
SHG 3: Sakuras in bloom

Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. The wind whipped through the calm air, a sudden torrent on an otherwise calm day. The Sakura trees shook with the sudden gust, petals taking off from their twigs and scattering as the gale tore them away with a sudden violet blow.
  3. And then, peace once again, and, slowly, the cherry blossoms floated gently towards the ground.
  5. Standing on the path, staring up at the petals as the fell around her, was Hanako. She smiled as the pink petals gently fluttered down towards the Earth, holding out her hand for one to fall right into it. She brushed the petal between her thumb and her forefingers. It was soft, fragile, and even the slight rubbing risked tearing the petals.
  7. ‘Just like how I used to be…’ Hanako thought to herself. She let it drop, watching as it gently fell against the black and purple of her kimono, until it finally reached the ground.
  9. “There you are Hanachan!” Called a loud voice. “We were looking for you!”
  11. Misha bubbly bounced over to Hanako, tugging heavily on the girl who she led by the arm.
  13. “M-Misha. Misha please! You’ll tear my arm off…” Lilly said. She smiled kindly towards the pink haired girl. Hanako hadn’t misheard though, she knew she’d heard Misha say “look…”
  15. “I’m sorry Lilly. I… I’m kinda new to all of this.” Her fingers fidgeted for a moment before she raised a hand up to her head and ran her fingers through her short pink hair.
  17. “It’s good to see you.” Hanako said with a bow towards Misha, who wore a green and teal kimono. “And you as well, Lilly.” She said turning to the blonde woman and bowing to her as well. Lilly, too, was wearing a familiar garment. Light blue and yellow, her hair tied back with a wooden hair piece. “I thought you’d like to know I’m wearing the kimono you got me, as well as the necklace that you and Akira got me for Christmas.”
  19. “Oh god~,” Misha said burying her face behind her hands. “Please don’t remind me of that party… I drank waaay too much.”
  21. “You drank too much? Misha, Hisao’s father was calling me Irish. It’d be hard to match that.” Lilly said, laughing behind her hand. “Though we really owe him and his wife, considering how we were the ones responsible for all their hand baked treats disappearing.”
  23. “Wahahaha~ Hey if they wanted left overs, they shouldn’t have made them so tasty!” She put her hands on her hips, as if daring the world to challenge her.
  25. “Misha?” Hanako cut in.
  27. “Yes, Hanako?” Misha asked.
  29. “Why did you decide to cut your hair?”
  31. The mood in the air seemed to shift on a dime. Misha’s ever present smile was nowhere to be found. She looked over to Lilly, and Hanako saw Lilly squeeze Misha’s hand reassuringly… ‘Just like she used to do for me…’
  33. “Oh… Well, I just kinda thought it was time for a change. Graduation is soon and… well, yea.” Misha said. Her hands were fidgeting again, as if she didn’t know what to do with them. It suddenly dawned on Hanako why. ‘Shizune…’
  35. “O-oh. Um, yea. Well, it looks really nice with your dress.” Hanako said.
  37. “Well thank you! I gotta say you look pretty amazing yourself!”
  39. Hanako smiled as she looked down at herself. This kimono was just under a year old. Lilly had gotten it for her when she’d come back from Scotland, a black and purple kimono.
  41. Hanako remembered that night fondly. It was the first time she ever saw Lilly cry, as she told Hisao and Hanako about the mistake that she’d made, about them being her true family… Lilly was more than her friend, she was her sister. Her sister who’d cared for her when nobody else did. And now, her sister was helping somebody else.
  43. “Where are Emi and Rin?” Hanako asked, trying to bring some life back into the conversation.
  45. “We’re never too far off.”
  47. Hanako jumped, her arm flying to her chest as she turned and saw the two other girls. Emi looked at her with a cheeky grin, hand on her hip. She wore a white kimono with pink highlights, even though it looked a bit big on her. She’d grown her hair out a bit longer, and was wearing it down for the occasion. It made her look older somehow, which was good considering she had turned twenty only three weeks ago… That was another fun night.
  49. Rin stood to her side with a soft smile as she looked around at the trees. She wore a dark green kimono, but the shapes and designs on it were black and looked to be painted on.
  51. “Goodness Emi, you frightened me.” Hanako said.
  53. “Yea, I’m really stealthy when I’m not on blades.” Emi said. She kicked her leg up and touched her hand to the prosthetic toes in a ‘hyah’ motion.
