
Auntie Luna (Introduction)

Feb 16th, 2016
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  1. Auntie Luna
  3. >The hairless welp before you struggles in its blankets and cries incessantly.
  4. >His smooth paws claw at the air, his capacity for tantrum seemingly endless.
  5. >It’s been four sleepless nights since Celestia took in this little creature, and declared him to be her child.
  6. >Despite Celestia’s intense urge to spend every moment with this adopted child, she had been called away to deal with the waves of backlash that came with the declaration.
  7. >The Princess of the Sun adopting as her child a member of a different species?
  8. >Unthinkable.
  9. >Completely distasteful.
  10. >That summed up the thoughts of Equestria’s nobility.
  11. >And, looking at the screaming little monster before you, you’re somewhat inclined to agree.
  12. >That you, Luna, the Princess of the Night, should be the Aunt of this alien creature was…
  13. >Not something you had ever foreseen.
  14. >You call for a wet nurse.
  15. “The child appears to be crying again,” you tell the flustered mare.
  16. >”I will take care of it, your majesty,” she replies.
  17. >The nurse levitates the baby out of the crib and begins to rock it back and forth.
  18. >When Celestia had finally torn herself away from the child to attend to court business, the castle staff had not known how to proceed.
  19. >It’s not a pony. What does it eat? How much crying is normal?
  20. >They had played it by ear so far, and seemed to be doing reasonably well.
  21. >It was still alive at least.
  22. >Its incessant shrills that echoed through the halls at all hours of the day and night was testament to that fact.
  23. >You pace away from the crib and leave the nurse to her duties.
  24. >A mirror in the room reveals the dark bags under your eyes.
  25. >This can’t go on for much longer.
  26. >As you stare at the lines of fatigue that etch your face, your ears are suddenly greeted with a lovely sound.
  27. >Or rather, a lack of sound.
  28. >The silence booms in your ears and you pivot on your hooves to see what has happened.
  29. >The baby is still being rocked, and the nurse’s wide eyes reveal that she is just as surprised as you.
  30. “It’s stopped crying,” you say.
  31. >”Y-yes, your majesty,” the nurse whispers.
  32. >You sigh to yourself and quietly walk to the mare.
  33. “Do not stop what you are doing. Through some miracle, he has managed to fall asleep. Your princess needs to retire to her chambers. Should the boy wake and begin crying again… I will know who to blame. Do you understand?” you whisper to her, icily.
  34. >The nurse nods, nervous sweat popping from her face.
  35. >Perhaps a little harsh, you think to yourself as you walk to the door.
  36. >But you’ve been up for nearly four days and could hardly care at this point.
  37. >The four stallions whom Celestia had personally appointed the boy’s guards, snap to attention as you leave the room.
  38. >Their eyes are bloodshot, their faces heavy with fatigue.
  39. “No one is to make a peep near this room,” you declare.
  40. >The guards nod quickly.
  41. >You pace back to your chambers and collapse in bed.
  42. >You lazily remove your crown from your head and place it on the bedside table.
  43. >Snuggling under your comforter, you wait for sleep to take you.
  44. >But…
  45. >Sleep does not come as easily as you thought it would.
  46. >You toss and turn in your sheets, as thoughts of the boy refuse to leave you be.
  47. “UGH.”
  48. >You rise from your bed and walk to the room’s door.
  49. >Peeping outside, you see that the halls are empty and silent.
  50. >An idea wrestles its way into your consciousness.
  51. >If the boy is finally sleeping… perhaps we can take a peek into his dreams.
  52. >Sleep seems to be evading you anyway so you walk down the hall to the young “Prince’s” room.
  53. >The guards start when you appear around the corner, obviously surprised that you are still up.
  54. >One opens his mouth to ask something, but you motion for him to remain silent.
  55. >You carefully use your magic to open the door and slowly enter, silently closing it behind you.
  56. >The nurse remains rooted in the same spot where you left her, her eyes twitching from intense concentration.
  57. >She tenses up as you appear beside her but you motion for her to continue her work.
  58. >The boy gently rocks to and fro in a rhythmic arc.
  59. >Your horn begins to glow as you initiate your dream magic.
  60. >Slowly your consciousness leaves your body and is flung into the ether that is the dream world.
  61. >You cast about for the boy’s mind and eventually find it.
  62. >You walk toward the tiny glowing light that is his dream and touch it with your horn.
  63. >In a rush you enter his dream and find yourself standing in an alley between two buildings.
  64. >A putrid stench enters your nose and you gaze about at the weathered brick.
  65. >Bags of garbage litter the rat-infested earth.
  66. >The din of what could only be a massive city assaults your ears.
