
Anonymus x Moonbutt (Anon in Equestria)

Jul 12th, 2015
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  1. --Updated on the 7th of December.-- (Fixed up some grammar and modified some parts to better fit the story.)
  2. --Updated on the 20th of August.-- (Pieces of Part 2 have been added.)
  5. >You are Anon.
  6. >The Princess of the Night have just ordered you to swing by her bedchambers this evening.
  7. >She said she needed you hands for fixing something up in her room, but you knew what she really meant to request of you or at least suspected it.
  8. >For a while now, you had hoped she would not start to make more serious advances towards you.
  9. >However, you overheard from one of her Night Guards earlier that she was planning on finally bedding you, a term you were all familiar with these days.
  10. >All the mares were hungry for you, since there were much fewer stallions around, all the mares were out for your hearth, but more so for your little friend down below.
  11. >Even the princesses, heck when they were notified of your presence in Equestria they have sent an entire regiment just for the sake of escorting you to Canterlot, where you were given a home in the Castle Grounds, with no extra conditions attached.
  12. >For a while you enjoyed being in the center of the big city, but soon after, you found out just why you were moved there in the first place.
  13. >You had hoped that the royalty would be wiser and more insightful on your situation.
  14. >But damn you were wrong.
  15. >They were as, or even bigger perverts than the whole of Ponyville where you have took shelter before forcibly moving to Canterlot.
  16. >Celestia was the biggest of them all, she was always out to rape you whenever she had the chance.
  17. >For now you always managed to escape somehow, and learned never to trust her false schemes of leading you astray the hard way.
  18. >It would start out normally, having a cup of tea with her on a warm sunny afternoon and then BAMMM.
  19. >You were on the brink of being sexually assaulted again.
  20. >Princess Luna was the only mare around who wasn’t as crazed for a good ol’ human wanker as the others.
  21. >She would take a slight peek or sneak up on you when you were not looking, but that’s about it, no rape attempt or anything.
  22. >Aside from those few stallion fiends of yours, you have spent most of your time with her actually, since she wasn’t always out on getting a piece of your junk.
  23. >But now, it seemed she most likely wanted to make a move on you.
  24. ”Maybe she only wants to get out on a proper date or something...no need to worry now Anonymus.” - You kept telling to yourself.
  25. ”Luna is not like the other mares...but oh fuck what if she will want to go on a date?!?I can't date one of the princesses..."
  26. >You thought about the hundreds of nobles chasing your ass all across Equestria for stealing their potential key to fame and fortune.
  27. >As you made your way up to Luna’s tower where her quarters were located, you noticed that her Royal Guards were nowhere to be seen.
  28. ”Hmm...strange, it’s not morning yet, so their shift should still be ongoing.”
  29. >A sudden feeling of nervousness hit you but you thought they must have been on a break or something.
  30. >You arrived at Luna’s chambers, and decided to let yourself in since it’s not the first time you have visited the Princess of the Night in her quarters.
  31. >You would sometimes hang out in her room chatting and drinking up some quality wine, borrowed from the Canterlot Royal Cellars.
  32. >Of course, from Celestia’s favourite, she was always furious about that.
  33. >She didn’t suspect it was the two of you, but she just loved being able to question her guards about it.
  34. >Maybe because of the fact that then, she could use her special „interrogation techniques” on them.
  35. >When you stepped in, you were greeted by a room filled with darkness.
  36. >Your only source of direction was the shining rays of moonlight coming in from the open balcony.
  37. >The evening was a bit windy, the curtains were moving rapidly back and forth.
  38. >The balcony glass doors were wide open which allowed the air to circulate through the large regal room.
  39. ”Luna?” - You asked out.
  40. ”Are you in here? ... You wanted me to fix something up this evening, remember?...Luunaa!”
  41. >There was no answer.
  42. >To your liking however, the air was very cool and fresh, a hint that it was going to rain pretty soon.
  43. >You just loved that scent, as it was more prominent here than in any other room in the castle, since Luna´s quarters ere in the tallest of towers.
  44. >Probably the reason you loved to hang out in Luna's room besides her welcoming demanour.
  45. >You stepped outside the balcony to feel the fresh air on your skin.
  46. >The view was captivating from this high up, the incredible sight of the Everfree forest and the nearby rivers filled your vision with Ponyville far off in the distance.
  47. >But your relaxation was cut short by one of the balcony glass doors suddenly shutting in.
  48. >Rapidly you turned your head towards the direction of the loud sound, but saw nothing. You figured it must have been the wind.
  49. >As you would have turned around and moved towards the doors to search around for the source of the noise, the feeling of sharp pain hit your head.
  50. >You fell to the cold marble floor beneath you.
