
PotWT Session 1

Aug 17th, 2015
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  3. Luminous Lead has connected.
  4. VinnyDonuts:
  5. Look at this map.
  6. VinnyDonuts:
  7. This is a huge fucking map.
  8. VinnyDonuts:
  9. This is a huge, huge goddamn tree.
  10. Luminous Lead:
  11. It is. I'm surprised you have it set to deal with 50-foot squares, but it makes sense if it's this large-scale
  12. You have disconnected.
  13. VinnyDonuts has connected.
  14. Luminous Lead has connected.
  15. Unknown command: "kick VinnyDonuts". Try /help for a list of commands.
  16. VinnyDonuts is disconnected.
  17. Vinny_Donuts:
  18. Finally.
  19. You have disconnected.
  20. Vinny_Donuts has connected.
  21. Luminous Lead has connected.
  22. Vinny_Donuts is disconnected.
  23. You have disconnected.
  24. Luminous Lead has connected.
  25. Luminous Lead:
  26. I've saved the game
  27. VinnyDonuts:
  28. Thanks
  29. Malachi has connected.
  30. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  31. Witch has connected.
  32. VinnyDonuts:
  33. Look at that Ylldinia map.
  34. VinnyDonuts:
  35. Look at it.
  36. FoxtrotTango:
  37. I gotta say
  38. FoxtrotTango:
  39. That is a neat way to portray the Y-axis
  40. Malachi:
  41. *holds up a sign that says ten on it*
  42. Malachi:
  43. Teeeeeeen
  44. VinnyDonuts:
  45. Buildings will be put on the map as they become important.
  46. Avara has connected.
  47. Malachi:
  48. Hopefully there are no Androids in the trunks
  49. Malachi:
  50. 8D
  51. VinnyDonuts:
  52. And Joseph is struck by a bolt of lighting! Funny how it reached all the way inside the tree!
  53. Malachi:
  54. 3 you, too
  55. Malachi:
  56. Heart you*
  57. Malachi:
  58. Freaking Maptool chat thing
  59. Malachi:
  60. So uh
  61. Malachi:
  62. Do we go to the YCPD Arms branch ooooor
  63. VinnyDonuts:
  64. Let's stay on the Ylldinia map for the moment.
  65. Avara:
  66. brb. set up without, will be back soon
  67. FoxtrotTango:
  68. Ready when you are, Vinsauce.
  69. Avara:
  70. back
  71. You have disconnected.
  72. Malachi has connected.
  73. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  74. Avara has connected.
  75. Luminous Lead has connected.
  76. VinnyDonuts has connected.
  77. Witch has connected.
  78. VinnyDonuts is disconnected.
  79. Vinny_Donuts:
  81. Malachi:
  82. wat
  83. Vinny_Donuts:
  84. I disconnected.
  85. FoxtrotTango:
  87. Avara:
  88. Faker? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!
  89. Malachi:
  91. Malachi:
  93. Avara:
  94. hahahahaha
  95. Malachi:
  96. Also, has Witch logged on?
  97. Avara:
  98. witch was connected earlier
  99. Malachi:
  100. oh
  101. Witch:
  102. I've been here
  103. FoxtrotTango:
  104. It says he's here
  105. FoxtrotTango:
  106. YOU SEE?!
  107. Malachi:
  108. Clearly, I can't pay the fuck attention
  109. Malachi:
  110. I'll be here in the corner sobbing if anyone needs me
  111. Malachi:
  112. OH
  113. Malachi:
  114. And if I don't talk an hour from now, I am eating the dinners
  115. Malachi:
  116. Just in case I'm a derp and don't let anyone know
  117. * Avara expresses waitingness
  118. Vinny_Donuts:
  119. Okay, Witch, slap Luna down on the YCPD Arms Branch and let's get going
  120. Witch:
  121. Gimme a moment to load that then
  122. Vinny_Donuts:
  123. i know it's a mess i'll make it look pretty later
  124. Avara:
  125. at first glance, i thought our commissioner was wesker.
  126. Vinny_Donuts:
  128. Avara:
  129. also, need permissions for tokens distributed
  130. Malachi whispers: Do you mind if I start a little bit aways from the building?
  131. Tokens dropped onto map 'YCPD Arms Branch' by player Witch (Player)
  132. FoxtrotTango:
  133. Loading loading loading
  134. FoxtrotTango:
  135. Let this arms branch loading
  136. Avara:
  137. lunavera, the amazing living question mar--there it goes
  138. Malachi whispers: planned for Joseph being the new transfer and all
  139. FoxtrotTango:
  140. And it's good for me
  141. You whisper to Malachi: you're on the sidewalk now
  142. Avara:
  143. where did mal's token go?
  144. Avara:
  145. the world ate it
  146. Vinny_Donuts:
  147. he fell into a hole and died
  148. Vinny_Donuts:
  149. roll up a new character, mal
  150. Malachi whispers: Danke, mein freund. I won't kill you after all.
  151. Avara:
  152. that has happened to me.
  153. Malachi:
  154. Also, look up
  155. FoxtrotTango:
  156. Of course Commissioner Neil would take his shades off just to put them on
  157. FoxtrotTango:
  158. with a quip
  159. FoxtrotTango:
  161. FoxtrotTango:
  162. I-what's a sally
  163. Vinny_Donuts:
  164. you drive your car into there to escort a prisoner into holding
  165. FoxtrotTango:
  166. Ahhh.
  167. FoxtrotTango:
  168. Dang, this is a pretty nice map.
  169. Avara:
  170. indeed.
  171. Vinny_Donuts:
  172. the arms branch is a big effin' building
  173. Witch:
  174. Not super detailed, but it works well
  175. Malachi:
  177. Malachi:
  178. PRETTY
  179. Malachi:
  180. NICE
  181. Malachi:
  182. MAP
  183. Malachi:
  184. HA!
  185. Malachi:
  186. wait
  187. Vinny_Donuts:
  188. Anyhow, let's all shut up and let me type out the intro.
  189. Ylldinia, a city of many names. The World Tree, the City of Dancing Lights, The City Beyond The Clouds, and to some, The Greatest Place in the World. This shining city is a hub for tourism, commerce, science, and widely considered the most beautiful city in the world- but every silver lining has a cloud. Or is that the other way around?
  190. Ylldinia, being a city of so many people has a dark side, of course, and there are those who would take advantage of others for their own gain. As officers of the Ylldinia City Police Department, it's your duty to protect the citizenry from crime and mete justice to those who would harm innocents.
  191. The five of you- Wait, no, that guy's out on assignment.
  192. The four of you- Oh, damn it, the transfer isn't here yet.
  193. The THREE of you have all recently been promoted into one of the YCPD's Crime Scene Investigation teams, or maybe just placed into it. Regardless, you're to work with your new team in order to solve crimes and bring justice, and stuff.
