

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. Your name is Noël Géroux and you are a French boy from Paris, When you were a young age of 6, your parents, moved to Margie, MN, a ghost town in Kooch Country Minnesota, apart from your parents and yourself, you were really the only kid there, you grew up on your own, only interacting with the world via online connection, which amazingly thanks to modern technology you guys had. You took a strong liking for pistols, revolvers in general, and knives, all types really, big knives, small knives, multi tools, hell butterfly knives too, because there wasn't any law to stop you , you could really do whatever you wanted, you would hunt for fun during summer, catching all types of small Forrest critters, and during the winter you would hunt during the night, preying on nocturnal animals trying to get the last of their winter supplies before hibernation. You learnt English rather quickly for someone who didn't spend time with anyone other than his parents, but despite that , you were fluent by age 12, and by far better at English than anyone else in your family. You could still speak French perfectly , but with English you had a advantage with the rest of your family, and for your life later on.
  3. A few years into the future, you're now a young man, 23 years young, living in Saint Paul, the capital of Minnesota, you were living with your loving boyfriend, a rather gorgeous if you say so yourself German man, you and him met in college, you were going for your psychology degree and he was going for a general medical degree. He would always tell you it was his dream to help people. No matter what the cost would be. People would tell him his heart was far too large for a doctor, but he would just tell them their hearts are too small to see the best in everything. You loved that man more than anything in your life.
  5. It was the independence day of America, the fourth of July when it all went down, he was in the kitchen fixing you a cup of cocoa mixed with gin and you were sitting at the dining table, watching him. It all happened so fast. One moment you were watching the love of your life, with a large grin on your face, the next you are watching him being ripped apart, eating alive right in front of your, screaming your name. You were.... You were heart broken. He was gone, you tried to tell your mind, and you tell yourself everyday that he's still there, but he isn't. Moments later, when that thing, got off him and turn to your, growling. Hell you thank the lord you never listened to him when he told you not to bring your gun to the kitchen table, you put a round into that fuckers head. Screaming hate filled profanities while tears pour down your face. After the monster finally falls to the ground, you turn to him. His lifeless body lays there, cold covered in blood. Almost falling to the ground, you pick up his lifeless body, trying to convince yourself he was just, resting, yeah hes okay. But he wasn't, you needed to leave. You, place your revolver to his head, pulling the trigger and finally ensuring he doesn't come back. before gently placing his body down on the cold kitchen floor. You wipe your tears from your eyes, before packing everything you have, and leaving.
  7. Two and a half years ago, it all started, and you watched the love of your life, be eaten in front of you. Two and a half years ago you thought everything would be back to normal again after a few months. But it never did. You've been wandering alone for what seems like eternity, traveling with the same backpack you've had since it started, your guns ran out of ammo months and months ago, but you always kept them, in case a miracle happened. You took very special care of one in particular. He had given it to you for your one year anniversary. The only weapons you have left are your extensive collection of knives, you have a unique five piece sets of them. Your pride and joy, Sakura, a red and black butterfly knife, an authentic razor shape kunai , a us military bayonette, a back up dagger hidden deep inside one of your bag pockets, and a authentic swiss army knife, which in this world, is the most useful tool of the trade.
  9. It's getting into the later months of winter, cold enough that at night you've been needing to make a campfire, you honestly don't know how much longer you can take in this world, is there anyone still alive? Are you even alive, or are you stuck in some hellish nightmare that one day you will wake up from and be back with him. You gone made with solitude, it took a while longer with all the knowledge of psychology you had obtained from school, but it happened. You've been traveling around this lake for what seems like eternity. You're a long way home from the capital. But that place was a powerhouse for the undead. You don't see as many out here as you do in the main city, then again you don't see a whole lot of anything out here. You've been walking towards a farmhouse, hoping its abandoned and only has a few dead inside, so you can camp out there for a few days and hell maybe stock up on something other than dry food and out of date cans of hell knows what. Life is hard in these times, and if anyone needs a break. It's you.
  11. You trace your way around the lake. It's already began to freeze over, but it's not cold enough , yet to walk across. You've experienced enough winters during this time to know that its safer in the forest than it is across thin ice. You've seen horrors no person should see, things straight out of horror movies involving people getting stuck between thin ice and a lake, because as much as people deny it, the walkers can swim . And if they see a struggling victim, they will come too them like a shark to a wounded baby seal.
