
Calamity Villa Horror (Force Quit)

Dec 31st, 2012
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  1. Inside the Everfree forest, you stare at a large decrepit wooden mansion. It’s bright and vibrant red paint has dulled and faded, into an old dark crimson. The cobwebs and broken windows only add to the sad state the house is in, you turn towards Twilight and smile.
  2. “Just think, after I fix this baby up, I will be rollin in the dough.”
  3. “I really think you bit off more than you can chew this time Anon, I really do.”
  4. The business of flipping houses has treated you well; “Taking candy from a baby” does not even begin to describe how easy it was to play these ponies. However, like all good things, it had to end, and you were forced to buy property outside of Ponyville.
  5. “Nah, I got this, I mean yeah it’s pretty far out, but I can just say its “remote”, and a great choice for a rich pony who wants to “Get away from it all”. I think that Mr. Filthy guy would eat it up.”
  6. “He probably would,” Concurs Twilight “but why was it necessary that I come along again?”
  7. You crouch down to her eye level
  8. “Because I cant do this without you.”
  9. “What?!” She asks shocked “Why me?”
  10. “Look at the fucking house, its huge! I’m gonna need some serious help if I want to get this done quickly, and a magic user like you would be great.”
  11. “And cheap.” She says bitterly as you sigh
  12. “Ok yes I deserve that, I’m not above taking advantage of ponies, but I would never cheat my friends, especially you. When I sell this house, you will get 33%.”
  13. “33!? So you get 64?!”
  14. “No of course not, I’m only getting 33 as well.”
  15. “Well who gets the rest then?”
  16. You grin widely “Rainbow Dash, with a 1% donation to charity.”
  18. Back at Ponyville, Twilight and friends are all gathered at your man-cave, Rainbow is shooting some hoops while Rarity partakes in some fine wine. All seem to be at ease and enjoying the fruits of your labor, getting down to business however, Applejack speaks out first.
  19. “So what’s the big idea callin us up like this?”
  20. Twilight clears her throat, “I wanted to inform you all that Anon, Rainbow, and I, will be leaving for Calamatiy Villa tomorrow, and we will be gone for a litter over a week.”
  21. All the other ponies gasp and begin to talk all at once, this should be good.
  22. “Now why would ya want tah go to a Celestia forsaken place like that Twi?! Ain’t ya ever heard all dem stories bout that place?!”
  23. “Oh not this again.” Groans Twilight
  24. “Why what happened there?”
  25. “Just a silly superstition brought on by years of ignorance, and lack of any significant scientific analysis.”
  26. “No Twilight, its true, all the critters are too scared to go anywhere near the grounds.” Fluttershy says as Pinkie jumps in front of her
  27. “And sometimes at night, it’s said you can still hear the cries of all the baby foals that died in that house!”
  28. “I herd, dat the mother drowned her kids when she got fed up with them being rowdy, that’s why granny said she had to cane us growing up. So she wouldn’t have to drown us.” Added Applejack
  29. “Actually dears, you’re all wrong.” Interrupted Rarity as she takes a long drink of wine, with a sigh she continues “It was about 140 years ago, long before any of us were born..”
  30. “Pony or human years?” You ask
  32. “Oh that’s right;” She laughs “I forgot you age at a different rate than we do. What was that formula again? Oh whatever it’s not important, in any case. A rich stallion and his young mare bride, settled in to start a family. It was rumored that they had trouble conceiving, and a witch zebra had suggested relocating to the forest, where fertility spirits dwelled. Wanting a son so desperately, he spent his entire fortune building and relocating to that spot. Most of his servants had left him, save for a few indentured and family loyal butlers and mares.”
  33. She floats the empty wine bottle in the air,
  34. “Rainbow, do be a good mare and fetch me another bottle, thanks. Now the lord of that house was by no means a bad stallion, he was fair and just to his servants and loved his wife. However, that slowly began to change, oh thank you…” Rarity smiles as Rainbow delivers the bottle and sets it on the table, she pours herself another glass and continues.
  35. “Years of trying, and still no heir, he began to grow impatient, angry even. He first took it out on the butlers, then the maids, and finally, his wife. Just when all seemed lost though, she became pregnant. They said he never looked happier, and things for that time looked bright, but if this story had a happy ending, we wouldn’t be talking about now would we?” Rarity says almost evilly,
  36. (She really needs to lay off the wine) You think
  37. “One day the wife goes into labor, and she gave to him..a daughter. He was furious, angry that after all he did for her; she could not even give him the son he desired. He snapped, retreated to his study and drank himself stupid before throwing himself out the window. When they found his body, the wife was distraught, and fell into a deep depression. She killed both herself and foal a few days later.”
  39. She takes another sip of wine and sighs “The property then fell into the hands of the servants, who sold it and left, can’t say I blame them for not wanting to stay.”
  40. The room’s previous atmosphere has been replaced by a more stagnant one, and for a moment nobody says anything.
  41. “Now does that sound like the kind of house ya want to go stay at?” said Applejack
  42. “It’s just an old house, with a bad history, nothing else. We had ghost stories back where I came from too, most of them were bullshit.” You say to Applejack as she groans and looks over at Twilight and Rainbow
  43. “Well we all know the only thing Anon cares about is money, but how in the hay did he convince you two to get on board?”
  44. Twilight looks at Applejack, “Well to be honest, I’m doing this to actually prove if ghosts exist or not.” Pinkie jumps in front of Twilight
  45. “But what about my Pinkie sense, wasn’t that enough for you?”
  46. “Pinkie we are NOT brining that up again.” Twilight says in a “This is the end of it” tone.
  47. “Well what about you RD?” Applejack turns to face Rainbow
  48. “With the kind of bits he promised, I can get some really nice stuff. Sides, I aint no chicken, that mansion can throw everything it’s got, I can handle it.”
  49. Twilight shoots you a mean glare, as you try to play it off.
  50. “Well whatever, thanks for the nightmare fuel you guys, its good to know you told us that a day before we’re gonna spend a week there.” You say sarcastically “I gotta get ready and so do you two, grab supplies, come over, spend the night, and we’ll take off bright and early tomorrow. G’night everybody.” You say rushing everyone out the door as you slam it in their faces, you hear Rarity mumble something before falling to the ground.
  51. “Oh yeah, I forgot she was plastered.” You laugh
  53. Well cant get ready with the days dirt and funk on you, might as well work in a quick shower before they get here. Heading upstairs and into one of the many bathrooms, you lock the door and undress. The warm water that crawls along your body feels good as it bombards you, seeing no point in dragging this on; you grab some shampoo and finish up. Drying off, you grab a bathrobe and head out into your room. Throwing together a mishmash of comfy clothing, you head downstairs and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you see a mixed variety of leftovers and unopened goods. Settling for a fruit cocktail, you close the fridge and turn to see Twilight in front of you.
  54. “Anonymous.”
  55. “Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
  56. “What did I scare you?” She asks with a smile
  57. “Fuck yeah, I thought I was alone.”
  58. She laughs “Listen I wanted to talk with you, are you serious about turning over a new leaf? Like do you really want to start helping ponies out, and not just take advantage of them?”
  59. “Yeah…a little.”
  60. “Great, because I was thinking we could give 40% of the profits to charity, they need it more than anyp0ny.”
  61. (40%! That only leaves us 60 between the 3 of us!)
  62. “Wh..what about Rainbow? It wouldn’t be fair for her share to get cut like that.”
  63. “See that’s the great thing, Rainbow can still keep her 33% and we just split the remaining 27 between the two of us.” She smiles as you fill with silent rage,
  64. “That’s wonderful.” You say laughing to mask the anger
  65. “So what do you think? Do you want to do it?”
  67. Well you need Twilight the most to get this job done, so you might as well just go along with this. Even if its only 13% it’s still making back the money you spent on buying the house, and it’s not like you have to tell her how much you sold it for.
  68. “Sure, I’ll even let you pick the charity.” You say with your best “I give a fuck” face.
  69. She smiles widely as she hug tackles you, “Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Letting go, she trots to a random corner “I know just the charity too, The Canterlot Literacy Program! Bringing education to underprivileged fillies and colts, I can’t wait to see the smiles on those foals faces when I hoof deliver a book to each one. Sure I first need to teach them how to read, but ” She turns to face you with a cute little smile “Thank you Anon, I knew you had a good heart.”
