
Valentines day treat for Cookies Sweet

Oct 7th, 2016
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  1. >Valentine's day was quickly approaching
  2. >All the Girls and boys were out buying chocolate by the pound, trying to woo their special someone
  3. >All but one
  4. >"ugh, this won't work..." Grumbled cookie as she threw yet another batch of cookies into the trash
  5. >the trashcan was full nearly to the brim with cookies of various shapes and sizes
  6. >she had been trying for weeks to come up with the perfect recipe for Lincoln, but none of them seemed special enough
  7. >"What does he even Like?" She wondered as she flipped through the cookbook "Macaroons? he hates hazelnut. kourabiedes? He might choke on the powdered sugar."
  8. >Running out of ideas, Cookie threw the book across the room in frustration
  9. >"Valentine's day is only 5 days away" Mumbled cookie, feeling defeated "I need some help"
  10. >Cookie ran up to her room and pulled out her journal
  11. >"maybe I could ask one of his sisters for help"
  12. >"Maybe, she's too scary."
  13. >"Leni? no, I heard what happened last time she got near the stove"
  14. >Mulling over her options, Cookie finally made her decision
  15. >"Luna seems Really close to Lincoln, Maybe she'd know what he likes"
  17. >Cookie quickly got dressed and ran over to Lincoln's house, not wanting to waste a second
  18. >as she got closer she could hear music
  19. >"That's odd" thought Cookie "Where's that music coming from?"
  20. >She looked around for any indication of a radio or if a concert was in town, but there was nothing
  21. >she decided to ignore it and kept on going
  22. >after a while she noticed that the closer she got to Lincoln's, the louder the music was getting
  23. >by the time she was a block away, she could barely hear herself think
  24. >she made her way up the steps to his front door, having to cover her ears the entire time, and rang the bell
  25. >*Ding Dong*
  26. >"Coming Mate!" thundered a Loud voice over the music
  27. >The door swung open, and Luna stood there before her
  28. >"Ello there" greeted Luna in a fake British accent " 'ow can I 'elp ya?"
  29. >"What?!" Shouted Cookie, unable to understand Luna over the music
  30. >"WOT CAN I DO FOH YA?" Yelled Luna, trying to communicate with the small child
  31. >"WHAT? NO, I DON'T WANT TO SE THE FOYER!" Responded Cookie, still unable to hear Luna
  32. >"OI SAID- ugh, Hang on a sec"
  33. >Luna ran into the living room and turned off the radio
  34. >"Sorry about that" Apologized Luna as she quickly ran back to the door "You here to see Lincoln?"
  35. >"Actually" Started Cookie, the ringing in her ears finally subsiding "I came here to see you"
  36. >"Me? What do you want with me?" Asked Luna, Finally dropping the accent
  37. >"Well, I need your help with Something for Lincoln" Said Cookie, Blushing Slightly
  38. >"Like what?" pressed Luna, starting to get interested
  39. >"Well" Responded Cookie, her face bright red "I wanted to make him Cookies, For valentine's day"
  41. >"Cookies!?" Exclaimed Luna, her eyes open wide with excitement "That sounds like a great idea!"
  42. >"I even have a recipe you can use."
  43. >"You do?" Asked Cookie, Relieved to hear that Luna would help her "You don't mind helping me?"
  44. >"Nah, it's cool" Replied Luna as she pulled cookie into the house "I used to make these for Lincoln all the time when he was younger. They're his favorite kind"
  45. >Luna dragged Cookie into the kitchen, then got to work setting everything up
  46. >She Laid out all the ingredients on the table, and turned the oven on to 350F
  47. >"So, What kind of cookies are these?" Asked Cookie, looking over the ingredients
  48. >Luna looked around, making sure noone was within earshot before whispering into Cookie's ear
  49. >"chocolate chip"
  50. >"Chocola-MMPPH"
  51. >Luna quickly put her hand over Cookies mouth and Shushed her
  52. >"Don't say it so loud" Hissed Luna "Do you want the entire bloody house to hear you"
  53. >"What, What did I say?" Asked Cookie as she wrestled Luna's hands away from her mouth
  54. >"Look, Me sisters love them some chocolate" Started Luna "An' if they hear that we have some, they'll come over and pick and pick and pick till there aint no more."
  55. >"So we gotta be quiet about it, understand?"
