
Hour 70

Feb 23rd, 2017
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  1. Overall, the first twenty minutes of the hour were the most interesting. For extended periods of time, you could only hear muffled voices or TVs.
  2. 3:01-3:03 - They talk about a friend who is a very pretty Indian-American News anchor who was laid off at a local station, given a job at CNN, and soon fired. Whoever fired her said that she "was pretty but just wasn’t smart enough."
  3. 3:06 - “As long as you have a slant…” It was hard to hear anything surrounding that phrase, but it definitely stood out.
  4. 3:11 - “Because you’re not black(?)”
  5. 3:19 - “What are they writing?” They two women discuss the role of script writers for videos that come into CNN. They talk about what is written from the videos and how it plays in. Unfortunately, it is hard to hear many parts.
  6. The middle twenty minutes are characterized by muffled voices, some occasional greetings, and inaudible conversations.
  7. The final third of the hour is spent mainly talking to the IT guy about updating their computers and software. 3:41 - They talk with the IT guy about “maxing it out, putting 4gb in there.” “That’s maxing it out?” “That’s all it will take.” They continue with a lot of (sometimes silly) PC vs Apple banter.
  8. 3:53 - More complaining about internet and computer programs that are slow.
  9. 3:57 - Happy Ending: Lady claps and says “yaaayyyyyyy, you’re an expert.”
  10. 3:58 - Two women start talking in a very serious tone. "We can cut back to that other feed…the missing girls that was…” Then they are no longer heard after less than a minute.
  11. 3:59 - A male starts to sing the first verse of Wonderwall.
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