
felicia xander b fixed

Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. $Wmマークス|3$Wsマークス|$Wa$E苦,汗|$w0|Felicia! Are you all right? By the gods,\nyou're all wrapped up in yarn!$k\n$Wsフェリシア|$WaLord Xander... Just passing by again,\nI suppose?$k\n$Wsマークス|$Wa$E苦,汗|Yes, and lucky that I was, it seems.\nDo you require assistance?$k\n$Wsフェリシア|$Wa$E苦,汗|Well...yes. Would you please unwind all\nthis yarn for me?$k\n$Wsマークス|$Wa$E笑,|Yes, of course. Hold still for a moment
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