Guest User


a guest
Mar 23rd, 2016
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  1. <html><head><script language="javascript">
  2. // [generic]
  3. var loginvalue = "1458729287";
  4. var nowtime = "";
  5. var timestring = "2016-03-23 11:34";
  6. var mailtimestring = "";
  7. var unicodeusername = "00902860";
  8. var multi_user = "";
  9. var online_users = "30";
  10. var timestamp = "0";
  11. var uid = "00902860@radius";
  12. var utype = "RADIUS";
  13. var umac = "E8:39:DF:3F:7B:B9";
  14. var upassword = "irReSsxuSqRC012";
  15. var msg = "";
  16. var sessionlength = "14138";
  17. var time_init = "";
  18. var byteamount = "0";
  19. var chargetype = "TIME";
  20. var flogout = "1";
  21. var reminder_time = "0";
  22. var time_reminder_enable = 0;
  23. var time_reminder_value = 300;
  24. var data_reminder_enable = 0;
  25. var data_reminder_value = 0;
  26. var refresh_time = 600;
  27. var cutoff_timeout = "";
  28. var expiretime = "";
  30. var oap = 0;
  31. var ucpp = 0;
  33. // [popup11]
  34. var rmsg = "";
  35. var leftcount = "";
  36. var next_url = "i4lvS6hGNpV7V7QXF5UbF5kyM2UbL029";
  37. var roomState = "";
  38. var time_leftcount = "14138";
  39. var volume_leftcount = "0";
  40. </script>
  41. <!-- [User Login Information Variables] -->
  43. <title>Login Success</title>
  44. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=0.9">
  45. <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
  46. <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
  47. <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT">
  48. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  49. <link href="../include/style_main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  50. <link href="../include/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  51. <link href="../include/login.css" rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css">
  52. <script language="javascript">
  53. var initWindow = "1";
  55. function ondemand_account() {
  56. var ia = document.getElementById('iaf');
  57. if(oap == 1)
  59. else
  61. }
  62. function user_change_password() {
  63. var ucp = document.getElementById('ucpf');
  64. if (ucpp == 1)
  66. else
  68. }
  70. function logoff() {
  72. if( window.confirm('Are you sure you want to log out?') )
  73. {
  74. initWindow = "0";
  75. flogout = "0";
  76. uid=escape(uid);
  77. if(split_tunnel == 1)
  78. window.location.assign("");
  79. else
  80. window.location.href = './logoff.shtml?uid='+uid;
  81. }
  82. }
  84. //Control of showing free account
  85. function account_check(){
  87. //Read key by url
  88. var url = window.location.toString();
  89. var str = "";
  90. var key = "";
  91. if(url.indexOf("?") != -1)
  92. {
  93. var ary=url.split("?")[1].split("&");
  94. for(var i in ary)
  95. {
  96. str=ary[i].split("=")[0];
  97. if(str == "key")
  98. {
  99. key = decodeURI(ary[i].split("=")[1]);
  100. }
  101. }
  102. }
  104. if ( utype == "FREE" && key == "E" )
  105. {
  106. //FREE account login first by Email verification enable, show remaining time by a fixed time_min time (email activation time)
  107. = '';
  108. = '';
  109. var time_min = Math.floor( time_init / 60 );
  110. if( time_min >= 60 )
  111. {
  112. var time_hour = Math.floor( time_min / 60 );
  113. document.getElementById('fh').innerHTML = time_hour;
  114. document.getElementById('fm').innerHTML = time_min % 60;
  115. }
  116. else
  117. {
  118. document.getElementById('fh').innerHTML = 0;
  119. document.getElementById('fm').innerHTML = time_min;
  120. }
  122. }
