

Sep 21st, 2018
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  1. ---------- General Commands -----------------
  2. p!start
  3. Find out how to get your first pokémon!
  4. p!daily
  5. Get credit rewards every day for just clicking a button!
  6. p!help
  7. Display the help menu!
  13. -------------- Pokemon Commands -----------------
  15. p!info
  16. Display your selected pokémon's information. - should look like
  17. p!select
  18. Select a different pokémon.
  19. p!pokeball here E.G pk!ultraball pikachu will attempt to catch a pikachu. This should check if a user has an ultra ball (purchased from shop) If not, return message. 'Sorry, you have insufficient Ultraballs to execute this command'
  20. p!nickname id nickname
  21. Give your pokémon a nickname.
  22. p!duel @username
  23. Battle another user.
  24. p!accept duel
  25. accepts the duel request
  26. p!moves
  27. Display your pokémon's moves and movepool. - Should look like this -
  28. p!learn
  29. Teach your pokémon a move.
  30. p!mega
  31. Mega evolve your pokémon.
  32. p!release
  33. Release pokémon back into the wild. (Confirmation Needed) (Once a user uses this command, they will have a prompt that says Are you sure you would like to release x y z. User will need to type pk!accept to release) This should support multiple ids E.G pk!release 84 94 749 would show
  35. Would you like to release
  36. Pikachu - level 18 - Number: 2
  37. Pikachu - Level 12 - Number 3
  38. Pikachu - Level 9 - Number 1:
  39. p!pokemon (this should also have search parameters like the market commands e.g pk!pokemon --atkiv 30 --defiv 0 which will show all pokemon with an attack iv of 30 and a defence iv of 0
  40. p!fav
  41. Display a list of your favourite pokémon you own. - should look like this
  42. p!addfav idhere
  43. Add a pokémon to your list of favourites.
  44. p!removefav idhere
  45. Remove a pokémon from your list of favourites.
  46. p!dropitem idhere
  47. Drop the item your pokémon is currently holding.
  48. p!moveitem idhere
  49. Give the item your pokémon is currently holding to another of your pokémon.
  50. p!xp will return 'you have x amount of time left on your XP booster'
  51. Display your active XP booster.
  52. p!health
  53. Display pokemon that require healing and show health next to them
  54. p!use
  55. Use an item on a pokemon
  56. p!order
  57. Change the order of your pokémon lists.
  59. p!order alphabetical
  60. p!order number
  61. p!order level
  62. p!order iv
  65. ------------------------ Shop Commands ---------------
  67. p!shop
  68. Display the shop menu. - should look like this
  69. p!market
  70. Access the global marketplace.
  71. p!trade @username
  72. Trade with another user.
  73. p!add pokemonid
  74. Add a pokemon to a trade - this should support multiple ids as well as coins. If a user types anything with coins after it e.g 10000 coins, it will add 10000 coins from their balance to their trade. If a user does not have the correct amount of coins, it will return an error message. E.G pk!trade 10000 coins or pk!trade 293 121 484 which will add three pokemon to the trade.
  75. p!buy idofshopitem
  76. Buy something from the shop.
  77. p!balance
  78. Display your credit balance
  80. ----------- Market Commands (Should be DM'd when user uses pk!market help) -------------------
  81. p!market search <Page number> | Show the requested page of the market.
  82. p!market search <Page number> <Search Options> <Order Option> | Search the market.
  83. p!market view <Pokémon ID> | View detailed information for a pokémon on the market.
  84. p!market info <Pokémon ID> | Alternative to view.
  85. p!market list <Pokémon Number> <Price> | List a pokémon on the market.
  86. p!market buy <Pokémon ID> | Buy a pokémon from the market.
  87. p!market remove <Pokémon ID> | Remove one of your pokémon from the market.
  88. p!market listings <Page number> | Display the pokémon you have listed on the market.
  89. Search Options:
  90. --name <name> | Search for pokémon by name (not nickname).
  91. --shiny | Search for shiny pokémon.
  92. --level <level> | Search for pokémon by level.
  93. --type <type> | Search for pokémon by type.
  94. --price <price> | Search for pokémon with a specific price.
  95. --hpiv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their HP IV.
  96. --atkiv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their Attack IV.
  97. --defiv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their Defense IV.
  98. --spatkiv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their Special Attack IV.
