
tiff drama

Feb 1st, 2016
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  1. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth has joined the chat
  2. RaeBaeAnicetus has joined the chat
  3. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: hey sis, i am about to head out
  4. RaeBaeAnicetus: K jaz. It was nice talking to you.
  5. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: you too hun
  6. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: -huggles them both-
  7. RaeBaeAnicetus: -Hugs- Talk soon
  8. RaeBaeAnicetus: kiss
  9. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: wot did she want sis
  10. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i invited her to talk
  11. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: oh why
  12. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: cause i wanted someone to talk to
  13. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: am i not allowed to have friends now?
  14. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: first i cant play songs in elly's room
  15. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: im not saying that at all
  16. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: now i cant have friends in my own?
  17. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: sorry i am not in a great mood and havent been for days now
  18. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i wanted to talk with someone outside of the family
  19. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: im just wondering why after all she did
  20. RaeBaeAnicetus: Hello Raven
  21. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: cause she knows you all best
  22. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: right now i am so effin pissed at tazz
  23. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: and u can always talk to me and no she dont know me at all
  24. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i needed some insight on him from someone who knows him
  25. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i have no problems with you or mama
  26. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: its tazz
  27. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: and she dont know him either only wot she was told
  28. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: idk if mama told you but i blew up on him the other night
  29. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: .yea she did sis
  30. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i am so tired of keeping his fucking secrets from deme
  31. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: deme asked me in a whipser a few days ago if i knew of tazz cheating
  32. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: of course i fucking lied which is something i dont like to do
  33. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: she'll find eventully and deep down she already knows just wont admit it
  34. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: mhm
  35. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: and i dont wanna be around when she admits it
  36. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: cause it will be nothing but drama
  37. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: ik why u think i stay away
  38. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: but im sorry to say this but rae is the biggest drama queen
  39. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: plus i was trying to weasle out why her and wabbs broke up
  40. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: i am nosy
  41. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: ik why she had the cheek to message mum on fb
  42. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: yeah. plus she was asking me to have tazz stop stalking her
  43. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: she broke up with wabb
  44. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: mhm she broke up with him
  45. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: said she couldnt trust him cause he always was with heavenz and when they broke up he went to date his mama
  46. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: it aparntly coz wabb was always talking about ma and that he still wants ma
  47. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: heavenz is his best mate
  48. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: but he started dating his own mama in less then a hour of breaking up
  49. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: so i dont think he really wants ma
  50. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: plus he called our mama a whore, dont you remember?
  51. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: alright well i need to scoot
  52. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: Devin is bugging me to go
  53. RaeBaeAnicetus: K jaz.
  54. RaeBaeAnicetus: Tell him I say hi.
  55. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: i will
  56. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: okies u got me on fb an kik
  57. RaeBaeAnicetus: Have a great time out and work.
  58. RaeBaeAnicetus: Talk to you tom sometime.
  59. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: i will ^_^
  60. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: yippers
  61. RaeBaeAnicetus: XD
  62. RavenWolfCreed > JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: loves you sis be safe
  63. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: ttyl
  64. RaeBaeAnicetus: ttyl
  65. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: ok
  66. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth whispers: xxxxx loves ya
  67. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth: poofs
  68. RaeBaeAnicetus: poof
  69. JazminKarmanDSWhyeth has left the chat
  70. RavenWolfCreed: so wot part of the bs on fb was the truth
  71. RaeBaeAnicetus: Oh now you talk
  72. RaeBaeAnicetus: Rofl
  73. RaeBaeAnicetus: All was true swettie
  74. RavenWolfCreed: dont call me sweetie
  75. RaeBaeAnicetus: awww
  76. RaeBaeAnicetus: why nto
  77. RaeBaeAnicetus: not*
  78. RaeBaeAnicetus: Rofl
  79. RavenWolfCreed: so u split up ppl for fun then?
  80. RaeBaeAnicetus: Totally. Man such a good thing to do. /rofl
  81. RaeBaeAnicetus: No I didn't mean to.
  82. RaeBaeAnicetus: He decided to tell her to leave and fuck off
  83. RavenWolfCreed: why after everything mum told u and did for u thats the way u repay her ......... nice..... some friend u was
  84. RavenWolfCreed: thats coz he beleived ur bs about mum starting shite
  85. RaeBaeAnicetus: Awww
  86. RaeBaeAnicetus: sorry he was a poor guy who takes anyone word
  87. RaeBaeAnicetus: I told him it was all u and alden
  88. RaeBaeAnicetus: Elly was always there
  89. RaeBaeAnicetus: U
  90. RaeBaeAnicetus: No where
  91. RaeBaeAnicetus: So hush
  92. RavenWolfCreed: pfft which it wasnt
  93. RaeBaeAnicetus: Which it was
  94. RaeBaeAnicetus: All u do is sleep
  95. RaeBaeAnicetus: or play a god damn game
  96. RaeBaeAnicetus: I was with elly more then you after I came back
  97. RavenWolfCreed: i was there all the time u didnt have a lappy wow for having some time away from all the drama of imvu