  51. >After a while, a familiar voice called your name.
  52. >”…Anon?...Are you awake?...”
  53. >You slowly started to open your eyes, however your vision was still blurry and you still could not see anything around you.
  54. >Only a winged dark blue figure.
  55. >You felt you were on something soft, and quiet comfortable in fact, you have recognised the material of it, something really silky.
  56. >Just like the blankets which the princesses had in their rooms, well, at least Luna had them, since you were only familiar with hers.
  57. >Good Lord, you have avoided Celestia's quarters by a mile when you had the chance.
  58. >You feared if you were not looking, she would grab you and chain you up until finally she would have had one of her all-day long sessions with you.
  59. >That's something you heard from the members of the Day Guard, as the gossip went, her needs were not easily satisfied by a mere stallion, even if she picked those with the most stamina.
  60. >She would torment them for a whole day or even longer, to get what she desired.
  61. >Freaking scary for you at least.
  62. ”…Luna? Is that you?...I seemed to hit my head in something…but i am not sure how…where were you?”
  63. >”Ssshhh....Relax dear Anonymus, you are safe now, I am here."
  64. "I was out on the balcony and...agh, shit it still hurts pretty badly...do you have a clue on what i hit my stupid head in?"
  65. >"You've passed out and i had to put you in my bed until you woke up…I couldn't just leave you on the floor, and i made sure noone would disturb us until you were awake.”
  66. >You figure that was kinda sweet of her.
  67. >However you still couldn’t see a thing, and you felt a bit weird.
  68. >Something was just not right tho.
  69. ”Well,...Thank you Luna, that was very kind of you to do but....wait...why did you say "disturb ´us´"?"
  70. "When did you find me?"
  71. "Could you turn on the lights now please?I want to check out if i still have my face intact,...gods damn it, it hurts like I got bucked in the face.”
  72. >You hear a quiet gigle at that.
  73. >”Oh,...umm...that's...uh...certainly,”
  74. >You heard the soft sounds of her hooves moving away from the bed, and then the room was illuminated.
  75. >You have been blinded for a few seconds, but it went away shortly.
  76. >When you decided to move your arms a bit, you felt something was blocking you from doing that.
  77. >You thought you just gut stuck in the bed's framework or something else, probably nothing serious.
  78. >But as you tried, and tried and TRIED to get yourself free, you finally noticed what was holding you back.
  80. >Your body started to shake vigorously, triying to loosen the cuffs on your arms and legs, but to no avail.
  81. >”Anon calm down, i just wanted to be sure you don't try to escape me for this once.”
  82. >You focus on her face now, she seems to be timid about you shaking like a maniac on her bed.
  83. >But still she can't hide that slight blush.
  84. ”Escape from you? And why on Equestria would you restrain me in the first place?"
  85. >She then put her hoof on your mouth. Gesturing you to shut the hell up for the moment.
  86. >"You see dear, i have been so reclusive and silent of my feelings for these few months, as a matter of fact i was waiting for you."
  87. "What do you mean by waiting for me?"
  88. >As you try to get sense of the situtation you were in, you manage to slide down the extravagant blanket which covered you while you were sleeping.
  89. >To your suprise, or should we say horror, you were butt naked.
  90. "Okay, WHY am i restrained, and WHY AM I FUCKING NAKED?!? I demmand a reasonable explaination Luna!"
  91. >If you were not panicking before, you sure as hell did now.
  92. >"You see, i had hoped that my slightly timid nature would extricate me from all the others, including my foolish sister, who tried to advance on you by force."
  93. >"However i have realised that is not going to be an option with you, if i were to get you as my own before her."
  94. >"Okay, so ponies are entitled to own humans now? That's new´."
  95. >Where you come from it worked the other way around.
  96. >The thought of it ran through your mind.
  97. >Being collared and restrained, taken everywhere beside your master as some sort of an accessory, next to being a source of sexual relief of course.
  98. >Celestia came to your mind again with her all-dayers.
  99. >FUCK NO.
  101. >You were planning on keeping your freedom, thank you very much.
  102. >The voice of Luna interrupted your chain of thoughts.
  103. >"I have waited for so long, i have never imagined it would take this much time, and more to break you in."
  104. >"But I have had enough, i will not wait a second more, tonight i shall ravage you and get rid of my pent up desires!"
  105. >Oh shit son.
  106. >This is getting real.
  107. >After Luna's maniacal speech, just now you noticed what she was wearing.
  108. >Apparently she had black tigh socks on, along with her usual regalia.
  109. >You were never one for ponies, but you just licked atop your upper lips, looking for your imenent traces of nosebleed.
