

Aug 2nd, 2018
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  1. tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(false)
  2. v=0
  3. tfm.exec.setRoomMaxPlayers(15)
  4. dp={}
  5. function count()
  6. if runner<1 then
  7. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  8. end
  9. end
  10. function vip(n)
  11. if n=="Fuzzyfirsdog#0000" or n=="Bodykudo#0000" or n=="Tortuegreen#0000" or n=="Bolodefchoco#0000" then
  12. data[n].def=212
  13. data[n].objects=data[n].def
  14. data[n].nyan=true
  15. end
  16. if n=="Reddeathnick#3204" or n=="Mariluiss#0000" or n=="Mugiwaraloffy#9866" or n=="Pratton#0000" or n=="Seaqueen2003#0000" then
  17. data[n].def=212
  18. data[n].objects=data[n].def
  19. data[n].nyan=true
  20. end
  21. end
  22. function add(n)
  23. if data[n].role=="Runner" then
  24. runner=runner+1
  25. elseif data[n].role=="Death" then
  26. death=death+1
  27. end
  28. end
  29. lag=0
  30. Lives2=1000
  31. icedMouseCost=400
  32. cakeCost=200
  33. companionCost=900
  34. shamanCannonCost=1000
  35. watermelonCost=500
  36. mechAnvilCost=800
  37. rockCost=400
  38. ultraCannonCost=900
  39. nyanCost=400
  40. local toDespawn = {}
  41. do
  42. local addShamanObject = tfm.exec.addShamanObject
  43. tfm.exec.addShamanObject = function(...)
  44. toDespawn[#toDespawn + 1] = {
  45. addShamanObject(...),
  46. os.time() + 3000
  47. }
  49. return toDespawn[#toDespawn][1]
  50. end
  51. end
  53. tfm.exec.disableAllShamanSkills(true)
  54. tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true)
  55. wonCountDown=1
  58. maps={7455943,7458404,7459068,6238915,6321696,6321733,6335123}
  59. powery=320
  60. powerx=math.random(1600)
  62. mice=0
  64. function countMice()
  65. for n,player in pairs( do
  66. mice=mice+1
  67. end
  68. end
  70. Down=string.byte("S")
  72. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  73. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true)
  76. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  77. tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true)
  78. tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true)
  79. data={}
  80. text={}
  81. lang={}
  83. boughtNyan="<J>Você comprou Nyan Cat!",
  84. nyanInv="<p align='left'>Nyan Cat <J><a href='event:equipNyan'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  85. nyan="Nyan Cat<N> - Nyan Cat aparecerá como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyNyan'> [Compra]",
  86. boughtUltraCannon="<J>Você comprou o ultra canhão!",
  87. ultraCannonInv="<p align='left'>Ultra Cannon <J><a href='event:equipUltraCannon'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  88. ultraCannon="Ultra Cannon<N> - Dois ultra canhões brilhantes aparecerão com oseu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyUltraCannon'> [Compra]",
  89. boughtRock="<J>Você comprou a bigorna de pedra!",
  90. rock="Rock Anvil<N> - A bigorna de pedra aparece como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyRock'> [Compra]",
  91. rockInv="<p align='left'>Rock Anvil <J><a href='event:equipRock'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  92. mechAnvilInv="<p align='left'>Mechanical Anvil <J><a href='event:equipMechAnvil'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  93. boughtMechAnvil="<J>Você comprou a bigorna mecânica!",
  94. watermelonInv="<p align='left'>Watermelon Cannon <J><a href='event:equipWatermelon'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  95. boughtWatermelon="<J>Você comprou o canhão de melancia!",
  96. mechAnvil="Mechanical Anvil<N> - Duas bigornas mecânicas aparecerãocomo seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyMechAnvil'> [Compra]",
  97. watermelon="Watermelon Cannon<N> - Um canhão de melancia aparecerá como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyWatermelon'> [Compra]",
  98. boughtShamanCannon="<J>Você comprou o canhão de shaman!",
  99. shamanCannonInv="<p align='left'>Shaman Cannon <J><a href='event:equipShamanCannon'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  100. shamanCannon="Shaman Cannon<N> - Três canhões de shaman aparecerão como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyShamanCannon'> [Compra]",
  101. equip="Equip",
  102. need2People="São necessários dois jogadores para jogar",
  103. nowHave2Lives="<J>Você agora tem duas vidas em cada rodada!",
  104. boughtIcedMouse="<J>Você comprou o objeto rato congelado!",
  105. boughtCake="<J>Você comprou o objeto bolo!",
  106. boughtCompanion="<J>Você comprou a caixa de companheiro!",
  107. companionInv="<p align='left'>Companion Crate <J><a href='event:equipCompanion'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  108. companion="Companion Crate<N> - A caixa de companheiro aparecerá como seu objeto de ataquequando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCompanion'> [Compra]",
  109. inventory2="Inventário",
  110. inventory="<p align='center'><font size='20'>INVENTORY</font><br><br><font size='12'><p align='left'>Default Box <a href='event:equipDefault'><J>[Equipar]</J></a>",
  111. icedMouseInv="<p align='left'>Iced mouse <J><a href='event:equipIcedMouse'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  112. cakeInv="<p align='left'>Cake <J><a href='event:equipCake'>[Equipar]</a></J>",
  113. shop2="Loja",
  114. cake="Cake Object<N> - Um bolo aparecerá como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCake'> [Compra]",
  115. icedMouse="Iced Mouse Object<N> - Um rato congelado aparecerá como seu objeto de ataque quando você é o assassino. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyIcedMouse'> [Compra]",
  116. lives2="2 Lives<N> - Após você morrer pela primeira vez em uma rodada, receberá outra vida apenas uma vez. <VP>Worth %s points. <J><a href='event:buy2Lives'>[Compra]",
  117. description="Descrição",
  118. points="Pontos",
  119. winsAsRunner="Vitórias como fugitivo",
  120. winsAsDeath="Vitória como assassino",
  121. profile2="Perfil",
  122. rules="Regras</font></font></u><font size='12'>\n\n• Não é permitido o uso de truques para bugar o jogo \n\n• O uso de hack não é permitido, assim como qualquer outro jogo.",
  123. rules2="Regras",
  124. commands="Poderes\n\n<font size='11'>Click - Spawna um objeto de shaman aleatório quando vocçe é um <J>Assassino</J>.\n\nBarra de espaço - Faz um pulo grande seguido de um canhão invisível quando você é um<J>Fugitivo</J>. \n\nSeta para baixo/ Tecla S - Te dá um boost de velocidade (Tanto para fugitivos quanto para assassinos)",
  125. commands2="Poderes",
  126. credits="Créditos</font></font><font face='verdana'><font size='11'>\n\n<N>Programação - Fuzzyfirsdog#0000\n\nIdeia do Module - Reddeathnick#3204\n\nTradução para árabe - Bodykudo#0000\n\nTradução para FR - Tortuegreen#0000\n\nTradução para BR - Pratton#0000\n\nPowerup Sugestões - Reddeathnick#3204, Seaqueen2003#0000, Mugiwaraloffy#9866\n\nAchando maneiras de remover hacks - Mariluiss#0000 \n\n<VP>Obrigado ^^",
  127. credits2="Créditos",
  128. killer="[Assassino] ",
  129. runner="[Fugitivo]",
  130. youCanAttack="<R>Assassino: <N>Você pode atacou",
  131. youCanNotAttack="<R>Assassino: <N>Voce não pode atacar",
  132. youCanUsePowerups="<VP>Fugitivo: <N>Você pode usar poderes",
  133. youCanNotUsePowerups="<VP>Fugitivo: <N>Você não pode usar poderes",
  134. attacked="ATACADO",
  135. youAreARunner="Você é um fugitivo",
  136. youAreADeath="Você é um assasino",
  137. help="No #deathrun existem <J>Assassinos</J> e <J>Fugitivos</J>. Assassinos devem tentar matar os ratos spawnando objetos. Se nenhum fugitivo entra na toca, os assassinos ganham! Os fugitivos devem usar os poderes dados a eles para escapar dos assassinos e chegar a toca. Se um fugitivo entra na toca, a vitória é dos fugitivos.",
  138. close="Fechar",
  139. help2="Ajuda",
  140. superJump="SUPER PULO",
  141. speed="VELOCIDADE",
  142. deathsWin="Vitória dos assassinos!",
  143. runnersWin="Vitória dos fugitivos!"
