rainbow Dash.
  32. >”Wow, he must be almost as smart as Twilight!” She quipped.
  33. >”Who are those other voices Anonymous? ” Frank asked, his voice worried.
  34. “Listen, long story short. Survived total protonic reversal, ended up in a different dimension. I think. Don't worry though, the locals are very friendly.”
  35. >You smile at Twilight and give her a thumbs up. Today just kept getting better and better! Surely, Frank figured something out. Wait a minute, if he figured out you were alive and how to communicate with you... Why did he sound so surprised?
  36. “Frank... How are you talking to me right now?”
  37. >”Uh. I-I'm using the payphone.” Frank sounded more nervous than usual.
  38. >The Payphone. You guys found it in downtown Jacksonville, a disconnected AT&T payphone whose operator could connect you with any other phone in existence. No one dared to try it though, less you accidentally connect to the Hell's hotline. That was one number you didn't want to dial.
  39. >You open your mouth to say something, but Frank cuts you off, “I know.. I know! Its stupid, I said the same thing when I caught Jethro and Lisa trying it yesterday. But I had to be sure. Granted, the call cost me five hundred dollars worth of quarters; but its worth it to know that your alive.”
  40. >You calm yourself down, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
  41. “Alright, Frank. I get it. I'm glad to hear you too. So, you have any leads on how I can get home?”
  42. >Frank was silent. That was never a good sign. “If what your telling me is right. And you did cross over dimensions then. I have no idea.”
  43. >As the smartest man you knew spoke those words, your heart sank.
  44. >”It maybe possible to make something that could work. But, the chances of getting you home safely again are... Well, you have a better chance of winning every lottery on the planet on the same day and getting struck by lightning while in a bunker made of rubber... I... I'm sorry-”
  45. >Frank got cut off. Must have ran out of time.
  46. >You always knew in the back of your mind that getting back home was probably a long shot; but from what he was saying it might as well be impossible.
  47. >You release a sigh and just look at your phone. Part of you wants to throw it against the ground, but what would that accomplish? Another part of you wants to break down and start crying, but once again what would that accomplish?
  48. >”Are ya' okay, Sugar Cube?” It was Applejack.
  49. >You put the phone away, and look to the p0nies.
  50. “Looks like I may be here for a very... very... long time. One might say, indefinitely.”
  51. >Hiding the disappointment in your voice was tricky. There was no need to be a downer, at least not today. You did save a kid, and that was all that really mattered. You reach back to grab hold of the occupied trap hanging off your proton pack.
  52. “Now, who wants to see what this ghastly ghoul looks like trapped in a gem?”
  53. ========
  54. >Your group finally makes it to the library, and down into Twilight's lab. Even Celestia, despite saying a few moments earlier that she had to leave, wanted to observe the process.
  55. >...But now Twilight was explaining how it worked. And you just sorta glazed over as she begun to speak in techno-babble. She even had a blackboard with diagrams on it. DIAGRAMS!
  56. >You weren't the only one that was having trouble concentrating, though. Good lord, someone say something to get her to get on with it!
  57. >”Twilight, why don't you tell me how it works in your next letter? I'm afraid I'm somewhat short on time at the moment.”
  58. >You make a mental note that you owe the Princess a favor later.
  59. >Did she just wink at you?
  60. >Nah. Your just seeing things.
  61. >”Oh. Right! Anonymous, lets go ahead and show them how it works.” Twilight trots over to the box of gems you got from Rarity, and grabs a rather impressive looking diamond, “Now, since this one was probably a bit stronger than the last one, I think a diamond should be strong enough to hold it.”
  62. >You place your trap into the containment device, and heat up your proton pack...
  63. “Just in case.”
  64. >This thing only had one successful bench test. Now is not the time to get cocky.
  65. >With everything in place... Twilight pressed the big red button.
  66. >The box hummed melodiously for a few moments, then the vicious ghostly wailed filled the room... Steam billowed, and electricity arced like the first time.. And then the ding.
  67. >Twilight opened the door allowing the steam to dissipate. The diamond wasn't clear anymore, as a living red flame danced in the center of the precious stone.
  68. >You retrieve your trap, and take hold of the occupied diamond, allowing them to take a look at it.
  69. “And that, my friends, is how you contain a ghost!”
  70. ========
  71. >After the demonstration, everyp0ny was impressed.
  72. >Hey, starting to get that vernacular down.
  73. >And agreed it was a good idea to turn in for the night.
  74. >Maybe some sleep would help you cope with being stuck in p0ny-land. Equestria. Whatever.
  75. >You had a few dreams that dreams that night. None of them good. Ends up you were more worried about it than even thought.