  110. >To your knowledge, socks were a big hit between mares these days.
  111. >Never really saw one on a mare up close and personal before, but now you could understand why your guard friends were all over it.
  112. >Stupid sexy horses…with socks…
  113. >Stop Anonymus! Remember your values! You are saving yourself for a proper human mate!
  114. >Of course the possibility of going back to Earth is still a topic to be discussed with Celestia.
  115. >”Oh and the whole being naked thing? I just could not hold myself back, since you were so helplessly lying on the floor.”
  116. >”I just had a little taste that’s all, you must know how we mares are, once we have an opportunity at hoof.”
  117. >OH, NO, she already touched me?!?
  118. >You look down towards your lower area, and see your junk staying ready to rumble.
  119. >It was already coated with a small amount of saliva, so she was being quiet literal with the tasting part…
  120. >It’s over, you can say goodbye to all your morals and rules now…
  121. >Keep it together, you are a man, there may still be a way out of this mess.
  122. >Gentleman Anonymus Mode - On
  123. „Ugh, listen Luna, can’t we just start with a date or something?”
  124. >She frowned at your question.
  125. „Like going out to a nice restaurant, having a wonderful conversation at a candlelit three-course dinner under the moonlight?"
  126. „You know, like how normal couples would start their relationship.”
  127. >The bait has been laid out.
  128. >”I am afraid that’s not an option my dear, I have come too far to let you slip away now.”
  129. >”I will get what i want here and now. Just relax, and enjoy while it lasts."
  130. >"It’s not everyday someone gets to bed an alicorn you know.”
  131. >Well, she did not take it, but you are not looking forward for tomorrow.
  132. >You can already hear the noble shitlords banging on your front door.
  133. >While you were daydreaming again, Luna took the opportunity and moved to the front side of the bed, bending over just to reach your pelvis.
  134. >While you started to slow down with the shaking, and the attempts of getting yourself free, you were contemplating on just giving in.
  135. >If you can´t get out of a forced intercourse, it might as well not be a rape officially, right?
  136. >As Luna moved upwards along your penis, she licked it from bottom to the tip, leaving a good amount of saliva along her way.
  137. >Damn that felt nice...wait, NO, it shouldn´t feel nice.
  138. >She stared at you while moving downwards, engulfing your member slowly.
  139. >Her teal eyes were captivating, you have always liked them actually, and complimented on them to her too.
  140. >But when said pony is staring into your soul while giving you a blowjob, it’s a whole different experience.
  141. >As she bent over the side of the bed, in the mirror you could see a full moon while wearing that black underwear.
  142. >Wow, she did have a really nice plo….damn it Anonymus get it together!
  143. >Her tounge swirled around you member as she was going up and down, steadily starting to up the pace.
  144. >It actually felt incredible, but it went dead ahead of your morals.
  145. >From time to time she would lick all along the side of your dick, savouring it like it was a lollypop.
  146. >That made it easy to forget about all those rules of yours.
  147. >”Does our fair Anonymous enjoy how we treat him?”
  148. >Do not say a word man, if you do she will just be more eager to continoue.
  149. >”Oh so we are holding back now are we? You are one prideful individual you know that? *chuckle* But not for long.”
  150. >At that statement, she hopped back on your member, moving it in and out of her mouth while caressing it with her tounge.
  151. "….ugh…Lu…”
  152. >In front of you, her wings were spread out lowly beside her slim, curved figure, which gave you a sight of how big she really was so close to you, even if she was smaller than you.
  153. >You were starting to loose it. The sensation was just too good to fight against.
  154. >What you heared and felt after was nearly all you needed to blow your load already.
  155. >She was getting the whole of your junk down her mouth, with the ocassional gagging sounds.
  156. >She could see it on your face that you were not far from shooting it all inside.
  157. „Luna….I…am going to…”
  158. >But with that, she just kept going, until you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
  159. >You tried to arch your back as far as the restrains allowed it, and gave it all in.
  160. >She didn’t try to get it out or anything, even more so, Luna pinned her head down as far as she could to savour every drop of your load.
  161. >What were you doing? Shit, this must be a dream or something, one really wrong at that but fucking good at the same time.
  162. >As you collapsed back on the soft bed of your princess, you felt as tired as the time when you escaped Princess Cadance’s after marriage party. That was a mess too, but nothing like this.
  163. „…Luna…that was…incredible…you damn pony”
  164. >”I see i have managed to break thy magnificent ego, but don’t get comfortable just yet, it’s nowhere near over my little star.”
  165. >You have feared so as well.
  166. >The magnificent feeling that you experienced before suddenly diminished, as she lifted her muzzle up from your now half limp member, still coated in her and your own bodily fluids.
