
Psio is a retard

Oct 14th, 2016
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  1. Hello children, boys, girls and faggots -- This post is embarrassing but I want to get it off my chest. It's just me expressing myself, a little better than penis and breast enlarging post.
  4. How was PFM created?
  5. I am Junaid Yousaf Sheikh, from Pakistan, Back in 2014 when we were expecting my baby, I had some time on my hands and got convinced on restarting WoW (after a 3 years break) by some raiders I once lead in Hellion. To my bad luck Nemethal (an old PFM raider) whispers me looking for a guild and I vouch him to Groo-Gaming where he somehow backstabbed me and created a misunderstanding and got me kicked 3 days before the release of Warlords of Draenor.
  7. Facers and Waxors were on my friend list, and they asked me to reform Project Flying Monkey (keep in mind PFM is nothing without Huya who was fucking chicks back at that time, or perhaps the truth is yet to be known by his right hand)!
  9. Why the Maelstrom?
  10. I knew if I started this venture, I would do it on my terms and I wouldn't change the server, because 3x Project Flying Monkey has failed on the Bloodfeather and that's once again I was asked to revive this over there, to which I refused and asked both of them to transfer here. The Maelstrom was a dead realm (or still is?) - Groo-Gaming was number 2 and Number 1 was <Paragon>. We did not have much to work with, but still it was a challenge if someone who was willing transfer, he would commit.
  12. The Effort!
  13. We had terrible wanna be recruits, we started with raiding 3 days a week and 4th was the optional day to which pretty much 90% of the raiders showed up, some good and some like Nezgroul (heheheuheu, he comes in later btw). Waxors handled the website, ventrilo and such stuff whereas I handled the recruitment (which means going over to bloodfeather for the hours long chat with Kawurou, Liliben, Spoilt, Quast and other cores. That with raid leading (the effort of making my shit accent sound serious). During which we started expecting a baby.
  15. Then comes Huya, who was planning to play the game after 5-6 months of all this happening whereas I was laying the groundwork for him, for it was my wish to raid under his leadership ever since PFM back in WotLK Ulduar disbanded.
  17. The effort of getting Liliben back, Nuwn, Rillvar, Kawurou and ofc Huya. Even tried to raise a "Fund his PC" 10$ by each core for him to play but luckily he didnt need it and came back.
  19. The effort of levelling him up, doing normal on my main and then logging his main and doing normal with 9 people who would get no loot (respect to all 7 of them) just for Huya to get that 1 piece. Not that he asked me a favor, it's the sort of person he is, you do stuff for him.
  21. Each and every member had their own criteria, some wanted to see progress, some wanted to see ranks before xferring, some wanted to see huya, some boss kills, some wanted gear and what not. It was hard to fulfil that all but simultaneously it had to be done.
  23. In highmaul, we made Groo-gaming disband and I felt at peace and consequently transferred leadership to Huya in Blackrock foundry. The train was up and running.
  25. Yes, it is true, I died at oregorger alot, but you weren't told I had consecutive world ranks on Gruul Mythic when we needed DPS, it is true I died at the train boss, but you weren't told that it was improved to the point where again we killed and me and donny had world rankings and carried almost one side of adds. (God bless demo and shadow wave). We all make mistakes, bare in mind i used to play with 300ms and yet managed to achieve shit and with all the depression I had, the movement heavy fights would get the best of me.
  27. The master looter I gave away, I made many unfair decisions (if those victimized reading, I apologize) -- I had to make us kill bosses to get new recruits, I had to feed my core the loots, on fair or unfair basis. PFM was and is my child and when it came to the guild's interest, I was a very unfair, biased and one-sided guy.
  29. Then some drama happened and I lost the will to play, I was hurt and for my real life schedule it panned out well because my son had made it's arrival. I left the guild and because I was on bad terms with some people, I was bad mouthed, treated unfair (karma) and had my fall from grace. That made me lose my confidence as a gamer and my pride which I had gathered over my 10 years of WoW experience. I just couldn't take it anymore.
  31. Who the fuck are you? Paki!
  32. Well! Regardless of what you are told or whatever you think about me, or whatever the image you have of me, it's just based on people's opinion. You guys are full and cannot adjust another raider in, is what I hear, which is quite fair and I don't blame anyone but from my side it's a guild I made and I cannot raid with, which again is fine but the fact persists. The reason I so wanted to join is because somehow I care and I wanted people to show that I am better than that, including my own self.
  34. I for one have regained my pride as a raider and I am ready for whatever comes up, I have been accepted in a guild better than PFM, on the basis of all the logs I have (even the orange ones, God bless "no vowels" hunter) but the current guild i am in needs me and I am starting to make new friends, even though Romanian, secondly my ms is sometimes 350+ ms (again the no vowel hunter should read and understand this).
  36. Regardless, of whatever happens, whatever people think (as you can't change their pattern) you cannot change the fact that I among some are etched in the history of this guild, you will find me in forums, old logs, vent recordings, recruitment posts, screenshots and most of all the spirit of this guild.
  38. What the fuck should we do?
  39. Just remember one thing, when you relish the glory on this realm, with your chest tight and walk that arrogant walk, keep in mind you are the result of someone's hard work. None of you (except few) would have joined the PFM it was formed. So whenever you see nicknames Maymun, Psio, Quast, Rillvar, Facers (yeah somehow lol), Kawurou, DOnny, Spoilt, Nuwn, Liliben, Waxors and few others, show them some fucking respect, don't act like pricks, take them as adults even if you are older.
  41. It's not a one-sided effort, I for one respect you guys (congratulations on surpassing LR with your 5th kill, that's a feat), I respect most of you guys on different reasons, I am happy to see when I login some people still show that respect I talked about and are amazing people, some people are exceptional players (well done Derwy, make daddy proud), officers who are letting huya slack and suppress his anger while you guys do all the work. Respect to each and everyone of you. This post is just the little bit of history how we and you came into being and to all those disrespectful little pricks who now have an iron bar instead of a spine, no! know your place and show humility why? Because the environment and elitism we raided in? You would quit in a week. (Apparently Huya has stopped insulting people).
  43. All in all good job.
  45. Tl;DR version: There is none go fuck yourself. Just kidding, we give you 80% of the credit, give us the other 20%.
  47. /Sign out - Old man Psi! your ex-GM.
  48. Psio
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