  144. }
  146. boughtNyan="<J>Vous avez acheté nyan cat !",
  147. nyanInv="<p align='left'>Nyan Cat <J><a href='event:equipNyan'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  148. nyan="Nyan Cat<N> - Nyan cat sera utilisé pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyNyan'> [Acheter]",
  149. boughtUltraCannon="<J>Vous avez acheté le super boulet !",
  150. ultraCannonInv="<p align='left'>Super Boulet <J><a href='event:equipUltraCannon'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  151. ultraCannon="Super Boulet<N> - 2 magnifiques super boulets seront utilisés pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyUltraCannon'> [Acheter]",
  152. boughtRock="<J>Vous avez acheté l'enclume rocher !",
  153. rock="Emclume Rocher<N> - Un rocher sera utilisé pour attaquer lorsuqe vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyRock'> [Acheter]",
  154. rockInv="<p align='left'>Enclume Rocher <J><a href='event:equipRock'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  155. mechAnvilInv="<p align='left'>Enclume Mécanique <J><a href='event:equipMechAnvil'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  156. boughtMechAnvil="<J>Vous avez acheté l'enclume mécanique !",
  157. watermelonInv="<p align='left'>Boulet Pastèque <J><a href='event:equipWatermelon'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  158. boughtWatermelon="<J>Vous avez acheté le boulet pastèque !",
  159. mechAnvil="Emclume Mécanique<N> - 2 enclumes mécaniques seront utilisées pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyMechAnvil'> [Acheter]",
  160. watermelon="Watermelon Cannon<N> - Un boulet pastèque sera utilisé pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyWatermelon'> [Acheter]",
  161. boughtShamanCannon="<J>Vous avez acheté le boulet chamane !",
  162. shamanCannonInv="<p align='left'>Boulet Chamane <J><a href='event:equipShamanCannon'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  163. shamanCannon="Shaman Cannon<N> - 3 boulets chamane seront utilisés pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyShamanCannon'> [Acheter]",
  164. equip="Équiper",
  165. need2People="Vous devez être 2 pour jouer",
  166. nowHave2Lives="<J>Vous avez maintenant 2 vies à chaque tour !",
  167. boughtIcedMouse="<J>Vous venez d'acheter l'objet Souris gelée !",
  168. boughtCake="<J>Vous venez d'acheter l'objet Gâteau !",
  169. boughtCompanion="<J>Vous venez d'acheter la Caisse compagnon !",
  170. companionInv="<p align='left'>Caisse Compagnon <J><a href='event:equipCompanion'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  171. companion="Caisse Compagnon<N> - Une caisse compagnon sera utilisée pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCompanion'> [Acheter]",
  172. inventory2="Inventaire",
  173. inventory="<p align='center'><font size='20'>INVENTAIRE</font><br><br><font size='12'><p align='left'>Caisse par défaut <a href='event:equipDefault'><J>[Équiper]</J></a>",
  174. icedMouseInv="<p align='left'>Souris glacée <J><a href='event:equipIcedMouse'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  175. cakeInv="<p align='left'>Gâteau <J><a href='event:equipCake'>[Équiper]</a></J>",
  176. shop2="Magasin",
  177. cake="Objet Gâteau<N> - Un gâteau sera utilisé pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCake'> [Acheter]",
  178. icedMouse="Objet Souris glacée<N> - Une souris glacée sera utilisé pour attaquer lorsque vous serez le tueur. <VP>Coûte %s points.<J><a href='event:buyIcedMouse'> [Acheter]",
  179. lives2="2 Vies<N> - Lorsque vous mourrez pour la première fois durant un tour, vous obtiendrez une nouvelle vie. <VP>Coûte %s points. <J><a href='event:buy2Lives'>[Acheter]",
  180. description="Description",
  181. points="Points",
  182. winsAsRunner="Gaggne en étant un Coureur",
  183. winsAsDeath="Gagne en étant le tueur",
  184. profile2="Profil",
  185. rules="Règles</font></font></u><font size='12'>\n\n• Utiliser des techniques pour faire buguer le jeu n'est pas autorisé\n\n• Vous n'avez pas le droit de tricher, comme dans tout autre jeu.",
  186. rules2="Règles",
  187. commands="Boosters\n\n<font size='11'><b>Cliquer</b> - Fait apparaître un objet chamane aléatoire lorsque vous le rôle de <J>le tueur<J>.\n\n<b>Barre d'espace</b> - Fait un grand saut suivi d'un boulet invisible lorsque vous êtes un <J>Coureur</J>. \n\n<b>Flèche du basw / touche S</b> - Vous donne un bonus de vitesse. (Fonctione pour tueurs et les Coureurs)",
  188. commands2="Boosters",
  189. credits="Crédits</font></font><font face='verdana'><font size='11'>\n\n<N>Code - Fuzzyfirsdog#0000\n\Idée du module - Reddeathnick#3204\n\nTraductions Arabe - Bodykudo#0000\n\nTraduction française - Tortuegreen#0000\n\nTraductions en Portugais - Pratton#0000\n\nSuggestions des boosters - Reddeathnick#3204, Seaqueen2003#0000, Mugiwaraloffy#9866\n\nAnti-triche - Mariluiss#0000 \n\n<VP>Merci ^^",
  190. credits2="Crédits",
  191. killer="[Tueur] ",
  192. runner="[Coureur]",
  193. youCanAttack="<R>Tueur: <N>Vous pouvez attaquer",
  194. youCanNotAttack="<R>Tueur: <N>Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer",
  195. youCanUsePowerups="<VP>Coureur: <N>Vous pouvez utiliser des boosters",
  196. youCanNotUsePowerups="<VP>Coureur: <N>Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de boosters",
  197. attacked="ATTAQUÉ",
  198. youAreARunner="Vous êtes un Coureur",
  199. youAreADeath="Vous êtes le tueur",
  200. help="Dans #deathrun, il y a <J>tueurs</J> et <J>les Coureurs</J>. le tueur doit tuer les souris en cliquant pour faire apparaître des objets. Si aucun Coureur ne rentre dans le trou avec le fromage, tueurs gagnent! Les Coureurs peuvent utiliser des boosters à leur disposition pour rentrer dans le trou et échaper aux tueurs. Si un Coureur réussit à rentrer dans le trou, les Coureurs gagnent.",
  201. close="Fermer",
  202. help2="Aide",
  203. superJump="SUPER SAUT",
  204. speed="VITESSE",
  205. deathsWin="Tueurs ont gagné !",
  206. runnersWin="Les Coureurs ont gagné !"
