
Maid II

Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. Susan felt her blush deepen as she overheard the conversation brewing between the three women. She knew the boy they where referring too, hell she had known him for most of his life. Hell she tried to give him away at one time. The boy in question was her little brother. The one boy she swear she’ll ever love more than her father or her future husband. Now it was personal, you could talk noise about her, but you did not talk noise about her family. Taking a deep breath she entered the little prep area.
  3. “Hey Lily! We need three hot chocolates, two green teas and one builder on the hop.” she said peering toward the table again. “And one parfait, extra yogurt please.” She said winking a little. “I’ll pay for that one.” Quickly added.
  5. Lily blinked and blinked again as she peered toward Susan. “Sure Susan.” She said starting to fix the drinks, quickly she placed the three hot chocolates, two green teas and one builder on the little serving tray. “I don’t know what your planning,” She said starting to fix the airy desert. “Just don’t do anything foolish, now go ahead and server those drinks and come back for the parfait.”
  7. “Thanks Lilly!” Chirped Susan smiling a little as she picked up the tray and carried it into the classroom. With all the grace she could muster she severed the drinks and made small talk, all the while the eyes of the three girls where glued to every movement. Susan could feel them peering toward her, and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
  12. Susan was all smiles, a few rotten apples would not spoil her day. Everybody was enjoying the service. For the few boys being present they where enjoying being waited on hand and foot by cute girls in lacey dress’s. For the kings it was like a taste of heaven, there where few coffee houses around town, and sure they had better coffee, tea and some even had in store baked pastries. But none waited on you hand and foot.
  14. And for there efforts, the trio was award with praise and few even left small sums of money as ‘tips’ with notes promising to support the anime club with both funding and new members if possible. Even the hard to please newspaper critic was impressed by the setting. All of this severed to block out the flack she was receiving from the three cheerleaders, all of whom seemed to be binding there time. Sue seemed aware of this and was making a note to wait on the other.
  16. ‘I’m not going to lower myself to there levels’ Though Susan as she skirted between tables, dropping orders here and there. ‘We’ve worked to hard for this event to be ruined because of some stuck up little..’ her better judgment then hijacked that train of thought and quickly applied the breaks to it. Instead a dark blush colored her high cheekbones instead of a evil little smirk.
  18. Meanwhile, the three cheerleaders kept peering toward Susan. There anger growing more and more with each passing minute. Girls by there nature where very guarded of there own little social space, more so than the boys. And there was something odd and unsettling about this girl, she was oddly graceful jumping from table to table.
  20. There look of disuse grew with each passing second.
  22. “Little freshman shank.” Muttered the blonde cheerleader. “Just who in the hell do these girls think they are? Having everybody fawning over and being all impressed with there tea.” She quickly added with a touch of venom to her tone of voice.
  24. “Totally, and that blonde little one over there, the one they call ‘Maid Rosehip’ is totally avoiding us. I mean where the queens of the school, those little nerd girls should be honored we even bothered stepping into this little fourth rate place.’ Another chimed in.
  26. “The things we do to support are school.” The third one said with a sigh. “I’m sorry girls but this is too much, the tea is okay but being avoided because where super popular is just hitting below the belt.” she said stand up and collecting her purse.
  28. “Totally, I’ll flag down that little squirt and tell her where leaving.” The blonde one said collecting her purse as well. With that she peered in Susan’s direction.
  30. “Hey! Nerd girl we’re leaving, thanks for the tea I guess.” She called out with a roll her shoulders.
  32. Susan blinked and blinked again as she peered toward the trio. “Okay, just give a minute to get your bill” She said trying to put on a polite face as she walked toward there table.
  34. “Pardon me, I don’t think you understand girl.. Where leaving, that means where not paying. Thank you for the tea and what not,” The other one chimed in.
  37. “Of course, you did not expect us to pay did you. Where on the Student Culture Council, you know the ones who provided funding for everything. The ones who where chosen by the Student Council to oversee this whole deal.” The last one said shaking her head. “Honesty nerd girl, you fully expected us to pay. We’ll have to remember this next time the anime club comes to the Student Council for funding or demands for a better meeting space.”
  39. Susan felt the heat rising to her cheek bones. Quickly before she could catch herself she found strolled up to the loud mouth cheerleader and without a second thought she slapped her across the face with her open palm. Her pale pink eyes became hard as ice as she peered toward the women who was now stumbling back from the force of the blow.
  41. “Cut the shit and pay.” Susan said in firm tone of voice. The girl who was struck was frozen in place, the other two seeing the look of hardness gracing Sue’s face just stood there rooted in the ground. “Your bill is 7.50 please wait her while I get your ticket.” And with that Susan left. Leaving the three girls stunned beyond words and the whole of the crowed speechless.