  194. You've been instructed by the Commissioner himself to meet him at the main building and headquarters of the YCPD- the Arms branch. There, you will meet your new team and receive your first case.
  195. The building itself, built out of silvery steel and deep blue reflective glass, is a work of art on its own. It's situated in the exact center of the tree, lit by the magic lights that illuminate the entire city. The lights imitate the color of the sky - Right now, it's almost 8:00, right when you were asked to meet the Commissioner.
  196. FoxtrotTango:
  197. AM or PM?
  198. Vinny_Donuts:
  199. AM.
  200. You see him waiting outside the building, sitting in a chair and smoking some kind of Tauric cigar. Smells fancy.
  201. FoxtrotTango:
  202. I'm waiting to speak until I get DM permission to speak, dunno how long the intro is.
  203. Who approaches him first?
  204. * Heather steps forward, saluting. "It's good to see you again, Commissioner."
  205. * Lunavera stands in a simple, almost serene fashion with a gentle smile upon his face. Garbed all in white, Lunavera stands out quite well for the moment. It's almost as if the Wood Elf appears completely at zen with himself. Not counting the mechanical hand that peeks out from a sleeve or the bandages around an eye. Seeing Heather approach first, Lunavera casually waits.
  207. Commissioner Niel:
  208. Nice to see you again, Heather. It's been a while.
  209. * Commissioner Niel puts out his cigar and puts it away, standing up to greet Heather and offering to shake her hand.
  210. * Heather shakes Niel's hand in as good a balance of friendly and formal as she can manage. "It has. I'm glad to be back."
  211. * Chrysanthemum sighs inwardly, glad that Heather was the first one to speak. She still feels at odds with her job, especially with the early morning hours. Among them, her hair looks the most slept-in.
  212. Commissioner Niel is an odd duck, to be sure. It's not often a Human gets to such a high position.
  213. * Commissioner Niel pats Heather on the shoulder.
  215. Commissioner Niel:
  216. I'm glad you decided to take the offer after all. But I don't mean to be rude, you two. It's nice to meet you...
  218. Commissioner Niel:
  219. Chrysanthemum, right?
  220. * Commissioner Niel walks over to Chrys and extends a hand for a handshake.
  222. Chrysanthemum:
  223. Yeah. Sorry I'm late, I'm still getting used to waking up this early...
  224. Avara: (( V, question in skype. ))
  225. * Chrysanthemum goes ahead and gives the Commissioner a handshake, putting on a smart smile.
  227. Commissioner Niel:
  228. Good to see you were able to uproot yourself, then.
  229. * Heather stifles a chuckle at the joke.
  230. * Lunavera seems mildly amused.
  232. Chrysanthemum:
  233. Heh. Thanks, um...is it okay if I call you Neil?
  234. * Heather steps back in line
  235. FoxtrotTango:
  236. Niel*
  238. Commissioner Niel:
  239. Don't see why not. That's my name.
  241. Commissioner Niel:
  242. And... Lunavera, is it?
  243. * Commissioner Niel extends a hand to Lunavera as well.
  244. * Chrysanthemum smiles sheepishly, but is at least glad that she doesn't have to add "Commissioner" to every time she says his name.
  246. Lunavera:
  247. Correct. A pleasure to meet you, Commissioner.
  248. FoxtrotTango:
  249. First-name basis, baby.
  250. * Lunavera extends his left hand to shake Niel's rather than the right.
  251. * Commissioner Niel has to switch hands, but gives Lunavera a firm shake regardless.
  253. Commissioner Niel:
  254. Much the same to you. I've heard good things.
  255. * Lunavera returns the firmness of the shake.
  257. Lunavera:
  258. I'm happy to hear that. The Roots are quite the place.
  260. Lunavera:
  261. The Arms shall be much different though, I'm sure.
  263. Commissioner Niel:
  264. A fresher coat of paint, maybe, but we bleed red up here just the same.
  266. Commissioner Niel:
  267. Glad to see you all made it on time, though. Go ahead and wait in the lobby, if you'd like. There's only one more person I'm expecting.
  268. You have disconnected.
  269. Malachi has connected.
  270. Luminous Lead has connected.
  271. Avara has connected.
  272. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  273. Witch has connected.
  274. Malachi:
  275. ping
  277. Heather:
  278. "One more... right, the fifth is out on assignment, right?"
  279. Witch:
  280. Ah, our foreign transfer, is it not? Might I ask where he hails from?
  282. Lunavera:
  283. Ah, our foreign transfer, is it not? Might I ask where he hails from?
  284. Malachi:
  285. (Is that my cue, Vince?)
  286. VinnyDonuts:
  287. (It can be)
  289. Commissioner Niel:
  290. Yeah, your number five is busy at the moment, sorry to say. Hopefully you'll be able to meet him later.
  292. Chrysanthemum:
  293. And number four?
  294. Malachi:
  295. (Very well, I'll wait for the commish to answer Witch's question)
  297. Commissioner Niel:
  298. And as for number four, well, looks like you can ask him yourself.
  299. * Commissioner Niel gives a wave as he sees Number Four approach.
  300. * Chrysanthemum turns around with a "Huh?" on her lips, a bit quickly.
  301. * Witch casually looks back with a continued serene smile at the new arrival.
  302. * Lunavera casually looks back with a continued serene smile at the new arrival.
  303. Witch:
  304. wow i am all over the place right now
  305. * Heather turns to look as well.
  306. FoxtrotTango:
  307. Heh, the SB Effect
  308. VinnyDonuts:
  309. don't talk about him like he's not here, he's the one hosting the server
  310. FoxtrotTango:
  311. Oh, I'm not talking about him like he's not here
  312. FoxtrotTango:
  313. That's precisely why Witch is having doubletalk
  314. VinnyDonuts:
  315. Oh
  316. FoxtrotTango:
  317. psychic reverb
  318. FoxtrotTango:
  319. Anyhow, on with the show
  320. * Malachi A taxi drives up the road and parks in front of the building. The driver's side passenger door opens and a human climbs out. He's tall and rather bulky, with short black hair and a young looking face clean of facial hair. He's also wearing a cassock and rather plain-looking black garb. Quite the juxtaposition for Ylldinia. He waves back at the commisoner before going to the trunk and grabbing his suitcase before paying the driver and walking towards the group.