  70. (I wonder if I can sleep with her now.) You think as a knock at the door removes that thought from your head. You hear the door swing open followed by Rainbow’s voice
  71. “Yo Anon, ya home!?”
  72. “I’m over here!” You reply as Rainbow comes trotting in with her bags packed full of stuff,
  73. “Oh hey Twilight, Anon, well I’m here already, gonna go crash in that cool room with the pool.” Rainbow chuckles as she trots towards the stairs, she always loved coming over and chilling with all your cool stuff. Not that you minded, most ponies here hated you after that whole “scamming and robbing them blind” thing.
  74. I should be going to bed too,” Twilight says walking up next to you, “Which one is my room?”
  75. “There are 8 rooms in this house, pick one.” You smile
  77. As you lay in bed, you look up at the ceiling fan as it turns and turns. You think back to what everyone was saying about the house, you feel anxious and your stomach turns in knots.
  78. (“Fucking ghost stories.”) You think before turning on your side and curling up to sleep.
  79. Waking up before dawn, you shake off the grogginess and head over to the room Twilight chose for the night. Upon opening the door, you see both Twilight and Rainbow Dash sharing a bed.
  80. “What the fuck.” You whisper before flicking the light switch on and off “Hey you two, wake up!” You groan as the two stir up from sleep.
  81. ”Turn off the light Anon!” Rainbow yells angrily as she buries her head into the pillow while Twilight stretches out and rubs her eyes
  82. “Morning Anon.” She says as though still asleep before getting off the bed “Where’s the shower?”
  83. “Down the hall on your left.” You say and point in the direction of it as she trots past you with her little purple silk jammies.
  84. (“That’s fucking adorable.”) You think looking at her trot down the hall, looking over at Rainbow she gets up and you see has a Daring Do gown on. You snicker out loud and when she realizes it, her face flares up
  85. “G..get out of here!” She says flying over to you and pushing you out the door before slamming it in your face. You let it slide after she showed you such an embarrassingly cute scene.
  87. After you all shower and get your faces on, you slap together a quick breakfast and head out. The pack mules you hired to carry all the stuff over to the grounds seem to have been waiting for you,
  88. “Mr. Anon, are you guys ready to go?”
  89. “Yeah let me uhh get the others.” You say going back inside “Hey you two its time to go!”
  90. “All right.”
  91. “Ok.”
  93. Sitting in-between Twilight and Rainbow, the three of you look around at all the lines of tree that have more lines of trees behind them, and so on, and so on. This is deep in the Everfree, you’re starting to feel anxious, and after all, if you pull this off, you’ll be rolling in the dough. You look over at Twilight who is using her magic to take notes, and Rainbow seems to be looking out into the trees with some sort of thought deep in her mind. You place a hand on her back and she tenses up before looking at you,
  94. “Something wrong?” You ask
  95. “No.” She replies quickly before going back to looking at the trees “….Do you think those stories are true?” She says
  96. “Nah, there just stories, it’s all bullshit.” You say dismissively, Rainbow laughs nervously
  97. “Haha yeah, yer right…nothing to be scared of.” She says before going silent
  98. Oh man, you can read her like a book, she’s terrified.
  99. “Well we’re here.” One of the mules says, all three of you look up and see the grounds still a long way,
  100. “Whats the deal?” You say angrily “I paid you guys to take us to the grounds.”
  101. “And we’re here, but we wont get any closer.” The other mule says “This is cursed land, we only go as far as the animals go.”
  102. “Oh you superstitious pussies.” You say angrily,
  103. “Anon.” Twilight says firmly “Don’t chastise them over it, we can take over it from here.”
  104. You grunt “Ah fine whatever.” As you get off the cart and walk past the mules and look out at the villa, whatever anger you felt is gone, and you can’t wait to start working on the house. Looking over at side, you see pallets of wood, cement, tools and everything else you ordered off to the side as well.
  105. “God damn stallions aint worth a damn.” You say under your breath, Twilight and Rainbow are not pushing the cart and pass you
  106. “Let’s unpack first, and find our rooms in the house before we start on working it.” Twilight says as you follow behind them.
  108. The huge double doors of the villa swing open, illuminating the dark and dusty walls, corners, and furniture. Twilight is the first to enter and she shifts her gaze from one side of the room to the other. Rainbow is less sure, and she slowly inches herself into the building, you’re the last to enter, and as you make past the doors, you turn and swing them closed. The bang causes Rainbow to flinch,
  109. “Please tell me we don’t have to work on anything in here.” Rainbow says
  110. “I’ll work on the inside, while you two get the outside, since I have neither magic nor flight; this is the only thing I can do to help until you all can come join me.”
  111. Rainbow sighs in relief “Thank Celestia.” She says as a loud thud makes her flinch up and look towards the stairs.
  112. The thuds bump in rapid succession, and it sounds like a ball bouncing down a hallway, it eventually comes to stop, and no sound is heard anymore.
  113. You can see Rainbow is terrified and Twilight looks intrigued at the sound,
  114. “Rainbow, can you unload all of our stuff by the door, while Twilight and I go check on that sound?”
  115. Rainbow looks at you and then Twilight before trotting up to the door and going outside
  116. “Nice call Anon.”
  117. “Yeah, well let’s go check it out, just in case though…you have offensive magic right?”
  118. Twilight smirks and the two of you head for the stairs. Slowly walking up the steps, Twilight follows behind and looks over at the right while you look at the left. The hallways are dimly lit, and you can’t see very far down them.
  119. “I can’t see a thing.” You tell Twilight
  120. Her horn begins to glow, and it illuminates a good portion of both hallways. Looking around, you decide to go left and Twilight follows.
  121. You pass a door and fiddle with the knob, nothing. You can see another door at the end of hallway and go for that. Finally reaching it, you turn the knob, its also locked. With a sigh you turn around and see Twilight looking around, you pass her and go for the other side. She continues to follow and you see a mirrored layout of the left, two doors one on the side and the other at the end of the hall. This one is different however, the door at the end of the hall is open, and you can see a white ball in the middle of the hallway.
  123. Slowly walking over to it, you wonder how it got there and why the door is open. Reaching it, you bend down and pick it up
  124. “What is it?” Twilight asks as you inspect it
  125. “Looks like just a ball.” You hand it over to Twilight and look at the door, walking up to it, you slowly peak inside. You see a white room with a window, and old dirty white drapes, also a dusty old bed. You swing open the door and look around.
  126. “It’s just an old room.” You say to yourself as you turn around and see Twilight looking around as well.
  127. “Well at least we found the culprit behind this.” She says as she magic’s the ball in the air “This will put Rainbow’s mind to rest.” She laughs
  128. “Yeah.” You agree
  130. Both you and Twilight go down the steps and see your entire luggage on the floor by the door, and Rainbow panting on top of it all.
  131. “Rainbow!” Twilight yells, “We found what made the noise.” She says throwing over the ball to her; it bounces towards her, but goes over her head and out the door.
  132. You walk over and pick up the two bags you brought, and Twilight magics the rest of the luggage into the air. Sticking your hand into the bag, you pull out an old fashion skeleton key.
  133. “What’s that?” Rainbow asks as she starts hovering overhead looking at the key.
  134. “It’s the master key I got when I bought the house; the real-estate mare told me it would open any door in the house.”
  135. “Cooool.” She says looking at it impressed; apparently her fear was put to rest with the ball being the culprit.
  136. You clutch the key in your hand and grab your bags before walking up the steps with Rainbow and Twilight behind. When you reach the top you look over at the left and point to the door at the end of the hall.
  137. “That’s my room.”
  138. “Dibs, I call the other one.” Rainbow says quickly pointing down that same hallway
  139. Twilight looks over at the other side and groans “Fine, I’ll get the other one.” She flings Rainbow’s suitcase over by the door and takes her to her side, all the while grumbling “It’s not like I’m afraid of this house anyway.”
  141. You give a chuckle while you go down the hallway towards your room; you unlock the door for Rainbow and swing it open. You continue down the hall when,
  142. “So Anon…would you mind helping me unpack?” Rainbow says trying to play it cool
  143. “Why? I still need to get my stuff ready.”
  144. “Aww cmon it’ll only take a minute.” She continues, you sigh knowing she probably wants to scope out the room first.
