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- -- Converted using Mokiros's Model to Script plugin
- -- Converted string size: 18749
- local genv={}
- local Scripts = {
- function() waittime = 3 --Change this number to the number of seconds you want it to take for the button to be able to be pushed again after it is pushed.
- button = script.Parent
- regen = button.Parent:findFirstChild("put in only 1 model")
- local debounce = false
- function onTouch(hit)
- local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil and debounce == false then
- debounce = true
- button.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black()
- regen.Value = 1
- wait()
- regen.Value = 0
- wait(waittime)
- button.BrickColor =
- debounce = false
- end
- end
- button.Touched:connect(onTouch)
- button.BrickColor = end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() --Edited Button Regen Script by Person299
- system = script.Parent
- local c = system:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#c do
- a = c[i]
- if a.Name ~= "person299" then
- if a.Name ~= "put in only 1 model" then
- model = a
- end
- end
- end
- backup = model:Clone()
- regen = system:findFirstChild("put in only 1 model")
- function checkRegen()
- if regen.Value == 1 then
- if(model.Parent == system) then
- model:Remove()
- wait(1)
- end
- model = backup:Clone()
- model.Parent = system
- model:MakeJoints()
- end
- end
- regen.Changed:connect(checkRegen) end;
- function() position = script.Parent.Position
- local frame ="CFrameValue")
- frame.Name = "OriginCFrame"
- frame.Value = script.Parent.CFrame
- frame.Parent = script.Parent
- local object ="ObjectValue")
- object.Value = script.Parent
- seat = script.Parent
- seat.Direction.cframe = seat.CFrame
- function onSitUp(child, hopper, gui, plane)
- if child.Parent == nil then
- seat.Direction.maxTorque =,0,0)
- seat.Thrust.maxForce =,0,0)
- hopper.Parent = script
- hopper.Active = false
- gui.Parent = script
- script.Parent.Locked = false
- script.Parent.Parent = game.Workspace
- end
- end
- function onChildAdded(part)
- if part.className == "Weld" then
- local torso = part.Part1
- if torso ~= nil then
- local char = torso.Parent
- local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
- if player ~= nil then
- local hopper = script["Aircraft"]
- hopper.Parent = player.Backpack
- local GUI = script["Controls"]
- GUI.Parent = player.PlayerGui
- part.AncestryChanged:connect(function(child) onSitUp(child, hopper, GUI, script.Parent) end)
- end
- local parent = torso.Parent
- if parent ~= nil then
- script.Parent.Locked = true
- script.Parent.Parent = parent
- end
- end
- end
- end
- seat.ChildAdded:connect(onChildAdded)
- end;
- function() bin = script.Parent
- plane = nil
- hold = false
- local debounce = false
- local planedebounce = false
- local stuntdebounce = false
- local controlling = false
- local currentspeed = 0
- local turn = nil
- fly = false
- local missile = false
- local shooting = false
- function fire(gun_Source, player)
- missile = true
- local guns = gun_Source:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#guns do
- if guns[i].Name == "RocketLauncher" and guns[i].className == "Part" then
- local shoot ="Part")
- shoot.BrickColor ="Really White")
- shoot.formFactor = "Plate"
- shoot.Size =,0.4,2)
- shoot.CFrame = guns[i].CFrame *,0,-5)
- shoot.Name = "Missile"
- local d = game:GetService("Debris")
- d:AddItem(shoot,15)
- local force ="BodyVelocity")
- force.Parent = shoot
- force.Name = "Move"
- local x1 = guns[i].Velocity.x
- local y1 = guns[i].Velocity.y
- local z1 = guns[i].Velocity.z
- force.velocity =,y1+(y1/5),z1+(z1/5))
- local creator ="ObjectValue")
- creator.Name = "creator"
- creator.Value = player
- creator.Parent = shoot
- local swoosh = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Swoosh"):clone()
- swoosh.Parent = shoot
- swoosh:play()
- local boom = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Explosion"):clone()
- boom.PlayOnRemove = true
- boom.Parent = shoot
- local rocket = script:findFirstChild("RocketScript"):clone()
- rocket.Disabled = false
- rocket.Parent = shoot
- shoot.Parent = Workspace
- end
- end
- script.Parent:findFirstChild("Reload"):play()
- local swish = script.Parent:findFirstChild("FireRocket")
- swish:play()
- for i = 1,28 do
- wait()
- swish.Volume = swish.Volume - 0.025
- end
- swish:stop()
- swish.Volume = 0.7
- wait(1)
- missile = false
- end
- function fire_MachineGun(gun_Source, player)
- while shooting == true do
- missile = true
- local guns = gun_Source:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#guns do
- if guns[i].Name == "MachineGun" and guns[i].className == "Part" then
- local shoot ="Part")
- shoot.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
- shoot.Transparency = 0.5
- shoot.formFactor = "Custom"
- shoot.Size =,0.4,2)
- shoot.CFrame = guns[i].CFrame *,0,-5)
- shoot.Name = "Bullet"
- local d = game:GetService("Debris")
- d:AddItem(shoot,5)
- local force ="BodyVelocity")
- force.Parent = shoot
- force.Name = "Move"
- force.velocity = guns[i].CFrame.lookVector * 750
- local creator ="ObjectValue")
- creator.Name = "creator"
- creator.Value = player
- creator.Parent = shoot
- local shot = script:findFirstChild("GunScript"):clone()
- shot.Disabled = false
- shot.Parent = shoot
- shoot.Parent = Workspace
- end
- end
- script.Parent:findFirstChild("FireGun"):play()
- wait(0.15)
- end
- missile = false
- end
- function computeDirection(vec)
- local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude
- local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared)
- return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt)
- end
- function move(point, engine)
- local origincframe = engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe
- size = engine.Size
- target = engine.Position+((point - engine.Position).unit*100)
- local dir = (target - engine.Position).unit
- local spawnPos = engine.Position
- left = engine.CFrame*, 0, 0).p
- right = engine.CFrame*, 0, 0).p
- md = (target - engine.Position).magnitude
- foebmd = engine.CFrame*, 0, -md).p
- toleft = (target -left).magnitude
- toright = (target -right).magnitude
- rot = ((foebmd - target).magnitude/10)
- local pos = spawnPos + (dir * 1)
- turn = math.rad((rot/10)*engine.TiltFactor.Value)
- if turn > math.rad(89) then
- turn = math.rad(89)
- end
- if toleft< toright and toleft >rot then
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, turn)
- elseif toleft > toright and toright >rot then
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, -turn)
- else
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)
- end
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").P = engine.TurnSpeed.Value
- end
- function findPlane(player)
- local list = player.Character:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #list do
- if (list[x].Name == "AircraftSeat") then
- return list[x]
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if vehicle ~= nil and debounce == false and planedebounce == false then
- if fly == false and taxi == false then return end
- debounce = true
- controlling = true
- while true do
- wait()
- local engine = vehicle
- local position = mouse.Hit
- local target = position.p
- move(target, engine)
- if planedebounce == true or
- controlling == false then break end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- debounce = false
- end
- end
- function onButton1Up(mouse)
- controlling = false
- end
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.Icon = ""
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = bin.Parent.Parent.Character.Head