  207. }
  208. lang.en={boughtNyan="<J>You bought nyan cat!",nyanInv="<p align='left'>Nyan Cat <J><a href='event:equipNyan'>[Equip]</a></J>",nyan="Nyan Cat<N> - Nyan cat will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyNyan'> [Buy]",boughtUltraCannon="<J>You bought the ultra cannon!",ultraCannonInv="<p align='left'>Ultra Cannon <J><a href='event:equipUltraCannon'>[Equip]</a></J>",ultraCannon="Ultra Cannon<N> - 2 glowing ultra cannons will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyUltraCannon'> [Buy]",boughtRock="<J>You bought the rock anvil!",rock="Rock Anvil<N> - A rock anvil appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyRock'> [Buy]",rockInv="<p align='left'>Rock Anvil <J><a href='event:equipRock'>[Equip]</a></J>",mechAnvilInv="<p align='left'>Mechanical Anvil <J><a href='event:equipMechAnvil'>[Equip]</a></J>",boughtMechAnvil="<J>You bought the mechanical anvil!",watermelonInv="<p align='left'>Watermelon Cannon <J><a href='event:equipWatermelon'>[Equip]</a></J>",boughtWatermelon="<J>You bought the watermelon cannon!",mechAnvil="Mechanical Anvil<N> - 2 mechanical anvils will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyMechAnvil'> [Buy]",watermelon="Watermelon Cannon<N> - A watermelon cannon will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyWatermelon'> [Buy]",boughtShamanCannon="<J>You bought the shaman cannon!",shamanCannonInv="<p align='left'>Shaman Cannon <J><a href='event:equipShamanCannon'>[Equip]</a></J>",shamanCannon="Shaman Cannon<N> - 3 shaman cannons will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyShamanCannon'> [Buy]",equip="Equip",need2People="You need 2 people to play",nowHave2Lives="<J>You now have 2 lives on each round!",boughtIcedMouse="<J>You just bought the iced mouse object!",boughtCake="<J>You just bought the cake object!",boughtCompanion="<J>You just bought the companion crate!",companionInv="<p align='left'>Companion Crate <J><a href='event:equipCompanion'>[Equip]</a></J>",companion="Companion Crate<N> - A companion crate will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCompanion'> [Buy]",inventory2="Inventory",inventory="<p align='center'><font size='20'>INVENTORY</font><br><br><font size='12'><p align='left'>Default Box <a href='event:equipDefault'><J>[Equip]</J></a>",icedMouseInv="<p align='left'>Iced mouse <J><a href='event:equipIcedMouse'>[Equip]</a></J>",cakeInv="<p align='left'>Cake <J><a href='event:equipCake'>[Equip]</a></J>",shop2="Shop",cake="Cake Object<N> - A cake will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyCake'> [Buy]",icedMouse="Iced Mouse Object<N> - An iced mouse will appear as your attack object. <VP>Worth %s points.<J><a href='event:buyIcedMouse'> [Buy]",lives2="2 Lives<N> - After you die your first time on a round, you'll be given another live once. <VP>Worth %s points. <J><a href='event:buy2Lives'>[Buy]",description="Description",points="Points",winsAsRunner="Wins as runner",winsAsDeath="Wins as Killer",profile2="Profile",rules="Rules</font></font></u><font size='12'>\n\n• Using tricks to glitch the game is not allowed\n\n• You are not allowed to hack just like in any other game.",rules2="Rules",commands="Powerups\n\n<font size='11'><b>Click</b> - Spawns a random shaman object when you have the role of being a <J>Killer</J>.\n\n<b>Spacebar</b> - Makes a large jump followed with an invisible cannon when you have the role of being a <J>Runner</J>. \n\n<b>Down Arrow / S key</b> - Gives you a boost of speed. (Works for both Killers and Runners)",commands2="Powerups",credits="Credits</font></font><font face='verdana'><font size='11'>\n\n<N>Programming - Fuzzyfirsdog#0000\n\nModule Idea - Reddeathnick#3204\n\nArabic Translations - Bodykudo#0000\n\nFrench Translations - Tortuegreen#0000\n\nPortuguese Translations - Pratton#0000\n\nPowerup Suggestions - Reddeathnick#3204, Seaqueen2003#0000, Mugiwaraloffy#9866\n\nFinding Ways To Remove Hacks - Mariluiss#0000 \n\n<VP>Thank you ^^",credits2="Credits",youCanAttack="<R>Killer: <N>You can attack",youCanNotAttack="<R>Killer: <N>You can not attack",youCanUsePowerups="<VP>Runner: <N>You can use powerups",youCanNotUsePowerups="<VP>Runner: <N>You can not use powerups",attacked="ATTACKED",youAreARunner="You are a runner",youAreADeath="You are a Killer",help="In #deathrun there are <J>Killers</J> and <J>Runners</J>. Killers should try to kill the mice by clicking to spawn objects, if no runners get into the hole then Killers win! Runners are supposed to use the powerups they are given to get into the hole and escape Killers. If one runner gets into the hole, runners win.",close="Close",help2="Help",superJump="SUPER JUMP",speed="SPEED",deathsWin="Killers win!",runnersWin="Runners win!",killer="[Killer] ",runner="[Runner]"}
  210. boughtNyan="<J>لقد اشتريت القطة نيان!",
  211. nyanInv="<p align='left'>القطة نيان <J><a href='event:equipNyan'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  212. nyan="القطة نيان<N> - القطة نيان سوف تظهر كأداة هجومك عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>تستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyNyan'> [شراء]",
  213. boughtUltraCannon="<J>لقد اشتريت القذيفة الفائقة!",
  214. ultraCannonInv="<p align='left'>القذيفة الفائقة <J><a href='event:equipUltraCannon'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  215. ultraCannon="القذيفة الفائقة<N> - كُرتان فائقتان متوهجتان سوف يظهران كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل <VP>تستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyUltraCannon'> [شراء]",
  216. boughtRock="<J>لقد اشتريت السندان الصخري!",
  217. rock="السندان الصخري<N> - السندان الصخري سوف يظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>يستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyRock'> [شراء]",
  218. rockInv="<p align='left'>السندان الصخري <J><a href='event:equipRock'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  219. mechAnvilInv="<p align='left'>السندان الميكانيكي <J><a href='event:equipMechAnvil'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  220. boughtMechAnvil="<J>لقد اشتريت السندان الميكانيكي!",
  221. watermelonInv="<p align='left'>كرة البطيخ <J><a href='event:equipWatermelon'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  222. boughtWatermelon="<J>لقد اشتريت كرة البطيخ!",
  223. mechAnvil="السندان الميكانيكي<N> - سندانان ميكانيكيان سوف يظهران كهجوم عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>يستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyMechAnvil'> [شراء]",
  224. watermelon="كرة البطيخ<N> - كرة البطيخ سوف تظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>تستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyWatermelon'> [شراء]",
  225. boughtShamanCannon="<J>لقد اشتريت كرة الشامان!",
  226. shamanCannonInv="<p align='left'>كرة الشامان <J><a href='event:equipShamanCannon'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  227. shamanCannon="كرة الشامان<N> - 3 كرات شامان سوف تظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>تستحق %s نقاط.<J><a href='event:buyShamanCannon'> [شراء]",
  228. equip="ارتداء",
  229. need2People="أنت تحتاج لاعبيّن لكي تلعب",
  230. nowHave2Lives="<J>أنت الآن لديك حيواتان كل جولة",
  231. boughtIcedMouse="<J>لقد اشتريت الفأر المجمَد!",
