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Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. Mineplex Trainee Application
  2. Welcome to the Mineplex Trainee Application form.
  4. As a Trainee, you will undergo a 2 month trial in order to become a Moderator. As a staff member you will assist players with any concerns, including answering questions and punishing rule breakers, alongside interacting with the community and staff team. You will also get the opportunity to gain extra responsibilities and further help Mineplex.
  6. Before applying, make sure to do the following:
  7. Read over the Becoming a Trainee thread.
  8. Read over the Rules and FAQ.
  9. Fill out this application with as much detail as possible.
  10. Be completely honest in your application.
  12. You will receive a response to your application within 10 days, where you will be informed if you have been invited to an interview, or denied.
  14. Please be patient while waiting for your application to be answered. If you ask any staff to review your application, it will be denied.
  16. Good luck with filling out the application!
  17. Background Information
  18. What is your in-game name?
  19. Connoly
  20. How old are you?
  21. Value: 15
  22. What country are you currently living in?
  23. America
  24. What language(s) can you speak?
  25. English only
  26. Do you own a microphone?
  27. Yes
  28. What is your Skype username?
  29. Hexcit
  30. What is the link to your last submitted Trainee application, if any?
  31. I tried not to copy it too much but you will find some points there that have remained in my current application.
  32. Mineplex Experience
  33. How long have you been playing on Mineplex for?
  34. I first joined in late 2013(By seeing when I have bought Ultra) and have been playing off and on since. I got Minecraft in March of 2011.
  35. What has motivated you to apply for a staff position at Mineplex?
  36. Mineplex is one of the largest servers on Minecraft, and along with such a huge player base comes the toxic people who like to flame, hack and generally get in the way of people trying to enjoy the game. This sucks, but I try to do everything I can to make the game as enjoyable for myself and others as possible. Whether it be by helping out any player with a question or recording every hacker I can, I get enjoyment from helping players out. This may sound cliche but possessing the tools Trainees have can really make helping people out easier, such as not having to use the report forum which unfortunately often leaves the hacker being able to continue ruining players games for some time.
  37. I realize that saying I want to get rid of toxic players and sadistic hackers is pretty generic and you guys probably see loads of it, but I am telling you the truth. It feels good to be helpful. This is shown through the numerous amounts of reports I’ve made, whenever I run into any broken rule I make sure to have it reported. I actually just made a report on a guy using FF and Flying as I’m working on this application on and off. Because of this experience with the report system my desire to become a Trainee is strengthened as I would love to someday help sort through all of the copious and relentless incoming reports. Being able to be helpful further is my motivation and becoming Trainee makes helping easier.
  38. What interactions have you had with our staff team in the past?
  39. I had a Mod in my friends list a while back named xCity that I could message when I was in-game when someone was blatantly cheating so that the hacker could be banned without further disrupting the game for all the players. I have helped him ban two hackers, one who was Derping and Aimbotting and one who was using Forcefield and Fly Hacks.
  41. There was also a situation where I had made a report on someone I suspected of using Forcefield and AntiKB where the report had "insufficient evidence", I then went on to message the staff member and tell him/her to look in slow motion at a particular part of the video AntiKB was shown. It was then brought upon the Evidence Evaluation team who saw it as sufficient evidence. Though this may not be much of an interaction but it did get the hacker banned.
  42. Have you received any punishments at Mineplex, or any other server?
  43. I have not received any punishments on Mineplex throughout my 300+ hours playing here(13.1 days). I have however received a ban on a build server in early 2013. I don’t remember exactly how it happened but I remember destroying a house. Around the same time I was banned for cheating on a factions server. I hope that this doesn’t affect my chances at becoming Trainee as it was 4 years ago when I was 11 years old and very immature.
  44. All About You
  45. Why should we choose you to become a Trainee?
  46. I believe that I am mature and capable of handling whatever situation is presented to me. I have experience moderating a somewhat large server network(Pandahut in the next question) which gave me experience in being able to handle situations as a staff calmly and also made me more mature in how I act and how I speak. If I do get that Trainee tag I will be representing the whole Mineplex staff team and If I’m calling someone trash or getting into arguments it will not only be detrimental to me, but also the Mineplex Staff Team’s reputation. Being able to handle myself well is a very nice virtue to have.
  48. Additionally, I am able to record in high definition 60fps which has behooved as I have able to make many reports on every hacker I come across(I believe 41 so far: This experience has also given me the knowledge of being able to detect the different kinds of hacks and be efficient in determining if someone is indeed hacking. I know the rules well as I have gone over the rules page many times which will prove beneficial if I achieve the Trainee rank as I will be capable of giving the correct punishments and recognize if someone is breaking a rule.