  322. Joseph Solvin:
  323. My apologies, Commisioner. I would have been here sooner but delays seem to have a way of stymieing my travels.
  325. Commissioner Niel:
  326. It happens to the best of us. You'd be the transfer from Ulvine, right?
  328. Commissioner Niel:
  329. Nice to meet you, Joseph.
  330. You have disconnected.
  331. Luminous Lead has connected.
  332. Avara has connected.
  333. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  335. Commissioner Niel:
  336. It happens to the best of us. You'd be the transfer from Ulvine, right?
  337. VinnyDonuts:
  338. wait mal's not in here
  339. VinnyDonuts:
  340. sfjhasgk
  341. You have disconnected.
  342. Luminous Lead has connected.
  343. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  344. Avara has connected.
  346. Heather:
  347. "Looks like this'll be a pretty progressive team."
  348. * Heather is smiling approvingly.
  349. Witch has connected.
  350. Witch:
  351. Shall we wait a few minutes just in case?
  352. VinnyDonuts:
  353. Yeah...
  354. FoxtrotTango:
  355. Let's let Mal hop in and I'll make an experimental post
  356. FoxtrotTango:
  357. He's eating the dinners, so that should be enough minutes
  358. Avara:
  359. beep beep
  360. VinnyDonuts:
  361. beep
  362. VinnyDonuts:
  363. Mal is dinnering
  364. Avara:
  365. Dammit RNG! Are you always an idiot, or just when I'm around?
  366. Avara:
  367. i have a macro that a friend made, which spits out a random RNG insult on command. sooo directing that at the server for its earlier shit.
  368. VinnyDonuts:
  369. nuffle hates all
  370. FoxtrotTango:
  371. Nice
  372. FoxtrotTango:
  373. Nuffle?
  374. VinnyDonuts:
  375. the random number god
  376. FoxtrotTango:
  377. I wouldn't call him Nuffle, but maybe that's its name
  378. FoxtrotTango:
  379. Nuffle is a poor kobold that has a big d20 made of led that it keeps picking up, dropping on the ground right afterward, and is always blamed for the result.
  380. FoxtrotTango:
  381. lead, sorry
  382. FoxtrotTango:
  383. That's its godly incarnation.
  384. Witch:
  385. brb
  386. Malachi has connected.
  387. Malachi:
  388. I have returned
  389. FoxtrotTango:
  390. Hey Malachi
  391. * Chrysanthemum raises her eyebrow at the new arrival, always mistrustful of new people, and shifts over to Heather ostensibly to give him some room for the introductions.
  392. Avara:
  393. hopefully the server won't give me da boot
  394. Malachi:
  395. Anyways, uh
  396. Avara:
  397. it is time for the mal introductionsing
  399. Commissioner Niel:
  400. It happens to the best of us. You'd be the transfer from Ulvine, right?
  401. * Malachi bows to the Commisioner
  402. Malachi:
  403. Shit
  404. Malachi:
  405. One sec
  406. * Joseph Solvin bows to the Commisioner
  408. Joseph Solvin:
  409. My apologies, Joseph Solvin of Ulvine, at your service.
  411. Commissioner Niel:
  412. Nice to meet you.
  414. Chrysanthemum:
  415. (Huh, the religious type. I definitely need more of those in my life.)
  416. * Commissioner Niel shakes hands with Joseph. He glances at Chrys, for some reason.
  417. * Joseph Solvin shakes hands with the commisioner, a warm smile on his face
  419. Joseph Solvin:
  420. I must say, Ylldinia hasn't changed much since I last set foot here
  421. FoxtrotTango:
  422. Sense Motive on the Commissioner, please.
  423. FoxtrotTango:
  424. Er, that's what I'm rolling, I mean.
  425. FoxtrotTango:
  426. Sorry, still used to speaking DMish
  427. VinnyDonuts:
  428. Roll it.
  429. FoxtrotTango:
  430. « 1d20 + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
  431. Avara:
  432. advice: use gm: at the start of your rolls, inside brackets. (gm: 1d20+5) with brackets instead of parentheses. for anything where we don't immediately need to know the numbers.
  433. Witch:
  434. Back
  435. Chrys feels like he's gaguing her reaction to working with an Ulvan transfer.
  436. Avara:
  437. avoids "oops i failed my perception check" moments
  438. Malachi:
  439. Hey Witch
  440. Malachi:
  441. Joseph intro'd himself and mention he's been in Ylldinia before.
  442. * Chrysanthemum senses the meaning behind the glance, and returns it with a calm poker face.
  443. Malachi:
  444. Also Chrys Sense Motive'd the commish
  445. VinnyDonuts:
  446. Can you gm a bluff to me, FT?
  448. Heather:
  449. "Ulvan, huh? I'm a little surprised you're working here. Any help's welcome, though."
  450. FoxtrotTango:
  451. « 1d20 + 8 = 4 + 8 = 12 »
  452. FoxtrotTango:
  453. Oh hey, that actually works.
  454. Avara:
  455. yup
  457. Lunavera:
  458. Hm. Long way to travel. Though I supppose the brass are looking to make diplomatic inroads elsewhere.
  459. VinnyDonuts:
  460. What does it say on your guys' end?
  461. Avara:
  462. if you include it in a longer message, just the roll vanishes
  463. FoxtrotTango:
  464. Not a thing me.
  465. Avara:
  466. if it's just the roll, we see nothing
  467. VinnyDonuts:
  468. Neat.
  469. Malachi:
  470. Nothing here
  471. FoxtrotTango:
  472. That's a cool trick.
  473. Avara:
  474. i am fanceh
  476. Joseph Solvin:
  477. Ah yes, well, to be frank, I am merely a rookie soldier of Ulvan. I believe they sent me here as a means of getting experience.
  479. Joseph Solvin:
  480. Though, maintaining diplomatic ties would not be unheard of.
  482. Commissioner Niel:
  483. Well, soldier boy, maybe it's a vaction instead. This city isn't exactly a warzone.
  485. Joseph Solvin:
  486. I can only suppose you three are my teammates.
  487. * Joseph Solvin bows to them.
  489. Heather:
  490. "The three of us and our currently-on-duty fifth member. Heather of Ylldinia. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
  491. * Lunavera curtsies, returning the formalness of the gesture.
  493. Lunavera:
  494. Lunavera. A pleasure.
  496. Chrysanthemum:
  497. Yeah, nice to meet you. Uh...who do you worship? Just curious.
  498. * Chrysanthemum returns the bow a little less formally, but she does make the effort.
  500. Heather:
  501. "Is that a question for everyone?"
  503. Joseph Solvin:
  504. Oh. Ilosina.
  506. Chrysanthemum:
  507. N-No, just him.
  509. Lunavera:
  510. Matters of faith are one's own private business, dear.
  511. * Commissioner Niel raises an eyebrow.
  513. Heather:
  514. "I see..." She raises an eyebrow as well.