  232. boughtCake="<J>لقد اشتريت صندوق الكعك!",
  233. boughtCompanion="<J>لقد اشتريت القفص!",
  234. companionInv="<p align='left'>القفص <J><a href='event:equipCompanion'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  235. companion="القفص<N> - القفص سوف يظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل.<VP>يستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyCompanion'> [شراء]",
  236. inventory2="المخزن",
  237. inventory="<p align='center'><font size='20'>المخزن</font><br><br><font size='12'><p align='left'>الصندوق العادي <a href='event:equipDefault'><J>[ارتداء]</J></a>",
  238. icedMouseInv="<p align='left'>الفأر المجمَد <J><a href='event:equipIcedMouse'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  239. cakeInv="<p align='left'>الكعكة <J><a href='event:equipCake'>[ارتداء]</a></J>",
  240. shop2="المتجر",
  241. cake="الكعكة<N> - الكعكة سوف تظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل.<VP>تستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyCake'> [شراء]",
  242. icedMouse="الفأر المجمَد<N> - الفأر المجمَد سوف يظهر كهجومك عندما تكون القاتل. <VP>يستحق %s نقطة.<J><a href='event:buyIcedMouse'> [شراء]",
  243. lives2="حياتان<N> - بعدما تموت لأول مرة في الجولة, سوف يتم إعطائك حياة أخرى فورًا. <VP>تستحق %s نقطة. <J><a href='event:buy2Lives'>[شراء]",
  244. description="الوصف",
  245. points="نقاط",
  246. winsAsRunner="مرات الفوز كراكض",
  247. winsAsDeath="مرات الفوز كقاتل",
  248. profile2="الملف الشخصي",
  249. rules="القواعد</font></font></u><font size='12'>\n\n• استخدام طرق لتخريب اللعبة ليس مسموحًا\n\n• ليس مسموحًا لك استخدام الهكر كباقي الألعاب.",
  250. rules2="القواعد",
  251. commands="المقويات\n\n<font size='11'>اضغط - Sلكي تطلق صندوقًا للهجوم عندما تكون <J>القاتل</J>.\n\nالمسافة - تجعلك تقفز طويلًا بالإضافة إلى قذيفة مخفية عندما تكون <J>راكضًا</J>. \n\nزر أسفل / زر S - تعطيك سرعة إضافية. (تعمل لدى القاتل والراكضين)",
  252. commands2="المقويِات",
  253. credits="ائتمان</font></font><font face='verdana'><font size='11'>\n\n<N>البرمجة - Fuzzyfirsdog#0000\n\n الترجمة العربية - Bodykudo#0000\n\nترجمة فرنسية - Tortuegreen#0000\n\nترجمات البرتغالية\n\nفكرة النمط - Reddeathnick#3204\n\nاقتراح المقويِّات - Reddeathnick#3204, Seaqueen2003#0000, Mugiwaraloffy#9866\n\nإيجاد طريق لمنع الهكرز - Mariluiss#0000 \n\n<VP>شكرًا لكم ^^",
  254. credits2="الائتمان",
  255. killer="[القاتل] ",
  256. runner="[الراكضين]",
  257. youCanAttack="<R>القاتل: <N>يمكنك الهجوم",
  258. youCanNotAttack="<R>القاتل: <N>لا يمكنك الهجوم",
  259. youCanUsePowerups="<VP>الراكض: <N>يمكنك استعمال المقويِّات",
  260. youCanNotUsePowerups="<VP>الراكض: <N>لا يمكنك استعمال المقويِّات",
  261. attacked="هجم",
  262. youAreARunner="أنت راكض",
  263. youAreADeath="أنت قاتل",
  264. help="في #deathrun يوجد <J>قاتلين</J> و <J>الراكضين</J>. القاتلين يجب أن يحاولوا قتل الراكضين عبر إطلاق أدوات عبر الضغط على الشاشة, إذا لم يفز أي راكض سيفوز القاتل! الراكضين يمكنهم استعمال المقويِّات. إذا وصل راكض واحد للجحر, يفوز الراكضين.",
  265. close="إغلاق",
  266. help2="المساعدة",
  267. superJump="القفزة الخارقة",
  268. speed="السرعة",
  269. deathsWin="فاز القاتل!",
  270. runnersWin="فاز الراكضين!"
  271. }
  272. roles={"Death","Runner"}
  273. death=0
  274. runner=0
  275. miceInHole=0
  276. function setLang(n)
  277. text[n]=lang[[n].community] or lang.en
  278. end
  279. P=string.byte("P")
  280. H=string.byte("H")
  281. O=string.byte("O")
  282. function bindMouse()
  283. for n,player in pairs( do
  284. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 0, true, true)
  285. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 1, true, true)
  286. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 2, true, true)
  287. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 3, true, true)
  288. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 32, true, true)
  289. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, P, true, true)
  290. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, O, true, true)
  291. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, H, true, true)
  292. system.bindMouse(n,true)
  293. end
  294. end
  295. bindMouse()
  296. names={}
  297. theRole=1
  298. currentRole=roles[math.floor(theRole)]
  299. function showTabs(n)
  300. ui.addTextArea(130, "", n, -432, -865, 3625, 953, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0.008, true)
  301. ui.addTextArea(15, "<VP><a href='event:help'><font size='12'>"..text[n].help2.."</a> | <a href='event:credits'>"..text[n].credits2.." </a>|<a href='event:commands'> "..text[n].commands2.." </a>|<a href='event:rules'> "..text[n].rules2, n, 30, 30, 264, 26, 0x00aaff, 0x00eeff, 0, true)
  302. ui.addTextArea(155, "<font size='12'><VP><a href='event:inventory'>"..text[n].inventory2.."</a> | <a href='event:shop'>"..text[n].shop2.." | <a href='event:profile'>"..text[n].profile2, n, 600, 30, 264, 26, 0x00aaff, 0x00eeff, 0, true)
  303. end
  304. function setData(n)
  305. data[n] = {
  306. def=2,
  307. idTime=6,
  308. afk=true,
  309. description="",
  310. p=0,
  311. nyan=false,
  312. ultraCannon=false,
  313. rock=false,
  314. mechAnvil=false,
  315. watermelon=false,
  316. shamanCannon=false,
  317. ompanion=false,
  318. isInRoom=true,
  319. cake=false,
  320. objects=2,
  321. lives2=false,
  322. normalLives=1,
  323. lives=1,
  324. icedMouse=false,
  325. winsAsRunner=0,
  326. winsAsDeath=0,
  327. facingx=85,
  328. name=n,
  329. role="Runner",
  330. points=0,
  331. spawnLimit=-1,
  332. ableToShoot=0,
  333. ableToShoot2=0,
  334. pointsAndScore="",
  335. inventory=text[n].inventory
  336. }
  337. data[n].objects=data[n].def
  338. end
  339. function inventory(n)
  340. ui.addTextArea(152, "", n, 510, 96, 286, 290, 0x00ff6a, 0x047529, 1, true)
  341. ui.addTextArea(92, "<p align='center'><font size='20'>"..text[n].inventory.."</font>\n", n, 515, 101, 276, 279, 0x034511, 0x005219, 1, true)
  342. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#808080'>\n"..text[n].close, n, 515, 343, 276, 36, 0x034511, 0x005219, 1, true)
  343. end
  344. for n,player in pairs( do
  345. setLang(n)
  346. table.insert(names,n)
  347. showTabs(n)
  348. setData(n)
  349. add(n)
  350. vip(n)
  351. data[n].pointsAndScore=data[n].name.." "[n].points
  352. showTabs(n)
  353. tfm.exec.lowerSyncDelay(n)
  354. table.insert(dp,n)
  355. end
  357. function Dp(name)
  358. name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
  359. for i,dp in ipairs(dp) do
  360. if name==dp then
  361. return true
  362. end
  363. end
  364. return false
  365. end
  367. function shopPage1(n)
  368. ui.addTextArea(18, "", n, 494, 117, 282, 178, 0x59442c, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  369. ui.addTextArea(25, "<CE>"..text[n].runner.." "..string.format(text[n].lives2,Lives2), n, 500, 123, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  370. ui.addTextArea(19, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].icedMouse,icedMouseCost), n, 500, 182, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  371. ui.addTextArea(110, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].cake,cakeCost), n, 500, 241, 270, 47, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  372. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 494, 300, 282, 26, 0x59442c, 0x302315, 1, true)