  98. RaeBaeAnicetus: U caused most of it when I LEFT THE FAMILY..
  99. RaeBaeAnicetus: So shut your mouth sweetie
  100. RavenWolfCreed: .how
  101. RaeBaeAnicetus: All ur shit talk
  102. RaeBaeAnicetus: Woohoo
  103. RaeBaeAnicetus: such a amazing mother you were
  104. RavenWolfCreed: u mean all ur shit talk
  105. RaeBaeAnicetus: I'm not about shit talk anymore
  106. RaeBaeAnicetus: XD
  107. RaeBaeAnicetus: but thanks
  108. RavenWolfCreed: wow such an ungreatfully child u was
  109. RaeBaeAnicetus: Ik
  110. RaeBaeAnicetus: rofl
  111. RaeBaeAnicetus: Only to make ur life a living hell right?
  112. RaeBaeAnicetus: awww
  113. RaeBaeAnicetus: cry me a river and build a bridge so I can walk across.
  114. RaeBaeAnicetus: That if you can
  115. RaeBaeAnicetus: rofl
  116. RaeBaeAnicetus: So please.
  117. RaeBaeAnicetus: If u have anything else to say
  118. RaeBaeAnicetus: Shove it down a hole
  119. RavenWolfCreed: sod that i'll blow the damn thing up with u on it
  120. RaeBaeAnicetus: Awww
  121. RaeBaeAnicetus: is that greatest you have?
  122. RaeBaeAnicetus: So cute
  123. RaeBaeAnicetus: ty
  124. RavenWolfCreed: world would be better off with out another lier
  125. RaeBaeAnicetus: ROFL
  126. RaeBaeAnicetus: I learn from the best
  127. RavenWolfCreed: i never lied to u about anything
  128. RaeBaeAnicetus: Mhm k
  129. RavenWolfCreed: so wot did i lie about then
  130. RaeBaeAnicetus: You know
  131. RaeBaeAnicetus: XD
  132. RavenWolfCreed: nope u so called know me wot did i lie about
  133. RaeBaeAnicetus: You do
  134. RaeBaeAnicetus: rofl
  135. RaeBaeAnicetus: Everything Gemma
  136. RavenWolfCreed: really tiff
  137. RaeBaeAnicetus: Really.
  138. RavenWolfCreed: enlighten me on this everything i lied about
  139. RaeBaeAnicetus: THE whole family gemma
  140. RaeBaeAnicetus: who are you really?
  141. RavenWolfCreed: wot family and wot about who i really am
  142. RaeBaeAnicetus: R you even a good person?
  143. RaeBaeAnicetus: I think not
  144. RaeBaeAnicetus: You lied about loving me
  145. RaeBaeAnicetus: I know you
  146. RaeBaeAnicetus: All u do is talk shit
  147. RaeBaeAnicetus: When don't you stop
  148. RaeBaeAnicetus: You never do
  149. RavenWolfCreed: thats bollocks i did love u but after the first time u left it was from a distance coz i knew u would do the same as before
  150. RaeBaeAnicetus: Like you never had
  151. RaeBaeAnicetus: Hush
  152. RavenWolfCreed: which u proved me right
  153. RavenWolfCreed: like i never had wot
  154. RaeBaeAnicetus: From me
  155. RaeBaeAnicetus: Type
  156. RaeBaeAnicetus: Typo*
  157. RaeBaeAnicetus: From my amazing sister : AeronwenYlvaZilla: dare person back off my sister you r not her mother and have no right to be yelling at her if you dont i well be haveing words with you my self and trust me you dont want to fuck with this bitc
  158. RavenWolfCreed: i dont see no yelling im just talking and i aint botherd they can talk away
  159. RavenWolfCreed: if u dont like it u can always poof im not stopping u
  160. RaeBaeAnicetus: You can poof
  161. RaeBaeAnicetus: This is my bestie room
  162. RavenWolfCreed: hmmm and my sisters room
  163. RaeBaeAnicetus: Ohh yeah I forgot she was your sister
  164. RaeBaeAnicetus: Damn suck for her.
  165. RavenWolfCreed: i was thinking the same about u
  166. RaeBaeAnicetus: I have no problem wit Jaz she better then you
  167. RavenWolfCreed: and much better than u
  168. RaeBaeAnicetus: Rofl
  169. RaeBaeAnicetus: U can leave me alone know.
  170. RaeBaeAnicetus: Or my family will be coming to your door
  171. RaeBaeAnicetus: XD
  172. RaeBaeAnicetus: kiss
  173. RaeBaeAnicetus: kiss
  174. RavenWolfCreed: wotever
  175. RaeBaeAnicetus: rofl
  176. RaeBaeAnicetus: ok
  177. EllysettaDevilStarr has joined the chat
  178. EllysettaDevilStarr: did jaz go to work
  179. RavenWolfCreed: mhm
  180. EllysettaDevilStarr: kk
  181. EllysettaDevilStarr: tazz is off tomorrow his got the funeral
  182. RavenWolfCreed: k
  183. RaeBaeAnicetus: Well it seems the time slipped my mind. Nice seeing you elly, Bye Gemma nice talk XD
  184. RaeBaeAnicetus: bye
  185. RaeBaeAnicetus: poff
  186. RaeBaeAnicetus: poof
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