  145. “Fine.” You groan going into the room, looking around, its almost like the other room aside from everything being on the opposite side. Its dusty as fuck, and you go over to a closet and open it up. A fog of dense smoke slowly spreads out from it and you cough violently at how much it irritated your throat.
  146. Rainbow goes over to the bed, and grabbing a pillow with her mouth, whacks at it and even more dust flies into the air.
  147. “Rainbow stop it.” You cough; you look around for a window and run up to it, forcing it open, the wind comes blowing in and the dust clears out.
  148. You sigh and look around,
  149. “Well the room looks clean now.” You say exaggeratingly, Rainbow goes for her case and opens it up; you take a quick glance and see her Daring Do gown at the very top, you snicker again and she realizes you saw them.
  150. “Dang it Anon!” She yells and pushes you out into the hallway before slamming the door.
  152. You let out a happy sigh and go down to your room, turning the key, you push the door open and take in what you see. Surprise, surprise, it’s a dusty old room same as the others, but this one has a nice king sized bed in it and what looks like a baby crib.
  153. “Nice.” You say quietly as you go to open the windows, you grab a pillow and start beating the crap out of the bed. Sure enough dust floats around everywhere and the window sees it out.
  155. It took a half hour, but you spruced up the room, all you need to do is wash and sanitize the sheets. A knock at the door draws your attention,
  156. “Hey Anon, can we come in?” Twilight says
  157. “Yeah come in.” You reply as the door opens, Twilight and Rainbow come in and look around at your room.
  158. “Of course you get the good bedroom.” Rainbow comments sarcastically looking around
  159. “It’s a very nice room.” Twilight adds
  160. “So how are your rooms?”
  161. Rainbow speaks up first “Anon these rooms are filthy, you cant expect me to sleep here. Lets just go back into town and sleep at your place or something, it would be better than sleeping here.”
  162. “Rainbow, I would love that, but it’s easily a two hour trip and I don’t want to waste 4 hours on just travel when we could be using that time to fix the house. While you two are working on the outside today, I’ll be cleaning our rooms. When you come back in, the room will be spotless, I promise.”
  163. Rainbow sighs and looks around the room and focuses on the crib.
  164. “What is that?” She asks
  165. “Oh it’s a crib; I don’t know why that’s here.”
  166. Rainbow continues to look at it, and you decide to get her mind off of it,
  167. “All right.” You say clapping your hands together “Twilight, Rainbow, go outside and start moving all the materials and tools closer to the house, also set up a shelter to protect them from the elements. By the time you two are done, I will have the rooms clean and some food ready.”
  168. Rainbow focuses again and nods as her and Twilight go trotting out, you sigh and look at the crib. Hearing Rarity’s words you shiver a little and leave, best start on Twilight’s room first.
  170. Every room has a tub, sink, and toilet, you turn the nozzle in the sink and water comes sputtering out before becoming a steady stream. Using your shirt, you wet it and start cleaning off the dirt in the tub, after its clean, you toss Twilight’s sheet in it and start on them. You wring them out as best you can and find a rail to hang them on, after that, you continue on the shelves and sweep up any dirt that was left behind. After an hour and a half of this, you finish up on Twilights room and go into Rainbows.
  172. You’re shirt is pretty much shot, so you wrap it up and throw it out her window, going back out and into your room, you open up the suitcase and grab a couple of your “rag clothing” On your way out, you hear a rocking and squeaking, turning around quickly, you see the baby crib swaying to and fro. You tense up and almost choke on your own salvia, looking at the window though, you see its still open.
  173. “Its just the wind.” You tell yourself relived; you exhale in relief and continue back to Rainbow’s room.
  175. Doing the same thing you did in Twilight’s room, you go about your own business of cleaning the room. Every so often you hear a shuffle or movement, but you don’t think much of it, or rather you don’t want to think about it. After you finish up, you go into your room and start on the bed sheets; those are the most important to you anyway. Leaving them to dry, you decide to start on lunch. The counters can wait.
  177. Downstairs, you see the bags of supplies that have food and other things that were not clothing. Going through the bags, you grab a giant bag of dried flower petals and some bread, nothing fancy, but it will do for them. Setting up some paper plates, you make 6 sandwiches for them with a large side of dried hay. Cleaning up, and wrapping the food up so no bugs or anything get in it, you go upstairs to finish up on your room.
  179. As you climb the stairs, you hear the sound of a foal crying; you glance over at your room and see a beige unicorn stallion wearing a black butler suit. He is standing in front of your door and looking straight at you. A dark brown mare comes out from your room, and without even bothering to ask, you run back down the steps and dash outside like mad.
  180. “Rainbow! Twilight!” You scream “Somebody’s in the fucking house!” You look around and don’t see any of them anywhere, but a shadow is quickly cast over you.
  181. “What!?” Rainbow says over you “Who’s in the house!?”
  182. “I don’t know, I just ran the fuck out of there. I wasn’t gonna ask for an ID!”
  183. Twilight comes running over quickly and she is in front of you
  184. “Calm down Anon, lets all go in together. I’m sure there’s a rational explanation for this.”
  186. All three of you enter the room and see the stallion at the top of the steps.
  187. “What the fuck are you doing in my house!?” You scream from the bottom of the stairs,
  188. “……..” He says nothing but just stands there looking down on all three of you
  189. “Excuse me? Your house?” A feminine voice says from the top of the stairs, the dark brown mare comes slowly into view. “This is my house.”
  190. “What?!” You shout
  192. Inside the dinning area, you, Twilight, Rainbow, and the two stranger ponies all sit at the giant oak table. Your group on one side, them on the other, the mare clears her throat and the butler pony uses his magic to serve everyone a cup of tea. Strangely, the dishes are clean.
  193. “I apologize for Retwal, he does not enjoy talking, but he is one the most kindhearted ponies you will ever know. I apologize as well for not formally introducing ourselves. You’ve already met Retwal, and my name is Ms. Calamity.”
  194. “Calamity?” Twilight asks in confusion
  195. “Yes, it’s my maiden name. I inherited this property from my father, and he inherited from his father, and so on.”
  196. “I thought there was a horrible murder/suicide here and the land lost its owner, Anon bought this land not to long ago from a real-estate mare.” Rainbow says while flying overhead
  197. Calamity scoffs “Really? Are ponies still making up stories like that, those are nothing but old mares tales, told for nothing more than entertainment.” She says turning her face away, her light golden mane swishing in one big motion. “Wait…who bought this land?”
  198. She says turning back to face you,
  199. “I did. I have the deed and everything.”
  200. “No, no, that’s impossible, I have the deed, and this is my house!” She says almost in a fit of disbelief “Retwal, fetch me the deed from upstairs.”
  201. He does not move and instead hangs his head “I’m sorry my lady, but what he speaks is the truth. Calamity villa has not belonged to you in quite some time, we simply have no money.”
  202. She has a look of shock “What do you mean we have no money?! The Calamity’s have been a prestigious and royal family for generations!”
  203. “My lady, you are all that is left, the servants have long since gone, you have no heir, and no real source of income. I thought we were safe from eviction because so many ponies feared this land, but it looks like that a silly dream.”
  204. “So you guys are squatters?” You ask
  205. “I suppose you could say so.” He replies annoyed “However only in the sense that we do not own this land anymore. It is the madam’s home; you only own it on paper.”
  206. (“He’s a ballsy guy, I’ll give him that.”) You think “To bad for you, that’s the only thing that counts.”
  207. “Please allow us to stay, don’t kick us out we have nowhere to go.” Calamity begs as she bows to you across the table
  208. “My lady! Such an indecent display is not suited for royalty!” Retwal says nudging her up, he quickly runs over to where the three of you are and lowers himself to your feet “I shall beg in her place, please allow us to stay. I shall tend to your every need and call, anything it takes to keep the lady in this house and safe.”
  209. “Retwal.” She says almost crying,
  210. Twilight looks at you with the saddest expression and whispers “Anon let them stay; we can’t just kick them out or make them our servants.”
  211. You look over at Rainbow and she simply shrugs
  212. “I’m just glad to see somep0ny else around here besides us.”