  373. ui.addTextArea(92, "<G><p align='center'>«", n, 498, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  374. ui.addTextArea(152, "<a href='event:nextTo2'><p align='center'>»", n, 752, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  375. end
  377. function shopPage2(n)
  378. ui.addTextArea(18, "", n, 494, 117, 282, 178, 0x59442c, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  379. ui.addTextArea(25, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].companion,companionCost), n, 500, 123, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  380. ui.addTextArea(19, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].shamanCannon,shamanCannonCost), n, 500, 182, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  381. ui.addTextArea(110, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].watermelon,watermelonCost), n, 500, 241, 270, 47, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  382. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 494, 300, 282, 26, 0x59442c, 0x302315, 1, true)
  383. ui.addTextArea(92, "<a href='event:backTo1'><p align='center'>«", n, 498, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  384. ui.addTextArea(152, "<a href='event:nextTo3'><p align='center'>»", n, 752, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  385. end
  388. function shopPage3(n)
  389. ui.addTextArea(18, "", n, 494, 117, 282, 178, 0x59442c, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  390. ui.addTextArea(25, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].mechAnvil,mechAnvilCost), n, 500, 123, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  391. ui.addTextArea(19, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].rock,rockCost), n, 500, 182, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  392. ui.addTextArea(110, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].ultraCannon,ultraCannonCost), n, 500, 241, 270, 47, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  393. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 494, 300, 282, 26, 0x59442c, 0x302315, 1, true)
  394. ui.addTextArea(92, "<a href='event:backTo2'><p align='center'>«", n, 498, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  395. ui.addTextArea(152, "<a href='event:nextTo4'><p align='center'>»", n, 752, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  396. end
  398. function shopPage4(n)
  399. ui.addTextArea(18, "", n, 494, 117, 282, 178, 0x59442c, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  400. ui.addTextArea(25, "<CE>"..text[n].killer..string.format(text[n].nyan,nyanCost), n, 500, 123, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  401. ui.addTextArea(19, "<CE>", n, 500, 182, 270, 46, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  402. ui.addTextArea(110, "<CE>", n, 500, 241, 270, 47, 0x302315, 0x59442c, 1, true)
  403. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 494, 300, 282, 26, 0x59442c, 0x302315, 1, true)
  404. ui.addTextArea(92, "<a href='event:backTo3'><p align='center'>«", n, 498, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  405. ui.addTextArea(152, "<G><p align='center'>»", n, 752, 305, 19, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  406. end
  412. function findRoles(n)
  413. for n,player in pairs( do
  414. if data[n].role=="Death" then
  415. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,30,false,0,0,false)
  416. elseif data[n].role=="Runner" then
  417. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,300,false,0,0,false)
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  422. function findRolesNewPlayer(n)
  423. if data[n].role=="Death" then
  424. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,30,false,0,0,false)
  425. elseif data[n].role=="Runner" then
  426. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,300,false,0,0,false)
  427. end
  428. end
  429. a={}
  430. function eventNewPlayer(n)
  431. table.insert(names,n)
  432. mice=0
  433. countMice()
  434. id=tfm.exec.addImage("1642e105967.png","&0",190,146,n)
  435. setLang(n)
  436. if not data[n] then
  437. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(n)
  438. setData(n)
  439. end
  440. showTabs(n)
  441. bindMouse()
  442. countMice()
  443. table.insert(dp,n)
  444. vip(n)
  445. add(n)
  446. data[n].idTime=0
  447. data[n].isInRoom=true
  448. table.insert(names,n)
  449. if mice==1 then
  450. randomDeath=names[math.floor(math.random(mice))]
  451. data[randomDeath].role="Death"
  452. lastDeath=""
  453. end
  454. findRolesNewPlayer(n)
  455. if mice<2 then
  456. tfm.exec.newGame(7489132)
  457. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>"..text[n].need2People,n)
  458. end
  459. if mice>1 and curMap=="@7489132" then
  460. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  461. end
  462. end
  468. function addToRoleNumber()
  469. for n,player in pairs( do
  470. if data[n].role=="Death" then
  471. death=death+1
  472. end
  473. if data[n].role=="Runner" then
  474. runner=runner+1
  475. end
  476. findRoles(n)
  477. end
  478. end
  479. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  480. amountInA=0
  481. function punishGlitchers()
  482. if a then
  483. for i=1,amountInA do
  484. data[a[math.floor(amountInA)]].role="Runner"
  485. end
  486. end
  487. end
  489. curMap=0
  490. function eventNewGame()
  492. lag=0
  493. v=0
  494. mice=0
  495. countMice()
  496. local toDespawn = {}
  497. do
  498. local addShamanObject = tfm.exec.addShamanObject
  499. tfm.exec.addShamanObject = function(...)
  500. toDespawn[#toDespawn + 1] = {
  501. addShamanObject(...),
  502. os.time() + 3000
  503. }
  504. return toDespawn[#toDespawn][1]
  505. end
  506. end
  507. time=0
  508. theRole=1
  509. powerx=math.random(1600)
  510. runner=0
  511. death=0
  512. for n,player in pairs( do
  513. data[n].lives=data[n].normalLives
  514. data[n].role="Runner"
  515. data[n].ableToShoot=0
  516. data[n].ableToShoot2=0
  517. data[n].spawnLimit=-1
  518. data[n].afk=true
  519. if mice<2 then
  520. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>"..text[n].need2People,n)
  521. end
  522. end
  523. mice=mice
  524. if lastDeath==randomDeath then
  525. randomDeath=names[math.random(math.floor(mice))]
  526. end
  528. if data[randomDeath].isInRoom==true then
  529. data[randomDeath].role="Death"
  530. elseif data[randomDeath].isInRoom==false then
  531. randomDeath=names[math.random(math.floor(mice))]
  532. end
  534. lastDeath=randomDeath
  535. addToRoleNumber()
  536. findRoles(n)
  537. end
  538. locationx=0
  539. locationy=0
  540. function eventMouse(n,x,y)
  541. if x>200 then
  542. if data[n].role=="Death" and (math.floor(time)>3) and lag<2 and data[n].spawnLimit<1 and mice>1 then
  543. lag=lag+1
  544. if lag>3 then
  545. randomDeath=names[math.floor(math.random(mice))]
  546. data[randomDeath].role="Death"
  547. local toDespawn = {}
  548. table.insert(a,n)
  549. amountInA=amountInA+1
  550. do
  551. local addShamanObject = tfm.exec.addShamanObject
  552. tfm.exec.addShamanObject = function(...)