  167. >You still could not believe it was her doing this to you. She was never posessive or so eager to get what she wanted before.
  168. >Like her whole personality has changed in mere seconds.
  169. >Luna was always friendly and quiet, never anything like her ominous sister.
  170. >You guessed she was just fed up with your faggotry.
  171. >While you had your inner monologue, your jailor was doing something with her magic.
  172. >Which involved your dick of course. What else.
  173. „Hey, now KEEP your magic OFF of my dick!”
  174. >”Now now, don’t be so nervous fair Anonymus, i am just insuring that we will have more time on our hooves.”
  175. >”Or should i say I, but i guess you enjoyed the first half of it, didn’t you?”
  176. >As much as you wanted to protest, there is no point in doing so.
  177. >You have already gave yourself in somewhat, there was no turning back now.
  178. >Luna was still your friend, or maybe something more now, but it gave you a small relief that you wake up to her and not to some of the maids ponies in the castle.
  179. >You didn’t really speak to them before, just when it was necessary, but they always gave you the creeps.
  180. „Luna, you know, you may have been right about what you have sai…”
  181. >Suddenly your lips met with hers, cutting you off mid-sentence.
  182. >The feeling of her soft mouth on yours gave you a new sense of optimism, and it surely pumped a bit more blood to some other areas.
  183. >As you immersed yourself in the moment, her tounge slowly beckoned to enter your mouth, and you allowed her to do so.
  184. >It danced around yours rather tenderly, allowing you to savour every last second of it.
  185. >What seemed like an elternity of pure joy, ended with her head pulling back, with a slight trail of saliva still connecting both of your mouths
  186. >While you two parted, she looked in your eyes with an expression full of arousal and pleasure, her two teal eyes were as glimmering as the night sky itself.
  187. >You have seen some shit but this was lewdness in it’s purest form.
  188. >”Sssh my companion, pleasentries can come when we are done, now we have some unfinished business.”
  189. >She then climbed atop the bed you layed on, and made her way on top of you.
  190. >Her slim and neatly curved body was now resting on you, never breaking eye contact which made her all the more inviting, despite your earlier concerns.
  191. >Those dark blue wings of hers were now retracted which complimented her body shape even more.
  192. „Luna,…you are one gorgeous hors…”
  193. >”No words my love until we are done, remember? For this night you are mine, and mine alone.”
  194. >So now you weren’t allowed to speak, great. At least you can sort this out after you two were done having fun.
  195. >”I just want this to be as perfect as possible.”
  196. >As Luna gave you another lustfull smooch, she affectionately embraced you with her hooves, not letting you until she deemed so.
  197. >”Trust me Anonymus, if you enjoyed it until now, you will surely… how do you always put it…”have a blast”, indeed.”
  198. >You began wondering how this would play out, but she eager to advance now.
  199. >Luna raised up her upper body, while keeping herself still with her front legs, towering above you.
  200. >She kept her hips on your lap, which gave you a funny but voluptuous feeling.
  201. >But you were almost a hundred prescent sure on what you were just touching with your member.
  202. >Your cheeks were as red as they could get by now, as Luna started to slowly grind back and forth on your member.
  203. >If you were not hard as a rock by now, you would have questioned your sexuality.
  204. >”Oh, i see our suitor enjoys this, I can’t say I revel in it far less than you dear.”
  205. >As she steadily moved on your dick, it was coated in what was her own natural lubricant and the remaining saliva from earlier.
  206. >Her outer lips hugged around your dick as she moved back and forth, making you all the more worked up with her dong it.
  207. >Damn she was still teasing you with this, the sensation drove you to near madness as she continued to give voice to her senses.
  208. >”Oh,..Anonymus,…your body tells me…you like this, how about We…I…pick up the pace a little?”
  209. >Her rump didn’t just move back and forth now, but she started to go faster, and sensually grind herself on your member, while not allowing you any interactions.
  210. >If your hands were free now you would just grab her rump and go as deep in her as you could.
  211. „Luna, just…get these cuffs off me, I…am kinda convinced now…and it’s starting to drive me crazy…UNF…”
  212. >But she didn’t say a word, just moaned as she sinked in the rivers of pent up sexual pleasure.
  213. ´Daaamn it, you can break these cuffs Anonymus, you are a strong fella after all.´ - You said to yourself.
  214. >You tried snapping the chains with your wrists, to no avail.
  215. >These are some pretty fucking strong cuffs man.
  216. >Her moans were starting to get ever louder and more erotic which meant only one thing, she was close, but she wasn’t the only one.
  217. >Your stamina was getting weaker by the moment, you felt that you would have came by now if it wasn’t for that thing Luna did to your dick. For once you praised the magic of this world.