  99. --spdefiv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their Special Defense IV.
  100. --speediv <IV> | Search for pokémon by their Speed IV.
  101. When searching by IVs, you can use the ">" or "<" symbols to look for a range of IVs, like this: --hpiv > 27
  102. You can use multiple search options in a single command.
  103. Order Options:
  104. --order lvl ascending/descending | Order results by pokémon level.
  105. --order price ascending/descending | Order results by price.
  106. --order iv ascending/descending | Order by the sum of the pokémon's IVs.
  107. --order name ascending/descending | Order results by name.(Alphabetical Order)
  108. Tip: As long as you type the start of ascending/descending, the bot will understand. Example: lvl a
  109. When using options in a command, don't include "<" and ">"!
  111. -------------- Server Admin Commands ------------
  112. p!prefix
  113. Change the bot's prefix for your server.
  114. p!config
  115. Displays the server's current settings.
  117. (Will show something like the below)
  118. Spawn Redirect |
  119. Spawns are not redirected in this server.
  120. Disabled Channels
  121. There are no disabled channels in this server.
  123. p!redirect
  124. Redirect all wild pokémon in this server to a chosen channel.
  125. p!channel
  126. Enable/Disable commands and pokémon spawns in a channel.
  128. --------- Misc Commands ---------
  130. p!invite
  131. Get the link to add Pokécentral to a server.
  132. p!redeem
  133. Exchange your redeems for pokémon or credits. - a user can type pk!redeem meloetta to be given a meloetta or they can type pk!redeemcoins and they will be given 50000 coins for each redeem
  134. p!botinfo
  135. Display some information about the bot.
  136. p!ping
  137. Display the bot's ping to Discord.
  139. --------- Bot Owner Commands --------
  140. pk!give
  142. pk!give coins userhere amount
  143. pk!give pokemon pokemonname level hp atk def spatk spdef speed
  144. pk!give redeem @user amount
  145. pk!give itemname @user amount
  146. pk!restart - restarts bot
  147. pk!delete - deletes user from the bot using their discord id
  148. pk!godheal- pk!godheal @username - heals all pokemon owned by that user
  149. pk!set spawn id percentagehere
  150. pk!set redeem id amount (this specifies how many redeem tokens a user should have to be able to redeem that pokemon)
  151. pk!spawn pokemonname level - allows bot owner to spawn a pokemon in any channel
  152. pk!blacklist - blacklist a server from using the bot
  153. pk!removeblacklist - removes a server from the blacklist
  154. pk! add pokemonname imgurl hp atk def spatk spdef speed spawnrate - allows a bot owner to add a custom pokemon
  155. pk!shop disable itemname
  156. pk!shop enable itemname
  157. pk!shop price itemname newprice
  158. pk!r comamnds - refreshes command list
  160. -------------- Evolution Items -----------------
  162. We will need to discuss that so remind me
  163. Refer to for a full list of items that will need coding in
  165. When a pokemon does evolve, it will retain the same IVS and level but the base stats may change to those of the evolved pokemon but i imagine this will come from the API
  167. ------------- Moves & Battles ------------------
  169. Each pokemon will be able to learn a specific set of moves. Some pokemon may be able to learn the same move, some may not. This may be able to be pulled from the API. If not, we may need a command for me to add this.
  171. If a command was to be added, it would need to be pk!move add/remove pokemonname movename power accuracy movetype.
  173. The below four links will show how battle damage should be calculated.
  175. - Nature doesn't really show damage calcs, if anything it shows stat multipliers which will affect the damage.
  180. Trainers should be able to earn the following amount of coins from a battle
  182. 1-100 - loser
  183. 300 - 500 - winner
  185. Each battle should also provide a pokemon with some additional xp
  187. 1 - 50 - losing pokemon
  188. 300 - 600 - winning pokemon
  190. ------------- Natures ----------------
  192. Would be useful to have for the battling element of the bot as this will modify their XP. This is NOT essential but if you can do it, please do
  194. ---------- Pokemon Friendships -----------
  196. A feature that i would like to add after the bot is completed later on,
  198. - You could just add an item to the shop called a 'friendship braclet' which evolves the pokemon when the item is being held.
