
[Satyr] Second Chance Part 2

Mar 2nd, 2014
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  1. >The sweet smell of chocolate enters your nostrils.
  2. "Chocolate chip pancakes!"
  3. >"Ethooos, breakfast is reeeaaaady~"
  4. >You and Buster take off running to the door, rounding the frame to the stairs where you proceed to race down the stairs.
  5. >The brown lab barely beats you to the bottom though.
  6. >How does he do it?
  7. >Rush over and sit at the table.
  8. >Your mom comes out with the chocolate chip pancakes and a smile on her face.
  9. >She gently sets the plate down in front of you, setting with it some silverware and two more plates.
  10. >Once she sits down, Angel bunny hops up on the table.
  11. >She giggles lightly and slides him a bowl of carrots.
  12. >Turning to you, she nods.
  13. >"You can eat now."
  14. "Thanks!"
  15. >You stab half way through the pile of pancakes and put them on your plate.
  16. >As you stuff your face, your mom lightly shakes her head and laughs.
  17. >"You're my growing boy..."
  18. >Having inhaled all of those pancakes, you sit there with a smug smile on your face.
  19. >Your mom asks, "Have you had enough?"
  20. >Lightly nod as you sit there in a food coma.
  21. >Just then laughter is heard from outside.
  22. >You run over to the couch and look out the window.
  23. >Fillies run around playing tag.
  24. >Turn back to your mom.
  25. "Mom, can I go to school?"
  26. >She flutters over to you.
  27. >"But sweetie, this is school."
  28. "I know you teach me here, but I want to be with the other kids."
  29. >"Sweetie, you don't understand-"
  30. >You stomp your foot and it cracks the hardwood floor.
  31. "What don't I understand mom?!"
  32. >She jumps a little bit at your outburst.
  33. "I just want some friends!"
  34. >Your mom takes a step back.
  35. >"Ethos honey, please calm down."
  36. "But I want real friends! I don't want to have animals as my friends!"
  37. >"Shhhh, please stop yelling and let's talk-"
  39. >The windows shatter and both of you flinch.
  40. >Your mom flies over to you, wrapping her hooves around you.
  41. >"Take a deep breath... Calm down."
  42. >Doing as her soothing voice says, you inhale deeply and exhale.
  43. >"You're very special Ethos. More special than other fillies."
  44. >She rubs your back.
  45. >"I'm doing this to protect you honey. I don't want you to be made fun of."
  46. "Why would I be made fun of?"
  47. >She snivels and holds you a bit tighter.
  48. >"Because you're not like everypony else."
  49. >A knot forms in your throat.
  50. "Why am I like this?"
  51. >She says nothing.
  52. "Mom."
  53. >"Yes Ethos?"
  54. "Let go."
  55. >She slowly slides away from your embrace to fly in front of you.
  56. "I want to know why I'm like this."
  57. >"W-Well, daddy was a human and mommy-"
  58. "No... Not that."
  59. >You point to the dent you made in the floor by stomping.
  60. "That."
  61. >She is silent.
  62. >"Sit down on the couch honey."
  63. >Doing as you are told, you sit.
  64. >"Your daddy really loved you."
  65. >She sits down as well, putting her hoof around your shoulder and pulling you into her embrace.
  66. >"And when you were born, you had a really bad sickness. Your daddy was trying to help you."
  67. "He helped me, right?"
  68. >"Yes-"
  69. "Then why am I like this then?"
  70. >"He doesn't know, and neither do I."
  71. >You pull away from your mother, turning to face her.
  72. "What do you know?"
  73. >"I know that you're a lot stronger than other ponies in many ways..."
  74. "What?"
  75. >"It's okay honey. I'll help you learn to understand it. We'll learn together."
  78. Seven years later: The Present
  80. >You sit on the couch to tie your shoes while your mother talks to the animals.
  81. >Standing up, you grab your backpack and head to the door.
  82. >"Ethos, wait!"
  83. >Turn around to see her flying over with a brown bag in her mouth.
  84. >You take it and she speaks.
  85. >"Almost forgot your lunch."
  86. "Thanks mom."
  87. >You open your arms for a hug and she accepts it, kissing you on the cheek as well.