  13. You think back to that haunted day, where everything you worked hard for, everything that actually mattered in life was gone, in an instant, you're kind of happy you will never have to deal with your two hundred grand of dept you were sitting on. But other than that. You miss being able to speak various phrases of German to him. Swearing in French when you fucked something up. Laughing and joking around, being able to joke about things really.
  14. Noël: Lost distantly in your thoughts, you hear a voice, for moments you think you're hearing things, till you look up and see a rather young man, in good condition, could he be a survivor? Are you seeing things? Wait is he talking. You hear words but they don't register with your brain straight away. But then it hits you like a ton of bricks. He's asking who you are, probably meaning he either doesn't trust you, or he has people to protect. You don't blame him for not trusting people, it's hard to trust people in this crooked world when you can't even trust yourself.
  16. You stay low and silent, eyeing the young man.
  17. ".... Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider? Je m'appelle Noël Géroux." [Can you help me? My name is Noël Géroux.] Before thinking, you blurt out that sentence in French. You don't blame yourself for it though. You haven't muttered a word to another soul in months, and you stopped praying to god when he stopped answering your prayers. Because if god existed , he wouldn't put you through such an undeserved and unforgiving nightmare that you call reality.
  19. Holy fuck, did he just. Speak French back at you. You have a genuine smile on your face. Not only is he being friendly towards you, not trying to bite a gaping hole into your shoulder and infect and or trying to kill you, but he speaks you native tongue. You feel like hugging this man right now, but you don't know if he is safe. He could stab you in the back and steal everything you own right there and then.
  21. "Thank you." You managed to that out, inching closer towards the stranger. To indicate you are ready to follow him to whatever camp he may have. You feel a tinge of excitement shutter through your body, like a strike of lightning, but it soon fades away at the thought of everything wrong with the world hits you again. You just can't think of a nice thought for one minute anymore.
  23. You turn to him, nodding as if to say both thank you and okay at the same time. Wow this place not only has a fire place but a couch too! You haven't seen a decent couch in. Years. You turn to make your way to the fireplace before a voice from the direction of the doorway directs a question to you. It's another person. But this time young, red haired lady.
  24. "Oh, bonjour. I don't believe we have, the name Géroux, Noël Géroux, pleased to meet you." You go to hold out your hand in a form of greeting when you suddenly feel a nip of pain in your leg. Is that a DOG biting on your QUALITY DRESS PANTS!!! YOU'VE MANAGED TO KEEP THESE BLUE PANTS CLEAN AND IN AMAZING CONDITION MONTHS AND MONTHS.
  25. "Get this thing off of me!!" You only slightly raise your voice, you would never yell or shout over something so petty in this world, shaking your leg rapidly, you try only shake the dog off and not entice it further.
  27. With the dog off your leg, and the friendly greeting from the lady, Amelia. You take her hand, kissing it before retracting back into your originally position. Even in the apocalypse you're going to be a gentleman.
  28. "I'd like to formally thank you, and the man that came , spoke my native tongue and offered me sanctuary in this here barn my gratitude. I won't stay for long. You probably have enough mouthed to feed without another grown man, i'll only be here for 4 days at the most."
  30. Honestly, you've never stayed in one place to long since this all happened. You learnt not too. Too many camps being overrun from arguments or simple lack of leader ship really put you off it, you're pretty sure the longest time you spend in one place was 2 weeks, and that was simply because they had a trailer, and she managed to fix up some of the holes in your clothing. But that was a long , long time ago
  32. You stand there, trying your hardest to cry and or hug or do anything that seems slightly out of the ordinary, but you are so happy right now, these people are telling you, that you can stay, hell they even offered you food. You can't remember the last time you ate really.
  33. "Merci, merci, you people are so kind, and I haven't ate in weeks. If I was out there any longer I would of either passed out or died from lack of nutrition." You trail off, before realizing Amelia is talking to someone else. You adjust your large backpack, before looking around for someone to direct you. You really need a place to settle your stuff and something to eat.
  35. "No need, I have mine own, merci again, Is there anywhere for me to settle down?" You take the various cans and the water, it's been far too long since you've drunk and or ate anything in general. You think about how things might be getting better for you, you've found a group of people who haven't tried to steal or murder you and are generally good people. He would of loved it here, plenty of people to take care of, his kind, gentle soul would of fit right in here. You frown, thinking about him hurts, but he's constantly on your mind, it's been nearly three years. But you just can't move on.