  553. toDespawn[#toDespawn + 1] = {
  554. addShamanObject(...),
  555. os.time() + 0000
  556. }
  557. return toDespawn[#toDespawn][1]
  558. end
  559. end
  562. ui.addTextArea(133, "<R><font size='17'><b>USING LAG TRICKS OR HACKS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS ROOM", n, 143, 150, 534, 91, 0x324650, 0x000000, 1, true)
  563. time=-0.5
  564. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  565. eventNewGame()
  566. end
  569. data[n].spawnLimit=3
  570. attacked=0
  571. attacked=n
  572. for n,player in pairs( do
  573. ui.addTextArea(2, "<font color='#FF9000'><font size='30'><b>"..attacked.." "..text[n].attacked, n, x, y, 425, 100, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, false)
  574. end
  575. locationx=x
  576. locationy=y
  579. if not (data[n].objects==1704) and not (data[n].objects==1002) and not (data[n].objects==1706) and not (data[n].objects==1709) then
  580. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx,locationy,0,0,20,false)
  581. end
  582. if data[n].objects==1704 then
  583. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx,locationy,180,0,20,false)
  584. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx-20,locationy,180,0,20,false)
  585. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx+20,locationy,180,0,20,false)
  586. elseif data[n].objects==1706 then
  587. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx,locationy,180,0,20,false)
  588. elseif data[n].objects==1709 then
  589. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx+5,locationy,170,10,120,false)
  590. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx-5,locationy,-170,10,20,false)
  591. elseif data[n].objects==1002 then
  592. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx-5,locationy,0,0,20,false)
  593. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(data[n].objects,locationx+5,locationy,0,0,20,false)
  594. end
  595. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,locationx,locationy,0,0,0,0,nil)
  596. canShoot()
  597. end
  598. end
  599. end
  600. time=0
  601. function eventPlayerGetCheese(n)
  602. v=v+1
  603. if data[n].role=="Runner" and mice>1 and v==1 and data[n].afk==false then
  604. randomDeath=n
  605. time=119.5
  606. data[n].points=data[n].points+50
  607. for n,player in pairs( do
  608. ui.addTextArea(133, "<b><font size='40'><font color='#0ff164'>"..text[n].runnersWin, n, 296, 282, 351, 189, 0xd41717, 0x000000, 0, true)
  609. if data[n].role=="Runner" and data[n].afk==false then
  610. data[n].points=data[n].points+15
  611. data[n].winsAsRunner=data[n].winsAsRunner+1
  612. wonCountDown=-5
  613. end
  614. end
  615. end
  616. end
  623. function explosions()
  624. tfm.exec.displayParticle(0,locationx,locationy,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,nil)
  625. tfm.exec.displayParticle(0,locationx,locationy,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,nil)
  626. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,3,-3,3,-3,nil)
  627. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,-3,3,-3,3,nil)
  628. tfm.exec.displayParticle(0,locationx,locationy,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,nil)
  629. tfm.exec.displayParticle(0,locationx,locationy,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,nil)
  630. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,1,-3,1,-3,nil)
  631. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,1,1,3,1,nil)
  632. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,-1,3,-1,3,nil)
  633. tfm.exec.displayParticle(2,locationx,locationy,-1,-1,-3,-1,nil)
  634. tfm.exec.displayParticle(5,locationx,locationy,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,nil)
  635. tfm.exec.displayParticle(5,locationx,locationy,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,nil)
  636. tfm.exec.displayParticle(5,locationx,locationy,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,nil)
  637. tfm.exec.displayParticle(5,locationx,locationy,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,nil)
  638. tfm.exec.explosion(locationx, locationy, 40, 40, false)
  639. end
  642. function canShoot()
  643. for n,player in pairs( do
  644. if data[n].spawnLimit<1 and data[n].role=="Death" then
  645. ui.addTextArea(12, "\n<p align='center'>"..text[n].youCanAttack, n, 270, 23, 240, 46, 0x00a611, 0x338500, 1, true)
  646. end
  647. if not (data[n].spawnLimit<1) and data[n].role=="Death" then
  648. ui.addTextArea(12, "\n<p align='center'>"..text[n].youCanNotAttack, n, 270, 23, 240, 46, 0x802c2c, 0x6e0000, 1, true)
  649. end
  650. if data[n].spawnLimit<1 and data[n].role=="Runner" then
  651. ui.addTextArea(12, "\n<p align='center'>"..text[n].youCanUsePowerups, n, 270, 23, 240, 46, 0x00a611, 0x338500, 1, true)
  652. end
  653. if not (data[n].spawnLimit<1) and data[n].role=="Runner" then
  654. ui.addTextArea(12, "\n<p align='center'>"..text[n].youCanNotUsePowerups, n, 270, 23, 240, 46, 0x802c2c, 0x6e0000, 1, true)
  655. end
  656. end
  657. end
  658. function removeObjectAfterTime()
  659. for k, v in ipairs(toDespawn) do
  660. if os.time() > v[2] then
  661. tfm.exec.removeObject(v[1])
  662. table.remove(toDespawn, k)
  663. end
  664. end
  665. end
  667. function eventLoop()
  668. for n,player in pairs( do
  669. data[n].idTime=data[n].idTime+0.5
  670. if data[n].idTime==5 then
  671. tfm.exec.removeImage(id)
  672. end
  673. end
  674. lag=0
  675. removeObjectAfterTime()
  676. if mice>1 then
  677. ui.removeTextArea(202,nil)
  678. wonCoundown=wonCountDown+0.5
  679. canShoot()
  680. for n,player in pairs( do
  681. data[n].spawnLimit=data[n].spawnLimit-0.5
  682. if[n].y>100 and data[n].role=="Death" then
  683. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,30,false,0,0,false)
  684. elseif[n].y<100 and data[n].role=="Runner" then
  685. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,70,300,false,0,0,false)
  686. elseif[n].x>600 and time<5 then
  687. tfm.exec.killPlayer(n)
  688. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,150,[n].y,false,0,0,false)
  689. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(n)
  690. end
  692. if data[n].spawnLimit==0 then
  693. ui.removeTextArea(2,nil)
  694. system.bindMouse(n, true)
  695. ui.removeTextArea(11,n)
  696. end
  697. end
  698. time=time+.5
  699. if time==120 then
  700. time=119.6
  701. end
  702. if time==120.1 then
  703. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  704. for n,player in pairs( do
  705. if data[n].role=="Death" and data[n].afk==false then
  706. data[n].points=data[n].points+15
  707. ui.addTextArea(133, "<b><font size='40'><font color='#d40000'>"..text[n].deathsWin, n, 296, 282, 351, 189, 0xd41717, 0x000000, 0, true)
  708. end
  709. end
  710. time=-0.5
  711. elseif time==0 then
  712. for n,player in pairs( do
  713. findRoles(n)
  714. end
  715. elseif time==5 then
  716. for n,player in pairs( do
  717. ui.removeTextArea(0,nil)
  718. ui.removeTextArea(2,nil)
  719. system.bindMouse(n, true)
  720. ui.removeTextArea(133,n)
  722. end
  723. end
  724. end
  725. end
  727. function profile(n)