  50. After recently coming back to this server after getting interested in some other games, I have seen that Mineplex is not in its prime. It’s almost as if the player base of Hypixel and Mineplex switched. I’m sure with the sudden drop in dedicated players the donations are also declining, causing Mineplex to have to shut down some servers. Mineplex has been one of my favorite servers since 2013 and I am not going to abandon it and join Hypixel. If I was a new player just now hopping on and I experienced a bunch of hackers, I would not be interested in continuing to play this server. Having another mature, knowledgeable, and efficient Trainee is something that could definitely behoove Mineplex in its current state, and I believe I am mature, knowledgeable and efficient.
  52. Furthermore, I have strong drive in me to do everything I can to excel at whatever I am interested in. A good example of this is coding. A while back I wanted to make Minecraft plugins, so I found myself an online Java Programming course and learned everything I could. I was spending just about all of my free time diving into Java Programming. I then started to code plugins and test them out on a test server I made. This was a while back and I do not remember much, but I remember making a plugin that made wolves health and attack damage increase for a short time after feeding them and another one that turns an iron hoe into a gun that shoots fireballs or arrows, depending on what you selected. One of the plugins that have been released is here: Since I started Highschool I have chosen to go into a Computer Science program that involves making games and animation using Java on a program called Alice. On top of that, I do courses with a website called Treehouse that makes courses on many different programming languages just to learn for entertainment. This conveys that I have a strong work ethic which will behoove me as a Trainee as it will help me in passing the final test before becoming a Moderator, but also shows that no matter how stressful and time consuming moderating Mineplex will be, I will always give it my all.
  53. In what ways could you positively contribute to the community?
  54. I can positively contribute to the community by being as active as possible in doing my duties as a Trainee. I also can help out any player who may need help whether it be with answering a question or getting a hacker banned. I believe I am already contributing to the community by reporting any rule being broken and not myself breaking any rules. When someone is being toxic, calling some a noob, arguing, or trying to make people mad in a game, they are really ruining everyone's time. Not being one of those people and instead being as friendly and helpful as positive is making player's games significantly more fun and positive. Albeit doing this may not be as helpful as I'd like, I believe If become a Trainee I will be capable of doing more to make player's games more enjoyable and less toxic.
  55. What experiences do you have with moderating a community or game?
  56. I have played as a Helper on a factions server called MiragePvP that ended up getting a pretty large player base of 100-200 people. I remained Helper there for a couple months and was one of the most like staff members in the community because many of the others were corrupt or didn’t do their job. I resigned after about 3 months as Helper because the Owner was bullying and eventually demoted one of the other Helpers for being transgender and I didn’t want any part of it. I also became a Trial-Moderator on a somewhat large server on Unturned called PandaHut. They own around 20 different servers that include modded, PvP, KitPvP, and Roleplay. I was a Trial-Moderator on the two roleplay servers and my main job was to moderate the chat so that no one was spamming, cursing, or using global chat for non-roleplay purposes. This server did not allow KOS(Kill on sight) but under very specific circumstances, it is allowed. For example, if an RCMP was arresting a Bandit, that Bandits friends are allowed to shoot the RCMP arresting him if they are also the role Bandit, if they are any other role it is considered KOS and they will be punished accordingly. My job often involved taking player reports and using logs to get to the bottom of a situation and give players the necessary punishment. Often people are mad if they feel they were unfairly killed and when trying to get player reports it is usually quite chaotic. Being able to deal with these stressful situations while remaining calm and handling the situation along with extra maturity well is what I feel I achieved from my time as a Trial-Mod on Pandahut.
  57. Is there anything else which you would like to add?
  58. This application took me about 3-4 hours as writing does not come easily to me and I had to go over it many times to try to go over the application to see what I could add to make it as elaborate as possible. I tried to include as much as I could and also wanted to make it more professional than my last application. I’d like to give thanks to ForeverElite’s Trainee Application Guide video.
  59. Agreements
  60. These questions don't require a lot of detail in your answers.
  61. If you are denied, do you agree not to argue with the decision of the Recruiter, and instead take on the responsibility of improving in that area? Explain why this is important.
  62. Yes, I do agree. This is important because the decision a Recruiter makes is final, and their opinion cannot be changed. Arguing with the recruiter will not only be detrimental to your chances of becoming Trainee again as it shows you have thin skin and that you are immature.
  63. Do you understand that if you ask a staff member to look at your application, it will be instantly declined? Explain why this is important.
  64. Yes I do understand. This is important because it shows a lack of patience right away which is a behavior that no Trainee should have. Additionally, knowing the Mineplex Staff team is very efficient, it is very likely that your application has already been reviewed and they are in the process of making a decision.
  65. Do you agree to help any and all players who request your assistance, even if you are not accepted? Explain why this is important.
  66. Yes I do. This is important because it does not only help out players, which is always nice, but it also conveys that you are only helping people out to attempt to make Trainee which may be detrimental to you if you decide to make another application.
  67. Thanks for completing the application form!
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