  37. You make you way up the stairs, they're in pretty good condition consider its post zombie apocalypse material. Remembering what Amelia said, up the stairs, second door on the right. You follow those instructions , opening the door and entering the empty room, it has a Bed, a desk, a closet and a small drawer. Finally, you have places to put all your shit!
  38. Noël: Placing your overfull bag on the ground, you start unpacking it, fuck you don't even know whats in this old thing anymore, before doing this though, you place your food on a bedside table, taking your swiss army knife out of your jacket pocket and placing it beside the cans.
  39. Noël: Unpacking is more fun than you remember, the first thing out was some of your spare dress shirts, tightly stuffed at the top of the first compartment. You unfold them, placing them on the convenient coat hangers in the closet, you have a total of four spares. A gentleman must keep his clothing in keep. Following that you have two pairs of blue slacks, a spare blue suit jacket, three blue ties, an extra pair of black leather gloves, and a pair of white socks. You really managed to keep all this clothing. You're impressed.
  40. Noël: After the clothes are dealt with, all hung up and or placed in drawers, you get to your personal belongings. The first thing out is your weapons, you take out your butterfly knife, placing it in the top drawer of your new dresser, let's just not tell them about your extensive weapons collection until they ask. Following the butterfly knife is your kunai, then the bayonette, and finally the back up knife, all place inside rags you keep to avoid them damaging your bag. You take out your most valuable possession, your L. Perrin Bte revolver, it was a present from him from your first anniversary. It has the phrase " Nos vies peuvent finir un jour, Mais Notre amour est immortel." engraved on the barrel, which translates to "Our lives may end one day, but our love is immortal". Following that you take out an old picture frame, it has you and him, smiling in the photo. You place both on your dresser, before turning to the bed sit at it and eat.
  43. After crying over you love, and actually eating food, you finally, manage to get some minutes? Hours? You don't even know how long you've rested for really. All you know is you now have a place to stay, you've slept for the first time in years without having nightmares, and you've ate food. Rising from the oh so comfy bed, (alot better than floors if you say so yourself) you smooth out of pants and suit jackets, take your Sakura, which is your black and red butterfly knife, sheathing it in a hidden jacket pocket, and your prized revolver, placing it in your back pocket.
  45. Making your way out to the hall and down the stairs, you don't seem to see anyone, except for a small girl , paying all her attention to an inside of a doorway, something must be going on. You creep to position, standing behind the girl. Watching what is going on inside the room likewise.
  46. "You know, it's not.... eh what's the word... Polite, to watch other peoples business go down." You speak up, in your thick, French accent.
  48. "Mon dieu!" You exclaim, before placing a gloved hand in front of the sight of the childs eyes, you don't know her, but as a respected adult, you won't let such a young child see such , sexual acts at whatever age they may be. Hell, you know for a fact, growing up, seeing stuff like that at a younger age fucks you up, especially if it's 3 am, you've woken up from a nightmare and walk in on your dad yelling "Put it back in!" to your mother.
  50. Oh merde, the child is, screeching. You remove your hand after realizing there was nothing wrong with the currently situation, and that is was just you seeing it wrong.
  51. "Shh shh child, it's okay, You can stop screeching, you will summon the monsters if you do. They like the noise. Now calm down." Yes, Noel this is how you make a child not be scared, by telling it monsters are coming to get it. Good job Noel.
  53. "Bonjour, I am Noël Géroux, pleasure to finally meet you Lee, I have just woken up from a nap I had taken, is there anything I can do to help?" You glance over at Lee, then to the .... you aren't sure what gender they are to be honest, the young man? Shrug, whoever they are they seem to be in pain. You hope they are okay- Oh god that child, the child is , oh gosh, did you make her upset. Jesus.
  54. "Oh oh , shhhh shhh it's okay darling, no one will hurt you . Umm.... I'll make sure of it okay!!! Uhhh , merde. " Fuck you can't deal with children in general you're too afraid they'll hate you, bite you or scream at you.
  56. Like the gentleman you are, you take her hand, kissing it.
  57. "Zaylee, that's a very nice name, again, I am Noël Géroux , call me Noël. Is there anything I can do to help around? " You armed enough to take watch, and fueled with enough energy from eating and sleeping to fight off anything and or put stuff away, really you just want to show your worth.
  61. Maybe all the people who left the world in the way that was quick and painless had the right idea, even if it was horrible. They wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Maybe you're better off that way too. Hell nature sure wants nothing to do with the human race, that's for sure. You would get to be with him up there. It would be nice, you could cuddle on clouds and watch over the world slowly crumble in defeat to the living dead. What are you saying. Dietrich would slap you so hard right now if he heard you talking like that. But, he would want you to be happy, and you will be only truly happy resting in peace, and someone could go past and use your stuff, and your body would compost nicely.