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Track"
- mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end)
- mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() onButton1Up(mouse) end)
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(onKeyUp)
- mouse.Move:connect(function() Fly(mouse) end)
- mouse.Idle:connect(function() Fly(mouse) end)
- end
- function onDeselected(mouse)
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = bin.Parent.Parent.Character.Humanoid
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
- end
- function Fly(mouse)
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- vehicle.Thrust.velocity = (vehicle.CFrame.lookVector * currentspeed) +,vehicle.LiftTrim.Value/100,0)
- end
- function onKeyDown(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- key = key:lower()
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- if key == "y" then
- fly = true
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = vehicle.CFrame
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,4e3,4e3)
- vehicle.Thrust.maxForce =,9e20,9e20)
- while fly == true do
- if currentspeed < vehicle.Speed.Value then
- currentspeed = currentspeed + 1
- elseif currentspeed > vehicle.Speed.Value then
- currentspeed = currentspeed - 1
- end
- if vehicle.Acceleration.Value > 1000 then vehicle.Acceleration.Value = 1000 end
- wait((1-(vehicle.Acceleration.Value/1000))+0.01)
- if fly == false then break end
- end
- end
- if key == "x" then
- fly = false
- currentspeed = 0
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,0,0)
- vehicle.Thrust.maxForce =,0,0)
- end
- if key == "w" then
- if vehicle.Speed.Value < vehicle.MaxSpeed.Value then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.Speed.Value + 10
- end
- end
- if key == "s" then
- if vehicle.Speed.Value > -10 then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.Speed.Value - 10
- end
- end
- if key == "p" then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.MaxSpeed.Value
- end
- if key == ";" then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = 0
- end
- if (key=="'") and (bin.Locked.Value == false) then
- local repl = script:clone()
- repl.Parent = bin
- wait(1)
- script:remove()
- end
- if key == "l" and fly == true then
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,0,4e3)
- local frame = vehicle:FindFirstChild("OriginCFrame")
- if frame ~= nil then
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = frame.Value
- end
- wait(2)
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = vehicle.CFrame
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,4e3,4e3)
- end
- if key == "f" and missile == false then
- fire(vehicle, bin.Parent.Parent)
- end
- if key == "c" and missile == false then
- shooting = true
- fire_MachineGun(vehicle, bin.Parent.Parent)
- end
- end
- end
- function onKeyUp(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- key = key:lower()
- if key == "c" then
- shooting = false
- end
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- end
- end
- bin.Selected:connect(onSelected)
- bin.Deselected:connect(onDeselected)
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- local move = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Move")
- local active = true
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- if creator ~= nil then
- local new_tag = creator:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator)
- if part.Name == "Head" then
- local humanoid = part.Parent.Humanoid
- tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- end
- end
- function set_Off(hit)
- if active == true then
- active = false
- explosion ="Explosion")
- explosion.BlastRadius = 7
- explosion.BlastPressure = 500000
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- if creator ~= nil then
- explosion.Hit:connect(function(part, distance) onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator) end)
- end
- explosion.Position = script.Parent.Position
- explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
- wait()
- script.Parent:remove()
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(set_Off)
- for i = 1,100 do
- wait()
- local desired ="Vector3Value")
- desired.Value = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector * 300
- local difference = desired.Value - move.velocity
- if difference.magnitude >= move.velocity.magnitude then
- move.velocity = move.velocity + (difference*(0.01*i))
- end
- end
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local ball = script.Parent
- local damage = 40
- function onTouched(hit)
- local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if hit:getMass() < 1.2 * 7 then
- if hit.Anchored == false then
- hit:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- humanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
- wait(2)
- untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- end
- connection:disconnect()
- ball:remove()
- end
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- -- todo: make tag expire
- local tag = ball:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- local new_tag = tag:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- tag.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- end
- connection = ball.Touched:connect(onTouched)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() bin = script.Parent
- plane = nil
- hold = false
- local debounce = false
- local planedebounce = false
- local stuntdebounce = false
- local controlling = false
- local currentspeed = 0
- local turn = nil
- fly = false
- local missile = false
- local shooting = false
- function fire(gun_Source, player)
- missile = true
- local guns = gun_Source:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#guns do
- if guns[i].Name == "RocketLauncher" and guns[i].className == "Part" then
- local shoot ="Part")
- shoot.BrickColor ="Really White")
- shoot.formFactor = "Plate"
- shoot.Size =,0.4,2)
- shoot.CFrame = guns[i].CFrame *,0,-5)
- shoot.Name = "Missile"
- local d = game:GetService("Debris")
- d:AddItem(shoot,15)
- local force ="BodyVelocity")
- force.Parent = shoot
- force.Name = "Move"
- local x1 = guns[i].Velocity.x
- local y1 = guns[i].Velocity.y
- local z1 = guns[i].Velocity.z
- force.velocity =,y1+(y1/5),z1+(z1/5))
- local creator ="ObjectValue")
- creator.Name = "creator"
- creator.Value = player
- creator.Parent = shoot
- local swoosh = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Swoosh"):clone()
- swoosh.Parent = shoot
- swoosh:play()
- local boom = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Explosion"):clone()
- boom.PlayOnRemove = true
- boom.Parent = shoot
- local rocket = script:findFirstChild("RocketScript"):clone()
- rocket.Disabled = false
- rocket.Parent = shoot
- shoot.Parent = Workspace
- end
- end
- script.Parent:findFirstChild("Reload"):play()
- local swish = script.Parent:findFirstChild("FireRocket")
- swish:play()
- for i = 1,28 do
- wait()
- swish.Volume = swish.Volume - 0.025
- end
- swish:stop()
- swish.Volume = 0.7
- wait(1)
- missile = false
- end
- function fire_MachineGun(gun_Source, player)
- while shooting == true do
- missile = true
- local guns = gun_Source:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#guns do
- if guns[i].Name == "MachineGun" and guns[i].className == "Part" then
- local shoot ="Part")
- shoot.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
- shoot.formFactor = "Custom"
- shoot.Size =,0.4,2)
- shoot.CFrame = guns[i].CFrame *,0,-5)
- shoot.Name = "Bullet"
- local d = game:GetService("Debris")
- d:AddItem(shoot,5)
- local force ="BodyVelocity")
- force.Parent = shoot
- force.Name = "Move"
- force.velocity = guns[i].CFrame.lookVector * 750