  214. Thinking it over, you scratch the back of your head,
  215. “All right you two can stay, but I want her to be my servant.” You say pointing over to Ms. Calamity
  216. “ANON!” Twilight yells slamming her hoof on the table “That is not what we should be doing, these ponies need our help, and we can’t be subjugating them!”
  217. “It’s my house, I can make any call I want. Besides that guy said he will beg in her place, as far as I’m concerned, that means she is the one still begging.”
  218. “Well if it’s your house! I don’t need to work on it then.” Twilight says getting up, “If you make her serve you, I refuse to work for you.”
  219. “Its all right miss, I will accept his offer.”
  220. “What!?” Both Twilight and Retwal scream
  221. “My family is a long and prideful one, and I was the first to beg, I have sold my honor and pride in exchange for something as small as roof over my head. It’s my fault that the house is in the sad state it’s in. I very well can’t let my most loyal and beloved servant, take on the burden that I have caused.” She says placing a hoof over her heart “I shall serve you, and in exchange you will grant us shelter…my lord.” She whimpers at the end and you can hear Retwal trying his best to not cry,
  222. Twilight shoots you a disgusted and angry glare
  223. “I’m gonna go back to working on the outside.” She says lowly before trotting off, Rainbow floats over to you
  224. “Sooooo she’s like your servant now?”
  225. “I guess so.”
  226. “Cool, hey lady, can you get me another cup of tea?”
  227. She gets up slowly and reaches for the pot, she walks up to your side and pours some tea in Rainbows cup. The whole time she keeps a calm and refined manner. Rainbow sips at it and smiles
  228. “This is kind of fun, I don’t get why Twilights making such a big deal.”
  229. “Glad you’re on board with it.”
  231. Rainbow has gone back outside to help Twilight, and Retwal has gone upstairs to clean the rooms. Though Retwal does not technically serve you, he volunteered to clean the rooms for you and you’re guests. You have a feeling he’s doing it just so you won’t make Calamity do it, oh well free labor is free right? Aside from the main building where you and the others are sleeping, there are two more buildings parallel to each other on the side. You named one of them building A and the other B, because well you were never good at coming up with names. In building A, you and Calamity walk down the long emerald green stain-glass hallway.
  232. “So what is this building for?” You ask
  233. “It used to be our servant quarters, now it’s just a shell of what it used to be.”
  234. “And the other?”
  235. “That was for the farmers and their families, at its height, we were an agricultural supplier for other towns and self sufficient. We kind of still are, but Retwal and I can only grow food for ourselves.” She stops walking and looks at the ground “Thinking back, it makes sense that we no longer bought food like we used to.”
  236. “So you have a crop around here?”
  237. “It’s by the other building; I’ll take you to go see it.”
  238. “Nah that’s fine, I’ll take your word for it. It’s starting to get dark anyway.”
  239. “I’ll prepare your bed.” She says trotting off,
  240. Alone in the building, you can feel a silent pressure creeping up on you. Holding yourself, you decide to quickly leave the building. As you reach for the door, a single door at the opposite end of the hallway slowly opens. Its rusted hinges make a long and loud screech as it swings open. Feeling like somebody stepped on your heart; you slowly turn and look at the door, your hearts pace quickens and you feel your blood turn cold.
  241. “No fuck that.” You whisper before turning around and basically running out the door
  243. Walking back to the house, you see Twilight and Rainbow calling it a day as well, ghosts or not, there are animals in the woods, and you would rather not risk it. A cool breeze caresses your face and you shiver a little, seeing no point in staying out, you jog for the house. Coming in and looking to the right, you see Twilight reading by the fireplace, a roaring and warming fire is already in it, it illuminates the room and you see a wall of books that you hadn’t noticed before. Looking upstairs, you see Rainbow going in the direction of her room, Retwal is cleaning in the kitchen, and you can’t see Calamity anywhere, but she is probably in your room.
  245. Twilight probably doesn’t want to talk to you right now, best let her be. Might as well check in on Rainbow; see how she’s coming along. Walking up the steps, you turn and head into her room; she’s resting on her bed reading a book.
  246. “Hey Rainbow.”
  247. “Oh hey Anon, what’s up?”
  248. “Not much, just wanted to hang.” You say looking around
  249. “Ok, well have a seat.”
  250. Sitting on her bed, you look around and see how much Retwal really put your cleaning to shame. Everything looks spotless and pristine; he really must have been working with the house for a long time to do a job this well.
  251. “So how much got done outside?”
  252. “Well Twilight was really haulin, I’ve never seen her work like that before. We did everything you asked and actually stared on repairing the frames, we’re working from the bottom-up.”
  253. “That’s great!” You say happily “You guys can be done in no time at that right! Thanks Rainbow for helping me out.”
  254. “Really Twilight did a lot of the work, you should thank her.”
  255. “Maybe when she’s not pissed off…so what are you gonna do with your cut of the bits?”
  256. “First I’m gonna buy those VIP tickets for the Winter Wonderbolts special at Canterlot, first class, front row, and meet and greet. After that, I don’t know; spend it on whatever I guess, you?”
  257. “Probably gonna move from Ponyville, I have my eye on Appleoosa, figured I move there and start my business of selling houses again. You have no idea how much prime real-estate if up there.”
  258. “What! You can’t move!”
  259. “Why not? You gonna miss me?”
  260. “Yeah, who else has an indoor pool in Ponyville? Oh can you leave me your house when you leave then? If you leave it to me, I’ll take care of it, Pinkie-Promise.”
  261. You sigh and shake your head, “Tell you what Rainbow, if you don’t mind getting 10% of the share, and after I sell this house, my house is yours then.”
  262. “Really!?”
  263. “Absolutly, I’ll even get you those Winter Wonderbolt tickets, first class and all expenses paid.”
  264. “Oh my gosh that is so awesome!” She squees as she hugs you tightly “Thank you Anon!”
  265. “Anything for a friend.” You say patting her back (“Especially when I come out on top.”) You grin in your mind.
  266. “My lord, your bath is ready.” Calamity says from the door frame, you let go of Rainbow and get off the bed,
  267. “Well see ya later Rainbow, good night.”
  268. Rainbow happily waves you goodbye and you close the door.
  270. Walking to your room, Calamity remains silent as she trots besides you. Passing the door, she opens the bathroom and you see the tub full of soapy water.
  271. “Your bath.”
  272. “Thanks.” You say taking off your shirt,
  273. “Will this be all you need of me?”
  275. “Actually, would you mind staying? I wanted to talk to you about a few things.”
  276. “Very well,” She replies “I shall wait for you by the bed until you finish.”
  277. “Nah we can talk here.” You say taking off your pants
  278. “If that is what you wish.” She says taking a seat by the tub, you remove whatever clothing you have left, and slip in the tub.
  279. “So what did you wish to discuss with me?” She asks
  280. “You can start by telling me about yourself.”
  281. “Myself?”
  282. “Yeah, and don’t spare and grizzly details, I’m good for it.”
  283. She sighs “Well I was born in the summer, I have no brothers or sisters, my parents have passed and it’s just me and Retwal who live here now.” She stops abruptly
  284. “Is that all?”
  285. “I’m not really good at talking about myself, I never know where to start or what to say.”
  286. “Well what’s your name? You know aside from Ms Calamity.”
  287. “It’s Dew.”
  288. “That’s a nice name I guess, what do you do for fun?”
  289. “I garden with Retwal, and read when I’m not cleaning around the villa.”
  290. “You don’t go out?”
  291. “Not really, Retwal is very protective and discourages any trips outside the grounds.”
  292. “What? That’s absurd.” You say relaxing deeper into the water
  293. “He only wants to make sure I’m safe, what’s wrong with that?” She asks raising her voice
  294. “Well for one, its just plain sad having him cooping you up in here, and also it’s destroying your social life, its no wonder you don’t have an heir.”
  295. “Excuse me.” She says softly getting up and walking out the bathroom; she slowly closes the door behind her.
  296. *Sigh* “Shit.” You say getting up,
  298. Wrapping the towel around your waist, you head out and see Calamity looking over the crib in the corner of your room.
  299. “Um Calamity?”
  300. Without looking at you, “Yes?”
  301. “If you don’t have an heir, then what about the baby I heard?”
  302. “Baby?” She turns around and gets back up on her feet,
  303. “Yeah, when I first saw you, I had heard a baby crying from this room, and you know there is a crib here so..”