  43. “Maid Peppermint.” A voice said behind her. The voice belonged to Lilly. “Please follow me if you will.” Her voice was cold like ice. “And.. You three please leave at once, you’ve caused nothing but trouble since you’ve been here. I’ll deal with peppermint over here, you three just leave and do not come back.”
  45. Stunned the girls could say nothing, but only watch as Lily pulled Susan toward another room. The room that was acting like a staging area for the girls.
  47. “What where you thinking about out there?!” Lily said taking a deep breath. “You bloody slapped a cheerleader, and a member of the student council! You know how much trouble that can cause us?!”
  49. Susan blinked and blinked again as she folded her arms across her breast and poked her lips out in a cute little pout. “She had it coming, she was being a real bitch toward us, she been a real bitch this whole afternoon.” She said turning her noise into the air.
  51. Lily took a deep breath and sighed. “Listen, I don’t know how things are settled on the Kendo Field or in the Kendo club at all, but here we don’t go around slapping peeps.”
  53. “Oh?” Susan said turning around and peering toward her with something of a sly grin. “Then would you please enlighten me on how things are done here?” Susan said.
  55. “First, drop the act hon.” Lily said placing her hand upon her shoulder. Your among friends here, but you need to learn how to handle things.” Lily said squeezing the shoulder. “Instead of acting upon your temper, you should have come found me and I would have dept with it. If they still refused to pay then, we could taken it before the board.” Lily said in her best motherly tone of voice.
  57. “I see..” Susan said looking down t the ground.
  59. “Good, now please follow me.” Lily said taking a deep breath as she reached down and took Susan by the hand. Once the young girl. She found herself being roughly pulled into the hallway.
  61. “I’m sorry Susan, but I can not let you get away with this.” Lily said taking a deep breath. Once inside the hallway they started down the corridor. “As the club president, I have a duty to uphold.” She quickly added as she picked up speed. Soon the two where standing in the middle of a little room. The room was sparsely furnished, only two metal folding chairs, a desk and a old leather chair. Standing behind the chair was old, rusting wardrobe.
  63. Susan blinked and blinked again as she peered toward the chairs, the desk, the high back leather chair and finally the rusting metal closet that stood behind the desk. A feeling of dread was starting to creep over the whole of her body.
  65. “Bare your bottom, bend over and flip your dress.” Lily commanded as she strolled behind the desk and opened the doors, quickly she pulled out a long cane, the classic tool of punishment in private schools.
  67. “Susan Elizabeth Bell.” Lily said walking back behind Susan who was now bending over, her bottom raised high in the stuffy air of the room and her pale bottom on display. “You have been found guilty of being rude to a fellow student. You struck a fellow student and you..” Lily shook her head and cleared her throat.
  69. “You shall be given six strokes of the cane. And till further notice, your membership in the anime club is revoked. I’m sorry, I know you where doing what was right. I know its hard to deal with rude and mean girls. But still.. We are school sponsored club.” She tighten her hold on the cane. “And as such, we must follow the laws of the school, so please forgive me.” With that she took a deep breath and released the first stroke of the cane, the cane fell hard upon her bottom. Sending a blinding shock of sting and burn rolling into her pale bottom.
  71. It felt like a knife had been shoved into her throat. Being banned from the anime club, that was like rubbing salt into a open wound. Then came the cane stroke that caused her to jump and yep in pain.
  73. Lily took a deep breath and quickly stroked her bottom again, then again and then again. Three times in quick succession the cane came sailing into her bottom. Each time the thin rod kissed her bottom it sent a burning wave of sting rolling into her bottom, there was enough force behind each stroke that her round bottom wiggled a little even under the pressure of the attack.
  75. Four strokes into the spanking, and Susan could feel her mental defenses slipping down. Her strong will was shattered, her mind was breaking down from the pressure of the cane and the sting being inflicted upon her bottom. Her breathing became hard. Though from an amazing feet of self control she held back the tears that where building at the edge of her eyes.
  77. Lily finished the spanking quick, sending the fifth stroke below the other four red welts already forming upon the bottom and finally crossing the line with the sixth one. Once the canning was complete she placed the cane down upon the desk and peered toward Susan. She did not trust herself to speak.
  79. The final too strokes shattered Susan, it was like somebody had take a twenty five pound sledge hammer to a glass figurine. But she still could not bring herself to cry, she simply curled her hands up and smacked the wooden desk and stomped her foot. Six of the best, she had taken them all, and not one tear had been given.
  80. “Sue..” Lily started as she took a deep breath, “I’m sorry I had to do this, With that she turned toward the door, quickly though she turned around and peered toward her with a look of great concern. “Go, as of now you no longer belong to us, I have business to attend to. When I return, I expect all borrowed DVD’s, light novels and mangas to have been collected.” There was a pause. “I will send word through the normal channels once your band as been lifted.
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