
Shamchat - Jesse McCree x Angela Ziegler

Jul 21st, 2018
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  5. This is a conversation between HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler and yourself, Jesse McCree.
  6. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: The doctor sat center in her office upon a wooden chair. The room air was frigid and cold, which caused her body to quiver in natural response. Her hands were laid flat upon her bare upper thighs, the woman's skirt having been hiked up enough to expose the pale of her skin there. Her outfit had been unbuttoned too, but was reset to cover her breasts enough. She looked forward blankly, silently staring at nothing under the hypno goggles
  7. Jesse McCree: He had been pushing it off for days, admittedly. No grown man really wanted go visit the soctor...especially when the doctor knew you had a smoking habit to harp on. Still, with the threat of being put on administrative duty, he'd trudged his way to the medical bay, hat in hand as he brushed his hair back before knocking on her office door. One of the privileges of knowing the director, he supposed. "Ang, you in?"
  8. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: The blonde didn't flinch an inch when the knock came upon the door. The sound echoed through out the small space of her office. "Come in, Jesse." Her voice came out flat now, avoiding the usual chipper life it usually held to it. Being Angela was always smiling and trying her best to make her patients feel comfortable in the bad situations she had to see them in sometimes, it was rather uncharacteristic of her to be so...flat in tone. She sat in place still, only readjusting her head slightly to look at the male as he entered.
  9. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: "I see you made it just in time for your appointment, Jesse. You're punctuality is appreciated, master." She gave a soft little smile, the first sign of emotion she had done in about an hour or so.
  10. Jesse McCree: He paused for a moment before opening the door, mostly trying to place what was off about it, but unable to quite decide what. He pushed the door in to step inside, letting it fall closed behind him. He couldn't quite figure out the goggles on her face, but he assumed there was a reason. No, more distracting was the amount of pale thigh he could see, with her skirt rucked up as it was. He lowered his head to clear his throat, mostly to break his gaze. "Master..? That's a new one. You feelin' all right, darlin'?"
  11. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: The petite blonde stayed perfectly still, the only movement disrupting her the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed in and out, perfectly steady. "Do you not like it? You could always give me another name to call you by, master. I only aim to please you." Her smile widened, her pearly whites flashing towards the cowboy. "I am feeling perfectly fine. I'm simply waiting for you to tell me what you want me to do for you."
  12. Jesse McCree: His eyes tracked around the room for a long moment, a bit dubious, but then again Angela had never exactly been the pranking type. He stepped closed, finally realizing there was a bit of a chill in the air when his flesh hand brushed against the cold surface of her desk. "Christ, Angie, how are you not freezing in here? For feeling fine, you sure as hell ain't actin' like it. You wanted me to drop in...remember?"
  13. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: "I don't need to worry about being cold or how I feel. I need to worry about how you feel. If you are happy. Satisfied." She smiled, finally standing up now as he made his way closer to her. When his fingers brushed upon her desk, she gently picked his hand up, taking it gingerly and kissing his fingertips. "Drop in so that you may get what it is what you wanted from me. Master." Her hand began to shift, revealing the ever so slightest peak of her rosy pink bud of a nipple.
  14. Jesse McCree: There was something more than a little unsettling about the coolness of her skin and the flatness of her voice, as he resisted the impulse to yank his hand away. Definitely not the Angela he knew, the one with the warm smile and cheery attitude. The hair on the back of his neck was rising, his figurative hackles, as he pulled his hand away, casually dropping into the chair across the desk from her, and very pointedly not looking at her breasts. Normal circumstances, sure, he'd have been quite interested. This...this was wrong. "So, what's up with those new glasses of yours, doc? Some new diagnostic you came up with?"
  15. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: The female's smile faded away from her features as the male pulled his hand away and settled into the chair some space off from her. As he asked about the goggles she wore, her head tilted slightly. "Glasses? What do those matter, master?" She moved and straddled his lap now, wrapping her arms around his neck, her skirt hiked up all the way now she could press herself up against him, lab coat moving slightly to fully expose her right breast. "Am I not doing well enough? I can try harder."
  16. Jesse McCree: He quickly realized the error of his ways about half a second before she dropped into his lap to straddle his thighs. He swallowed roughly, his adam's apple bobbing visibly with the effort. He'd have been lying if he'd never admitted to imagining something rather close to this, both in his youth as an agent of Blackwatch...and perhaps unsettlingly close to the present, as the pretty blonde medic had barely changed a day. "Oh, it's not about tryin' harder, sugar...more about how I always kind of pictured being able to see those pretty eyes of yours if I ever got your clothes off. Reckon I'd prefer it that way, if you'd be so kind..."
  17. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: Her breath came in soft little pants, tickling at the side of his neck as she leaned in close and began to nibble upon his ear lobe. She hummed softly and tilted her head, now working her thin fingers through the thick of his hair, brushing it softly, almost out of complete genuine affection. As he spoke, she listened to every word, wanting to make her master happy. She laughed curtly. "Always imagined riding you as you grabbed me by the hair." She whispered, slowly lifting the lenses so they were pressed up against her forehead. Her brows furrowed, head shaking as she gripped onto his shirt and held onto him, disoriented. "Jesse?"
  18. Jesse McCree: Well, that sure as hell wasn't doing him any favors, prompting an uncomfortable shift beneath her. Whether she was 'there' or not, she was still an extremely attractive woman. A bit of a flush colored his cheeks as she voiced her own contribution - oh, he'd definitely imagined that, as well as her riding him and just about everything in between. He was almost a little relieved to see the glasses go up, the disorientation in her eyes, even if he wasn't looming
  19. Jesse McCree: Looking* forward go explaining anything. "Hey, darlin'..." He said, carefully reaching up to fully remove the glasses from her head, setting them down.
  20. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: The blonde gripped at her forehead, groaning as she shifted in his lap. She could feel the shift of him under her, his length pressing up against and into her ever slightly so. Her cheeks flared red, blue eyes meeting his as she quickly moved to cover her breast. "McCree! Oh god, I am so...sorry." She was frozen in horror on his lap. SHe wasn't sure what to do or say. "Did I do anything to you? I didn't think the goggles would work."
  21. Jesse McCree: He had the decency to avert his eyes from her hurried covering of herself...though the fact that she was still pressed up flush against him, still straddling his lap, wasn't exactly an easy thing to forget. "The hell are they supposed to do, turn you into some kind of zombie? You definitely weren't yourself there, Ang..."
  22. HypnoGoggles! Angela Ziegler: Angela slowly stood up, her cheeks a vibrant red as she began pushing her skirt down and buttoning her labcoat, turned away from him as she though of what to say. She had to tell him something. But the truth was far too embarrassing. "I-uh. Am not one hundred percent sure, McCree. Which is why I believe they went so horribly wrong." She hummed sadly, hugging her arms to herself as she finally looked him over. Eye contact was impossible to make. Especially after she caught her eye lingering at his erection poking through. "God, Jesse. You must be absolutely horrified with me."
  23. Jesse McCree: It was definitely a little easier to breathe when she wasn't as distractingly close. He sighed, leaning forward in his chair, forearms resting against his knees as he watched her - a little suspiciously, but mostly just concerned. It also helped call attention away from his own predicament - he hoped, at any rate. "What were you trying to do, then? And really, you should know better than to be trying these things out on yourself. We'd be up shit creek if something happened to you. Come on, Ang, talk to me." He couldn't even bear to think about what very well might have happened if it had been someone else in here with her.
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