  516. Lunavera:
  517. Though I can understand why they have sent you here a little better.
  518. * Chrysanthemum squirms under the attention.
  520. Chrysanthemum:
  521. Sorry, didn't mean anything by it...
  523. Commissioner Niel:
  524. It'd be nice for you guys to get to know each other, but at least buy him something to drink for coffee before you start asking about his horoscope.
  526. Heather:
  527. "Could we move to the lobby, or the office, to continue this conversation?"
  529. Joseph Solvin:
  530. Oh, it's no bother.
  531. * Lunavera chuckles.
  533. Lunavera:
  534. Yes, let's head inside.
  536. Joseph Solvin:
  537. And yes, I should put this suitcase somewhere.
  539. Chrysanthemum:
  540. Yeah. Sorry, I forgot myself for a second there.
  542. Commissioner Niel:
  543. We'll head to my office. There's a closet you can put your things in.
  544. * Commissioner Niel heads indoors.
  545. * Chrysanthemum blushes and makes for the door as a way to transition from being embarrassed to being less-so.
  546. Heather: (( brb. gm, plz move my token for me? ))
  548. Joseph Solvin:
  549. My, this is quite the building...
  551. Commissioner Niel:
  552. If I'm right, none of you guys besides Heather have been here before?
  554. Chrysanthemum:
  555. Yeah, I've been in the Trunk building for a bit, but that's it...
  557. Commissioner Niel:
  558. Meet Carlos. He's the Dispatch clerk.
  560. Lunavera:
  561. I've only gone up as far as the upper levels of the Trunk.
  563. Lunavera:
  564. A nice establishment though, I must say.
  566. Joseph Solvin:
  567. Oh no, Commisioner. Good morning, Carlos
  568. * Lunavera nods to Carlos. "Good morning."
  570. Carlos:
  571. Hello, Commissioner. Bringing in another unruly lot of criminals, I see?
  572. * Chrysanthemum gives Carlos a respectful little bow. "Hey, Carlos!"
  574. Commissioner Niel:
  575. Something like that.
  576. * Joseph Solvin looks at Chrysanthemum. "By the way, I don't recall you ever introducing yourself."
  577. Carlos speaks with a Tauric accent. His hair looks like it's got about three tons of hair product in it.
  578. * Chrysanthemum is caught up in the tensing from that comment, and turns to Joseph, surprised by the question.
  580. Chrysanthemum:
  581. W-What? Oh, I, er, yeah...I forgot, you just came in, and...
  583. Chrysanthemum:
  584. My name's Chrysanthemum. You can, um, call me Chrys, though. If you want, I mean.
  585. Witch:
  586. brb one more time
  587. * Joseph Solvin smiles warmly "Very well, Chrys."
  588. * Chrysanthemum continues to follow the group, still a little nervous by her social missteps and Carlos's cheery disposition.
  589. * Commissioner Niel swipes a keycard and goes through a pair of doors into a hallway, waving the crew in.
  591. Chrysanthemum:
  592. Nice security.
  593. Witch:
  594. Okay, back with dinner now
  596. Commissioner Niel:
  597. Nothing too complicated.
  598. * Commissioner Niel unlocks his office door.
  599. You have disconnected.
  600. VinnyDonuts has connected.
  601. Avara has connected.
  602. Witch has connected.
  603. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  604. Luminous Lead has connected.
  605. Malachi has connected.
  606. Heather: (( back ))
  607. VinnyDonuts is disconnected.
  608. FoxtrotTango:
  609. What was the last thing you saw, Vin
  610. Vinny_Donuts:
  611. Did the commissioner unlock his door?
  612. Heather: (( catching up on backlog ))
  613. FoxtrotTango:
  614. Yeah
  615. Malachi:
  616. Yes
  617. FoxtrotTango:
  618. Chrys commented that he's got nice security.
  619. Heather: (( back ))
  621. Chrysanthemum:
  622. (More complicated than tumblers, at least. Makes sense.)
  623. FoxtrotTango:
  624. And parentheses are her thinking, not whispering.
  625. * Commissioner Niel steps inside his office, beckoning the crew in as well.
  627. Commissioner Niel:
  628. Closet's on the right if you want to hang up your coats. I'll be giving you your first case myself.
  629. * Lunavera stands at attention before the desk, waiting for orders.
  631. Joseph Solvin:
  632. Oh, already? I guess I'll hang onto my suitcase then.
  633. * Commissioner Niel pulls a folder out of his jacket and places it on the table.
  634. * Chrysanthemum keeps hers on and stands in the line.
  636. Commissioner Niel:
  637. Yesterday morning, a missing persons case was filed with us. One young man called Gardenia, a student at the University of Ylldinia.
  638. FoxtrotTango:
  639. Knowledge Local time
  641. Commissioner Niel:
  642. His parents hadn't heard from him in a week and started getting concerned. Turns out, none of his friends had seen him either. Normally a diligent student, now absent from class.
  644. Lunavera:
  645. May I? *Gestures towards the file.*
  646. FoxtrotTango:
  647. « 1d20 + 11 = 15 + 11 = 26 »
  649. Commissioner Niel:
  650. You may.
  651. FoxtrotTango:
  652. That's on any immediately recallable info about the University.
  653. * Lunavera picks up the file, beginning to read through it while continuing to listen to the Commissioner.
  654. Malachi:
  655. (Storming outside)
  656. Malachi:
  657. (Just in case)
  658. FoxtrotTango:
  659. (Of course, life likes to rain on our parade)
  660. Vinny_Donuts:
  661. fucking- do we just
  662. Vinny_Donuts:
  663. attract storms
  664. Avara:
  665. Knowledge Local as well. « 1d20+12 = 9 + 12 = 21 » Anything going on in that area that might be connected.
  666. Malachi:
  667. (Dudes, don't worry. Just keep going)
  668. Witch:
  669. Perception to take notice of anything noteworthy in the file, primarily focusing on anything out of the ordinary in the area or with the missing person himself. « 1d20+9 = 18 + 9 = 27 »
  671. Joseph Solvin:
  672. What was Gardenia studying at the University?
  673. Vinny_Donuts:
  674. for one, here's what he looks like.
  675. * Chrysanthemum seems like she might know something, but is keeping quiet until she's allowed to speak. She doesn't want to risk another misstep.
  677. Commissioner Niel:
  678. He's a student of Theoretical Magic. He's been working at his degree for eight years, and this was his last one.
  680. Commissioner Niel:
  681. Looks like someone made the magician dissapear.
  683. Heather:
  684. "So he would've been working on his thesis at the time of his disappearance."
  686. Joseph Solvin:
  687. Hrrrmmm...
  688. You hear a "YEAAAAAAH" in the background.
  690. Lunavera:
  691. You suspect a magical accident to be involved, Heather?
  692. * Chrysanthemum blinks and looks up at the Commissioner.