  304. She stands there quite as though thinking, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn’t hear anything like that.”
  305. A lump forms in your throat, your going to regret the next question you’re going to ask.
  306. “So you have no kids in here…at all?”
  307. “No.”
  308. “Get it out of here.” You say quickly, “Chop up that creepy crib, and chuck it out the fucking window. I have an axe somewhere outside.”
  309. “Absolutly not!” She stomps “This crib has been in our family for generations!” She yells
  310. “Well I don’t want it fucking here! I know what I heard.”
  311. “I will not let you or anyp0ny, do anything to this crib. When I was a little foal, my mother would rock me to sleep in it, and it’s all I have left to remember her by.” She says turning back around
  312. “Can you at least take it out of my room? The damn thing gives me the creeps.”
  313. “This was my mother’s room, it has to stay here.” She says firmly while rocking the crib again “Besides, I told you all those stories are just poppycock, old mare’s tales.”
  315. “My lady, is everything all right? I heard shouting.” Retwal says coming into the room
  316. “Everything is fine Retwal, I was just leaving.”
  317. She trots stomps up to the door, and stops before exiting, she turns around and looks you dead in the eyes. “Good night my lord, and sweet dreams” She says obediently before leaving and Retwal magically closes it behind her.
  318. You drop your towel and open a cabinet; sure enough all of your clothing is packed in there nice and folded. Grabbing some boxers and an undershirt, you dress up, close the windows and curtains, and jump into bed. You have no intention of sleeping yet, instead you think about what you just talked about. Dew is a strange mare indeed; she silently obeys you, but is quick to voice herself despite being your servant. You have to admit though, that brazen attitude is attractive, she’s not so bad to look at either. Her dark brown fur reminds you of a chocolate brownie, and you loved those, her voice is also both soft yet firm when she wants it to be. Yeah you could get used to her serving you, glancing over at the crib; you get that ugly feeling again.
  319. “Ok Anon just chill, it’s just an old house, nothing scary about it.”
  321. Out of respect for Dew, you decide to leave the crib be, besides what should you be scared about anyway. It’s just a dusty old crib, in a dusty old house, yup nothing scary at all. Getting up from bed, you head back into the bathroom and brush your teeth. Washing your face, you head back out and get the lights. In the darkness, you hop into bed and curl up.
  322. “It’s just an old house.” You whisper “It’s just an old house.”
  324. Day 2
  325. The sunlight tears through what little space it can, and you can stay asleep no longer. Getting up, you look over at the crib expecting to see something, but don’t, thankfully the night was peaceful. Coughing and yawning a bit, you get out of bed to get ready for the day. After a relaxing shower and brushing your teeth, get dressed and head out into the hallway. All the doors seem to be closed and you take it as a sign that you are the first awake. Walking to the steps, you go down them and hear a commotion in the kitchen. Turning to the right, you see Retwal is preparing breakfast. Using his magic, he levitates and floats dishes and pots all over the place.
  326. “Good morning sir.” He says dryly as you walk up to him “What kind of food would you like? I don’t know what it is you eat exactly.”
  327. “Just get me some eggs.”
  328. “We don’t have eggs.”
  329. “What about bacon?”
  330. “We don’t have that either.”
  331. “Just give me whatever you’re making.”
  332. “A fine choice sir.”
  333. “Where’s Dew?”
  334. “She is resting in her room; my lady is not accustomed to waking up so early.”
  335. “What about Twilight and Rainbow?”
  336. “Sir everyone besides us is asleep, I’m just preparing breakfast for when they wake.”
  337. Looking at the table, you have a seat and recline.
  338. “So tell me Retwal, how long have you been working here?”
  339. He laughs a little “A very long time sir, I was there when my lady was born.”
  340. “Can I ask you something?”
  341. “I have a feeling you would ask anyway if I said no.”
  342. “Why is this house a dump anyway? From what I have heard, you guys used to be rolling in the dough.”
  343. “Well between an old butler and an inexperienced mare, we can’t make money like my former lord and madam used to do.”
  344. “How did they die anyway?”
  345. “That’s not really a happy topic, sufficed to say that they both passed unexpectedly and when she was very young. Things only went downhill from there. I stayed while the others left.”
  346. “Why?”
  347. “Why what?”
  348. “Why did they leave?”
  349. “Most did not wish to live as servants without pay; we have another name for ponies like that.” He says before taking a pause to gather his thoughts. “My family history with the Calamity’s started as slaves, they bought us, took us in, taught us how to read, write, and serve. I’m the last in a long line of family servants, what started as forced servitude became a proud and noble position in the family line. My mother was the head servant of the late Mrs. Calamity, while my father served the former lord. I was in charge of the servants. That was until my lady was born, it then feel on me to be her guardian, her protector. After so many years, it was my turn to be a part of that proud and noble position as guardian of kin. Those were happy times, we lived comfortably, and ate like kings, but it was not to be, after their passing, we were without leadership and the foundation began to crumble. My father did his best to rule as our lord once did, but he failed and the house is in where it is today because of it.”
  351. “I thought Calamity said she’s responsible?”
  352. “Oh that poor sweet girl, she carries that unnecessary burden when it was my family that was responsible. I try to tell her it honestly wasn’t her fault, but she insists she could have done more.”
  353. Hearing the door swing open from upstairs, Retwal immediately stops and goes back to preparing breakfast. You see Dew come walking down sleepily and yawning out loud,
  354. “Retwal, what’s for breakfast today?”
  355. She stops in her tracks not realizing you were there, and becomes serious
  356. “Forgive me, I did not mean to sleep as long as I did.”
  357. “Don’t worry about it.” You say as Rainbow and Twilight come trotting down,
  358. Twilight notices you and angrily shifts her head away before going over to the little library area; Rainbow comes up to you and has a seat.
  359. “Something smells good.” She says looking around for food, Retwal floats over a plate and she starts to eat. He also floats over a plate to Twilight.
  360. “Oh thank you Mr. Retwal.”
  362. Ok so it’s obvious Twilight is still pissed, you need to get her back in your corner. Walking over, you sit across from her and clear your throat.
  363. “Yes?” She asks pissed
  364. “Can we talk in private?”
  365. She looks at you with an irritated glare for a minute before saying
  366. “Let’s go up to my room.”
  367. Getting up and going up the steps, Dew begins to follow you,
  368. “Its all right Dew, just take it easy down here. I’ll come get you when we’re done.”
  369. Turning right and into Twilights room, she lets you in first before closing the door behind her. You take a seat on the floor while she sits across from you. Clearing your throat, you speak up first.
  370. “Ok Twilight, I know you’re pissed, but you really should hear me out.”
  371. “Hear you out? What could you possibly say to justify what you’ve been doing; I thought you said you were turning a new leaf, and that wouldn’t take advantage of anyp0ny.”
  372. “And I’m not. I haven’t short changed you or Rainbow.”
  373. “Well what about Ms. Calamity and Mr. Retwal? Have you told them that you plan on selling their home? I’m sure they would like to know that they’re gonna be homeless after you fix up this house.”
  374. “Its cool, I’ll just get them to live with me or something.”
  375. “And you decided this with them? Did you even care to ask what they felt about it?”
  376. “No…. no not really.”
  377. “Oh so you’ll just decide what happens to these ponies without even consulting them? Who made you supreme ruler? Huh?”
  378. You sigh exhaustedly; looks like making up with Twilight will be harder than expected.
  379. “Look, I own this house, I paid good money for it, I’m allowed to do whatever I want with it. Its not like I’m gonna kick em out and put them on the streets, I’ll let them live with me.”
  380. “How kind, you’ll LET them live with you? At what cost exactly? Their dignity? Their only home? Or maybe you’ll just make Ms. Calamity give up her body in exchange for room and board, I mean; you made her a servant in her OWN HOME, so who’s to say you wouldn’t do something like that.”
  381. “Ya know what Twilight? Forget it.” You say dismissively, “This is my house, she is my servant, and when I sell it, they can either live with me, or there’s the street. I didn’t buy this house knowing that two squatters were living here, but I’m willing to house them anyway. WITHOUT asking for sex or any weird shit like that, I can get it without having to resort to that, thank you very much.”
  382. She looks at you angrily and you get up “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other things to do, and so do you.”