  218. „Luna I am almost here…how about…”
  219. >She then grinded a bit more harder for a few moments, indicating that she was ready.
  220. >As her moans were unbearable to resist now, you gave it up.
  221. >”Anonymus, we…are…!”
  222. >Funny she now used her older way of adressing herself again.
  223. >You felt her body shaking at the sensation while coating your dick I her cum.
  224. >Luna collapsed on you and embraced you as hard as she could while holding your lap down on the bed with her soft rump.
  225. >When you felt her own fluids washing down on your member, you felt it was over.
  226. >Luna let out a final loud moan of pleasure, and you came as she held herself on you.
  227. >Feeling her delicate body clasping down on you in this moment was all the more arousing for you even if you just came with her.
  228. >When the wave of bliss slowly ended, she still held you in her hooves, panting from her release.
  229. >She now rested her head beside yours, whispering into your ears in a still sultry voice.
  230. >”…ah…Anonymus,…you can not fathom how much…we needed this….”
  231. >”However there is… still one thing we can not leave out...to experience…”
  232. „You still…have the energy…for that?!?”
  233. >”Believe me my dearest, alicorns are special in their own ways...experiencing those is unlike anything you have ever felt before.”
  234. >While she rested on top of you, she looked towards your restrained limbs.
  235. >From all those wild moments of excitement, your wrists became red and ached a little, but to your suprised you suddenly felt a sudden moment of relief.
  236. >Luna undoned the restrains on your arms and proceeded to do the same on your legs.
  237. >She turned her body half way to get a view of them, and as soon as she released your last one, you jumped on the opportunity.
  238. >”ANONYMUS NO!”
  239. >To her suprise however, you didn’t dash towards the tall great doors of her chambers, but rather leaped on Luna and kept her under yourself.
  240. >You were not sure why you didn’t do the first option, it was something by instinct, perhaps the sensation of coming twice with a freaking princess, convinced you that you should not resist anymore.
  241. >”Eeep.”
  242. >You stared right into her eyes, and gave her a long loving kiss.
  243. „Luna,…could we maybe…continue this after a nice dinner perhaps?”
  244. „Tonight was incredible, even though i resisted at the start and panicked like a prude dumbass, i am greatly exhausted.”
  245. >Luna rolled her eyes at your comment, and seemed a bit confused.
  246. >She then let out a sigh.
  247. >”I suppose you have earned that much rest.”
  248. >A huge boulder was now lifted from your shoulders.
  249. >”But do not try to escape, or deceive us tomorrow, or I shall be forced to tie up my beloved again.”
  250. >That’s for damn sure.
  251. „…*gulp*…yes…Luna”
  252. >”Splendid, now, let us rest for the night being.”
  253. „You got it Luna.”
  254. >With that, you’ve lowered yourself next to her as she snuggled up to you.
  255. >As you heard her quiet sighs, you started to reflect upon your day.
  256. >You literally got kicked in the face, got tied up and had fun with your now ...marefriend?.
  257. >But you knew the real deal will come tomorrow, there is no escaping from that, you already gave your word for it.
  258. >You thought it was probably the testosterone that controlled you to say such a thing.
  259. >The night was incredible, truly it was, as far as it goes, there is no denying on that part, but you still had your reckless common sense to say a few words about it.
  260. >Now you were tired, but also worried to wake up, after you have resisted so much to everypony else but broke to her.
  261. >She got you big time Anon, she destroyed you.
  265. >The rest of the night went on peacefully after your struggle snuggle with the Princess of the Night.
  266. >You were overal content with how it went down, since you convinced Luna to go out on a proper date today.
  267. >As the moon departed from the sky, the graceful rays of the sun filled the private chamber of the princess.
  268. >Your eyes slowly opened, and blinked while your vision was still foggy.
  269. >Rolling around on the princess’ bed was indeed very comfortable, however you knew you had to get to up today.
  270. „Man, it’s morning already?...mmhh...Luna? You up?”
  271. >You’ve asked, as you rubbed your hands over your eyes to clear out your vision, and turned over where she rested beside you.
  272. >The bed sheet was wrinkly, wet and the covers were halfways down on the floor.
  273. >She was already up and about somewhere.
  274. >Well, obviously, since someone had to lower the moon, but most of the time Luna slept through the day to be able to tend to matters which occured during nighttime.
  275. >Mostly the public management of nightlife in Canterlot and adressing disputes reported on intoxicated party-goers or on some petty thievery.
  276. >Most of the offical businesses were still handled by Celestia, mainly because she didn’t deem Luna to be familiar enough with the current society and laws yet, to be able to coordinate major concerns in the capital.