  693. * Lunavera briefly looks away from the file to the other Wood Elf.
  694. * Chrysanthemum asks "Who was...?" while looking from side to side, trying to determine the source of the YEEEEAH.
  695. The U of Y is the biggest magic university in the world. It's no secret that it's one of the world leaders in magic research- people come from all over the world to get into this prestigious school.
  696. Of course, only the best get in.
  697. * Chrysanthemum shakes off the confusion about the YEEEEEEAAAH and gets back to thinking.
  699. Joseph Solvin:
  700. Do we know what his thesis was on, by any chance?
  702. Heather:
  703. "A magical accident, or someone interested in his theoretical magic work. It's a missing persons case, which means we should have someone checking all options possible. The longer a missing persons case goes on, the more likely it is it'll turn into a homicide. And it's already been a week..."
  705. Commissioner Niel:
  706. His parents are the ones who filed it, and from the sounds of it, our guy didn't like talking about his schoolwork to his parents. He does, however, have a few friends. And a girlfriend.
  708. Lunavera:
  709. And one of them may know what secrets he kept.
  710. * Chrysanthemum decides to raise her hand, letting the Commissioner know that she'd like to speak.
  712. Commissioner Niel:
  713. Might be the case.
  715. Commissioner Niel:
  716. This isn't a classroom, Chrys. What do you want to say?
  718. Joseph Solvin:
  719. Something worth investigating then. If we know what he was working on, it could lead to a motive. And if it involves his research, the chance is higher of getting him back alive...
  721. Chrysanthemum:
  722. Sorry. Didn't want to interrupt. I've just been thinking...
  723. * Joseph Solvin seems mostly to be thinking aloud
  725. Chrysanthemum:
  726. Isn't it close to the end of the year for the University kids? I've seen a lot of letters and preppies out in the Trunk lately.
  728. Heather:
  729. "Chrys, how about you lead anyone who wants to check in that area? I have a feeling his girlfriend might know something."
  731. Chrysanthemum:
  732. Yeah, I know there's a bar down there where a lot of the college kids go, even though they have their own campus bar. I think it's right after Finals too, so a lot of kids will probably be down there relaxing.
  734. Commissioner Niel:
  735. Sounds like you guys already know your gameplan, then. Good to hear.
  737. Heather:
  738. "Alright. Do you need a ride down there?"
  739. Malachi:
  740. (brb)
  742. Chrysanthemum:
  743. Erm, yeah, if you want. I don't drive.
  744. * Lunavera closes the file, having finished reading it.
  746. Heather:
  747. "Anything we need to know, Luna?"
  749. Lunavera:
  750. At any rate, we should be looking for a student named "Ariel" first. It appears she was the one dating Gardenia.
  751. * Lunavera hands the file to Heather for her own perusal.
  753. Commissioner Niel:
  754. I take it that you guys are on the case, then. Good.
  756. Commissioner Niel:
  757. Make sure to check in with Carlos before you leave.
  759. Lunavera:
  760. Understood, sir.
  762. Joseph Solvin:
  763. Very well.
  765. Heather:
  766. "Alright." She takes the file. "It was never a question, Commissioner. Lunavera, Solvin, pick which job you want to go on."
  768. Commissioner Niel:
  769. And you'll have to leave that folder with him, as well.
  770. * Heather starts reading over the file as she walks.
  772. Lunavera:
  773. Of course.
  775. Chrysanthemum:
  776. O-Oh, yeah. I'm on the case. Mind if I go plainclothes? I've been to that bar a few times, they'll speak more open if I'm not in uniform.
  777. Malachi:
  778. Er... what were the jobs?
  779. Malachi:
  780. I know the bar one
  781. Avara:
  782. go to bar with chrys, or go talk with gf with heather
  784. Commissioner Niel:
  785. Go right ahead.
  786. Malachi:
  787. Ah
  788. * Lunavera follows after Heather.
  789. For the record, you're basically assumed to either be in a suit or plainclothes. You don't need to wear uniforms- You're detectives, not beat cops.
  790. * Chrysanthemum nods gratefully, thanks him, and heads back to the others.
  791. FoxtrotTango:
  792. Ah, that's helpful to know.
  794. Joseph Solvin:
  795. If no one minds, I believe I would be better suited to helping with the girlfriend.
  796. Just make sure you have your badge on you if you try to arrest someone.
  798. Lunavera:
  799. Now, let's see. We will need to case the university, as well as the bar that Chrys had mentioned. I believe we should also speak to the parents, see if they have any enemies that may try to get at them through their son.
  801. Heather:
  802. "Chrys, how good are you at subduing suspects?"
  804. Chrysanthemum:
  805. Mmm, well, we've got four of us. Two each? That way none of us are alone?
  807. Joseph Solvin:
  808. We will need the subject of his thesis. It is possible something in there is what our suspects are after.
  810. Chrysanthemum:
  811. Er, well, I've knocked out people a few times, but...
  813. Lunavera:
  814. Agreed. There are alot of... "black market mages" these days.
  815. The file also has the number of his apartment in his dorm.
  817. Chrysanthemum:
  818. They were self-defense, really.
  819. So it looks like your options are the bar, the girl, the parents, and the dorm.
  821. Lunavera:
  822. At any rate, I believe going in pairs will be best. Let's start with the dorm and the bar.
  824. Heather:
  825. "Alright. Luna, are you alright with going with Chrys?"
  827. Lunavera:
  828. I do not mind.
  830. Carlos:
  831. Hey, there, Heather. You're looking nice today.
  832. You have disconnected.
  833. Luminous Lead has connected.
  834. Avara has connected.
  835. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  836. Malachi has connected.
  837. Witch has connected.
  838. * Avara hands over the folder. "Alright. Lunavera with Chrysanthemum, Solvin with me. I'll drop you off at the Trunks, then head up to the University." She distributes her phone number to the group. "Call if something comes up."
  839. FoxtrotTango:
  840. dot
  841. Vinny_Donuts:
  842. doot
  843. Witch:
  844. .
  845. Malachi:
  846. poop
  847. * Heather hands over the folder. "Alright. Lunavera with Chrysanthemum, Solvin with me. I'll drop you off at the Trunks, then head up to the University." She distributes her phone number to the group. "Call if something comes up."
  848. * Chrysanthemum looks over at Luna and gives her a nervous smile. "Well, at least I don't have to go alone," she thinks. "This girl looks like she could punch a thug and get away with it."