- local creator ="ObjectValue")
- creator.Name = "creator"
- creator.Value = player
- creator.Parent = shoot
- local shot = script:findFirstChild("GunScript"):clone()
- shot.Disabled = false
- shot.Parent = shoot
- shoot.Parent = Workspace
- end
- end
- script.Parent:findFirstChild("FireGun"):play()
- wait(0.15)
- end
- missile = false
- end
- function computeDirection(vec)
- local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude
- local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared)
- return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt)
- end
- function move(point, engine)
- local origincframe = engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe
- size = engine.Size
- target = engine.Position+((point - engine.Position).unit*100)
- local dir = (target - engine.Position).unit
- local spawnPos = engine.Position
- left = engine.CFrame*, 0, 0).p
- right = engine.CFrame*, 0, 0).p
- md = (target - engine.Position).magnitude
- foebmd = engine.CFrame*, 0, -md).p
- toleft = (target -left).magnitude
- toright = (target -right).magnitude
- rot = ((foebmd - target).magnitude/10)
- local pos = spawnPos + (dir * 1)
- turn = math.rad((rot/10)*engine.TiltFactor.Value)
- if turn > math.rad(89) then
- turn = math.rad(89)
- end
- if toleft< toright and toleft >rot then
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, turn)
- elseif toleft > toright and toright >rot then
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, -turn)
- else
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").cframe =, pos + dir)
- end
- engine:findFirstChild("Direction").P = engine.TurnSpeed.Value
- end
- function findPlane(player)
- local list = player.Character:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #list do
- if (list[x].Name == "AircraftSeat") then
- return list[x]
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function onButton1Down(mouse)
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if vehicle ~= nil and debounce == false and planedebounce == false then
- if fly == false and taxi == false then return end
- debounce = true
- controlling = true
- while true do
- wait()
- local engine = vehicle
- local position = mouse.Hit
- local target = position.p
- move(target, engine)
- if planedebounce == true or
- controlling == false then break end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- debounce = false
- end
- end
- function onButton1Up(mouse)
- controlling = false
- end
- function onSelected(mouse)
- mouse.Icon = ""
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = bin.Parent.Parent.Character.Head
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Track"
- mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end)
- mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() onButton1Up(mouse) end)
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(onKeyUp)
- mouse.Move:connect(function() Fly(mouse) end)
- mouse.Idle:connect(function() Fly(mouse) end)
- end
- function onDeselected(mouse)
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = bin.Parent.Parent.Character.Humanoid
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
- end
- function Fly(mouse)
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- vehicle.Thrust.velocity = (vehicle.CFrame.lookVector * currentspeed) +,vehicle.LiftTrim.Value/100,0)
- end
- function onKeyDown(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- key = key:lower()
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- if key == "y" then
- fly = true
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = vehicle.CFrame
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,4e3,4e3)
- vehicle.Thrust.maxForce =,9e20,9e20)
- while fly == true do
- if currentspeed < vehicle.Speed.Value then
- currentspeed = currentspeed + 1
- elseif currentspeed > vehicle.Speed.Value then
- currentspeed = currentspeed - 1
- end
- if vehicle.Acceleration.Value > 1000 then vehicle.Acceleration.Value = 1000 end
- wait((1-(vehicle.Acceleration.Value/1000))+0.01)
- if fly == false then break end
- end
- end
- if key == "x" then
- fly = false
- currentspeed = 0
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,0,0)
- vehicle.Thrust.maxForce =,0,0)
- end
- if key == "w" then
- if vehicle.Speed.Value < vehicle.MaxSpeed.Value then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.Speed.Value + 10
- end
- end
- if key == "s" then
- if vehicle.Speed.Value > -10 then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.Speed.Value - 10
- end
- end
- if key == "p" then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = vehicle.MaxSpeed.Value
- end
- if key == ";" then
- vehicle.Speed.Value = 0
- end
- if (key=="'") and (bin.Locked.Value == false) then
- local repl = script:clone()
- repl.Parent = bin
- wait(1)
- script:remove()
- end
- if key == "l" and fly == true then
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,0,4e3)
- local frame = vehicle:FindFirstChild("OriginCFrame")
- if frame ~= nil then
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = frame.Value
- end
- wait(2)
- vehicle.Direction.cframe = vehicle.CFrame
- vehicle.Direction.maxTorque =,4e3,4e3)
- end
- if key == "f" and missile == false then
- fire(vehicle, bin.Parent.Parent)
- end
- if key == "c" and missile == false then
- shooting = true
- fire_MachineGun(vehicle, bin.Parent.Parent)
- end
- end
- end
- function onKeyUp(key)
- if (key~=nil) then
- key = key:lower()
- if key == "c" then
- shooting = false
- end
- local vehicle = findPlane(script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
- if (vehicle==nil) then return end
- end
- end
- bin.Selected:connect(onSelected)
- bin.Deselected:connect(onDeselected)
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- local move = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Move")
- local active = true
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- if creator ~= nil then
- local new_tag = creator:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator)
- if part.Name == "Head" then
- local humanoid = part.Parent.Humanoid
- tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- end
- end
- function set_Off(hit)
- if active == true then
- active = false
- explosion ="Explosion")
- explosion.BlastRadius = 7
- explosion.BlastPressure = 500000
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- if creator ~= nil then
- explosion.Hit:connect(function(part, distance) onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator) end)
- end
- explosion.Position = script.Parent.Position
- explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
- wait()
- script.Parent:remove()
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(set_Off)
- for i = 1,100 do
- wait()
- local desired ="Vector3Value")
- desired.Value = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector * 300
- local difference = desired.Value - move.velocity
- if difference.magnitude >= move.velocity.magnitude then
- move.velocity = move.velocity + (difference*(0.01*i))
- end
- end
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local ball = script.Parent
- local damage = 40
- function onTouched(hit)
- local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if hit:getMass() < 1.2 * 7 then
- if hit.Anchored == false then
- hit:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- humanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
- wait(2)
- untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- end
- connection:disconnect()
- ball:remove()
- end
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- -- todo: make tag expire