  123. else if ( ( utype == "FREE" && key == "D" ) || ( utype == "FREE" && key == "" ) )
  124. {
  125. //FREE account display for email disable with value of key="D"
  126. //FREE account display for relogin, with value of key=""
  127. //Show remaining time by time_leftcount
  128. = 'none';
  129. = '';
  130. var time_min = Math.floor( time_leftcount / 60 );
  131. if( time_min >= 60 )
  132. {
  133. var time_hour = Math.floor( time_min / 60 );
  134. document.getElementById('fh').innerHTML = time_hour;
  135. document.getElementById('fm').innerHTML = time_min % 60;
  136. }
  137. else
  138. {
  139. document.getElementById('fh').innerHTML = 0;
  141. //Set remaining time at least 1 min
  142. if( time_min > 0 )
  143. {
  144. document.getElementById('fm').innerHTML = time_min;
  145. }
  146. else
  147. {
  148. document.getElementById('fm').innerHTML = 1;
  149. }
  150. }
  151. }
  152. else if ( ( utype == "FREE" && key == "U" ) || ( utype == "LOCAL" && key == "L" ) || ( utype == "RADIUS") || ( utype == "NTDOMAIN" ) || ( utype == "POP3") || (utype == "LDAP" ) )
  153. {
  154. //other type of Authentication, including FREE account Unlimited,LOCAL user
  155. = 'none';
  156. = 'none';
  157. }
  158. else
  159. {
  160. = '';
  161. = '';
  162. }
  163. }
  164. function init()
  165. {
  166. var obj = document.getElementById("username_span");
  167. obj.title = unicodeusername;
  169. //Check LOCAL and FREE account status
  170. account_check();
  171. ondemand_account();
  172. user_change_password();
  173. }
  174. </script>
  175. </head>
  177. <body onload="init();">
  178. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  179. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  180. <div align="center">
  181. <table width="358" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  182. <tbody><tr>
  183. <td align="center" background="../images/login_tp1_bg_top.png">
  184. <table width="356" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  185. <tbody><tr>
  186. <td height="62" align="left"><p><img src="../images/loginpagelogo.png"></p> </td>
  187. </tr>
  188. </tbody></table>
  189. </td>
  191. </tr>
  193. <tr>
  194. <td height="81" align="center" valign="middle" background="../images/mes_tp1_bg_top_o.png">
  195. <table width="337" height="68" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  196. <tbody><tr>
  197. <td width="43" height="49"><img src="../images/icon_light.png" width="28" height="28"></td>
  198. <td width="212">&nbsp;</td>
  199. <td width="74">&nbsp;</td>
  200. </tr>
  201. <tr>
  202. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  203. <td>
  204. <font color="#cc0000">
  205. <strong>
  206. Hello, you are logged in via
  207. </strong>
  208. </font>
  209. </td>
  210. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  211. </tr>
  212. </tbody></table>
  213. </td>
  214. </tr>
  216. <tr>
  217. <td height="87" align="center" valign="middle" background="../images/mes_tp1_bg_mid.png">
  218. <table width="337" height="250" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  219. <tbody><tr>
  220. <td width="43" height="32">&nbsp;</td>
  221. <td style="overflow:hidden; vertical-align:top;">
  222. <strong>
  223. <span id="username_span" title="00902860">
  224. <div style="word-wrap:break-word;width: 275px;">
  225. <script language="JavaScript">
  226. unicodeusername=unicodeusername.replace(/\\\\/g,"\\");
  227. unicodeusername=unicodeusername.replace(/\\\`/g,"\`");
  228. unicodeusername=unicodeusername.replace(/\\\$/g,"\$");
  229. unicodeusername=unicodeusername.replace(/\\\"/g,"\"");
  230. document.write(unicodeusername);