  849. Heather: (( that's a guy. remember, fashion's switched ))
  850. Vinny_Donuts:
  851. Wow, that's a big compliment to Luna
  852. Heather: (( dresses are menswear ))
  853. Malachi:
  854. Then I suppose I'll be working with you, Heather. I hope we get along.
  855. FoxtrotTango:
  856. Oh shoot, that's right
  857. Malachi:
  858. DAMNIT
  859. FoxtrotTango:
  860. DANGIT
  861. Witch:
  862. That is indeed quite the compliment for this culture
  863. Vinny_Donuts:
  865. FoxtrotTango:
  866. Of course, she only thought it
  868. Lunavera:
  869. My, my. You flatter me, Chrys.
  870. FoxtrotTango:
  871. But still
  872. FoxtrotTango:
  875. Joseph Solvin:
  876. Then I suppose I'll be working with you, Heather. I hope we get along.
  877. Witch:
  878. owait yea didn't see that
  879. FoxtrotTango:
  880. Is k, will overlook
  881. Vinny_Donuts:
  884. Heather:
  885. "I don't know much about Ulvan culture, so I apologize if I offend." She looks over to Carlos, "Good luck."
  887. Chrysanthemum:
  888. I know the address of the place. Don't know the roads, but I do know the corners of the buildings.
  890. Carlos:
  891. ... G-Good luck? What's that supposed to mean?
  893. Lunavera:
  894. What's the name of the place? I doubt it'd be one of the seedier joints.
  895. Heather: (( can we get anything carlos said before reposteD? ))
  897. Joseph Solvin:
  898. I assure you, it is extremely hard to offend me, Heather.
  900. Carlos:
  901. I mean, it's not like I was about to ask you on a date! I was just about to say, if you're open for coffee later,
  903. Heather:
  904. "Just... feels more appropriate than wishing you a good day before I head out. We've got the missing persons case at the university. Also... new people."
  905. * Carlos shuts up and takes the file and rushes it into Records.
  906. * Lunavera chuckles.
  908. Chrysanthemum:
  909. Oh, yeah, it's called...darn, it's on the tip of my tongue. Uhhh...
  911. Lunavera:
  912. Now, let's be on our way.
  913. FoxtrotTango:
  914. (Vinny, Skype query)
  915. * Chrysanthemum thinks, then snaps her fingers.
  917. Heather:
  918. "I'll take you up on the coffee offer later!" she calls after him.
  919. You hear cheering.
  921. Joseph Solvin:
  922. Heh. Quite the lively bunch.
  924. Lunavera:
  925. Ahem. Heather?
  927. Lunavera:
  928. The parking lot is the other way.
  930. Chrysanthemum:
  931. Tapper's Hideout! That's the place. It's pretty clean, they keep all the lights on outside and they have a pretty good guy watching for fake IDs.
  932. Heather: (( brb ))
  933. FoxtrotTango:
  934. (fetching dinner, brb)
  935. Witch:
  936. Knowledge Local on the place's name
  937. * Witch rolls: 1d20+8 => 20 + 8 = 28
  938. Witch:
  939. WELP
  940. Vinny_Donuts:
  941. Oh yeah. Horatio gave you ID cards to get past the entrance doors.
  942. Vinny_Donuts:
  943. That happened.
  944. Vinny_Donuts:
  945. I mean. Niel.
  946. Vinny_Donuts:
  947. fuck shit aww goddamnit
  948. * Vinny_Donuts falls over into a pile of spaghetti
  949. Heather: (( back ))
  950. Avara:
  951. and i figured her car would be on this side of the building, since she walked in on this side
  953. Chrysanthemum:
  954. Yeah, usually go there a couple times a week and pretend I'm a student. They have a discount.
  955. Vinny_Donuts:
  956. parking in the street is possible, yes
  958. Lunavera:
  959. Ah, I recall that one now. A very popular one, actually. Lots of musical guests and performances. Actually quite nice. I've been on dates there before. If anything is wrong there though, it's run by the Briar Patch gang. A minor group with some drug connections, but not much in the way of true criminals, more posers.
  960. * Heather leads the others to her car. She'll then drive them out.
  961. Heather: (( has primrose done a show there? ))
  962. * Chrysanthemum blinks in surprise.
  964. Lunavera:
  965. Little known fact.
  967. Chrysanthemum:
  968. Looks like you're the right person to follow me over, yeah?
  970. Lunavera:
  971. Hmhmhm.
  972. Avara:
  973. onward and forward and yayward?
  975. Lunavera:
  976. At any rate, I do wonder if he may have somehow gotten involved in the illegal side of business now.
  977. Vinny_Donuts:
  978. If you guys want to swap over to the Ylldinia map...
  979. Witch:
  980. I'm there
  981. FoxtrotTango:
  982. Same
  983. Avara:
  984. there now
  985. FoxtrotTango:
  986. « 1d20 + 11 = 2 + 11 = 13 »
  987. Joseph Solvin:
  988. Possible, I suppose. If so, then he probably ran afoul of someone, hence the disappearance.
  989. Avara:
  990. need to re-impersonate on the new map if you want your face
  991. Malachi:
  992. Why is there a giant circle around my token
  993. Malachi:
  994. And I know
  996. Joseph Solvin:
  997. Possible, I suppose. If so, then he probably ran afoul of someone, hence the disappearance.
  998. Avara:
  999. i keep getting kicked to the station
  1001. Chrysanthemum:
  1002. Briar Patch, huh? I've not heard much of them. Maybe cause they're keeping quiet.
  1003. Vinny_Donuts:
  1004. In any case, the Trapper's Den is now on the map, in the Upper Trunk. U of A is out on the left Arm.
  1005. You have disconnected.
  1006. Malachi has connected.
  1007. Luminous Lead has connected.
  1008. Vinny_Donuts has connected.
  1009. Witch has connected.
  1010. Avara has connected.
  1011. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  1013. Lunavera:
  1014. They're little fish that know not to stir the waters.
  1015. Avara:
  1016. what's the last you saw, v?
  1017. Vinny_Donuts is disconnected.
  1018. VinnyDonuts:
  1019. In any case, the Trapper's Den is now on the map, in the Upper Trunk. U of Y is out on the left Arm.
  1020. Avara:
  1021. do i need to make any checks to get everyone in place expediently?
  1022. VinnyDonuts:
  1023. You can, if you'd like, but i'll take about 30 minutes to drive all the way down the trunk to the Tapper's Hideout and then 30 minutes back up, and 15 minutes to the university.
  1024. FoxtrotTango:
  1025. We could taxi over
  1026. VinnyDonuts:
  1027. You can roll to try and cut that down if you'd like.
  1028. Witch:
  1029. Or Luna could just drive too
  1030. VinnyDonuts:
  1031. Or Chrys and Luna could drive, too.
  1032. FoxtrotTango:
  1033. Oh hey
  1034. Avara:
  1035. sounds like the better plan
  1036. FoxtrotTango:
  1037. Chrys is passenger only
  1038. Avara:
  1039. asked if a ride was needed earlier, a second driver didn't get mentioned.