  277. >An action because of which she felt a bit let down from time to time.
  278. >She was always the more emotional type, even if she liked to hide that from the ponies around her, or you.
  279. >You stretched out your arms and legs, and to your dislike, got out of the bed.
  280. >The blankets were still a bit damp from yesterday evening, oh boy a night was that for sure.
  281. >Looking back, you felt different about both yourself, and how you acted towards Luna since you met her.
  282. >You felt she was partly right about you.
  283. >As far as being a retarded faggot and all for not bedding a mare already.
  284. >Not noticing her feelings towards you, but she couldn’t blame you for real, since you were the knight in shining armour for nearly every mare you have met for the past 2 years or so.
  285. >As you would have moved away from the bed, you noticed a small bright yellow note on the drawer.
  286. >”Dear Anonymus, i hope you can join me for breakfast this morning.I reckon you are starving for a proper meal, from our glorious night yesterday. Come around to the dining hall when you are ready.”
  287. >Signed by Luna, and with a small hearth next to her name.
  288. >You were always disqusted by too much romantic stuff, but from her it seemed different.
  289. >Your hand moved towards the watch on the drawer, where your clothes were left as well, neatly folded on top of each other.
  290. >She had time for that too, well it’s something, considering she was the one who got you naked in the first place.
  291. >You still shivered from that thought.
  292. >Not being sure if it was because of the sudden lewdness of it or the creepyness.
  293. >Or both.
  294. >It was still pretty early in the morning, but you have wasted enough time already.
  295. >You headed towards the private bathroom of the princess to get yourself presentable, and to wash down the odor of different sexual fluids from your body.
  296. >If you were to step out smelling like this, noone would think twice about leaping on you and claiming you as their own.
  298. >The doorknob of Luna’s bedroom door clinged as you closed it behind you.
  299. „Morning lads, slept tight?”
  300. >You could not leave this one out.
  301. „I hope we were not THAT loud, but you know how it goes with alicorns.”
  302. >Even if you were acting out a charade at them, you loved to get the better of your guard buddies.
  303. >From the looks on their faces, they were on the brink of chasing you out of Equestira with their razor sharp spears.
  304. >”Oh you bet you were Anon, but i swear when my shift is done i will hunt you down,..”
  305. >His voice was actually angry, you hoped he won’t flip out on you.
  306. >”…and you will tell me all about how she was in bed man, you can’t get away from that.”
  307. >”Yeah don’t leave us hanging man, we wanna hear it.”
  308. >You laughed out loud at that as Silvery Wing and his collegue went from being angry pscyhos to everyday bros. Curious as ever.
  309. „Sure, see you today at the bar dudes.”
  310. >You were almost at the stairs now.
  311. "I will definetelly be wooing her again tonight 'till the sun comes up."
  312. >As you moved down the stairs, a collective shout of „You are a bitch” could have been heared.
  313. >You made your way to the dining hall.
  314. >It was an enormous hall with a long dining table streching out at the center of it.
  315. >The entirity of the walls were covered with glistering white marble which made the hall shine like some kind of a holy chamber in broad daylight.
  316. >There were also some really nice paintings covering the walls beside the enormously tall windows, which were part of a collection belonging to the royal family.
  317. >Due to your affinity to the creative arts, you always admired these pieces, ranging from self portraits of Celestia to landscape shots of different parts of Equestria, it was quiet a sight to behold.
  318. >To your suprise however, it wasn’t Luna who sat at the end of the elegant table waiting for you.
  319. >It was Celestia.
  320. „Morning Celly!”
  321. >She immediately glanced at you when she heard her nickname.
  322. >”Ah, Anon! How wonderful it is to see you up this early! You decided to join me for a breakfast?”
  323. „Sure, why not”
  324. >Come to think of it, you didn´t actually check the time before coming down.
  325. >Her voice was different from how she adressed you before. It was much more nicer, and welcoming.
  326. >You took a seat next to Celestia, something you didn’t dare trying before, but now you just somehow did not care about any of that raping stuff.
  327. >”So how come you honor me with your presence this morning?”
  328. „Is it that wierd that I come down to have breakfast?”
  329. >”Certainly not, but you usually get up much later and dine alone or spend your early hours within the Castle Barracks.”
  330. >”So, how come?”
  331. "Well i’ve just got down from Lu …”
  332. >You stupid ass hairless ape, you were near on exposing what happened yesterday evening, to the biggest pervert in the entire kingdom.
  333. >”Pardon dear? I didn’t quiet catch that.”
  334. >Come on man, you have to blurp out something.
  335. „I uh, I said I just got down from my room and was about to meet up with Umbric Radiance after breakfast.”