  231. </script>00902860
  232. </div>
  233. </span>
  234. </strong>
  235. </td>
  236. </tr>
  237. <tr>
  238. <td width="43">&nbsp;</td>
  239. <td>
  240. To log out, please click the "Logout" button.
  241. <br>
  242. <br>
  245. <center>
  246. Login time:
  247. <script language="JavaScript">
  248. document.write("&nbsp;&nbsp;");
  249. document.write(timestring);
  250. </script>&nbsp;&nbsp;2016-03-23 11:34
  251. </center>
  252. <br>
  254. <center>
  255. <table border="0" width="95%" align="center" name="rec_table" id="rec_table">
  256. <tbody>
  257. <tr align="center">
  258. <td colspan="4"><br><strong class="redcolor">Remaining Time:</strong></td>
  259. </tr>
  260. <tr align="center">
  261. <td>
  262. <table name="rec" id="rec" border="0">
  263. <tbody>
  264. <tr align="center">
  265. <td name="showd" id="showd" style="display: none;">
  266. <input name="dd" id="dd" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text">
  267. <font size="-2">Day</font>
  268. </td>
  269. <td name="showh" id="showh">
  270. <input name="hh" id="hh" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text">
  271. <font size="-2">Hour</font>
  272. </td>
  273. <td name="showm" id="showm">
  274. <input name="mm" id="mm" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text">
  275. <font size="-2">Min</font>
  276. </td>
  277. <td name="shows" id="shows">
  278. <input name="ss" id="ss" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text">
  279. <font size="-2">Sec</font>
  280. </td>
  281. </tr>
  282. </tbody>
  283. </table>
  284. </td>
  285. </tr>
  286. </tbody>
  287. </table>
  288. <table border="0" width="95%" align="center" name="quota_table" id="quota_table" style="display:none;">
  289. <tbody>
  290. <tr align="center">
  291. <td><br><strong class="redcolor">Remaining Quota:</strong></td>
  292. </tr>
  293. <tr align="center">
  294. <td>
  295. <strong class="redcolor">
  296. <script language="JavaScript">document.write(msg);</script>
  297. </strong>
  298. </td>
  299. </tr>
  300. </tbody>
  301. </table>
  302. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  303. if (utype == "RADIUS")
  304. {
  305. if (chargetype == "TIME")
  306. {
  307. if(time_leftcount > 0) = "";
  308. }
  309. else if (chargetype == "DATA")
  310. {
  311. if(volume_leftcount > 0) = "";
  312. }
  313. else if (chargetype == "BOTH")
  314. {
  315. if(time_leftcount > 0) = "";
  316. if(volume_leftcount > 0) = "";
  317. }
  318. }
  319. </script>
  320. <p name="showquota" id="showquota" style="display:none" align="center"><strong class="redcolor">Out of Quota</strong></p>
  321. <table border="0" width="95%" align="center" name="free_table" id="free_table" style="display: none;">
  322. <tbody>
  323. <tr align="center">
  324. <td colspan="4"><br><strong class="redcolor">Remaining Time:</strong></td>
  325. </tr>
  326. <tr align="center">
  327. <td>
  328. <table name="free" id="free" border="0">
  329. <tbody>
  330. <tr align="center">
  331. <td>
  332. <strong style="word-wrap:break-word;width: 275px;">
  333. <div name="fh" id="fh" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text"></div>
  334. </strong>
  335. </td>
  336. <td>
  337. <font size="-2">Hour</font>
  338. </td>
  339. <td>
  340. <strong style="word-wrap:break-word;width: 275px;">
  341. <div name="fm" id="fm" readonly="readonly" style="width:30px;" type="text"></div>
  342. </strong>
  343. </td>
  344. <td>
  345. <font size="-2">Min</font>
  346. </td>
  347. </tr>
  348. </tbody>
  349. </table>
  350. </td>
  351. </tr>
  352. </tbody>
  353. </table>
  354. </center></td>
  355. </tr>
  356. <tr>
  357. <td width="43" height="36">&nbsp;</td>
  358. <td align="right">
  359. <table width="91" height="31" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  360. <tbody><tr>
  361. <td width="71" height="31" background="../images/login_loginbut_r.png" valign="middle"><center>
  362. <a href="#" onclick="javascript:logoff();" class="appmsg">Logout</a></center></td>
  363. <td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
  364. </tr>
  365. </tbody></table>
  366. </td>
  367. </tr>
  368. </tbody></table>
  369. </td>
  370. </tr>
  371. <tr>
  372. <td height="40" align="center" valign="top"><img src="../images/mes_tp1_bg_down.png" width="360" height="26"></td>
  373. </tr>
  374. </tbody></table>
  375. </div>
  377. <!-- Put script here because this script need DOM ready and don't want to overwrite onload() -->
  378. <script type="text/javascript" src="../include/radius_count.js"></script>
  381. <script type="text/javascript">
  383. function renew( url ) {
  384. ok = "0";
  385. window.location.href = url;
  386. }
  388. var UrlEncodeUid = '00902860%40radius'; /* Used by radius_count.js */
  390. var initWindow = "1";
  391. var ok = "1";
  393. var key_check = 0;var split_tunnel = 0;
  394. window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  395. if( flogout=="1" && initWindow=="1" && ok == "1")
  396. return 'Note: The system will keep your session running even if you close this "Login Success" page right now. To logout, please click the "Logout" button or enter "logout" in the URL bar of the browser.';
  397. }
  398. </script>
  399. </body></html>
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