  200. ------------ Levelling up and earning coins --------------
  202. The bot should monitor chat within the channels it can read. Each message a user sends in a channel with the bot in, will earn the user 'Trainer XP' as well as 'Pokemon XP'. Each time the user levels up, they will earn a set amount of coins whether it be level or pokemon level. A trainer will earn 10 coins x the level, if a user levels up from 1 - 2 they will earn 20 coins. If the user levels up from 19 - 20 they will earn 200 coins and so on. This information should be predefined in a database.
  204. If a a trainer levels up rather than a pokemon, they will earn 100 coins per level so if a user levelled up from 1 - 2 they will earn 200 coins. If a user levels up from 31- 32 they will earn 3200
  207. --------- Spawns ---------------
  209. Spawns should happen at random intervals, anywhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes. They should timeout and self delete after 30 minutes. We need to make sure that after the message is deleted, they cannot still catch the pokemon. Whether a pokemon should spawn or not should be based on their spawn percentage configurable by pk!set spawn name percentage. If the percentage is 0, it will not spawn. Anything higher, it could. If this could be a bulk command so i could do pk!set spawn pikachu poliwag togepi diancie fennekin 50
  210. and it sets all of those to 50% spawn chance, that would be great. if not possible, it's not urgent.
  213. ------ Starters ---------
  215. - All of those should be available stater pokemon
  216. When a starter is selected, it should not return any statistic information. It should merely show a picture of the pokemon and show a message that says 'Congratulations, you have successfully chosen pokemonhere as your Starter Pokemon. Type pk!info 1 to view your first pokemon.' At that point, the statistic information will show.
  220. ---------- Moderation ----------
  222. It might be wise to have a simple kick/ban command which is able to be used by server moderators, not urgent as can use dyno or something but could be useful.
  224. ----- Catching Pokemon ---------
  226. Catching pokemon should be subject to rarity. The balls I would like to use are as followed
  228. Pokeball - 60% common, 40% uncommon, 16% rare, 9%, 1% legendary - Cannot catch ultra
  229. Greatball - 80% common, 70% uncommon, 20% rare, 5% legendary - cannot catch ultra
  230. Ultraball - 80% common, 70% uncommon, 40% rare, 10% legendary - cannnot catch ultra
  231. Masterball - can catch any pokemon
  232. Beastball - The only ball that can catch any pokemon with rarity of 'Ultra' as well as a masterball - these can only catch pokemon with ultra rarity. - 50% ultra chance, 0% legendary chance, 80% chance everything else
  235. ------- Shop Items -----------
  237. Prices will need to be configured when we work out how quick/how the coin collection will work.
  239. == Evolution Items ==
  241. - Those
  243. == Pokeballs ==
  245. Pokeball - 60% common, 40% uncommon, 16% rare, 9%, 1% legendary - Cannot catch ultra
  246. Greatball - 80% common, 70% uncommon, 20% rare, 5% legendary - cannot catch ultra
  247. Ultraball - 80% common, 70% uncommon, 40% rare, 10% legendary - cannnot catch ultra
  248. Masterball - can catch any pokemon
  249. Beastball - The only ball that can catch any pokemon with rarity of 'Ultra' as well as a masterball - these can only catch pokemon with ultra rarity.
  251. == XP Modifiers ==
  253. 2x XP Modifier - lasts an hour
  254. 2x XP Modifier - lasts three hours
  255. 4x hp modifier - lasts 1 hour
  257. == Stat Items ==
  259. Please note a pokemons HP must be higher than 0 to use a potion. A revive must be used if the pokemon is under 1 HP. A user can use a potion after to increase the rest of the health
  261. Potion - heals pokemon by 10% of max health
  262. Super potion - heals pokemon by 30% of max health
  263. Hyper potion - heals pokemon by 60% of max health
  264. Max Potion - heals pokemon by 100% of max health
  265. Revive - heals a pokemon by 50%
  266. Max Revive - heals a pokemon by 100%
  268. == Megafiers ==
  270. Mega Y
  271. Mega X
  272. Primal
  273. Mega
  275. == Items not in shop but bot owner can give ==
  277. Redeem - allows them to redeem a pokemon
  278. Rare Candy - Allows a user to level up a pokemon by one level
  279. Pokeheal - Allows a user to heal all of their pokemon to the top
  281. == Specifying Bot Owner ==
  283. Bot owner should be able to be configured in a configuration file
  284. Can i specify more than one bot owner? or perhaps specify a channel that will allow the commands to be used by anyone with access to the channel?
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