
Let him eat cake

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Cadence had Trick on her hip and he had a handful of Cadence's hair, having a blast. She looked around for Remy or anyone that could take Trick because she desperately wanted to get her shoes off. "Baby up for grabs so I can get my shoes off." She said calling out. // Felix was eyeballing the cake that said Happy Godparent Day on it, It was mostly gotten for Felix's sake because he had been insisting to Remy that there should be cake. Good cake. "So anyone mind if I start cutting this?" He asked . // Remy was upstairs on the phone with his parents and such kidn of arguing over the fact that this was a catholic thing, even though Cadence and Remy had already decided that they were doing both out of respect for both their families, like they do with Christmas.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was milling around the house mingling with people that had come back to celebrate and whatnot. She instantly smiled when she heard Cadence trying to pawn Trick off onto someone, going over in her direction and setting her glass down on the counter before sticking her hands out to take him. "Give me my nephew. He wants me anyway." She said as she pulled him in close, bouncing him a bit. "Why don't you wait for Remy?" She called out to Felix, not wanting his fucking cake hovering to go unnoticed.-
  3. Covet: "Because at the rate that conversation has been going we'd never get any cake. It started in the vehicle on the way home." She said as she bent over to pull her heels off, setting them on the counter by the hallway. "So much better, the straps were starting to cut into my feet." // Felix looked from Steph with a slight pout then to Cadence, "So is that a yes cut the cake?" He asked, then looked at Trick who was still giggly and bouncing away. "See, he totally agrees."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Don't instigate his sugar problem." She said to Cadence quickly before looking at her shoes. "Really? I feel like strappy shoes and heels don't bother me. I prefer them, actually." She swept her hand over the top of Trick's head, brushing what little hair he had to one side. "It's up to her. If she says you can cut the cake, then you can cut the cake."-
  5. Covet: "Jesus Christ, Yes... cut the cake." She said exasperatedly at Felix, then looked at Steph. "Do you even feed him?"Cadence asked with a laugh, then reached down to rub her feet, "Well yeah, so do I, but my feet are swollen, probably from being up since four am because Trick decided that's when everyone should be woken up. Including the dogs, if he gets to the right pitch."
  6. Covet: ** // Felix grinned and got a knife and started cutting the cake into equal portions, "Can I get either of you something to drink?" He asked making a nod to the cupboard that he knew had the wine it in.
  7. Covet: *in it
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Do not even start with me." She said quickly to Cadence, narrowing her eyes. "He eats every hour. And complains he's hungry until he eats again. He's a grown man and he's capable of feeding himself when he's hungry." She turned to look over at Felix, nodding her head. "I could use a refill actually, but please make sure you have cake first."-
  9. Covet: Cadence laughed, "I was talking about Felix, not Trick." She snickered at her own joke, then looked to Felix, "Sure I'll take a glass of whatever she's drinking." She nodded in Steph's direction. // Felix scoffed, "Hey, I do not eat every hour, it's like every three. But you're on point about the whining." He said then went about doing the cake things and the wine things for the girls, but he made sure Trick had a very small bit of cake set aside "I'm totally introducing him to the goodness that is cake."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She smirked at Cadence's joke, waiting patiently for her wine and taking it from Felix when he returned. "I'm surprised he's not diabetic with all the sweets he eats. There's just no way his body produces enough insulin to break down all the sugar." She said shaking her head and taking a sip of her wine, giving Trick a little bounce. "Better not make my nephew diabetic either, Arizona."-
  11. Covet: "Well, it's a celebration for him as much as it is for you guys too, so a little bit of cake will be fine." She said in regards to Trick. // Felix grinned, "That's because I'm no ordinary human, My metabolism can break down any binge of sweets, why do you think I sleep so much." He said with a shrug sliding over their glasses then got himself a plate for his cake, even though he knows that's not how the body works.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "You know, I've been asking myself that very question for a while. Thanks for clearing that up." She took another sip of her wine and then turned to him. "Do you want to take Trick so you guys can enjoy the cake together?"-
  13. Covet: "You're definitely not ordinary." Cadence said then took a sip of her wine, and took a slice of cake,. and added a handful of pretzels to the side so she could dip them into the frosting.
  14. Covet: *// Felix smiled. "Extra ordinary." He said with a grin, and nodded, "Yep I'm ready for him. Come here Nephew of mine. It might not be beer, but it's probably even better than that." He said to him as if giving him cake was anywhere near the same equivalent.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned over to pass Trick off to Felix, shaking out her arm and then turning to watch Cadence dip her pretzels into cake frosting. "What are you doing?"-
  16. Covet: "Mixing salty with sweet?" She asked in response. "It's no different than chocolate dipped pretzles." Cadence added. // Felix had Trick and put a little bit of frosting onto his finger, then opened up his own mouth to convince the baby to do the same.