  1040. Avara:
  1041. anyway, alright
  1042. Witch:
  1043. And probably dreading how Luna will drive with a mechanical arm
  1044. Avara:
  1045. luna and heather drive
  1046. VinnyDonuts:
  1047. does luna have drive
  1048. VinnyDonuts:
  1049. i mean, ride
  1050. Witch:
  1051. Class skill, yeah
  1052. VinnyDonuts:
  1053. Okay, then you don't have to roll.
  1054. VinnyDonuts:
  1055. Luna does not drive like crazy.
  1056. * Chrysanthemum blushes on the way over, a question on her mind.
  1057. Avara:
  1058. heather has ranks in ride as well
  1059. VinnyDonuts:
  1060. At least one rank means you have a lisence.
  1062. Lunavera:
  1063. Something on your mind?
  1064. Avara:
  1065. what skill was it that's used for gather information?
  1066. VinnyDonuts:
  1067. In any case, you guys spent, let's say, an hour talking to Niel, so by the time J and H reach the University it's 9:15.
  1069. Chrysanthemum:
  1070. Sorry...I was just wondering. Does it bother you, driving with that arm?
  1071. VinnyDonuts:
  1072. Diplomacy can be used for Gather Info.
  1074. Heather:
  1075. "The Commissioner called you a soldier earlier. What sort of work did you train for in Ulvania?"
  1077. Lunavera:
  1078. Not really. If anything, it would have annoyed me that I couldn't. But the person I went to for the arm was good at their craft.
  1079. VinnyDonuts:
  1080. It takes 1d4 hours of canvassing, though.
  1082. Joseph Solvin:
  1083. In truth, I work as a Paladin for them.
  1085. Heather:
  1086. "And a Paladin's job is...?"
  1088. Lunavera:
  1089. My last few years in the Roots have been quite lively.
  1091. Joseph Solvin:
  1092. To put it simply, we make sure the world's evils are kept at bay.
  1094. Chrysanthemum:
  1095. Ahhh. Sorry if I sound a little crass, I noticed I was asking personal questions a little too fast back there...
  1096. VinnyDonuts:
  1097. Like zombies.
  1098. VinnyDonuts:
  1099. A Paladin's job is to kill zombies.
  1101. Lunavera:
  1102. I've yet to meet a person that doesn't ask about it eventually.
  1104. Heather:
  1105. "So they sent a warrior out to get experience in the nation where swinging swords is the worst way to do things?"
  1106. * Lunavera sounds amused.
  1108. Joseph Solvin:
  1109. Sometimes that requires helping people remember how they should treat their fellow man.
  1110. * Joseph Solvin smiles
  1112. Chrysanthemum:
  1113. Yeah. Least we got it out of the way...wait, you got that from working in the Roots?
  1115. Joseph Solvin:
  1116. Exactly
  1118. Joseph Solvin:
  1119. Not everything can be accomplished through swordplay
  1120. * Chrysanthemum looks at Luna with a sense of sympathetic horror, not able to imagine the pain of losing any of her extremities, let alone a whole arm.
  1122. Joseph Solvin:
  1123. To truly help those in need, a righteous heart is needed.
  1125. Lunavera:
  1126. Mmhm. Just as always, the Roots is where the true criminals make their rounds. Including foreign ones. Most that originate from here will put on airs of "sophistication", but the foreigners are quite blunt in their brutish behaviors.
  1128. Heather:
  1129. "Alright. Just be ready in case people don't take you as seriously as they did back home. Guys don't get the best rep here, and you might end up being looked at as a musclehead too. Patience, Paladin."
  1131. Lunavera:
  1132. And aren't against more lethal means of keeping the police off of them. As you can tell.
  1134. Joseph Solvin:
  1135. As I mentioned, this is not my first time living in Ylldinia. I am aware of certain prejudices
  1136. * Chrysanthemum looks straight ahead with a hard expression on her face.
  1138. Chrysanthemum:
  1139. You're right about that...
  1141. Lunavera:
  1142. Trust me, girl. Avoid the Roots.
  1144. Chrysanthemum:
  1145. Easy to lose people you care about down there...
  1146. VinnyDonuts:
  1147. captain, my irony sensors are going through the roof
  1149. Heather:
  1150. "Alright. Hopefully we can get through this without too much trouble, then. If this is the same Ariel I used to know, though..." she shakes her head. "Well, time can change people."
  1151. * Joseph Solvin raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
  1152. * Chrysanthemum sighs in her seat and looks out of the window, watching the streetside and trying to think of something else to talk about.
  1153. * Heather is quiet for the rest of the drive, unless spoken to.
  1155. Joseph Solvin:
  1156. So... you have history with the police department?
  1158. Heather:
  1159. "It's been my career since graduation, yeah."
  1161. Lunavera:
  1162. Mm. I share the sentiment. And the loss.
  1164. Joseph Solvin:
  1165. Aha.
  1166. * Lunavera speaks simply and with no small amount of meloncholy to his voice.
  1167. * Chrysanthemum blinks and looks over at Luna, smiling sympathetically after a moment.
  1169. Lunavera:
  1170. I'm not going to ask what it was that changed things for you. But you have a chance to make something better of yourself now. Be sure to use it.
  1171. Heather: (( is heather allowed to discuss her undercover op now that it's done? ))
  1173. Chrysanthemum:
  1174. Erm...right.
  1175. VinnyDonuts:
  1176. It's probably still classified information, considering what went down.
  1178. Chrysanthemum:
  1179. (Stela, I hope I know what I'm doing with this police job...)
  1181. Heather:
  1182. "Any other questions, Solvin?"
  1184. Joseph Solvin:
  1185. None that I can think of at the moment.
  1187. Chrysanthemum:
  1188. So, you've...been an officer long?
  1190. Joseph Solvin:
  1191. Then again, I don't wish to pry if it's unnecessary
  1192. Witch:
  1193. So. Mal & Ruki get to their destination first, yes?
  1195. Heather:
  1196. "If you ask something I don't want to answer, I'll say as much."
  1197. FoxtrotTango:
  1198. This is correct, they're 15 minutes from where they are, we're 30
  1199. FoxtrotTango:
  1200. where they're going, sorry
  1202. Heather:
  1203. "We're on a team, and that means trust or we all die. Right?"
  1205. Lunavera:
  1206. The last... about 10 years now.
  1207. VinnyDonuts:
  1208. Correct.
  1209. * Joseph Solvin smiles. "Right."
