
Bad dad (W.I.P)

Apr 5th, 2020
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  1. “Mike!” Alea yells out “I told you for the hundredth fucking time, the baby is yours! You were the only guy I was ever having sex with!”
  3. “No, she’s not. She looks nothing like me! Her eyes are blue, mine are brown. And besides, I know how much time alone you spend with that Greg guy! It could just as easily be his!” Mike retorts.
  5. “First off!” Alea says loudly. "I told you many times over, HE’S. MY. FUCKING. COUSIN! I have no feelings towards him, quit looking for excuses! And second, why are you being such an ass about this? I’m only asking you to be in your daughter’s life. Not pay me child support while still remaining loyal to me and me only!”
  7. “Oh, I know that's a lie right there!” Mike says angrily “I know how you are! You always say you don't want something, but you always do in the end, and besides. All women ever do when they get child support is spend it on themselves! They say they're spending it on the child, but then they turn around and spend it on shoes and nail salon trips!”
  9. “You are a fucking piece of shit! First off, I don’t know where you are getting that assumption from, that's not true to all women. Don’t generalize! And second yes she is! You were the one that said you had a condom on!”
  11. “And you were the one that said you had a tight pussy, but we both ended up disappointed, now didn’t we?” Mike says with a laugh. “Look, I’m done, you should know I ain't taking care of a problem that ain't mine! So you can suck my cock as far as I care!” He says before leaving Alea’s apartment. “Dumb bitch…” He says. He pulls a cigarette out of his pocket, quickly lighting and inhaling it before sitting down in his car and driving off.
  13. ---------------------------------------------------
  15. Mike exhales the smoke from his cigarette, looking down at the tiny photograph he held in his hand. A photo of him and Alea, hand in hand moments before a house party, a smile on both of their faces.
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