  336. >”Hmm, Umbric Radiance, isn’t she one of the Night Guard units?”
  337. >Oh damn it she is right, why did you name her, could have been anyone but her.
  338. „Well, yeah she is,”
  339. >”How come she can be up this early, or rather late in her position.”
  340. >You have fucked up man, quickly, damage control!
  341. „Uh, well a couple of my night guard buddies wanted to hang out, one of them had,… a birthday….yeah, a birthday, so we wanted to properly celebrate it.”
  342. >That was one really dumb excuse sir, congratulations.
  343. >”I see.”
  344. >She would clearly not take this as an honest answer right?
  345. >”Well then you will surely have fun today.”
  346. >She did?!?
  347. „Heh, we sure will alright?”
  348. >The conversation was cut short by waitress service coming in the hall bringing along meals for both of you.
  349. >You both dined fairly quietly, chatting about different topics, Celestia bringing up her being stressed about yesterday´s court and the sort, as always.
  350. >Nothing fancy.
  351. >But today she just felt, out of place, somewhat too welcoming to be exact.
  352. >When you finished up with your meal, you peeked over to Celestia’s plate which was still fully packed with sweet cakes.
  353. >She is eating more? No wonder everyone says the sun is getting bigger nowdays.
  354. „I think i’ll be going now if you don’t mind, I have to meet Umbra soon.”
  355. >Celestia looked up, remnants of strawberry cake could be seen on her mouth.
  356. >”Certainly dear, run along then, Thank You for keeping me companied, it was rather delightful.”
  357. „No biggie Celly, see you.”
  358. >With that you made your way towards the doors leading out.
  359. >Walking along the hallway leading to the courtyard, you left some of your guard friends who all had the same facial expression when they noticed you.
  360. >Jelousy, but at the same time a congratulate emotion could have been seen on their faces.
  361. >You then slowly made your way to your house.
  362. >It was fancy from the outside, given it was in the disctrict where all the rich nobles lived.
  363. >Moving past the gate of your garden, you spot your neighbour out in their yard.
  364. >”Good Morning mon cher!”
  365. „Morning Miss Fleur!”
  366. >Fleur and her fiancé Fancy Pants moved next to you not so long ago, given you were something special to the princesses and also the female population.
  367. >Being liked by hundreds of mares sure has it’s benefits.
  368. >You really liked Fancy Pants to be honest. He was a snob rich dude for sure, but whenever you were invited over for a party, he was always generous.
  369. >Fleur made implications on her intrest towards you from time to time, they were always subtle but they were there.
  370. >Something Fancy knew about, but made peace with since it was the sole thing you were sort of „famous” for.
  371. >You’ve closed the door to your house, and made your way up to your bedroom.
  372. >The room was neatly furnished with top quality pieces from prestigous craftsponies all around Canterlot.
  373. >Some were actually moved over from the palace itself, as gifts from the Princesses.
  374. >Tapestries and paintings of Equestria and one particular piece of Luna were hanging on the walls, a queen sized bed in the corner.
  375. >That picture was given to you from her personally a while ago. As a token of her friendship towards you, and maybe a bit more from now on.
  376. >Another thing why a big portion of nobility had presumptions of you, was that they thought you were being literaly fed by the royality itself.
  377. >That wasn’t true entirely, however it held some truth behind it, it was something you always worked on to correct.
  378. >Despite your behavior you actually knew some useful skills, which you were working on utilising someday to help get you somewhere aside from being a special snowflake.
  379. >But that was something of a side project of yours.
  380. >You were looking through your collection of clothes, searching for something fitting for today’s ordeal.
  381. >You picked out one of your favourite collared dress shirts, a dark blue jean short and a pair of sailor shoes.
  382. >It was a fitting collection for these days, since it was the middle of summer and the days tended to get pretty hot as well.
  383. >You’ve tried them on to get a better image of yourself.
  384. >You looked sharp man, maybe you would only have to take a trip down to the barbershop to get a fresh cut but everything else looked okay.
  385. >Suddenly you heard the doorbell ringing.
  386. >Strange, the post-ponies only come at noon.
  387. >You reckoned it’s probably just Fleur or maybe Fany Pants.
  388. >As you descended down the stairs you peeked out the window facing towards the yard of your neighbours, and you saw Fleur watering some flowers in their garden.
  389. >It must be Luna then.
  390. >You have picked up your pace and ran to the door, opening it widely.
  391. „Luna i was getting worried that….”
  392. >However who stood in front of you was not a mare with a mane of night sky, but another elegant looking alicorn.
  393. "Oh,...he...Hello there Celestia!"
  394. >"Hello Anon, I hope I did not disappoint you, but to my knowledge my sister is still back in the castle sleeping as usual in these hours."