  67. >Strange sounds echo through the streets, like some sort of mechanical screeching.
  68. >Quite the nightmare, you think to yourself, slightly ashamed by your previous thoughts about the boy.
  69. >Then, another sound reaches you.
  70. >One with which you are very familiar.
  71. >The boy’s crying.
  72. >You follow the sound to a filthy corner in the alley and see the boy tucked into a rancid, foul-smelling towel.
  73. >His tears make trails down his dirt-caked cheeks.
  74. >He looks exactly as he did when the guards found him.
  75. >A wave of sadness and regret washes over you as you realize what happened to the poor child.
  76. >He had been abandoned, left to die amongst a city’s refuse with the rats and other vermin.
  77. >A tear slides down your cheek as you kneel down in the filth to get closer to him.
  78. >His eyes alight on you and his weeping loses some of its energy.
  79. >He looks into your eyes and reaches his tiny little arm out to your muzzle.
  80. >You lean down and nuzzle his little paw with your nose.
  81. >No child deserves this, regardless of their species.
  82. >The resentment that had grown over the previous days, and that had been exacerbated by many sleepless nights, dissolves away at the sight of the little boy’s face.
  83. >And it’s replaced with something altogether different.
  84. >A warmth grows in your heart as you look into his eyes, and your mind is filled with a sudden resolve.
  85. >Perhaps this is what Celestia felt, you wonder.
  86. >Your heart breaks a little as you stand up and begin to back away.
  87. >His cries resume and each is a needle in your soul, but it is necessary to break contact with the dream.
  88. >You now have important business to attend to.
  89. >The dream world retreats from your peripheral vision into a tiny point of light then, with a magical ‘pop’, you find yourself back in the room with the boy.
  90. >You exhale slowly then open your eyes.
  91. >The nurse looks to you expectantly.
  92. “I have learned much from the boy’s dream,” you declare.
  93. “You have been doing a commendable job and I ask that you continue to do so. He needs his rest.”
  94. >You leave the nurse and head for the door.
  95. >Just before you leave, you turn back and give the nurse a long, hard stare.
  96. “He is a prince, and shall be treated as such. I demand only the best of care for my nephew,” you say, placing special emphasis on the last word.
  97. >”Y-your nephew?... Y-yes of course, your majesty,” the nurse replies.
  98. >You nod to her and exit the room.
  99. >The guards snap to attention and look at you nervously as you enter the hallway.
  100. “My sister has given you the very special task of watching over the young prince. Should /any/ harm befall him, even the slightest scratch, you will answer to me.”
  101. >The guards bow as you walk down the hall.
  102. >The fatigue that had been nagging at your for days has been replaced by a definite sense of purpose.
  103. >You stride to the court attendant’s desk.
  104. >The stallion is asleep, his face sitting atop a thick ledger.
  105. >You cough to get his attention.
  106. >”Your majesty!” he cries out in surprise. “How may I help you?”
  107. “Hush, not so loud. The prince is sleeping.”
  108. >He bows in apology, then looks up to you, waiting for your request.
  109. “Summon my personal tailor. The prince will need a wardrobe.”
  110. >The stallion begins to scribble notes down on a pad of paper.
  111. “I will also require the presence of the crown’s personal master of ceremonies. Anon is a prince of Equestria, and he shall have a birthday celebration befitting a pony invested with that title.”
  112. >”Very good, your majesty,” he replies. “Will that be all?”
  113. “Yes. They shall meet with me in my chambers in one hour.”
  114. >”Of course, your majesty.”
  115. >You take your leave of the pony and return to the prince’s room.
  116. >The guards salute again as you enter, and you see that the boy is still sleeping soundly.
  117. >You walk to the nurse and observe the boy as he floats above the ground.
  118. >His face is peaceful despite the horrid dream that you know he is experiencing.
  119. >Your horn glows as you take control of the cradling.
  120. “Leave us.”
  121. >The nurse bows nervously and slowly heads for the door.
  122. >You gently rock the child back and forth, your eyes never leaving his face.
  123. >His eyes slowly open and he looks to you, fixing you with the same stare that he did in the dream.
  124. >You bring him closer and he reaches up, touching your nose with his tiny little paws.
  125. >A smile crosses your lips for the first time in days and you rub your cheek against his.
  126. ”Prince Anon.”
  127. >You whisper his name to him.
  128. >You recall how surprised you were when your sister chose that as his name.
  129. >It certainly wasn’t a… normal name.
  130. >But, looking at the strange little boy before you, it seemed to fit.
  131. “A unique name for a unique little boy.”
  132. >He smiles as you speak to him and you hug him close to you.
  133. “Prince Anon. My nephew.”
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