  63. You turn your heel, steering clear of the trekked out pathway, and towards the deep foliage, it's a tight fit wandering through, but you manage to make it to a small opening, a perfect place to end your life. You put your backpack down, and take out your revolver, if anything to do the job with, it will have to be it. You steady the pistol , loading it and raising it to your temple, a swift shot will end everything you've known in life, but you'll truly be at peace. A single tear rolls down your face, followed by another, and another as you think of how nice its going to be to see Dietrich again, and everyone you love, and not have to live in constant fear and caution. Readying your shot, you think now is the time to say your final words. " Nos vies peuvent finir un jour, Mais Notre amour est immortel." The quote on your gun, it's perfect for the occasion.
  65. You lay in the cold bed , of the original room your were given to sleep in when you originally arrived at the farm house, you've tried to sleep, god knows you have, only managing a few mere minutes compared to the hours you've laid awake,with guilt churning like butter in your gut. You just can't sleep knowing that there are at least double digits of walkers out there because you wanted to end you life, what a fucking selfish way to leave the world. If anything you should leave it in an honorable way, not shooting yourself in the head and leaving others to deal with you.
  67. Staring at the dark ceiling seems like a good way to spend your time these days, hell you would trade a pitch black ceiling over the night sky anyday if sleeping is involved. Because when you at least have a roof over your head, you hold a bit of reassurance that no creepy crawlies are gonna come and bit into you while you sleep, leaving you to either go into shock and be motionless in pitch black, or come to and scream, realizing that your life as you know it is over, and theres no going back. Unless of course you are bit on the arm and cut it off immediately, but whos going to cut their arm off in the middle of the night?
  69. You almost jump right out of your bed hearing the slam of the door. From the slamming, you can tell it's Lee, and that something happened. Oh god. Someone died didn't they, the blood is on your hands, you're a murderer, why did this have to happen? Why couldn't you of just pull that's stupid fucking trigger , ending your miserable life. Fuck, you're going to cry, you can't do this, you just. You need to think positive, just like you trained those 7 years of your life so you could tell other people, think positive and tell yourself everything is fine. You would of been a great psychologist if the world didn't go to shit.
  71. "I can explain my story completely, it's a long one, you see. But. Yes , me." You can't believe you just said that, you are 100% certain she is going to gut you like a cornish game hen right there and then.
  73. "Well, So it all started when I left the other day, I left because I never stay in one place, I haven't for months, because I know it will only end badly, someone will either go insane, killing everyone or letting those [i]monsters[/i] get to them, people kill and fight for power and leadership, and or there's a horde like that one before." You swallow hard, taking a moment to breath and gather your words.
  75. "Back out in the open world, in the path between the lake, the farmhouse and the forest, while observing how wondrous and beautiful it was that mother nature herself was reclaiming earth. The though of suicide creeped up on me, dark and cold. I never was a truly happy man, I sure acted like I was when I was still young, but ... Depression is hell of a thing. It... Makes you feel you're being sucked into a colourless void, where everything is gone, and you can't do anything about it. Or sometimes, it's like a fog is covering your brain, making you unable to see anything other than grey and unhappiness. It's not a nice feeling at all. Anyways, I'm trailing on here. But you get the gist of what I was feeling. I didn't want to live in this horrible world." By now, tears have pretty much rolled down your face, sticking to your red puffy cheeks. Talking about this stuff to anyone isn't exactly a walk in the park.
  77. "I made my way through the thick forest, trotting carefully across the snow covered ground to a small clearing, I stood there, taking out my gun and rose it to my head. I was so close , so fucking close to ending it all. All my pain and suffering was a second from being away and gone. When a walker, probably walking through, came behind me , grabbing me. In shock, I shot it." You sigh, feeling ashamed of the fact [i]you used a gun to take out a walker[/i].
  79. "Having known from personal experience that gun shots attract them, I ran off, into the opposite direction of where I came from, for hours, upon hours i walked at a steady pace, going 'round in circles, walkers hot on my trail, I finally after sprinting to the clearing, and managed to find you, but by then , I have fired 5 shots, and that's well enough shots to attract a herd, and I had blood on my hands from firing those shots, and that wasn't from the walkers."