- local tag = ball:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- local new_tag = tag:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- tag.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- end
- connection = ball.Touched:connect(onTouched)
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local ball = script.Parent
- local damage = 40
- function onTouched(hit)
- local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if hit:getMass() < 1.2 * 7 then
- if hit.Anchored == false then
- hit:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- humanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
- wait(2)
- untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- end
- connection:disconnect()
- ball:remove()
- end
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid)
- -- todo: make tag expire
- local tag = ball:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- local new_tag = tag:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function untagHumanoid(humanoid)
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator")
- if tag ~= nil then
- tag.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- end
- connection = ball.Touched:connect(onTouched)
- end;
- function() --wait()
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- local move = script.Parent:findFirstChild("Move")
- local active = true
- function tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- if creator ~= nil then
- local new_tag = creator:clone()
- new_tag.Parent = humanoid
- end
- end
- function onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator)
- if part.Name == "Head" then
- local humanoid = part.Parent.Humanoid
- tagHumanoid(humanoid, creator)
- end
- end
- function set_Off(hit)
- if active == true then
- active = false
- explosion ="Explosion")
- explosion.BlastRadius = 7
- explosion.BlastPressure = 500000
- local creator = script.Parent:findFirstChild("creator")
- if creator ~= nil then
- explosion.Hit:connect(function(part, distance) onPlayerBlownUp(part, distance, creator) end)
- end
- explosion.Position = script.Parent.Position
- explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
- wait()
- script.Parent:remove()
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(set_Off)
- for i = 1,100 do
- wait()
- local desired ="Vector3Value")
- desired.Value = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector * 300
- local difference = desired.Value - move.velocity
- if difference.magnitude >= move.velocity.magnitude then
- move.velocity = move.velocity + (difference*(0.01*i))
- end
- end
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() function Spread(part)
- check = part:findFirstChild("Fire")
- if check == nil then
- script.Parent:Clone().Parent = part
- elseif check ~= nil then
- check.Size = check.Size + 1000000
- check.Heat = check.Heat +1000000
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Parent.Touched:connect(Spread)
- end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() local prev
- local parts = {}
- function getall(x)
- for i, v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- table.insert(parts, v)
- end
- if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then
- getall(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getall(script.Parent)
- for i = 1,#parts do
- if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
- if (prev ~= nil)then
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = prev
- weld.Part1 = parts[i]
- weld.C0 = prev.CFrame:inverse()
- weld.C1 = parts[i].CFrame:inverse()
- weld.Parent = game.JointsService
- weld.Part1.Anchored = false
- weld.Part0.Anchored = false
- parts[i].TopSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].LeftSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].RightSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].FrontSurface = "Smooth"
- parts[i].BackSurface = "Smooth"
- end
- prev = parts[i]
- end
- end
- -- Credit to original author and Fredfishy. end;
- function() --[[
- INSTRUCTIONS: Place both teleporter1a and teleporter1b in the same directory
- (e.g. both in workspace directly, or both directly in the same group or model)
- Otherwise it wont work. Once youve done that, jump on the teleporter to teleport to the other.
- If you want more than one set of teleporters I will be adding more types in the future.
- Send me requests and ideas - PersonMan567.
- --]]
- --Enter the name of the model you want to go to here.
- ------------------------------------
- modelname="Seat2"
- ------------------------------------
- function onTouched(part)
- if part.Parent ~= nil then
- local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h~=nil then
- local teleportfrom=script.Parent.Enabled.Value
- if teleportfrom~=0 then
- if h==humanoid then
- return
- end
- local teleportto=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(modelname)
- if teleportto~=nil then
- local torso = h.Parent.Torso
- local location = {teleportto.Position}
- local i = 1
- local x = location[i].x
- local y = location[i].y
- local z = location[i].z
- x = x + math.random(-1, 1)
- z = z + math.random(-1, 1)
- y = y + math.random(2, 3)
- local cf = torso.CFrame
- local lx = 0
- local ly = y
- local lz = 0
- script.Parent.Enabled.Value=0
- teleportto.Enabled.Value=0
- torso.CFrame =,y,z),,ly,lz))
- wait(3)
- script.Parent.Enabled.Value=1
- teleportto.Enabled.Value=1
- else
- print("Could not find teleporter!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) end;
- function() --[[
- INSTRUCTIONS: Place both teleporter1a and teleporter1b in the same directory
- (e.g. both in workspace directly, or both directly in the same group or model)
- Otherwise it wont work. Once youve done that, jump on the teleporter to teleport to the other.
- If you want more than one set of teleporters I will be adding more types in the future.
- Send me requests and ideas - PersonMan567.
- --]]
- --Enter the name of the model you want to go to here.
- ------------------------------------
- modelname="Seat1"
- ------------------------------------
- function onTouched(part)
- if part.Parent ~= nil then
- local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h~=nil then
- local teleportfrom=script.Parent.Enabled.Value
- if teleportfrom~=0 then
- if h==humanoid then
- return
- end
- local teleportto=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild(modelname)
- if teleportto~=nil then
- local torso = h.Parent.Torso
- local location = {teleportto.Position}
- local i = 1
- local x = location[i].x
- local y = location[i].y
- local z = location[i].z
- x = x + math.random(-1, 1)
- z = z + math.random(-1, 1)
- y = y + math.random(2, 3)
- local cf = torso.CFrame
- local lx = 0
- local ly = y
- local lz = 0
- script.Parent.Enabled.Value=0
- teleportto.Enabled.Value=0
- torso.CFrame =,y,z),,ly,lz))
- wait(3)
- script.Parent.Enabled.Value=1
- teleportto.Enabled.Value=1
- else
- print("Could not find teleporter!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) end;}local ActualScripts = {}
- function s(var)
- local func = table.remove(Scripts,1)
- setfenv(func,setmetatable({script=var,require=fake_require or require,global=genv},{
- __index = getfenv(func),
- }))
- table.insert(ActualScripts,coroutine.wrap(func))
- end
- Decode = function(str,t,props,classes,values,ICList,Model,CurPar,LastIns,split,RemoveAndSplit,InstanceList)
- local tonum,table_remove,inst,parnt,comma,table_foreach = tonumber,table.remove,,"Parent",",",
- function(t,f)
- for a,b in pairs(t) do
- f(a,b)
- end
- end
- local Types = {
- Color3 =,
- Vector3 =,
- Vector2 =,
- UDim =,
- UDim2 =,
- CFrame =,
- Rect =,
- NumberRange =,
- BrickColor =,
- PhysicalProperties =,
- NumberSequence = function(...)
