
Unforeseen Consequences - Getting your flank kicked

Oct 11th, 2017
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  1. >”Y’know nerd, the Ruffle thought that you would be tougher!” Ruffle Tuffle kicked you before you could get up “Actually, the Ruffle HOPED you’d be tougher! It’s almost sad how big of a wimp you are”
  2. >You were panting already, the kicks that Ruffle Truffle landed had you dizzy. Nonetheless, you tried to stand up, to fight back, or at least, to not make it pleasant for this idiot.
  3. “Oh yeah? Well…*cough* it’s definitely sad how lame you are…”
  4. >”Oh, you little nerd!” Ruffle galloped towards you and then turned to deliver a new blow with his hinder legs…
  5. “Not this time…*cough*”
  6. >Not without a great effort you managed to dodge his new attack.
  7. >Landing a few feet away from him. You let out a snicker
  8. “Hah, Hah! Too slo-! WOW!”
  9. >A new kick was delivered by Ruffle Truffle, one that you dodged by ducking and then hopping to a side.
  10. >”Don’t move, nerd! Can’t ya see that the Ruffle is trying to Truffle you?!”
  11. “Then you have to be faster than that! Try harder you sassafras!”
  12. >”That’s it! Prepare your nerd flank for the Ruffle’s barrage! AYAYAYAYAYA!” The grey idiot made a long jump at you and started doing a barrage of fast bucks.
  14. >But if you had something going on for yourself, it was that you were fast too, so you managed to dodge every buck, albeit with some trouble.
  15. >Everything has a limit though, and you were no exception. It didn’t took long until Ruffle Truffle landed a hit
  16. >That dang idiot! He wasn’t only physically strong, he was also really frickin’ fast! You won’t last if you stay on the defensive, so you have to go on the offensive!
  17. >You jumped to his left side, turned around and prepared to deliver a buck into his stupid face but then…
  19. >With a swift move of his left hoof, Ruffle threw a bunch of snow to your face, ruining your attack and making you trip a little.
  20. >Ruffle of course took this opening to buck you on your sides, sending you rolling away from him.
  21. “AGH!”
  22. >You tried to get up, but the guy actually landed a direct hit on your guts… the pain was too much to do anything other than collapsing on your back.
  23. >”Heh!” Ruffle snickered as he walked to you and placed his hoof on your chest “Easy as stealing candy from nerd babies!”
  25. >”I’ve been waiting for this, nerd” Ruffle Truffle leaned his face closer to yours, a wicked grin was drawn across his face “Time to show ya some respect!”
  26. >Ruffle Truffle raised his leg and was ready to deliver his final blow into your precious face, but he was interrupted by a loud “BOOOO!” coming from basically the entire school.
  27. >The grey idiot didn’t took this nicely as he stopped his final blow so he could focus on the crowd “What?! You lame idiots are booing the Ruffle? SERIOUSLY?! But the Ruffle won! You guys like when the Ruffle wins, so stop booing and chant the Ruffle’s name!”
  28. >The booing didn’t stop it, far from it, the crowd started to get more and more agitated, to the point where the other sixth graders started to back away.
  29. >The crowd… your friends started to cheer louder and louder for you. Giving you their support to stand back up and fight again.
  34. >Pulling all your strength, you slowly got back on your hooves, you were tired, beaten and this cold was now starting to bother you, but you weren’t to give up.
  35. >Ruffle Truffle looked at every direction, not knowing very much what to do other than yell “STOP IT! THE RUFFLE SAYS STOP IT! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM-UNF!”
  36. >A direct hit from a snowball landed on his face, Ruffle angrily wiped the snow off and growled “Who did that?! The Ruffle wants to know who…. Uh-oh…”
  37. >Ruffle Truffle’s ears dropped when he saw the dozens upon dozens of snowballs coming at him. It didn’t took more than a couple second for the guy to become more snow than pony.
  38. >The idiot shook off all the snow, and looked angrily at the crowd “Okay! The Ruffle is angry now! All of you are getting Truffle’d ya hear me?! ALL OF YOU-!” His little rant was interrupted by a snowball that hit the back of his head
  39. >…It was your snowball
  40. “Hey, idiot! We’re not done yet!”
  42. >Ruffle Truffle quickly turn his head back at you, huffed and shot you a murderous glare “Oh, so the nerd want more?!” He kicked the ground as he adopted an attack position “Then the Ruffle will kick you more!”
  43. >You adjusted your goggles as you readied yourself to attack
  44. “Bring it on, Sassafras!”
  45. >The two of you galloped as you let out a battle roar. The two of you were going for that final blow, that final kick that would decide everything.
  46. >And just before your hoof could make contact with his face…
  47. >”MR. ANON! WHAT IN EQUESTRIA DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” Sunny Hill’s old but somehow powerful voice stopped you… well, that and the fact that she was holding you and Ruffle with her magic.
  49. >As the old mare walked to where you were, you could see the other teachers reprimanding or calming down their students… when did they got here?
  50. >Well, it didn’t matter, because now that things had abruptly calmed down. You could see clearly that Ruffle was holding you tight by the neck with one hoof as the other was close to your face.
  51. >It didn’t matter now, what mattered is that you had that old artifact angrily staring at you.
  52. “Miss Sunny Hill! I-I can explain everything!”
  53. >”Hold your tongue, Mr. Anon! You shall explain your ruffian antics at the vice-principal office!” Sunny Hill roared.
  54. >”Hah! The nerd is gonna get scolded…” Ruffle Truffle said with a mocking tone
  55. >”Don’t you think that you are getting out of this, Mr. Truffle. You are coming too!”
  56. >”What?” Ruffle Truffle’s smile banished “The Ruffle is the star of the school! You can’t send the Ruffle to the big kahuna’s office!”
  57. >”I can and I will.” Sunny Hill sternly asserted as she dispelled her magic, allowing you and Ruffle to move again “Now, do you have anything else to say, Mr. Truffle?”
  58. >”Actually, yes” Ruffle eagerly nodded before turning to you with a murderous glare “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, NERD!” Immediately after that, Ruffle landed that last blow on your beautiful, beautiful face.
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