  383. Walking outside, Twilight calls out to you,
  384. “Anon.” She says as you stop hoping for her to have come around, “The moment I finish the outside, I’m gone, I don’t care if I have to walk home.”
  385. “Fine by me.”
  387. Walking downstairs, you see Dew waiting for you by the steps; she hasn’t moved an inch from where you left her.
  388. “I thought I said to take it easy?” You say walking up to her
  389. “With all due respect, a servant can never “take it easy” my lord.”
  390. “Gah whatever.” Looking around, you don’t see Retwal anywhere “Where’s Retwal?”
  391. “Apologies sir, you were looking for me?” He says from the upstairs hallway in the direction of Twilights room.
  392. “No, no not really, just curious.” You say looking over at Dew, “You ready?”
  393. “For what?”
  394. “You’re gonna take me to see those housing buildings by the house, we didn’t really get to see them last time.”
  395. “I see, just let me get ready, I wont be long.” Dew replies trotting upstairs, to the right, and out of sight
  396. Walking over to the couch, you toss yourself back into it. You hear Retwal walk downstairs and into the kitchen. He begins to fuck around with stuff, as you wait for Dew.
  398. A couple of minutes later, you see Twilight walk past you and avoid any eye contact. She angrily slams the door as she exits the house. About a half hour later, you hear a door close from upstairs and some trotting against the wooden floor.
  399. “I’m sorry that took so long, but I’m ready.” You hear Dew say as she trots down the steps and stops besides you.
  400. Getting up, you and Dew head outside. The bright morning sun has dried out any moisture on the ground, and the midday heat coupled with the breeze and shade for a nice little sampler of summer.
  401. Walking over to the two parallel building, you decide to hit up the one from last time. As the door slowly squeaks open, you notice that the door down the hall is closed.
  402. “Dew.”
  403. “Yes my lord?”
  404. “Did you close that door down the hall?”
  405. “Which one?”
  406. “The one at the way end, the very last one.”
  407. “No, that door has been locked since I was a little filly; Retwal has told me countless times to stay away from it.”
  408. Thinking back, the door slowly swung open when you tried to leave, if that’s true, then that’s fucking creepy. Taking out the master key, you grip it and inhale deeply.
  409. “All right, let’s go.”
  410. “I don’t know, Retwal made it pretty clear he doesn’t want me going in there.”
  412. Without saying anything, you walk down the hall towards the door.
  413. Realizing you left her behind, she looks around nervously before fidgeting in place.
  414. “Wait for me.” She says before running up to catch up with you
  415. “Decided to come along?” You say not looking at her.
  416. “Well…I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little curious.”
  417. As you slowly walk down the hall, the only things you hear are the sounds of the hoof steps from the both of you. You can feel the atmosphere and pressure getting stronger the closer you get to the door, by the time you reach it; you honestly feel the temperature get colder.
  418. Looking at the key one last time, you slowly stick it into the keyhole and give it a turn. Pushing the door inward, it doesn’t move and remains locked, you try again and it yields the same results.
  419. “What the fuck.” You say banging on the door, “The master key isn’t working.”
  420. Dew sighs as though relived you couldn’t get in before looking around,
  421. “Well there are other rooms we can open with that key.”
  422. “Those aren’t the ones I’m interested in.” You say frustrated, “This key should open any door in the house, why isn’t it working?”
  423. “I don’t know, but you can’t get in, so there’s no point in staying here.”
  424. “Oh that’s what you think.” You say confidently as you look around and see a brick laying on the ground.
  425. Reaching down, you pick it up and start wailing on the door, smack after smack, you let the door have it, before the brick finally breaks, and you see a glimmering aura pulsate from the door.
  426. “Fucking magic!” You scream “That’s just fucking great.” You utter trying to gather your thoughts.
  427. (“This has Retwal written all over it.”) You think (“But I very well can’t ask him or Twilight for any help.”)
  428. With a defeated sigh, you turn and look down the hall, there are a several doors you could hit up, but really you only wanted to know about the one.
  429. “Let’s go check out the other building.” You say finally as Dew looks happy to be leaving the building
  430. “Sure, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
  432. After finishing up looking over the other building, you decide to break for lunch. As you walk over the house, you look at the front and see that the house is in even better condition. Hell, the outside may even be ready by the end of the day at the rate they’re going at. That only leaves the inside, and you can do it without Twilights help, especially with Retwal always staying inside.
  433. You see no sign of either Twilight or Rainbow Dash; guess they’re taking their break as well. Coming in, you see Rainbow sitting on the couch drinking something and Twilight is nowhere in sight.
  434. “Oh hey Anon.” Rainbow says waving you over, “Get over here.”
  435. You and Dew walk over before you take a seat besides her,
  436. “What’s up Rainbow?”
  437. “Anon…I really wish you would make up with Twilight, she’s really angry with you.”
  438. “That’s not my fault, blame her for being unreasonable.”
  439. Rainbow sighs as though it was all in vain “Just…just make up with her all right? I’d…I’d rather not have her leave ya know? I’d feel better knowing she was still here.”
  440. (“Oh, so that’s what this is about.”) “I’ll see, but if she keeps up with her attitude, that’s on her.”
  441. Despite Rainbow’s fear, she does have a good idea in wanting to keep Twilight around; her magic would be nice, she might even be able to find a way into that room. Still, after what you just told her, making up with her is not going to be easy.
  443. As it stands, Twilight is your best bet. Retwal won’t tell you shit about a door he locked himself, and you can’t do anything on your own. No, its best to wait for Twilight to cool down before you try and make up with her. Later tonight sounds like a good time to try again, until then, its best to let her have some space.
  444. “Dew.”
  445. “Yes my lord?”
  446. “I’ll be in my room; you’re free to do what you want for the rest of the day.”
  447. “Thank you.”
  448. Going up the steps, you turn into the direction of your room and once you past the doors, you close them. Looking at the empty room, you head for the bed and toss yourself into it. Its gotta be at least another 6 hours before nightfall, at least you brought stuff to keep you busy.
  449. Rolling off the bed, you open a couple of drawers looking for one of the things you brought from home. Finally finding one, you pull out a couple of Playstallion’s and toss them on the top of the counter.
  450. (“Those are for later tonight.”) You think taking out what you were really looking for, a big book you had bought but never bothered to read. With all this free time, now is the perfect opportunity to read it.
  452. Finishing up chapter 23, a knock at the door breaks you from the little fantasy world you were just in.
  453. “My lord! Can I come in?!” Dew says from the other side of the door,
  454. You groan at being interrupted while reading
  455. “Sure whatever.” You say looking at the book, hearing the door open and some trotting, you look up and see Dew placing a bottle on the counter.
  456. “I brought you something to drink; I don’t know what you like so I asked Retwallll tooo…Canterlot mares edition?” She says before shifting something on the table “See how tight a Crystal pony can be?”
  457. Bolting out of the bed, you run grab the magazines and toss them under the bed.
  458. ”Who said you could go through my stuff?!” You snap
  459. “It was out in the open, that hardly counts as going through it!” She fires back
  460. You sigh and rub your forehead.
  461. “If I may? I honestly don’t care about what you read or do, so long as it doesn’t hurt me or anyp0ny else.”
  462. “Well glad your understanding at least.” You say annoyed, “You can go now, thank you for the drink, I’ll be needing it now more than ever.”
  463. “I didn’t come all this way just to leave you a drink.”
  464. “Well why did you come then?”
  465. “Well…I wanted to talk..Retwal has been my only friend since I was little, and your friends are right now busy working outside. So I just wanted to talk…if that’s all right.”
  466. “Sure, what do you want to talk about?” You say looking at the bottle and see its whiskey,
  467. “Tell me about where you live.”
  468. “Ponyville?” You say surprised as she nods trying not to look excited “Well, its kinda bland, with some nice ponies, most of them hate me though.”
  469. “I wonder why.” She says sarcastically as you sit on the bed
  470. “I’m not that bad.” You say trying to defend yourself
  471. “You bought my house and then made me a servant under you.”
  472. “Have you been talking to Twilight?”
  473. “No, I told you they’ve been outside.”
  475. “Anyways, the town is nice and quaint with lots of friendly ponies, but the real action is in places like Manehatten and Canterlot. That’s where all the ponies go for a good time.”
  476. “What’s it like?”
