Guest User


a guest
Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. [
  2. {
  3. "translator":"EasyAdmin",
  4. "language":"en",
  5. "on":"On",
  6. "off":"Off",
  7. "spectatingUser":"Spectating ~b~<C>%s</C>.",
  8. "stoppedSpectating":"Stopped Spectating.",
  9. "oneday":"1 Day",
  10. "threedays":"3 Days",
  11. "oneweek":"1 Week",
  12. "twoweeks":"2 Weeks",
  13. "onemonth":"1 Month",
  14. "oneyear":"1 Year",
  15. "permanent":"Permanent",
  16. "playermanagement":"Player Management",
  17. "servermanagement":"Server Management",
  18. "settings":"Settings",
  19. "kickplayer":"Kick Player",
  20. "banplayer":"Ban Player",
  21. "reason":"Reason",
  22. "kickreasonguide":"Add a reason to the kick.",
  23. "noreason":"No Reason Specified",
  24. "confirmkick":"Confirm Kick",
  25. "confirmkickguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ Pressing Confirm will kick this Player with the specified settings.",
  26. "banreasonguide":"Add a reason to the ban.",
  27. "banlength":"Ban Length",
  28. "banlengthguide":"Until when should the Player be banned?",
  29. "confirmban":"Confirm Ban",
  30. "confirmbanguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ Pressing Confirm will ban this Player with the specified settings.",
  31. "mute":"Mute Player",
  32. "muteguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will prevent the player from using the text chat.",
  33. "playermuted":"has been muted!",
  34. "playerunmuted":"has been un-muted!",
  35. "playermute":"You are ^8muted^7!",
  36. "spectateplayer":"Spectate Player",
  37. "teleporttoplayer":"Teleport to Player",
  38. "teleportplayertome":"Teleport Player to Me",
  39. "slapplayer":"Slap Player",
  40. "setplayerfrozen":"Set Player Frozen",
  41. "allplayers":"All Players",
  42. "teleporttome":"Teleport To Me",
  43. "teleporttomeguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will teleport ~h~all~h~ players to you.",
  44. "setgametype":"Set Game Type",
  45. "setgametypeguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will set the Game Type as listed on the Serverlist.",
  46. "setmapname":"Set Map Name",
  47. "setmapnameguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will set the Map Name as listed on the Serverlist.",
  48. "startresourcebyname":"Start Resource by Name",
  49. "startresourcebynameguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will start a resource installed on the server.",
  50. "stopresourcebyname":"Stop Resource by Name",
  51. "stopresourcebynameguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ This will stop a resource installed on the server.",
  52. "badidea":"Don't do that, please.",
  53. "unbanplayer":"Unban Player",
  54. "unbanplayerguide":"~r~~h~NOTE:~h~~w~ Pressing Confirm will unban this Player.",
  55. "banlistshowtype":"~h~Banlist:~h~ Show Type",
  56. "unbanreasons":"Reasons",
  57. "unbanlicenses":"Licenses",
  58. "banlistshowtypeguide":"Toggle Between Ban Reasons or Identifiers in the 'Unban Player' Menu.\nRequires Reopening.",
  59. "refreshbanlist":"Refresh Banlist",
  60. "refreshbanlistguide":"This Refreshes the Banlist in the 'Unban Player' Menu.\nRequires Reopening.",
  61. "refreshpermissions":"Refresh Permissions",
  62. "refreshpermissionsguide":"This Refreshes your current Permissions.\nRequires Reopening.",
  63. "godmodedetected":"Godmode: ~r~Detected~w~",
  64. "godmodenotdetected":"Godmode: ~g~None Detected~w~",
  65. "antiragdoll":"~r~Anti-Ragdoll~w~",
  66. "health":"Health",
  67. "armor":"Armor",
  68. "wantedlevel":"Wanted Level",
  69. "exitspectator":"Press E to exit spectator mode",
  70. "chatsuggestionban":"ban a player",
  71. "chatsuggestionkick":"kick a player",
  72. "chatsuggestionspectate":"spectate a player",
  73. "chatsuggestionunban":"unban an identifier",
  74. "chatsuggestionteleport":"teleport to a player",
  75. "chatsuggestiongametype":"set server game type",
  76. "chatsuggestionmapname":"set server map name",
  77. "chatsuggestionslap":"slap a player",
  78. "chatsuggestionfreeze":"freeze a player",
  80. "bannedjoin":"You have been banned from this Server, \nReason: %s, Ban Expires: %s",
  81. "kicked":"Kicked by %s, Reason: %s",
  82. "banned":"You have been banned from this Server, Reason: %s, Ban Expires: %s",
  83. "reasonadd":" ( Nickname: %s ), Banned by: %s",
  84. "bancheating":"Banned for Cheating",
  85. "bancheatingadd":" ( Nickname: %s )",
  86. "nongiven":"None Provided",
  87. "newadmin":"You are now an Admin",
  88. "playernotfound":"Player could not be found.",
  89. "done":"Done!",
  90. "adminkickedplayer":"**%s** kicked **%s**, Reason: %s",
  91. "adminbannedplayer":"**%s** banned **%s**, Reason: %s, Ban Expires: %s",
  92. "adminunbannedplayer":"**%s** unbanned **%s**",
  93. "adminslappedplayer":"**%s** slapped **%s** for **%s HP**",
  95. "adminfrozeplayer":"**%s** froze **%s**.",
  96. "adminunfrozeplayer":"**%s** unfroze **%s**.",
  98. "left":"Left",
  99. "middle":"Middle",
  100. "right":"Right",
  101. "menuOrientation":"Menu Orientation",
  102. "menuOrientationguide":"Set Menu Orientation ( Left, Right or Center ) \nRequires Game Restart.",
  103. "menuOffset":"Menu Offset",
  104. "menuOffsetguide":"Set Menu Size Offset\nRequires Re-opening of Menu.",
  105. "resetmenuOffset":"Reset Menu Offset",
  106. "takescreenshot":"Take Screenshot",
  107. "admintookscreenshot":"**%s** took a Screenshot of **%s**'s Screen: %s",
  108. "screenshotinprogress":"a Screenshot is already in progress, please wait!",
  109. "screenshotlink":"The Screenshot is available here: %s",
  110. "anonymous":"Anonymous Admin",
  111. "anonymousguide":"Hides your Name when using EasyAdmin Features.",
  112. "adminofflinebannedplayer":"**%s** offline banned **%s**, Reason: %s, Ban Expires: %s",
  113. "cachedplayers":"Cached Players",
  114. "refreshcachedplayers":"Refresh Cached Players",
  115. "adminrequestedofflineinfo":"**%s** requested User Data of Offline User **%s**",
  116. "nextpage":"Next Page»",
  117. "firstpage":"««First Page",
  118. "lastpage":"Last Page»»",
  119. "previouspage":"«Previous Page",
  120. "playercalledforadmin":"```\nUser %s (ID: %s) calls for an admin!\nReason: %s\n```",
  121. "playerreportedplayer":"```\nUser %s (ID: %s) reported a player!\n%s (%s), Reason: %s\nReport %s/%s\n```",
  122. "successfullyreported":"Successfully reported the player!",
  123. "reportbantext":"Reported by %s Players in short time.",
  124. "alreadyreported":"You already reported this player!",
  125. "reportedusageerror":"Error! Usage: /report name reason",
  126. "admincalled":"Successfully called an Admin!",
  128. }
  129. ]
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