  56. >Cookie nodded in agreement
  57. >"Good. Now, let's get this done quick before anyone notices"
  59. >after taking out an electrical scale, Luna began meticulously measuring the ingredients
  60. >"Four hundred twenty grams a' sugar"
  61. >"two hundred seventy grams of shortnin"
  62. >Cookie was writing down everything Luna was saying in her journal, Her eyes fixed on the bowl of ingredients
  63. >"Two eggs"
  64. >"Some vanilla"
  65. >"6 grams a salt"
  66. >"Four undred grams of flowah"
  67. >"fifteen grams of baking powder"
  68. >"How know what, Do you want in em?" Asked Luna, trying to conceal the bag of chocolate chips
  69. >"I don't know" Replied Cookie "How many can we put in"
  70. >"heh, Lincoln's gonna like you" chuckled Luna as she poured the entire bag of chocolate into the bowl
  71. >With a quick mix everything was together
  72. >Luna ran over to the counter and pulled out an ice-cream scoop
  73. >"You wanna use one of these, so they all come out even" Explained Luna
  74. >Luna pulled out 2 pans put parchment paper on each
  75. >"We're gonna make one batch here" Said Luna as she put the rest of the dough into a ziplock bag
  76. >"Once these come out of the oven, you can expect the others to come swarmin' "
  77. >With the cookies in the oven, all that was left was for them to wait
  78. >"thirteen minutes should do it" Said Luna, setting the oven timer
  79. >"SO" started Luna, giving Cookie a sly smile "You like me bruv, eh?"
  80. >"Y-Yeah" Stuttered Cookie, her blush returning "He's always been so nice, and I never really got up the courage to tell him"
  81. >The two went on talking as the timer counted down, Luna would tell stories of how Lincoln helped the sisters out of binds, and how he would wear only his undies when reading comics
  82. >Cookie talked about her first time meeting Lincoln, and how he shared his lunch with her
  84. >*BZZZZZZ*
  85. >With a loud buzz the timer had finally come to an end
  86. >Luna ran to the oven and put on some mitts
  87. >"Get ready luv" Said Luna as she braced herself "Here they come!"
  88. >Luna threw open the oven door and pulled out the trays of golden brown cookies
  89. >"Wow, these look amazing!" Commented Cookie, sniffing the hot chocolate scented air coming off the pan "Why did you ever stop making these?"
  90. >"Remember how I told you that these were Lincoln's favorite?" asked Luna
  91. >"when he was real young, He would eat these whenever he had the chance." Explained Luna "Sometimes he would eat so many that he'd get sick off 'em"
  92. >"So one day mom 'n dad told him that the recipe was stolen by pirates, and that if he was good, Ace savvy would get the recipe back for him"
  93. >"Is that why he's always reading those comics?" Asked cookie
  94. >"Well, that's why he started" Replied Luna "He thought that if he bought the comics, he's see when ace was going to go after them and get back the recipe"
  95. >Cookie couldn't help but giggle a bit
  96. >As she started to ask another question, she noticed a rumbling sound
  97. >"What's that?" asked cookie
  98. >Luna grabbed Cookie, and 2 cookies from the tray and moved to the side
  99. >"me sisters" Replied Luna handing her a cookie "This is what I warned you about"
  100. >The sisters swarmed into the kitchen, each one trying to get to the cookies first
  101. >As chaos descended in the kitchen, Luna and Cookie slipped out the back to safety
  102. >"Here" said Luna, handing the bag of cookie dough to Cookie "Run on home before they see you with the bag"
  103. >"Thanks Luna" Shouted Cookie as she ran back home
  104. >"Probably gonna see a lot more of her in the next few weeks" Though Luna as she took a bite of her cookie "Well, not as much as Lincoln will anyway"
  106. END
  107. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. Luna's Cookies
  111. 1: 420 grams of sugar
  112. 2: 270 grams of shortening
  113. 3: 6 grams salt
  114. 4: 2 eggs
  115. 5: vanilla extract
  116. 6: 400 grams flour
  117. 7: 15 grams baking powder
  118. 8: As much chocolate as you wish to add
  120. Mix the sugar and shortening
  121. Then add and mix the eggs, vanilla, and salt
  122. Mix the Flour and Baking powder in a separate bowl
  123. mix with wet ingredients
  124. Add and mix in chocolate
  125. Scoop onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat
  126. bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes (they should be light brown)
  127. let rest for 16 minutes before moving from tray
  129. The chocolate stays gooey even after the cookies have cooled down
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