  477. “You know, lively, fun; everyone’s having a good time and shit.” You say taking a swig of whiskey; you grimace as the alcohol burns all the senses and runs down your throat.
  478. “I’d love to see it, just once.” She says in a daydream like tone,
  479. “You don’t get out much do you?”
  480. “How could I? Retwal never wants me to leave, and I can’t go by myself, it’s too dangerous.”
  481. “Tsk, didn’t think I would ever meet somebody more of a shut in than me.”
  482. “Well it’s not like I WANT to stay here all the time. If I could, I would go out every night; I’d dance at all the balls, eat all kinds of fancy food that I haven’t had in ages, and be courted by all the eligible bachelors.”
  483. “You sound like a pony I know back home.”
  484. “Sorry, I’m rambling…you must be very rich.”
  485. “What makes you say that?”
  486. “Well, you were able to purchase my entire land, pay for the supplies outside, and from what I can gather, you own even more land."
  487. “Well…that’s actually why a lot of ponies don’t like me, I kinda ran a monopoly on land and screwed over the whole town, it’s a miracle that Twilight and her friends still even talk to me.”
  488. “I can see why they don’t like you, truth be told, I don’t really like you much either.”
  489. “Yet here you are talking to me anyway.” You say pointing the bottle at her before knocking back a powerful swig, coughing and retching, your vision blurs before you decide to take it easy. After taking a hit like that, the alcohol is already kicking in.
  490. “Please don’t over due it; I’d rather not serve an abusive drunk.”
  491. You laugh enjoying the buzz while you recline back on the bed “That’s the thing aabout me…I’m happy drunk.”
  492. You screw the cap back on and curl up in bed, a nice nap will do for now.
  493. “Wake me when Twilight is finished,” You pause “I need to talk with her.” You resume with a yawn
  495. >As Dew
  496. “Very well.” You say as he curls up and remains quiet, it must be nice to never have to worry about anything, even when you thought you owned this land, it was a constant struggle to maintain it without any help. Also having to grow your own food, and make your own clothing. You may be royalty, but its name only, you lived like a peasant playing pretend. Why does this thing of all creatures have so much money, why did he get the rights to your land? Your birthright, your pain, sweat, blood and tears, that you sacrificed just to keep it at barely above livable.
  498. It wasn’t fair, after all you did, after all you struggled, he just comes along and dwarfs it beyond anything you could ever hope to achieve. You feel a stream of tears roll down your face as you grit your teeth, and the greatest shame of all, you HAVE to serve him, you HAVE to be nice and pleasant, you cant show him all the anger, shame, and misery you feel because of him. Life was hard before he showed up and you had to focus all your time on keeping up the house, but now the house is getting rebuilt easily, you don’t have to lift a hoof and yet, life is harder than it’s ever been. All the physical pain and torment has been replaced by false smiles and menial labor.
  500. He doesn’t deserve this land; he doesn’t deserve everything your family worked so hard for. Why, why did mom and dad have to die? Why did the only family you have left call you crazy, and leave you alone? Anon groans in his sleep and shuffles a bit, you gasp realizing at how stupid it was to stay here and cry. Wiping away the tears and getting composed again, you debate about what to do.
  502. Well you can’t stay in this room, and tempting as it is, he might wake up when you’re looking for the deed. Best not risk it and head out. Walking down the steps, you don’t see Retwal anywhere in sight, probably for the best, he can always tell when you’re feeling down. Passing by the front door, you hear a commotion on the roof. After going outside and getting some distance, you look up and see the pegasus flying and hammering some nails into the brand new window frames. You begin to cry a little at just how beautiful the house looks now.
  503. “Is something wrong?” You hear from behind, turning around you see Twilight looking at you.
  504. “No, no…the house is just really coming along well.”
  505. “Rainbow Dash can fly and I have magic, between the two of us we can do a pretty good job.” She smiles “So you came out to check on the house?”
  506. “Not exactly, I…would you want to talk?”
  507. “About what?” She asks confused
  508. “Well.” You say looking away “I just want to talk with you girls.”
  509. Twilight gets a big ear to ear grin and looks up at the roof
  510. “Rainbow!” She shouts as you look over and see the rainbow mare stop what’s she doing and in seconds is by your side.
  511. “What’s up Twilight?”
  512. “C’mon, we’re heading back into town.”
  513. “For what?!” She says loudly
  514. “We need stuff for a sleepover.” Twilight says happily
  516. Waking up, you rub your eyes and look out the window. Its dark as fuck already, and nobody’s woken you up.
  517. “God damnit Dew.” You say getting off the bed, “Where is she?”
  518. Leaving the room and going down the hall, you hear some laughing and giggling in Twilight’s room. Walking up to it, you lay down and press your ear against the bottom of the door.
  519. “Ok, ok it’s my turn.” Twilight says “Dew, truth or dare?”
  520. “Ummm truth?”
  521. “Hmmmm no I can’t ask that…..or that….maybe….no…no not that either.”
  522. “Its ok, you can ask whatever you want.”
  523. Rainbows voice cuts in and says “Don’t worry, Twi is terrible at these games.”
  524. “Fine, fine.” Twilight says “I just want to make it a good question.” She inhales “Ok, have you ever had a special somep0ny?”
  525. “……”
  526. (“Smooth Twilight.”) You think on the floor as Dew speaks up
  527. “No, not really, I was supposed to be married to this one young colt when I was small, but after my parents died, all those plans just fell apart.”
  528. “I’m sorry; I just wanted you to have fun tonight, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”
  529. “No its all right, this is my past. I can’t keep sugar coating it all my life, and I am having fun. More fun than I’ve had in a very long time.”
  531. You know they’re having fun no point in ruining that, also you can’t miss out on good old fashion eavesdropping. Who knows what mares talk about when they think nobody is listening in to? Getting comfortable, you go back to hearing what they’re saying.
  532. “Pass me some chips Twilight.” Rainbow says as you hear the ruffling of a bag being sent over, after some crunching you hear her speak up again with a mouth full of chips “Sho how cum dat guy got all mad..” *gulp* “.that you left?”
  533. “I don’t know, he usually isn’t one to get so upset, but he always tells me I shouldn’t leave the grounds. It’s dangerous.”
  534. “So how come you came with us?” Ask Twilight as you hear a sipping of a drink
  535. “Well with the two of you around I’m sure I was safe, and it just seemed like a really fun idea. I’m so happy I got to meet your friends, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack, they all seem like such fun to be around.”
  536. “Yeah, they’re great, next time we should visit Fluttershy and introduce you to all the other ponies.”
  537. “I hope so…I don’t see what Anon was talking about, Ponyville wasn’t boring or bland at all.” Dew says happily
  538. “THAT’S what he said?” Twilight says flatly, “After everything we did for him.”
  539. “Is he really that bad?”
  540. (“Jackpot.”) You think
  541. “Anon? Oh yeah, he’s the absolute worst, he’s selfish, arrogant, and cares little about anyp0ny else.”
  542. “He isn’t THAT bad Twi, I mean he cares about us.”
  543. “Does he really? Because I think he’s just…”
  544. “Umm, Twilight? I feel like an idiot for just mentioning this, but Anon wanted to talk to you.”
  545. “What? He does?”
  546. “Yeah, I’m sorry I forgot, but I got excited about this sleep over and it just slipped my mind.”
  547. “Well, I guess I better go talk to him then, hold on I’ll be right back.”
  548. You hear her hooves scuffle against the floor, as she begins to trot over to the door, you panic unsure of what to do.
  550. Deciding on the only logical choice, you get up and try to fake like you were just coming over. Dusting your back off real fast and straightening your clothing, the door opens just as you’re reaching for it. Making eye contact with the pajama wearing Twilight, she’s taken aback in surprise.
  551. “Anon! You scared me!” She says jabbing a hoof in your chest before sighing “What are you doing here?”
  552. “I was just coming over, I was gonna talk to you.” You say looking into the room, you see Rainbow wearing her Daring Do nightgown and Dew is wearing a red silk one, over all it’s an adorable but erotic scene. This time in Equestria has changed your already perverse perversions.
  553. “Wow that’s so weird, I was just gonna go talk to you too.”