- local a = {...}
- local t = {}
- repeat
- t[#t+1] =,1),table_remove(a,1),table_remove(a,1))
- until #a==0
- return
- end,
- ColorSequence = function(...)
- local a = {...}
- local t = {}
- repeat
- t[#t+1] =,1),,1),table_remove(a,1),table_remove(a,1)))
- until #a==0
- return
- end,
- number = tonumber,
- boolean = function(a)
- return a=="1"
- end
- }
- split = function(str,sep)
- if not str then return end
- local fields = {}
- local ConcatNext = false
- str:gsub(("([^%s]+)"):format(sep),function(c)
- if ConcatNext == true then
- fields[#fields] = fields[#fields]..sep..c
- ConcatNext = false
- else
- fields[#fields+1] = c
- end
- if c:sub(#c)=="\\" then
- c = fields[#fields]
- fields[#fields] = c:sub(1,#c-1)
- ConcatNext = true
- end
- end)
- return fields
- end
- RemoveAndSplit = function(t)
- return split(table_remove(t,1),comma)
- end
- t = split(str,";")
- props = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- classes = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- values = split(table_remove(t,1),'|')
- ICList = RemoveAndSplit(t)
- InstanceList = {}
- Model = inst"Model"
- CurPar = Model
- table_foreach(t,function(ct,c)
- if c=="n" or c=="p" then
- CurPar = c=="n" and LastIns or CurPar[parnt]
- else
- ct = split(c,"|")
- local class = classes[tonum(table_remove(ct,1))]
- if class=="UnionOperation" then
- LastIns = {UsePartColor="1"}
- else
- LastIns = inst(class)
- if LastIns:IsA"Script" then
- s(LastIns)
- elseif LastIns:IsA("ModuleScript") then
- ms(LastIns)
- end
- end
- local function SetProperty(LastIns,p,str,s)
- s = Types[typeof(LastIns[p])]
- if p=="CustomPhysicalProperties" then
- s =
- end
- if s then
- LastIns[p] = s(unpack(split(str,comma)))
- else
- LastIns[p] = str
- end
- end
- local UnionData
- table_foreach(ct,function(s,p,a,str)
- a = p:find":"
- p,str = props[tonum(p:sub(1,a-1))],values[tonum(p:sub(a+1))]
- if p=="UnionData" then
- UnionData = split(str," ")
- return
- end
- if class=="UnionOperation" then
- LastIns[p] = str
- return
- end
- SetProperty(LastIns,p,str)
- end)
- if UnionData then
- local LI_Data = LastIns
- LastIns = DecodeUnion(UnionData)
- table_foreach(LI_Data,function(p,str)
- SetProperty(LastIns,p,str)
- end)
- end
- table.insert(InstanceList,LastIns)
- LastIns[parnt] = CurPar
- end
- end)
- table_remove(ICList,1)
- table_foreach(ICList,function(a,b)
- b = split(b,">")
- InstanceList[tonum(b[1])][props[tonum(b[2])]] = InstanceList[tonum(b[3])]
- end)
- return Model:GetChildren()
- end
- local Objects = Decode('Name,Anchored,Color,Position,Size,BottomSurface,TopSurface,Enabled,Heat,SecondaryColor,C0,C1,Part0,Part1,Orientation,Value,SoundId,Volume,PlaybackSpeed,Looped,BackgroundColor3,BorderColor3,Text,TextCo'
- ..'lor3,TextSize,TextXAlignment,VertexColor,MaxTorque,P,CFrame,Velocity,MaxForce,BackSurface,Scale,MeshId,TextureId,MeshType,Transparency,FrontSurface,LeftSurface,RightSurface,Reflectance,NameOcclusion,H'
- ..'ealth,MaxHealth;Part,Model,Script,Fire,Weld,IntValue,Seat,CFrameValue,HopperBin,Sound,GuiMain,TextLabel,BlockMesh,BodyGyro,BodyVelocity,SpecialMesh,ManualWeld,CylinderMesh,Humanoid;Part|Regen Button ('
- ..'Airship)|person299|1|0.4196,0.196,0.4862|-99.0844,0.6,25.3232|4,1.2,4|0|change this|1,0.6784,0|30|0|25|1,0,0|Spread|-256,10,256,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0|-156.9142,-0.6001,230.6745,-1,-0.0001,0,0,0,1,-0.0001'
- ..',0.9999,-0.0001|put in only 1 model|Spacship (By: iliacclive2)|AircraftSeat|0.4862,0.3607,0.2745|-63.0147,35.9,-16.9264|0,90,0|2,0.4,2|2|Acceleration|1000|LiftTrim|16|MaxSpeed|100|OriginCFrame|0,20.2,'
- ..'0,-1,0,-0,-0,1,-0,-0,0,-1|131.9785,9.3945,4.0011,0,-0.0001,0.9999,0.0006,0.9999,0,-1.0001,0.0006,-0.0001|131.9803,9.3894,4.0061,-0.0001,-0.0001,0.9999,0.0009,0.9999,0,-1.0001,0.0009,-0.0001|-11016.5,0'
- ..'.7999,-34.5,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0|Speed|TiltFactor|40|ToolScript|Aircraft|RocketScript|GunScript|FireGun||0.6|Reload|0.2||Fi'
- ..'reRocket|2|rbxasset://sounds/Rocket whoosh 01.wav|0.6999|Swoosh|Explosion| |Controls|Title|0,0,0.6,-40|0,200,0,20|0,0.2,0.8156|0.8,0.8,0.8|AircraftSeat [Ripped Edit'
- ..'ion]|0.7215,0.8784,1|9|Y|0,0,1,0|0,20,0,20|0,0.3921,1|0.8039,0.8039,0.8039|0.7254,0.8823,1|12|Description|1,0,0,0|0,180,0,20|0,0.2,0.8196|- Start Up|X|0,0,2,0|0.8078,0.8078,0.8078|0.7294,0.8862,1|0,0.'