  728. ui.addTextArea(110, "<p align='center'><font size='12'><font color='#FFFFFF'><font face='calibri'>"..n, n, 551, 89, 233, 278, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  729. ui.addTextArea(18, "<p align='left'><font size='13'><font face='calibri'><font color='#FFFFFF'>"..text[n].points..": <br>"[n].points.." <br><br>"..text[n].winsAsDeath..": <br>"[n].winsAsDeath.."<br><br>"..text[n].winsAsRunner..": <br>"[n].winsAsRunner, n, 557, 136, 105, 226, 0x695743, 0x695743, 1, true)
  730. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='left'><font size='13'><font face='calibri'><font color='#FFFFFF'><a href='event:description'>"..text[n].description.."</a> : "[n].description, n, 675, 136, 104, 226, 0x695743, 0x695743, 1, true)
  731. ui.addTextArea(25, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 551, 368, 233, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  732. end
  734. function removeTextAreas(n)
  735. ui.removeTextArea(18,n)
  736. ui.removeTextArea(19,n)
  737. ui.removeTextArea(110,n)
  738. ui.removeTextArea(222,n)
  739. ui.removeTextArea(25,n)
  740. ui.removeTextArea(152,n)
  741. ui.removeTextArea(92,n)
  742. ui.addPopup(0, 2, text[n].description, n, 8565, 290, 200, true)
  743. end
  744. function help(n)
  745. ui.addTextArea(18, "<font size='13'><font face='verdana'><font size='20'><font color='#30A9DE'>#DEATHRUN</font></font>\n\n"..text[n].help, n, 504, 122, 254, 209, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  746. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='14'><a href='event:close'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 504, 338, 254, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  747. end
  748. function eventKeyboard(n, key, down, x,y)
  749. if[n].isDead==false then
  750. data[n].afk=false
  751. end
  752. --FACING
  753. if[n].isDead==false and data[n].role=="Runner" then
  754. end
  755. if key==0 then
  756. data[n].facing=-85
  757. elseif key==2 then
  758. data[n].facing=85
  759. elseif key==P and data[n].p==0 then
  760. removeTextAreas(n)
  761. profile(n)
  762. data[n].p=1
  763. elseif key==P and data[n].p==1 then
  764. removeTextAreas(n)
  765. data[n].p=0
  766. elseif key==H and data[n].p==0 then
  767. removeTextAreas(n)
  768. data[n].p=1
  769. elseif key==H and data[n].p==1 then
  770. removeTextAreas(n)
  771. help(n)
  772. data[n].p=0
  773. elseif key==O and data[n].p==0 then
  774. removeTextAreas(n)
  775. data[n].p=1
  776. elseif key==O and data[n].p==1 then
  777. removeTextAreas(n)
  778. shopPage1(n)
  779. data[n].p=0
  780. end
  781. if time>3 and mice>1 then
  785. if key==32 and data[n].role=="Runner" and data[n].spawnLimit<0 then
  786. ui.addTextArea(11, "<b><font size='30'><font color='#F0F000'>"..text[n].superJump, n, x-50, y-50, 379, 67, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, false)
  787. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,0,-80,false)
  788. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,3,-3,3,-3,nil)
  789. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,-3,3,-3,3,nil)
  790. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,-3,-3,-3,-3,nil)
  791. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,3,3,3,3,nil)
  792. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n, 32, false, false)
  793. tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17,x,y,60,50,-10,true)
  794. data[n].spawnLimit=3.5
  795. data[n].ableToShoot=0
  796. canShoot()
  797. elseif (key==3) then
  798. if data[n].role=="Death" then
  799. if data[n].facing==-85 then
  800. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,-50,0,true)
  801. elseif data[n].facing==85 then
  802. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,50,0,true)
  803. end
  804. elseif data[n].spawnLimit<0 and data[n].role=="Runner" then
  805. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,data[n].facing,0,true)
  806. ui.addTextArea(11, "<b><font size='30'><font color='#F0F000'>"..text[n].speed, n, x-50, y-50, 379, 67, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, false)
  807. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,3,-3,3,-3,nil)
  808. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,-3,3,-3,3,nil)
  809. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,-3,-3,-3,-3,nil)
  810. tfm.exec.displayParticle(10,x,y,3,3,3,3,nil)
  811. data[n].spawnLimit=3.5
  812. data[n].ableToShoot=0
  813. canShoot()
  814. end
  815. end
  816. end
  817. end
  818. n=0
  819. system.disableChatCommandDisplay("profile",true)
  820. function eventTextAreaCallback(id,p,a)
  821. n=p
  822. if a=="close" then
  823. data[n].p=0
  824. removeTextAreas(n)
  825. elseif a=="help" then
  826. data[n].p=0
  827. removeTextAreas(n)
  828. --TABS
  829. ui.addTextArea(18, "<font size='13'><font face='verdana'><font size='20'><font color='#30A9DE'>#DEATHRUN</font></font>\n\n"..text[n].help, n, 504, 122, 254, 209, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  830. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='14'><a href='event:close'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 504, 338, 254, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  831. elseif a=="credits" then
  832. data[n].p=0
  833. removeTextAreas(n)
  834. ui.addTextArea(18, "<p align='center'><font size='16'><font face='verdana'><J>"..text[n].credits, n, 504, 72, 254, 304, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  835. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 504, 363, 254, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  836. elseif a=="commands" then
  837. data[n].p=0
  838. removeTextAreas(n)
  839. ui.addTextArea(18, "<p align='center'><font size='14'><font face='verdana'>"..text[n].commands, n, 545, 111, 220, 238, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  840. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 545, 346, 220, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  841. elseif a=="rules" then
  842. data[n].p=0
  843. removeTextAreas(n)
  844. ui.addTextArea(18, "<p align='center'><u><font size='17'><font face='calibri'>"..text[n].rules, n, 562, 132, 201, 230, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  845. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 562, 349, 201, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  846. elseif a=="profile" then
  847. removeTextAreas(n)
  848. profile(n)
  849. elseif a=="description" then
  850. ui.addPopup(0, 2, text[n].description, n, 565, 290, 200, true)
  851. end
  852. if a=="inventory" then
  853. data[n].p=0
  854. removeTextAreas(n)
  855. ui.addTextArea(92, "<p align='center'><font size='20'>"[n].inventory, n, 515, 101, 276, 279, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  856. ui.addTextArea(222, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#808080'><VP>"..text[n].close, n, 515, 363, 276, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  857. end
  858. if a=="equipDefault" then
  859. data[n].objects=data[n].def
  860. elseif a=="equipNyan" then
  861. data[n].objects=212
  862. elseif a=="equipUltraCannon" then
  863. data[n].objects=1709
  864. elseif a=="equipCompanion" then
  865. data[n].objects=61
  866. elseif a=="equipShamanCannon" then
  867. data[n].objects=1704
  868. elseif a=="equipWatermelon" then
  869. data[n].objects=1706
  870. elseif a=="equipIcedMouse" then
  871. data[n].objects=54
  872. elseif a=="equipCake" then