  554. You smile mostly because it looks like you were able to save face, “Well, let’s go talk in my room then.”
  556. Inside the room, you and Twilight come in and you get the door. She walks over to the bed and rests herself on it. Thinking back to what she said, she was the most right about you. Scamming the entire town, hoarding the houses and selling them back at a large profit, and you even scammed Rainbow, the only one who stuck up for you. Twilights right, you are a horrible person. Maybe it’s not too late to change that, but you still can’t just come right out and say it. She would know something was up, but you need to try and fix this with her. If she told Retwal or Dew that you plan on selling the house, who knows how they would react.
  557. “Twilight, about earlier, I’m sorry that things got a little out of hand or hoof, whatever, but there are a few things we have to discuss.”
  558. “Like?”
  559. “For starters, I’m selling this house.”
  560. Twilight looks at you irritated, “What about Dew and Retwal? They deserve better than just being forced to live with you.”
  561. “I know the situation with them is tragic, but I can’t just give them the house after all I sunk in to it. Not only that, if I don’t sell it, I wont be able to pay you or Dash, and you can forget about the little kids getting even a single bit for their charity.”
  562. Twilights eyes go wide as she realized that her moral cause blinded her to the other moral cause she was devoted to.
  563. “Well we can’t let the kids go without those needed funds.” She groans trying to find some kind of solution, but draws a blank. “All right, so maybe it’s not as easy as I thought it was going to be.”
  564. (“Fucking Twilight, at least I was able to convince her using those damn children.”) You think, but you still need to do more, she needs something more solid for you to make an impression on her.
  567. “Twilight.” You say placing both hands on her shoulders, “The world is never cut and dry, at least that’s how it was back home for me. It was dog eats dog back there, and I took that selfish “get to the top” mentality with me here, and I hurt a lot of ponies doing that. I’m sorry that I was falling back into that again, and I need somebody like you around to keep me honest and on track, for that I’m grateful. I’ll start by giving Dew her freedom, it’s not much, but it’s a start.”
  568. “REALLY?! Oh my gosh no way, she’ll be so happy!”
  569. “I’m not finished.” You say raising your hand to cut her off, “When I sell the house, I’ll give my share as well.”
  570. “Anon, you don’t have to do that.”
  571. “All right I won’t.”
  572. “ANON!” She yells before smiling and the both of you laugh “Thank you.”
  573. She gets on her hind legs and gives you a hug, you cut it short to get her out of here.
  574. “Now get out of here, you got a slumber party to get to.”
  576. >As Twilight
  577. Leaving Anon’s room with a big smile on your face, you happily trot down the hall and into your room. Walking past the door, Rainbow and Dew keep an eye on you as sit down and grab another soda.
  578. “So I just got back from talking with Anon.” You say as Rainbow speaks up first
  579. >”What did he say?”
  580. “It looks like I was wrong about him. Dew, you no longer serve him, you’re free.”
  581. >You smile seeing Dew’s blank expression; she shakes her head as though she’s trying to wake up.
  582. >”Did…did he really do that? I’m no longer a servant?”
  583. >You nod happily though her expression is hard to read, you would think she would be more excited about hearing something like this.
  584. >She has a concerned look on her face, maybe its not the best idea to tell her about her house being sold. Anon didn’t say not too, but maybe he has a reason for not telling her yet.
  586. >As Twilight
  587. Anon probably has his own plan for telling Dew and Retwal, best not ruin it by telling her before he is ready. Anon proved he isn’t all bad, so you’ll trust him to handle it. Best change the subject so this slumber party can really get started.
  588. “So girls, who wants to give each other makeovers? I’ll go first.” You say using your magic to float over a cosmetic bag from a corner of the room. Rainbow sees you take out some blush and powder, and retches in disgust.
  589. “No thank you, I’d much rather get a high altitude facial than some girly makeover.” Rainbows says trotting to the window and opening it, “I’ve been cooped up here to long anyway, see ya later Twi.” She says dashing off into the night sky.
  590. “Rainbow! Get back here!” You say running up to the window screaming up at the sky,
  591. “I’m sorry Twilight, but I’ll be calling it a night right now. However, I do hope to have more of these sleepovers with you in the future.” Dew smiles
  592. “No problem, and I look forward to it.”
  594. >As Anon
  595. Mother Nature picks the worst times to call, standing over the toilet, you relieve yourself and sigh in satisfaction. Nothing like a good ol middle of the night piss, after washing your hands and coming out of the bathroom, you hear a scrape against the wooden floor. You stop dead in your tracks thinking to yourself if you really heard that….nothing. So you go back to what you were doing, jumping onto the bed, you curl up and try to sleep again.
  596. THUMP The sound was enough to force your eyes open, it sounds like something is just above the ceiling. The only sounds you hear are you breathing as a cold sweat runs down your forehead. THUMP THUMP
  598. No, fuck this; you’ve seen enough scary movies to know where this is going. They may be asleep, but you don’t care, you’ll wake all of Equestria before you let yourself fall to one of the oldest clichés in the book. Getting up from the bed, you rush over to the door, as you go to close the door; you hear the soft cry of a baby. Slamming it, you don’t look back as you speed walk down the hall. On the way, you can feel a pressure welling up inside you, as though some kind of creature could grab you at any moment. It gets to be to much, and you burst through Twilight’s door, before you can take a step in. You feel yourself being levitated into the air,
  599. “Anon!” Twilight shout whispers as she draws you close to her bed “Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea how much I could’ve hurt you busting in like that?! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Even with the faint light, she can see you panting and sweating up a storm. “Are you all right?”
  600. “No, no I’m not.”
  601. “What happened?”
  602. “I was hearing things, and then I heard a little baby crying when I was leaving.”
  603. “Really?!” She shout whispers again, “We need to go check it out.”
  604. “Fuck you, the point is to get away from them, not into them.”
  605. “I came here to prove that all this superstitious nonsense is unfounded under scientific scrutiny, why would I pass up an opportunity like this?”
  606. “I’m not going back there.”
  607. “Fine by me.” She replies getting out of bed and trotting towards the door.
  608. You watch her and you groan, as much as you hate the idea of going back, you can’t just let her go on her own.
  609. “Twilight.” You whisper “Wait up.”
  611. Twilight casually opens the door as though nothing is bothering her, and trots out into the hall while you follow behind her. Walking down the hall, you see the outline of a pony in front of your door. You stop but Twilight keeps walking, her horn glows abruptly and you can see clear as day its Dew by the door.
  612. “Who’s there?” She says covering her eyes from the brightness of the spell
  613. “Oh Dew, what are you doing here?” Twilight asks normally
  614. “Umm..well..its…nothing.” She replies as Twilight is by her side, you reach them and Dew looks at you before shifting her gaze to the floor.
  615. “What is all this commotion about?” Retwal asks from behind everyone as you all jump up startled
  616. “Anon hear heard some weird noises and came running to my room.” Twilight smirks
  617. ”If you heard it too you would have done the same thing.”
  618. “I see.” He says rather dryly, “Well this place is old, odd noises can be a variety of things, animals, old door hinges, and an active imagination all play a role in creating paranoia and fear. I expected you of all ponies to not be done in by such rubbish.” He says looking over at Dew.
  619. “Forgive me, I..I let my fear get the better of me.”
  620. “What’s in that room?” You ask him
  621. “Excuse me?”
  622. “That locked room, the one sealed with magic.”
  623. “The catacombs.” He answers frankly “Why do you ask?”
  624. “I don’t know, I was just curious.”
  625. “I ask you to refrain from trying to go in there anymore; I would rather not have you disturbing the resting place of our ancestors. Now then, if you’ll stop with all this nonsense of ghosts, I advice you all to get some sleep, you’ll wake the dead at this rate.” He says with a tone of gallows humor, as he walks away, the three of you look at one another uneasily.
  626. “Well, I better get back to bed. Good night my lord, my lady.”
  627. “Hey I’m NOT his lady.” Twilight remarks in offense, Dew smiles slightly before turning around and walking away “So what are you gonna do now?” Twilight asks you
  629. ======================Calamity Villa Horror
  631. More or less ending since I wont finish it
  633. Anon makes a choice, and decides to stay with either Twilight, or Dew. If he stays with Dew, the two live on the property, and a new ghost story is made of you and her. If Twilight, you mend your ways, and start life anew. Nothing really spectacular, but I really did like this story.
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