  17. Covet has left the chat
  18. Covet has joined the chat
  19. Alexithymiaa: "I've never had chocolate dipped pretzels either and it doesn't sound very good..." She trailed off, her lip curling in disgust because she was so not into this.-
  20. Covet has left the chat
  21. Covet has joined the chat
  22. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I've never had chocolate dipped pretzels either and it doesn't sound very good..." She trailed off, her lip curling in disgust because she was so not into this.-
  23. Covet: "Actually they are pretty good. Don't diss them unless you've tried them." Cadence said eating another pretzel with frosting and cake on it this time. // Felix was doing the adorable things with the baby who was definitely into this cake thing.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Eh..." She trailed off, taking another sip of her wine because that was definitely something she could get behind. She turned to look over at Felix and Trick being adorable, giving a little sigh.-
  25. Covet: "But I really shouldn't be eating any of this. It's not exactly helping with the weight thing." She said still indulging anyways. "Still barking up that tree too?" She asked low enough for Steph to hear.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "You're still going to come over and work out with us, right?" She asked before turning back to Cadence. "I'll always be barking up that tree, with is ironic considering Ive asked everyone I know to adopt a dog from the shelter."-
  27. Covet: "Yeah of course. I want to get this baby weight off." She said poking at her stomach as she took another sip of her wine. "Don't you dare ask me, because I'm already full up here at Hotel Berkoff." Cadence said adding to the irony here unknowingly. // Felix looked at Steph, "That reminds me, Mom said she was going to look at the shelter down there. She said owning a dog would probably be easier than raising Seb and I."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "I wasn't going to ask you. I know you've got your hands full." She said with a laugh and then looked at Felix. "Really? That's awesome. I bet owning ten dogs would be easier than raising you and Seb. Do you think she'll have a dog by the time we go for Christmas?"-
  29. Covet: "Thank god." Cadence said in relief. // "If not I'm sure you will be more than happy to help her pick one out while we are down there." Felix said giving Steph a look because he knew as much. " Also... we weren't THAT bad.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Of course I would. It can be a whole family outing." She said with a grin, sipping on her wine. "I've seen you guys together as adults and I know you were ten times as bad as kids. You were that bad."-
  31. Covet: "That sounds sweet. I'll have to make sure to get you guys your gifts before I take off for Jersey the weekend of the 22nd. I'll be gone for a couple of weeks over the holiday break." Cadence said. // "if we were that bad, she would have traded us for dogs back then." Felix said with a pout.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I think we're taking off that weekend too, right?" She asked Felix for confirmation because his house. "She wouldn't have traded her own children, regardless of how bad you guys were. She's too good of a mother to do that."-
  33. Covet: "Okay cool. I've got Tyler coming to take care of the pets here. Do you want me to add your lot to his duty list?" She asked, then snickered because part of his job would be to pick up poop and she said Duty. // "Yeah, that's the plan, through New Years." Felix said with a nod of his head. "Yeah, she is, but if we were that bad, that wouldn't have mattered and nobody would have blamed her if she did."
  34. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHA)
  35. Alexithymiaa: "I was actually going to ask Nick, but if Tyler is already going to be here..." She trailed off, pausing. "As long as he wouldn't mind." She rolled her eyes at Felix. "You're very lucky she's better than you give her credit for."-
  36. Covet: "He won't mind. He'll do it because I asked him to." Cadence said, never intending to give Tyler the option to not do it. // "I am, because if she wasn't, I wouldn't have turned out so amazing." He said with a grin, still holding the baby.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Well then we'll be happy to have Tyler caring for them then." She said with a smile, finishing off her wine. "Boy, you're pressing your luck over there."-
  38. Covet: [HAHAHAHA BOY! Okay FP]]
  39. Covet: "Why do they all think they are god's gift to man?" She asked shaking her head. // Felix looked at her. "You don't scare me, I've got the baby you won't hurt me."
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Something to do with not having enough blood to power their brains and their dicks." She answered Cadence without a second thought because she'd had a couple glasses of wine and at this point her tongue was a little loose. She turned to look at Felix, raising a brow and planting her hand on her hip. "You have the baby right now. You won't have the baby forever and I absolutely should scare you."-
  42. Covet: [HAHAHAHA me too]
  43. Covet: "Oh right." She said nodding her head then took another drink of her wine, then walked over to take Trick from Felix. "I'm not letting him get in between you two, He's to young to learn that kind of behavior." // Felix looked at Steph, witha mouth full of cake as Trick was taken from him, swallowing hard, "Okay, I'm scared of you. In all your tiny furious glory."
  44. Alexithymiaa: "Good. And that's the way it should be because the kind of physical pain I can cause you is not just limited to me kicking your ass." She pursed her lips before walking over to him, slipping her arm around his shoulders awkwardly because short. "So be nice."-
  45. Alexithymiaa: (Me: Food poisoning is a bitch. So are blue balls.)
  46. Covet: [hahaha]
  47. Covet: "You're lucky I find you to be the most beautiful sweet thing I've ever seen and I let you kick my ass." He said. "I could keep you from doing a lot of that." // Cadence took Trick over to the stairs and hollared up them to call out for Remy. "Can you come get Trick and get him cleaned up and ready for bed please." He said hearing the talking going on.
  48. Alexithymiaa: "Let me kick your ass? You don't let me." She retorted, slightly offended. "If I wanted to kick your ass there's absolutely nothing you would be able to do about it." She gave him a gentle nudge and then just proceeded to lean against him.-
  49. Covet: "Oh I'm sure I could do something about it." Felix said. " I just love you enought to not do anything about it." He argued. "Besides I can kick your ass elsewhere when I need to." He said leaning down to mumble to her, before kissing her neck. "Care to head home and test this?" // Cadence grumbled then headed up the stairs because Remy was ignoring her.
  50. Alexithymiaa: "And I'm sure if you tried to do something about it, I could easily try a little harder and shut you down." She pursed her lips when she heard his suggestion, taking his hand and calling out to Cadence up the stairs. "Bye Bruce! We're going home!" She yelled before dragging him out the door because priorities.-
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