- ..'2,0.8235|- Turn Off|W|0,0,3,0|0.8117,0.8117,0.8117|0.7333,0.8901,1|0,0.2,0.8274|- Faster|S|0,0,4,0|0.8156,0.8156,0.8156|0.7372,0.8941,1|0,0.2,0.8313|- Slower|\'|0,0,5,0|0.8196,0.8196,0.8196|0.7411,0.8'
- ..'98,1|14|0,0.2,0.8352|- Regen Tool (Apostrophe)|L|0,0,6,0|- Level Out|F|0,0,8,0|0.8235,0.8235,0.8235|0.745,0.9019,1|0,0.2,0.8392|- Misiles|\\;|0,0,10,0|0.8274,0.8274,0.8274|0.749,0.9058,1|0,0.2,0.8431|'
- ..'- Full Stop (Semicolon)|P|0,0,7,0|- Full Speed|C|0,0,9,0|- Machine Gun (Hold for rapid)|-10982,0.6,-26,-1,0,-0,-0,1,-0,-0,0,-1|TurnSpeed|0,0,0|Direction|35,0.5981,32,-0.0005,0,-1,-0.0001,1,0,0.9999,0,'
- ..'-0.0005|Thrust|0,0.1599,0|EngineSound1||BasePitch|200|EngineSound2||EngineSound3|rbxasset://music/ufofly.wav|140|-142,1.'
- ..'6,-236,0,0,-1,0,1,-0,1,0,-0|-34,0.6,-29,0,0,-1,0,1,-0,1,0,-0|-35,0.6,-30,0,0,-1,0,1,-0,1,0,-0|RocketLauncher|-93.1535,20.055,-15.1955|0,90,-180|1,1.2,1|0.3,0.3,0.3|'
- ..'534||5|-93.1535,20.155,-17.2954|-93.1535,20.255,-19.7954|-93.1535,20.255,-22.2954|-93.1535,20.055,-12.9955|-93.1535,20.055,-10.6955|-93.1535,20.255,-24.7954|Mach'
- ..'ineGun|0.0666,0.0666,0.0666|-106.5183,16.392,-24.7464|6|-106.5183,16.432,-22.0164|-106.5183,16.382,-19.4064|-106.5183,16.322,-16.6264|-106.5183,16.282,-13.9865|-106.5183,16.332,-11.2765|Seats|-28.073,'
- ..'38.175,-22.2794|1.78,0.2,2|-27.8671,38.035,-22.3644|2,0.8,3|1.5,1.5,1.5|||0,-0.4001,0,1,0,0,-0,-0,-1,0,1,0|-17.621,3.069'
- ..'8,-4.6124,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|-28.073,38.195,-19.5294|-27.8671,38.055,-19.6144|-28.073,38.175,-16.7594|-27.8671,38.035,-16.8444|-17.621,3.0697,0.9076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0'
- ..'.0001,-1,-1,0,0|9.8266,38.195,-22.4794|10.0326,38.055,-22.5644|9.8266,38.195,-19.7294|10.0326,38.055,-19.8144|9.8266,38.175,-16.9594|10.0326,38.035,-17.0444|20.2789,3.0699,0.7076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0'
- ..'001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|3.4267,38.195,-22.1794|3.6327,38.055,-22.2644|3.4267,38.195,-19.4294|3.6327,38.055,-19.5144|3.4267,38.175,-16.6594|3.6327,38.035,-16.7444|-12.8732,38.175,-16.8594|-12.6672,38.035'
- ..',-16.9444|-2.421,3.0697,0.8076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|-12.8732,38.195,-22.3794|-12.6672,38.055,-22.4644|-12.8732,38.195,-19.6294|-12.6672,38.055,-19.7144|-22.0731,38.195,-19.6294|-'
- ..'21.8671,38.055,-19.7144|-22.0731,38.195,-22.3794|-21.8671,38.055,-22.4644|-22.0731,38.175,-16.8594|-21.8671,38.035,-16.9444|-11.6211,3.0699,0.8076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|15.7265,38'
- ..'.195,-19.5294|15.9325,38.055,-19.6144|-4.2733,38.195,-22.2794|-4.0673,38.055,-22.3644|-4.2733,38.195,-19.5294|-4.0673,38.055,-19.6144|-4.2733,38.175,-16.7594|-4.0673,38.035,-16.8444|6.1789,3.0699,0.90'
- ..'76,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|15.7265,38.195,-22.2794|15.9325,38.055,-22.3644|-33.473,38.195,-22.3794|-33.267,38.055,-22.4644|-33.473,38.195,-19.6294|-33.267,38.055,-19.7144|-33.473,38'
- ..'.175,-16.8594|-33.267,38.035,-16.9444|-23.021,3.0698,0.8076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|15.9325,38.035,-16.8444|26.179,3.0697,0.9076,0,0.9999,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,-1,-1,0,0|15.7265,3'
- ..'8.175,-16.7594|Brick|-10.2462,34.5654,-17.7521|79.45,6.1399,19.68|0,3.0699,0,-1,-0,-0,0,0,1,0,1,0|1.0076,-0.3998,-13.8791,-0.0001,-1,-0.0001,-0.0001,-0.0001,0.9999,-1,0,-0.0001|29.2534,40.5851,-17.752'
- ..'4|0.9599,5.8999,19.68|0,-2.95,0,1,0,0,-0,-0,-1,0,1,0|39.5,3.0697,-0.0004,1,-0.0001,0,0,-0.0001,-1,0,1,-0.0001|Invisible brick|-29.606,5.035,-21.2374|127.4099,7.4699,37.25|Jetpack|0.3882,0.3725,0.3843|'
- ..'-32.774,11.95,-17.0954|0,-90,180|36.8199,11.5,23.6999|15,15,20|100,100,100|||8.0656,30.305,-17.0954|0,-90,0|36.8199,0.23'
- ..',136.04|10,10,50|-73.8536,23.755,-17.0954|36.8199,23.79,37.5399|25,25,35|8.0656,31.3904,-17.0952|36.8199,0.2,136.04|25,25,50|Jetpack-to-Brick Strong Joint|18.4099,-0.1001,68.02,1,0,0,0,0,-1,-0,1,0|86.'
