
Doran Quickstep end ;_;

Dec 8th, 2012
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  1. [spoiler=Character Sheet]DORAN QUICKSTEP
  2. Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 1
  3. LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
  4. [b]Init[/b] +4; [b]Senses[/b] Perception +6
  6. --------------------
  8. --------------------
  10. [b]AC[/b] 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14. . (+3 Dex, +4 armor) (19 when Fighting Defensively)
  11. [b]HP[/b] 12 (1d10+1+1)
  12. [b]Fort[/b] +3, [b]Ref[/b] +3, [b]Will[/b] +2
  14. --------------------
  16. --------------------
  18. [b]Speed[/b] 30 ft. (Light Armor)
  19. [b]Melee[/b] Aldori Dueling Sword +4 (2H) (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
  20. . . Aldori Dueling Sword +3 (2H, PA) (1d8+4/19-20/x2)
  21. . . Aldori Dueling Sword +4 (1H) (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
  22. . . Aldori Dueling Sword +3 (1H, PA) (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
  23. . . Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+1/20/x2)
  24. . . Unarmed Strike +3 (PA) (1d4+3/20/x2)
  25. [b]Ranged[/b] Dagger +4 (1d4+1/20/x2)
  27. --------------------
  29. --------------------
  31. [b]Str[/b] 13, [b]Dex[/b] 17, [b]Con[/b] 13, [b]Int[/b] 13, [b]Wis[/b] 13, [b]Cha[/b] 7
  32. [b]Base Atk[/b] +1; [b]CMB[/b] +2; [b]CMD[/b] 15
  33. [b]Feats[/b] [url=]Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Aldori Dueling Sword[/url], [url=]Weapon Finesse[/url], [url=]Power Attack -1/+2 [Fighter][/url]
  34. [b]Traits[/b] [url=]Westcrown Firebrand (+1 Init, +1 To Hit in Surprise Round)[/url], [url=]Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)[/url], [url=]Eyes and Ears of the City (+1 Perception, Class Skill)[/url]
  35. [b]Skills[/b] Perception 1 rank (+6), Acrobatics 1 rank (+2), Intimidate 1 rank (+2), Knowledge (Nobility) 1 rank (+2)
  36. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Draconic
  37. [b]Combat Gear[/b] Aldori Dueling Sword, Dagger (5), Chain Shirt, Buckler; [b]Other Gear[/b] 11g 5s 5c, adventurer's outfit, backpack, bedroll, winter blanket, candle (5), flint and steel, oil (1-pint flask) (2), silk rope (50 ft.), torch (5), 5 days trail rations, waterskin, potion of cure light wounds (3), sunrod
  39. --------------------
  41. --------------------
  43. [b]Favored Class: Fighter (HP)[/b]
  44. [b][url=]Human Racial Traits[/url][/b][/spoiler]
  46. [spoiler=Background]Born to a disowned branch of a Brevoy noble family, Doran grew up in much harsher conditions than most of his Aldori swordlord constituents. Bullied by the sons of nobles who had been told of his family's fall from grace, Doran began to teach himself swordsmanship. Practicing with sapling branches until he was strong enough to lift the heavy wooden practice sword, he eventually caught the eye of an aging instructor of the Aldori style. Taking the name Quickstep, in hopes of not being recognized by those who tormented him when he was young, Doran worked with the man to sharpen his skills. Proving fast and accurate with the blade, his instructor ingrained all the knowledge he could to the boy, eventually sponsoring him to officially join the swordlord's school.
  48. Taking to the training and dueling with great will and enthusiasm, he worked hard to become an accomplished student, eventually making it into the top ten of his class, in not only swordsmanship, but also academics. After graduating from the swordlord's academy, Doran spent the next four years working as a city guard in Brevoy's capital, New Stetven. Realizing that he would never get anywhere with such a profession, he quit on the eve of his twenty-fifth birthday. Now free to do as he pleases, the man's travels to find work as an adventurer have brought him to Westcrown.
  50. Realizing the people of Westcrown have been tormented, debased and oppressed by the society and ruling class of the city, Doran hopes to join up with other free-thinking individuals to try and bring beneficial change to the city. Something must be done quickly, because the citizenry of Westcrown have suffered for far too long![/spoiler]
  52. [spoiler=Physical Description]Doran has spent his whole life studying the art of the sword, and is especially lithe and agile because of it. Additionally, due to both being bullied and training extensively because of it, he is quite tough and muscular. His often slicked-back, messy silver hair and sharp blue eyes made him stand out, but his skill and ability with his blade are what are most notable about him. On his right side over his ribs, and on his right bicep, are a pair of jagged scars from a childhood accident. Slightly embarassed of it, Doran dislikes to be seen without his shirt. The Taldan man stands about 5'10" tall, weighing roughly 140 pounds.
  54. He wears a roughly-made traveler's outfit of brown leather, with a chain shirt over it. His blade is lovingly cared, certainly his most prized possession. The weapon's sheath is belted across his torso, with five daggers held in the strap, for easy access.
  56. [url=]Portrait of Doran.[/url][/spoiler]
  58. [spoiler=Personality]Doran is a snarky fellow who is exceedingly confident in his swordsmanship. Friendly and loyal to those who either acknowledge his skill or prove themselves as worthy allies, Doran lives a laid-back lifestyle of drinking, socializing and dueling any who grab his attention.
  60. His showing off and over-inflated ego have a tendency to frustrate others. Many a person has been driven from his presence by his long boasts.[/spoiler]
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