  55. “Well it’s good that you could make it.” Hanako said. She nodded her head to herself. She could do this. She’d practiced with Hisao, after all. “S-shall we go into the park together now?”
  57. “Certainly.” Lilly said, before being pulled forwards quickly by Misha, who skipped ahead with a cry of “YAY!”
  59. The pair passed Hanako at an unsteady pace. Emi giggled behind her hand before following them in, and Rin and Hanako entered side by side.
  61. “Oh, I meant to tell you, I’m working on your painting.” Rin said to her. “It should be done soon. Emi is pretty mad it’s taken this long.”
  63. Hanako shrugged. She’d actually forgotten about the picture in the last few weeks. “It’s alright. You can’t rush great art.” She looked on ahead at the rest of the group, all happily inspecting the beautiful trees.
  65. “You can.” Rin said, nodding even as she disagreed. “Sometimes art is better rushed. Help to keep strokes fluid and solid.”
  67. “Have you ever tried digital?” Hanako asked, actually curious. “Some people say it’s better or easier to work with.”
  69. Rin bit her lip. “I’d need a tablet.” She held up her arms, as if to explain she didn’t have any arms.
  71. “Hmm… I wouldn’t have thought you would let that stop you…” Hanako said. It came out before she realized how rude it sounded, and Rin looked at her tilting her head.
  73. Hanako was about to apologize when Rin said, “I like you. This you. You’re much more muchness. Than you used to be, I mean.”
  75. Hanako smiled, blushing. She looked down to her feet, but then forced herself to look back up at Rin. “Thank you. All of you have helped me more than I could ever say.”
  77. She had told that to Hisao, but he refused to take all the credit for it… So she then decided that she should pay the others their due.
  78. Rin nodded sagely, then went back to looking at the trees.
  80. Hanako found herself looking from tree to tree as well, just enjoying the simple beauty of the cherry trees. The park she had asked them to join her at had path that would lead them for a little over a mile till they came back to the start. She really enjoyed just being with her friends, enjoying something as simple and fun as this together.
  82. After about a half mile, the group stopped for a break at a bench next to a small stream. Despite Emi calling them out on it, Lilly and Misha had both apparently tired themselves out. It made sense… With Hanako spending so much time with Hisao, Lilly seemed to call on one of her older friendships.
  84. Hanako had known that Misha and Lilly had begun hanging out, but the pair had made fast friends when Misha had introduced treats to tea time. It wasn’t long before their late night tea sessions just wouldn’t feel right without at least something for the group to snack on, though Hanako had kept that part private… She’d put that running outfit Emi’d given her to use, and it wasn’t as if the other girls were joining them… Well, that was a worry for another day.
  86. Nearby, koi fish bobbed in the water as some small children threw fish food from a nearby dispenser next to them on the bridge. Hanako had to smile as she noticed that Misha was whispering to Lilly, vividly explaining the scene. Lilly, too, wore a very wide smile. Emi had taken an interest in the scene as well, standing nearby the children and smirking happily.
  88. A butterfly fluttered across the scene, and Hanako felt herself inexplicably attracted to it. She followed it for a little bit away from the group as it flew along.
  90. Its white wings flapped rapidly as it settled on a patch of blue lilies. It looked beautiful. Hanako looked up to the sky and sighed.
  92. Today was going perfectly. The breeze was soft, the sun was shining, and she was with her friends. She was associating with even who she’d used to consider distant acquaintances, had even invited them out all by herself. She couldn’t wait to tell Hisao how wonderful it’d gone.
  94. “Hanako?” Called Lilly.
  96. “Hana!” Called Misha’s voice much louder.
  98. Hanako sighed, although she giggled to herself. So much had changed in only a little more than a year… What could tomorrow bring?
  100. She hurried back to the group, who were all standing at the edge of the bridge, the children had moved on.
  102. “Ah, there she is.” Misha said to Lilly. “There you are! We thought you’d disappeared.”
  104. “I was just looking at flowers.” Hanako explained.
  106. “Well get over here!” Misha called. From her sleeve she withdrew what looked to be a camera out of one of her sleeves. “I…. I’d really like to remember today.” She said, a bit of hesitation in her voice. “Would you like to take a picture together?” There was a worried but hopeful look in her eyes.
  108. Hanako smiled.
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