- ..'332,-3.075,19.0667,0,1,0,0,0,0.9999,0.9999,0,0|Wings|0.9607,0.8039,0.1882|0.5|7.6696,21.83,-17.1184|-90,90,0|28.29,32.2599,15.8799|15,15,10|100,100,10||-25.4801'
- ..',18.75,-17.2184|15,35,15|Welds|Laser shooters|Handle|-100.5184,15.782,-14.0865|1,2.1,10.93|3.0999,3.0999,3.0999|||-95.5534'
- ..',16.355,-13.8955|1.89,5.7499,2|-100.5184,15.732,-22.2164|-95.5534,16.355,-22.0954|-100.5184,15.722,-16.7264|-95.5534,16.355,-16.5954|-100.5184,15.792,-24.9464|-95.5534,16.355,-24.7953|-100.5184,15.682'
- ..',-19.5064|-95.5534,16.255,-19.3954|-100.5184,15.832,-11.3765|-95.5534,16.455,-11.1955|Teleporters|Teleport to the top|Head|0.99|-80.4206,0.1,29.1981|1.8599,0.2,2|Seat1|-79.6046,0.2,27.1681|0,180,180|3'
- ..',0.4,2|Enabled|Teleport pad Script|-176.3869,0.2016,-228.8351,-1,0,0,-0.0001,0,-1,-0.0001,-1,-0.0001|Seat2|1,1,0|-41.5459,37.865,-13.0524|Move here togo to the Aircraft seat. (Straight ahead)|-48.2459'
- ..',37.765,-17.3524;0,6>13,6>14>2,181>13>179,181>14>281,190>13>188,190>14>281,203>13>201,203>14>281,220>13>218,220>14>281,241>13>239,241>14>281,258>13>256,258>14>281,275>13>273,275>14>281,279>13>277,279>'
- ..'14>281,282>13>281,282>14>214,284>13>283,284>14>281,294>13>292,294>14>281,343>13,343>14>340;2|1:2;n;1|1:3|2:4|3:5|4:6|5:7|6:8|7:8|3:5|3:5;n;3|1:9;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;5|11:1'
- ..'6|12:17;p;3|1:3;6|1:18;2|1:19;n;2|1:1;n;7|1:20|3:21|4:22|15:23|5:24|6:25|7:25|3:21|3:21;n;6|1:26|16:27;6|1:28|16:29;6|1:30|16:31;8|1:32|16:33;8|1:32|16:34;8|1:32|16:35;8|1:32|16:36;6|1:37;6|1:38|16:39'
- ..';3|1:40;n;9|1:41;n;3|1:41;n;3|1:42;3|1:43;p;10|1:44|17:45|18:46;10|1:47|19:48|17:49|18:4;10|1:50|19:51|17:52|18:53;10|1:54|20:4|17:52|18:53;10|1:55|17:56|18:4;p;11|1:57;n;12|1:58|4:59|5:60|21:61|22:62'
- ..'|23:63|24:64|25:65;n;12|1:66|4:67|5:68|21:69|22:70|23:66|24:71|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:76|22:70|23:77|24:71|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:78|4:79|5:68|21:69|22:80|23:78|24:81|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:82|'
- ..'22:80|23:83|24:81|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:84|4:85|5:68|21:69|22:86|23:84|24:87|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:88|22:86|23:89|24:87|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:90|4:91|5:68|21:69|22:92|23:90|24:93|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5'
- ..':75|21:94|22:92|23:95|24:93|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:96|4:97|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:96|24:99|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:102|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:103|4:104|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:103|24:99|25:72;'
- ..'n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:105|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:106|4:107|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:106|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:111|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:112|4:113|5:68|21:69|2'
- ..'2:114|23:112|24:115|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:116|22:114|23:117|24:115|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:118|4:119|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:118|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:120|24:109|25:65|26:8;'
- ..'p;12|1:121|4:122|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:121|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:123|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;p;p;p;8|1:32|16:124;11|1:57;n;12|1:58|4:59|5:60|21:61|22:62|23:63|24:64|25:65;n;12|1'
- ..':66|4:67|5:68|21:69|22:70|23:66|24:71|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:76|22:70|23:77|24:71|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:78|4:79|5:68|21:69|22:80|23:78|24:81|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:82|22:80|23:83|24:81|25:65|2'
- ..'6:8;p;12|1:84|4:85|5:68|21:69|22:86|23:84|24:87|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:88|22:86|23:89|24:87|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:90|4:91|5:68|21:69|22:92|23:90|24:93|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:94|22:92|23:95|24:'
- ..'93|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:96|4:97|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:96|24:99|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:102|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:103|4:104|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:103|24:99|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:10'
- ..'1|22:98|23:105|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:106|4:107|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:106|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:111|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:112|4:113|5:68|21:69|22:114|23:112|24:115|25:10'
- ..'0;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:116|22:114|23:117|24:115|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:118|4:119|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:118|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:120|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:121|4:122|5:68|21:'
- ..'69|22:108|23:121|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:123|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;p;p;6|1:125|16:27;13|27:126;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;14|1:127|28:126|29:12|30:128;15|'
- ..'1:129|31:130|32:126;12|1:58|4:59|5:60|21:61|22:62|23:63|24:64|25:65;n;12|1:66|4:67|5:68|21:69|22:70|23:66|24:71|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:76|22:70|23:77|24:71|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:78|4:79|5:68|21:69|2'
- ..'2:80|23:78|24:81|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:82|22:80|23:83|24:81|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:84|4:85|5:68|21:69|22:86|23:84|24:87|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:88|22:86|23:89|24:87|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:90|4:91|5:'
- ..'68|21:69|22:92|23:90|24:93|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:94|22:92|23:95|24:93|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:96|4:97|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:96|24:99|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:102|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12'
- ..'|1:103|4:104|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:103|24:99|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:105|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:106|4:107|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:106|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:11'
- ..'1|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:112|4:113|5:68|21:69|22:114|23:112|24:115|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:116|22:114|23:117|24:115|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:118|4:119|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:118|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|'
- ..'4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:120|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:121|4:122|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:121|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:123|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;p;10|1:55|17:56|18:4;10|1:44|17:45|'
- ..'18:46;10|1:50|19:51|17:52|18:53;10|1:47|19:48|17:49|18:4;10|1:54|20:4|17:52|18:53;3|1:41;n;3|1:42;3|1:43;p;12|1:96|4:97|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:96|24:99|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:102|24:9'
- ..'9|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:112|4:113|5:68|21:69|22:114|23:112|24:115|25:100;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:116|22:114|23:117|24:115|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:121|4:122|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:121|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:'
- ..'75|21:110|22:108|23:123|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:106|4:107|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:106|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:111|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:103|4:104|5:68|21:69|22:98|23:103|24:'