  88. >"Please be safe today."
  89. "Of course."
  90. >Stuffing the lunch into your backpack, you head outside.
  91. >It took mom a while to finally let you go to school with the other fillies.
  92. >It was probably when she met her new friends that she learned how important it was to have them.
  93. >Either that, or she was afraid of what you would do if you didn't get your way...
  94. >The sounds of hoof steps enter your ears.
  95. >You look around and see nothing.
  96. >Then over the hill in front of you gallops Applebloom and her friends.
  97. >She shouts, "Ethos!"
  98. >They all come running over to you.
  99. >Scootaloo asks, "How's our newest member doing? Find your cutie mark yet?"
  100. >You shake your head.
  101. "Nope. Still trying though."
  102. >Sweetie Belle looks up at you.
  103. >"That's great! Have you tried scuba diving?"
  104. "Ya know, I can't say I have."
  105. >Her eyes go wide.
  106. >"Well then let's go do that!"
  107. >She pulls on your arm and you pull back.
  108. "We have to go to school, remember?"
  109. >Applebloom and Scootaloo giggle.
  110. >Sweetie Belle's ears go flat.
  111. >"Oh, right."
  112. >It becomes quiet quickly as you walk together.
  113. >You make it to the school and enter, taking your seat in the back.
  114. >Cheerilee put you back here because you're a lot taller than the others.
  115. >It's alright though.
  116. >You've never had a problem hearing her speak or seeing the board.
  117. >Miss Cheerilee stands in the front of the room.
  118. >She clears her throat, gathering the attention of everyone.
  119. >"Alright everypony, we're going to be picking up right where we left off."
  120. >Everyone reaches under their desks to get the math textbook.
  121. >When you bend down, a pencil hits you in the head.
  122. >You grab your face and look around.
  123. >Silver Spoon quickly turns forward and then Diamond and her start laughing.
  124. >Remember what mom always says.
  125. >Just ignore them...
  126. >You take a deep breath and grab your textbook.
  127. >When you place it on your desk, you look to the front to wait for instruction.
  128. >Cheerilee has written the problems you're supposed to do on the board.
  129. >The door opens and in walks Snips.
  130. >Cheerilee gives him a look and he goes back outside.
  131. >She announces to the class, "I'll be right back, please do your work."
  132. >Then she goes to talk to him outside, closing the door behind her.
  133. >Everyone starts talking amongst themselves.
  134. >You don't really have any friends except for the CMC, so you remain quiet and do your work.
  135. >As you're working, a small pencil sharpener hits you on the head.
  136. >It lands on the desk and breaks open, sending tiny pieces of shaved wood all over your paper.
  137. >You furrow your brow as you look at it.
  138. >Then you look up.
  139. >Diamond Tiara smirks.
  140. >"Hey look everypony, Ethos's pencil sharpener broke!"
  141. >They all turn and look at you.
  142. >Your face feels hot with anger as you are stared down by everyone in the class.
  143. >Just...
  144. >Ignore...
  145. >Them...
  146. >"Hey Ethos, I don't think that's how you use that!"
  147. >Some fillies laugh.
  148. >Maybe this one time will teach her to leave you alone.
  149. >Lightly whisper to yourself.
  150. "Sorry mom..."
  151. >You grab the pencil sharpener in your hand and tighten your grip on it, smashing the plastic to a hard ball.
  152. >Then you wind your arm back and throw it as hard as you can at Diamond Tiara.
  153. >The instant you let go of it, Cheerilee walks back in.
  154. >It seems as if time slows when you realize she's watching you do this.
  155. >The ball of plastic just barely misses Diamond's face and slams into something behind her.
  156. >Everyone looks shocked.
  157. >"ETHOS!"
  158. >Your heart sinks into your chest.
  159. "M-Miss Cheerilee, I was-"
  160. >"GO OUTSIDE!"
  161. >You stand and walk over to the door.
  162. >Before you walk out, you look back at Diamond Tiara.
  163. >She looks terrified.
  164. >Past her head is a hole in the wall, the size of the ball you threw.
  165. >You exit the classroom.
  166. >Mom isn't gonna be happy.
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