  76. >Morning couldn't have come soon enough and the sound of frying eggs was a sweet symphony to your beleaguered ears. You put on your slightly crispy jump suit... That ghostly fire must have burned more than you thought; it was a few steps away from falling apart. Good thing your pack and the rest of your stuff was okay.
  77. >You head to the kitchen, and sure enough it looks like Twilight and Spike are getting breakfast ready.
  78. “Good morning.”
  79. >”Good morning Anon.” Twilight says, looking back at you while flipping an egg.
  80. >Oh, calling you Anon now! Neat.
  81. >Spike, whose head is currently on the table just waves.
  82. >”So, Anon. You want to talk a little about your conversation with Frank last night?”
  83. “... Do I have to?”
  84. >You say dryly. You spent most of the night worrying about that, and you really didn't want to dwell on it.
  85. >”I know you probably don't want to talk about it, Anon... But, I think expressing your feelings will help you cope. You don't want to keep that stuff locked up inside of you-”
  86. “Fine. You win, no need to break out the after-school special lecture.”
  87. >You rub the bridge of your nose, and look over to Twilight who seemed surprised by your willingness to share. In all honesty, you just didn't want to get lectured to about the importance of expressing one's self.
  88. “I'm freaked out, Twilight. I've always managed to get out of a sticky situation with a little finesse, quick thinking, and some panache; but I can't charm my way out of this. I have family, friends and coworkers back at home, and I'll probably never be able to see them again.”
  89. >Spike looks up at you, and quirks a brow, “You have friends here, too. I think your cool. Well, besides the pink slime thing.”
  90. >You chuckle, and nod your head.
  91. “Thanks Spike. Your quite a cool dragon yourself.”
  92. >He gives you a thumbs up, before putting his head back on the table.
  93. >”You've also made a good impression on Princess Celestia, not to mention Applejack and Rainbow. You do have friends here, Anon.” Twilight continues looking over at you and smiling.
  94. >The smart p0ny has made some valuable points...
  95. “Yeah, your right. Since I'm going to be here a while, I'm gonna have to find a job.”
  96. >Twilight looked over at you, and tilted her head, “A job? Why?”
  97. “Because I've been mooching of you for three days. Eating your food. Sleeping on your floor. I think its about time for me to contribute something... Besides catching ghost, anyway.”
  98. >”I guess that would be okay.” She says, walking over and placing some fried eggs in front of you, “But you don't have to feel obligated.”
  99. >You chuckle, before taking a fork and digging into the eggy goodness.
  100. “Don't tell me that, you may never be rid of me.”
  101. >Twilight rolls her eyes and walks back to the stove to plate some more eggs, and then the library door opens!
  102. >”Twilight... Spike... Anonymous. Is anyp0ny here?”
  103. >Spike's head immediately perked up as he heard Rarity's voice. “Rarity, we're in the kitchen.” He was grinning widely, and that look in his eye. No way! You knew that look.
  104. >You grin over at Spike.
  105. “You hound... Its always the quiet ones.”
  106. >You mutter, quietly so only he can hear you. His face turns bright red as he grins sheepishly, “Don't tell anyone.” He seems to plead to you.
  107. “I won't. Don't worry.”
  108. >His face returns to it's normal color before Rarity comes into view, carrying a box with her telekinesis.
  109. >”Hello everyp0ny! I hope you don't mind me stopping by so early, but I simply could not wait to show off my new-” She stops as her eyes lock onto you as your scooping some more fried egg into your gullet. Why is she looking at you like you grew an extra head? “Anonymous, dear! What happened to you? One of your eyebrows is completely missing, and half of your mane looks like its been burned right off. And your clothes! You simply cannot accept an award looking so positively dreadful.”
  110. >As tempting as it was to sing Burning Ring of Fire as your answer to what happened... Something caught your attention.
  111. “Award? What award?”
  112. >You say, your mouth still half-full.
  113. >”Do not speak with your mouth full, Anonymous. Its quite boorish.” She continues, and walks over looking at your hair like a mother would her unruly son during a family photo-opt.
  114. >”Well, Rarity, its not his fault. He got singed by another of those 'ghost' things while rescuing Ditzy.” Explains Twilight while you shallow a mouthful of egg.
  115. >”Oh, you poor dear. It is none too soon that I finished a present for you then.” With a flick of her horn, the box landed in your lap, “Though we simply must do something about your mane.. Perhaps some clever styling? No no no, its too short for that...”
  116. >You look at the box curiously, then look to Rarity as she picks through your hair.
  117. “Hold on, whats this about an award?”
  118. >”Oh, right. The mayor is giving awards to you, Rainbow Dash, and AJ for finding Ditzy. Didn't you know?”
  119. >You just shake your head.
  120. >”Well then, it is a good thing I stopped by! We simply must get you ready.”
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