- ..'99|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:101|22:98|23:105|24:99|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:118|4:119|5:68|21:69|22:108|23:118|24:109|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:110|22:108|23:120|24:109|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:90|4:91|5:68|'
- ..'21:69|22:92|23:90|24:93|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:94|22:92|23:95|24:93|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:84|4:85|5:68|21:69|22:86|23:84|24:87|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:88|22:86|23:89|24:87|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:78|'
- ..'4:79|5:68|21:69|22:80|23:78|24:81|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:82|22:80|23:83|24:81|25:65|26:8;p;12|1:66|4:67|5:68|21:69|22:70|23:66|24:71|25:72;n;12|1:73|4:74|5:75|21:76|22:70|23:77|24:71|25:65|26:8;'
- ..'p;3|1:43;3|1:42;10|1:131|17:132|18:4;n;6|1:133|16:134;p;10|1:135|17:136|18:4;n;6|1:133|16:39;p;10|1:137|17:138|18:4;n;6|1:133|16:139;p;8|1:32|16:140;8|1:32|16:141;8|1:32|16:142;8|1:32|16:128;1|1:143|4'
- ..':144|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:151|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n'
- ..';3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:152|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:153|15:145|5:146|33:2'
- ..'5|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:154|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35'
- ..':148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:155|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:143|4:156|15:145|5:146|33:25|6:25|7:8;n;4|3:10|5:'
- ..'11|8:12|9:13|10:14|3:10|3:10;n;3|1:15;p;16|34:147|35:148|36:149|37:150;p;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:159|15:23|5:146|33:25|6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:158|3:158;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:161|15:23|5:146|33:25|'
- ..'6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:158|3:158;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:162|15:23|5:146|33:25|6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:158|3:158;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:163|15:23|5:146|33:25|6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:1'
- ..'58|3:158;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:164|15:23|5:146|33:25|6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:158|3:158;1|1:157|3:158|38:4|4:165|15:23|5:146|33:25|6:25|39:160|40:25|41:25|7:25|3:158|3:158;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:16'
- ..'7|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:169|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:175;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:176|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:177|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:15'
- ..'8;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:178|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:179|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:180;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:181|'
- ..'15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:182|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:183|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:184|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:1'
- ..'72|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:185|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:186|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:187;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:188|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|'
- ..'3:158|4:189|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:190|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:191|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p'
- ..';p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:192|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:193|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:194|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:195|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:'
- ..'158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:196;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:197|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:198|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:'
- ..'4|4:199|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:200|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:201|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:202|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:'
- ..'171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:203|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:204|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:205|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:'
- ..'206|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:207;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:208|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:209|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|'
- ..'37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:210|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:211|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:212|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:213|15:23|5:170|6:'
- ..'8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:214|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:215|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:216;p;p;2|1:166'
- ..';n;7|38:4|4:217|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:218|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:219|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:220|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;'
- ..'n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:221|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|3:158|4:222|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;p;p;2|1:166;n;7|38:4|4:223|15:23|5:168;1|2:4|'
- ..'3:158|4:224|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|12:225;p;p;2|1:166;n;1|2:4|3:158|4:226|15:23|5:170|6:8|7:8|3:158|3:158;n;16|34:171|35:172|36:173|37:150;5|11:174|1'
- ..'2:227;p;7|38:4|4:228|15:23|5:168;p;1|1:229|4:230|5:231|7:25;n;5|11:232|12:233;p;1|1:229|4:234|5:235;n;5|11:236|12:237;p;1|1:238|38:4|4:239|5:240;1|1:241|3:242|4:243|15:244|5:245|6:8|7:8|3:242|3:242;n;'
- ..'16|34:246|27:247|35:248|36:249|37:150;p;1|1:241|3:242|4:250|15:251|5:252|6:8|7:8|3:242|3:242;n;16|34:253|27:247|35:248|36:249|37:150;p;1|1:241|3:242|4:254|15:145|5:255|6:8|7:8|3:242|3:242;n;16|34:256|'
- ..'27:247|35:248|36:249|37:150;p;1|1:241|3:242|4:257|15:145|5:258|6:8|7:8|3:242|3:242;n;16|34:259|27:247|35:248|36:249|37:150;17|1:260|11:261|12:262;p;1|1:263|3:264|42:265|4:266|15:267|5:268|3:264|3:264;'
- ..'n;16|34:269|27:270|35:271|36:249|37:150;p;1|1:263|3:264|42:265|4:272|15:267|5:268|3:264|3:264;n;16|34:273|27:270|35:271|36:249|37:150;p;3|1:274;2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:277|15:23|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|3'
- ..'6:281|37:150;p;1|4:282|15:267|5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:284|15:23|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|36:281|37:150;p;1|4:285|15:267|5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:286|15:2'
- ..'3|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|36:281|37:150;p;1|4:287|15:267|5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:288|15:23|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|36:281|37:150;p;1|4:289|15:267|5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;'
- ..'2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:290|15:23|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|36:281|37:150;p;1|4:291|15:267|5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;2|1:275;n;1|1:276|4:292|15:23|5:278;n;16|34:279|35:280|36:281|37:150;p;1|4:293|15:267|'
- ..'5:283|6:25;n;18;p;3|1:274;p;p;2|1:294;n;2|1:295;n;19|43:8|44:12|45:12;1|1:296|2:4|38:297|4:298|5:299;p;1|1:300|2:4|3:242|4:301|15:302|5:303|6:8|7:25|3:242|3:242;n;6|1:304|16:4;3|1:305;5|11:16|12:306;p'
- ..';1|1:307|3:308|4:309|15:145|5:303|6:8|7:25|3:308|3:308;n;6|1:304|16:4;3|1:305;p;2|1:310;n;19|43:8|44:12|45:12;1|1:296|38:297|4:311|5:299|6:25;p;p;p;p;')
- for _,Object in pairs(Objects) do
- Object.Parent = script and script.Parent==workspace and script or workspace
- end
- for _,f in pairs(ActualScripts) do f() end
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