  395. "Certainly not, I just...thought,...ugh...hehe...n-nevermind that actually, what can I do for you?"
  396. >"I forgot to tell you something while we were having breakfast. That is why I am here."
  397. "S-sure, what would that be?"
  398. >"I do not remember if you were notified or not, but tonight you need to attend a party."
  399. >Wait, what.
  400. "Uh, what party? I am pretty sure no one mentioned anything about a party to me yet."
  401. "Besides, I have plans for tonight already."
  402. >A deep sigh left Celestia´s mouth.
  403. >"That is what I feared. Sadly it is not a question if you wish to go or not."
  404. >...
  405. >You leaned against the wall, crossing your arms, now a bit more focused on the situation.
  406. "And why would that be the case?"
  407. >She did not meet your eyes as she was speaking, instead she tried to hide what seemed to be embarrassment and guilt.
  408. >Wait this does not sound like Celestia to you.
  409. >"Before I tell you anything else, could we head inside? It is a rather delicate topic, not for public ears to hear."
  410. >She glanced to the sides as she said those few last words.
  411. >Confused, you answered.
  412. "Sure thing, come on in." You gestured inwards with your hand.
  413. >Strange thing, normally you would think twice letting her inside your house again, but something was off about her and you anxiously wanted to get to the bottom of why.
  414. >As she moved past you a scent of vanilla fragrance hit you.
  415. >For a moment you even spaced out, but shook your head and followed her in to your living room.
  416. >She timidly approached one of your bigger sofas and sat down.
  417. >You now sat in front of her, waiting for her explanation.
  418. "So, why is this party such a secret anyway?"
  419. >"The truth is, it is not really a party in the rawest of senses, but rather a business meeting."
  420. >You curiously raised an eyebrow.
  421. >"We are on the verge of initiating an important trading agreement between us and the Griffon Empire´s delegates which would result in a tremendous amount of raw resources for our Kingdom in the coming years which we direly in need of."
  422. >Whoa hold on, since when is Canterlot and the whole Kingdom poor exactly?!?
  423. >Now you were even more confused, this just does not make sense.
  424. >Sure the pony-griffon relationship was never an easy ride, as a matter of fact lot of things are still unclear about the two kingdoms standpoints towards each other, but an open conflict was never a consideration. At least not to your knowledge.
  425. "Okay but how do I get into the picture here?"
  426. >"Since you are creature of great fame now in the Kingdom, and you have authority, you are by all means expected be at my side."
  427. >"It is not everyday that someone who is not a pony is so close to the royal family, and they are very aware of your presence here as well."
  428. >Speaking of being close...eh, let´s leave that.
  429. >You rub your forehead with your hand, contemplating on what to do.
  430. >The worst thing is that you promised Luna that you will take her to a date tonight, you would hate to break your promise to her for some fancy ass meeting, but this seemed like a serious situation.
  431. >"I am sorry if you had other plans for tonight but this is critical for us."
  432. >She now lifts her head, and looks at you.
  433. >"Can I count on you on this?"
  434. >Oh how you would fucking love to say no. One cannot explain.
  435. >You were always true to your word and honored it to the best of your abilities.
  436. >Wait, you did not ask one thing still.
  437. "Since it is a formal meeting, does that mean both of you will be there?"
  438. >She blinks a few times after getting who you were talking about.
  439. >"Oh you mean Luna? But of course she is expected as well."
  440. >So then why didn´t she tell you this in the first place? Was she that out of it yesterday that she forgot about it?
  441. >Well you were pretty intoxicated from the experience so you would not be surprised.
  442. >You exhaled before you spoke.
  443. "If it is that important, yes, of course."
  444. >Hearing your answer a smile instantly formed on her face.
  445. >"It is most wonderful to hear that my dear, I knew I could count on you!"
  446. >She jumped up from the sofa and managed to hug you softly.
  447. >You yelped at her sudden move, but went along with it, as long as she does not touch you in forbidden places, as your philosophy stated.
  448. "Okay I think that is quiet enough Celly."
  449. >She obliged and released you from her grip.
  450. >As she released you she then proceeded to the front door. You stood up also to let her out.
  451. >"Thank You again for helping us out in this, we are truly grateful for it."
  452. "Whatever just please as a reward, tone down the usual perverted attitude, and be more like you are today."
  453. >You managed to catch a slight grin as she answered.
  454. >"Oh but I thought we have talked about this before many times my dear, it is something I cannot control you know..."
  455. >She then turned to leave and started walking off.
  456. >"...not when you are around that is."
  457. *gulp*
  458. >You managed to catch that last line as she walked off."
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