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a guest
Jul 12th, 2019
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  1. Cards in hand : Gazelle + Spinny (Turn 2 OTK)
  2. 1. Normal summon Spinny
  3. 2. Link Balelynx using Spinny
  4. 3. Balelynx effect, search Sanctuary
  5. 4. Special summon Gazelle
  6. 5. Gazelle effect, foolish Will
  7. 6. Link Sunlight wolf using Gazelle + Balelynx
  8. 7. Activate Sanctuary
  9. 8. Link Sunlight wolf using Sunlight wolf
  10. 9. Sunlight wolf effect, add Will to the hand
  11. 10. Activate Will
  12. 11. Will second effect, send it to the GY to special summon Gazelle + Spinny
  13. 12. Link Update jammer using Gazelle + Spinny
  14. 13. Spinny effect, special summon it
  15. 14. Link Transcode talker using Update jammer + Spinny
  16. 15. Update jammer effect
  17. 16. Transcode talker effect, special summon Update jammer
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