  81. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes , crying. You just feel so shitty. [br]"Well, I deserved that. I didn't plan on staying anyways. I will take my leave in the morning, but for your knife being lost in i'm guessing a walker attack, can I offer you one of mine? I have a very nice bayonette knife, that i'm sure you could make use of."
  83. "I'm sorry." You managed to whimper out that apology, but by the time you do, Lee had already left. You cover your face with your hands, ashamed of what you had done. You could of had a place here, had a family, had a lover even, but you fucked it up, and almost got them all killed, how could you let such a stupid little thing get to you, Dietrich is rolling in his makeshift grave knowing of the horrible thing you almost did. It's such a , cowardly way to go out. Augh, you just need to think of something else and figure out a plan.
  85. By now, you're out of bed, fully dressed and arm, meaning you have your suit on, and you have your concealed knife on a garter belt attached to your leg, your lovely Sakura, a red butterfly knife and your lovely revolver, both hidden in your inside jacket pockets, it doesn't matter these days but your suit is worth over two thousand dollars. You enjoyed fine clothing.
  87. You've been staring out the window for some time, watching the snow fall gently onto the ground, blanketing it in white snowflakes. You always loved the snow, it never bored you. Alot of people you used to know would complain about how snow was boring. You don't exactly get normal topics like that anymore, or anything like that really. It's rather sad. -- You get lost in thought, like you usually do , but, hearing a dog bark snaps you out of it. You suddenly see a struggling young man, a rather dapper one at the most too. You feel like he may need to some help.
  89. Rushing out the door in a rather "don't panick" way, you make your way down the stairs, out the front door (making sure to close it because hell not closing a door is rude bro.) and down the porch. You observe your surrounding, making sure there isn't any walkers around before running to the sight where you originally saw the man, approaching the situation , you pull you Sakura, you refuse to use your gun after what happened last time.
  91. Standing a tall 6"1, you tower over a majority of people, and you don't get stuck in the snow, you use the man's scream as a sign, as if to say, "kill that walker". You grin, swiftly flipping your butterfly knife open, and launch yourself at the walker, knocking it to the ground and penetrating it's eye socket with your knife. You retract the knife, before stabbing it again in the eye, just to be sure, then wiping your knife on the snow, before flipping and placing it back in your jacket pocket.
  93. You get back on your feet, approaching the man proper, extending a long arm in offer to pick him up. You wonder what he was doing out so late at night with a dog, walking a dog at night is never a good idea, even back in the normal world, it was a pretty bad idea.
  96. You pull the man up, grinning as he yells, then realizing shit you do need to get him inside along with the pooch . You see the man, he will get stuck in the snow again, and he is holding onto the dog pretty tight. What the hell, not like he can argue at this point. You position yourself in front of him, crouching down. [br]"If you would like to get inside fast, get on my back. It'll work trust me."
  98. "I believe they are around because of the gunshots from earlier, they are attracted to noise like dogs to meat." you say this whilst successfully balancing a man and his dog comfortable on your back, and at the same time running. Doing both this things is a troublesome task, but it has to be done, you couldn't just leave him to die!
  100. Making your way swiftly through the snow, your long legs fail to get stuck amounst the thick layer of snow that blankets the ground. Slowly but eventually you make it to the farmhouse and you let the young gentleman and his dog down. You turn to him, on occasion looking behind you, in case a walker decides to show it's ugly face. [br] "Noël Géroux, pleasure to meet you." You grin, holding out your hand.
  102. You smile, dimples dancing at the corners of your mouth, but you slowly retract the smile when he asks if you are new, what are you suppose to say? 'Oh i almost got everyone killed trying to go out of life as a coward so ive been kicked out lol!'. What the fuck do you even say in this situation. You've gotta keep this calm, don't go fucking this up. You can actually talk to people, you've got this. [br]"You could say i'm new. But at the same time I'm leaving, tomorrow. But that's all good, I don't stay in one place for a long time anyways."
  105. "Leaving for winter is a good idea, if you don't starve to death, or freeze to death the walkers will get you, Never stay in one place for too long, they migrate in hordes, i've seen massive groups been taken down by hordes, it's the most terrifying thing you will ever experience in your life, and I think i'll move, won't stay in someone elses place, i'll hall out my own, like i always do, and have been for the past eternity that is the post apocalypse you know?" You yelp a bit at the dog biting you, and half almost kick it, that is your two thousand dollar suit pants, but it's only a small pooch, he won't hurt you, and he likes you. [br]"Eh, he doesn't bite too hard."
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