  873. data[n].objects=207
  874. elseif a=="equipMechAnvil" then
  875. data[n].objects=1002
  876. elseif a=="equipRock" then
  877. data[n].objects=1003
  878. elseif a=="shop" then
  879. shopPage1(n)
  880. data[n].p=0
  881. elseif a=="backTo1" then
  882. shopPage1(n)
  883. elseif a=="nextTo2" then
  884. shopPage2(n)
  885. elseif a=="backTo2" then
  886. shopPage2(n)
  887. elseif a=="nextTo3" then
  888. shopPage3(n)
  889. elseif a=="backTo3" then
  890. shopPage3(n)
  891. elseif a=="nextTo4" then
  892. shopPage4(n)
  893. end
  894. --SHOP ITEMS
  895. if a=="buyIcedMouse" and (data[n].points>icedMouseCost or data[n].points==icedMouseCost) and data[n].icedMouse==false then
  896. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].icedMouseInv
  897. data[n].objects=54
  898. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtIcedMouse,n)
  900. data[n].icedMouse=true
  901. data[n].points=data[n].points-icedMouseCost
  902. elseif a=="buyNyan" and (data[n].points>nyanCost or data[n].points==nyanCost) and data[n].nyan==false then
  903. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].nyanInv
  904. data[n].objects=212
  905. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtNyan,n)
  906. data[n].nyan=true
  907. data[n].points=data[n].points-nyanCost
  908. elseif a=="buyUltraCannon" and (data[n].points>ultraCannonCost or data[n].points==ultraCannonCost) and data[n].ultraCannon==false then
  909. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].ultraCannonInv
  910. data[n].objects=1709
  911. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtUltraCannon,n)
  912. data[n].ultraCannon=true
  913. data[n].points=data[n].points-ultraCannonCost
  914. elseif a=="buyCake" and (data[n].points>cakeCost or data[n].points==cakeCost) and data[n].cake==false then
  915. data[n].inventory=data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].cakeInv
  917. data[n].objects=207
  918. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtCake,n)
  919. data[n].cake=true
  920. data[n].points=data[n].points-cakeCost
  921. elseif a=="buyMechAnvil" and (data[n].points>mechAnvilCost or data[n].points==mechAnvilCost) and data[n].mechAnvil==false then
  922. data[n].inventory=data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].mechAnvilInv
  924. data[n].objects=1002
  925. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtMechAnvil,n)
  926. data[n].mechAnvil=true
  927. data[n].points=data[n].points-mechAnvilCost
  928. elseif a=="buyRock" and (data[n].points>rockCost or data[n].points==rockCost) and data[n].rock==false then
  929. data[n].inventory=data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].rockInv
  931. data[n].objects=1003
  932. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtRock,n)
  933. data[n].rock=true
  934. data[n].points=data[n].points-rockCost
  936. elseif a=="buy2Lives" and (data[n].points>Lives2 or data[n].points==Lives2) and data[n].lives2==false then
  937. data[n].normalLives=2
  938. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].nowHave2Lives,n)
  940. data[n].points=data[n].points-Lives2
  941. data[n].lives2=true
  942. elseif a=="buyCompanion" and (data[n].points>companionCost or data[n].points==companionCost) and data[n].companion==false then
  943. data[n].objects=61
  944. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].companionInv
  945. data[n].companion=true
  947. data[n].points=data[n].points-companionCost
  948. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtCompanion,n)
  949. elseif a=="buyShamanCannon" and (data[n].points>shamanCannonCost or data[n].points==shamanCannonCost) and data[n].shamanCannon==false then
  950. data[n].objects=1704
  951. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].shamanCannonInv
  952. data[n].shamanCannon=true
  954. data[n].points=data[n].points-shamanCannonCost
  955. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtshamanCannon,n)
  956. elseif a=="buyWatermelon" and (data[n].points>watermelonCost or data[n].points==watermelonCost) and data[n].watermelon==false then
  957. data[n].objects=1706
  958. data[n].inventory = data[n].inventory.."\n"..text[n].watermelonInv
  959. data[n].watermelon=true
  961. data[n].points=data[n].points-watermelonCost
  962. tfm.exec.chatMessage(text[n].boughtWatermelon,n)
  964. end
  965. end
  967. function eventPlayerDied(n)
  968. wonCountDown=-5
  969. if data[n].role=="Death" and data[n].afk==false then
  970. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(n)
  971. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,200,30,false,0,0,false)
  972. end
  973. if data[n].role=="Death" and data[n].afk==true or runner==0 then
  974. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  975. end
  976. data[n].lives=data[n].lives-1
  977. if data[n].role=="Runner" and data[n].lives==1 then
  978. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(n)
  979. end
  980. if data[n].role=="Runner" and data[n].lives==0 then
  981. runner=runner-1
  982. count()
  983. end
  984. end
  985. function eventPlayerLeft(n)
  986. mice=0
  987. countMice()
  988. names={}
  989. for n in pairs( do
  990. table.insert(names,n)
  991. end
  992. data[n].isInRoom=false
  993. mice=mice-1
  994. if mice<2 then
  995. tfm.exec.newGame(7489132)
  996. for n,player in pairs( do
  997. tfm.exec.chatMessage("<R>"..text[n].need2People,n)
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. if n==randomDeath then
  1001. randomDeath=names[math.random(math.floor(mice))]
  1002. end
  1003. if data[n].role=="Runner" then
  1004. runner=runner-1
  1005. elseif data[n].role=="Death" then
  1006. death=death-1
  1007. end
  1008. end
  1009. function eventSummoningEnd(n,id,x,y,angle,t)
  1010. tfm.exec.removeObject(
  1011. end
  1013. system.disableChatCommandDisplay("p",true)
  1014. function eventChatCommand(l,c)
  1015. if c=="profile" then
  1016. profile(n)
  1017. end
  1018. if c=="mice" then
  1019. print(runner)
  1020. end
  1021. if c:sub(0,7)=="profile" and Dp(c:sub(9)) then
  1022. n = c:sub(9,9):upper()..c:sub(10):lower()
  1023. removeTextAreas(l)
  1024. ui.addTextArea(110, "<p align='center'><font size='12'><font color='#FFFFFF'><font face='calibri'>"..n, l, 551, 89, 233, 278, 0x4f4132, 0x695743, 1, true)
  1025. ui.addTextArea(18, "<p align='left'><font size='13'><font face='calibri'><font color='#FFFFFF'>"..text[l].points..": <br>"[n].points.." <br><br>"..text[l].winsAsDeath..": <br>"[n].winsAsDeath.."<br><br>"..text[l].winsAsRunner..": <br>"[n].winsAsRunner, l, 557, 136, 105, 226, 0x695743, 0x695743, 1, true)
  1026. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='left'><font size='13'><font face='calibri'><font color='#FFFFFF'>"..text[l].description.."</a> : "[n].description, l, 675, 136, 104, 226, 0x695743, 0x695743, 1, true)
  1027. ui.addTextArea(25, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'><font color='#909090'><VP>"..text[l].close, l, 551, 368, 233, 26, 0x4f4132, 0x30291a, 1, true)
  1028. end
  1029. end
  1033. function eventPopupAnswer(id, n, a)
  1034. local click=a:match("<a href='")
  1035. if not click then
  1036. data[n].description = a
  1037. profile(n)
  1038. data[n].p=1
  1039. end
  1040. end
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