  1210. Witch:
  1211. Alright. Then FT & I will go quite while they do their part and they go quiet while we do our's then?
  1212. VinnyDonuts:
  1213. Yeah.
  1214. VinnyDonuts:
  1215. Sounds good.
  1216. FoxtrotTango:
  1217. Alright.
  1218. Witch:
  1219. Don't wanna have you doing too much at once
  1220. Joseph and HEather pull up at the University.
  1221. FoxtrotTango:
  1222. We'll say that they continue the discussion a bit on the way.
  1223. VinnyDonuts:
  1224. Nice capitalization, me.
  1225. FoxtrotTango:
  1226. No need to feature everything.
  1228. Joseph Solvin:
  1229. That being said, if you have questions of me, feel free to ask them, though I'm afraid I'm a rather boring person.
  1230. Witch:
  1231. Mmhm
  1233. Heather:
  1234. "I'll keep that in mind, Solvin." She parks the car in the parking lot and gets out.
  1236. Joseph Solvin:
  1237. Please, call me Joseph. *gets out as well, keeping his suitcase in the car.* What a lovely campus...
  1238. The University of Ylldinia is on top of one of the larger branches- or Arms- of Ylldinia, and open to the air. Of course, this high up, breathing should be difficult, but the huge, lush canopy of leaves above you solve that problem.
  1239. You see students milling about, getting to their various classes.
  1240. * Heather heads to the Alchemy labs.
  1241. * Joseph Solvin follows Heather, trusting in her judgment.
  1242. VinnyDonuts:
  1243. Heather knows where she's going?
  1244. Avara:
  1245. last time i was at a campus, they had a map right at the parking lot?
  1246. VinnyDonuts:
  1247. ... Fair enough, but all the same, roll a survival check.
  1248. Malachi:
  1249. both of us?
  1250. Avara:
  1251. can i substitute Knowledge: Local for knowing the local layout?
  1252. VinnyDonuts:
  1253. Because even with a map, big universities can be confusing.
  1254. VinnyDonuts:
  1255. I'll allow it.
  1256. VinnyDonuts:
  1257. And you can if you want, mal
  1258. FoxtrotTango:
  1259. I know how Vinny means
  1260. * Malachi rolls: d20 + 2 => 5 + 2 = 7
  1261. Avara:
  1262. « 1d20+12 = 9 + 12 = 21 »
  1263. Malachi:
  1264. Looks like he ain't helping
  1265. Avara:
  1266. i'd advise GMing knowledge checks too
  1267. Joseph gets the feeling he should just follow Heather.
  1268. VinnyDonuts:
  1269. And yes, I'd like all Knowledge checks to be gm'd
  1270. Avara:
  1271. 'm used to GMing all but combat rolls
  1272. Heather finds her way to the Alchemy building quite easily. There are multiple labs.
  1273. What would you like to do, now that you're here?
  1274. Heather: (( is there an office for anyone supervising the labs? ))
  1275. There are multiple professors who oversee the labs, but it seems only one is in their office at the moment.
  1276. * Heather goes to see the overseer, taking her badge out. "Excuse me, but we'd like to speak with Ariel? She's working on a Masters in Alchemy, and her boyfriend's gone missing."
  1277. * University Professor blinks, looking up from her desk in surprise.
  1279. Joseph Solvin:
  1280. Joseph keeps silent, but smiles at the professor
  1282. University Professor:
  1283. I'm sorry? Who are you?
  1284. Malachi:
  1285. forgot the /me, don't mind me
  1287. Heather:
  1288. "Heather, CSI for the Ylldinia City Police Department. This is my partner, Joseph Solvin."
  1289. Heather: (( badge is in clear view at present ))
  1291. Joseph Solvin:
  1292. A pleasure. *shows off his badge as well.*
  1294. University Professor:
  1295. Oh! Oh, my. I'm sorry, my office is quite messy.
  1297. University Professor:
  1298. Let's see... Ariel?
  1300. Heather:
  1301. "Correct."
  1302. * University Professor shuffles through her papers, looking for the name Ariel.
  1304. University Professor:
  1305. Ah, I'm sorry, none of my students have that name. You said she's working on a master's, correct?
  1307. Heather:
  1308. "That's right."
  1310. Heather:
  1311. "Do you have any guess where she might be? Or can you send for her somehow?"
  1313. University Professor:
  1314. Then she'll probably be learning from Dr. Mint.
  1315. FoxtrotTango:
  1316. He sounds fresh.
  1318. University Professor:
  1319. Dr. Mint is giving a lecture right now, but she'll be done in around half an hour.
  1320. Malachi:
  1321. He sounds pretty cool
  1322. Malachi:
  1323. She
  1324. Malachi:
  1325. Whatever
  1326. Witch:
  1327. just expect everything here to be a she and you'll be good
  1329. Heather:
  1330. "Alright. Could you please direct us to the lecture hall, and we'll wait?"
  1331. FoxtrotTango:
  1332. She sounds fresh.
  1333. Avara:
  1334. she sounds fresh, but is she... funky fresh?
  1335. Malachi:
  1336. No, but she is the fresh prince... ss
  1338. University Professor:
  1339. Ah, she's currently lecturing in 304-A... Do you need directions, officer?
  1341. Heather:
  1342. "It would be appreciated, thank you."
  1343. The professor gives you directions to the classroom that Mint is lecturing in.
  1344. Only verbal ones, though. You get the idea that she's qite busy.
  1346. University Professor:
  1347. I'm sorry, officer, but I'll have to ask that you not interrupt the lecture. As brilliant as Dr. Mint is, she's easily distracted, and, well...
  1349. University Professor:
  1350. High-level alchemy can be volatile if you're not careful.
  1352. Heather:
  1353. "Thank you. Have a good day, Professor. I already said that we'll wait for the lecture to be over; I'm familiar with the hazards of the arcane."
  1355. Joseph Solvin:
  1356. Thank you for your help, Professor. *he bows then looks over to Heather.* Shall we?
  1358. Heather:
  1359. "Surely."
  1360. * Heather goes to wait at the door to the lecture hall.
  1361. * Joseph Solvin does the same.
  1362. VinnyDonuts:
  1363. While they wait, let's see what those other two jokers are up to!
  1364. Avara:
  1365. poisoning the water main. probably.
  1367. Chrysanthemum:
  1368. Heh, good thing you knew the place too. *she says as they pull up*
  1370. Lunavera:
  1371. Indeed.
  1372. Meanwhile, Luna and Chrys have arrived at the Tapper's Hideout. It's on the outer ring of the trunk, and has an amazing view of the lake outside.
  1374. Chrysanthemum:
  1375. (I'd have said to stop a few blocks away and then followed a bunch of back alleys over here.
  1376. * Lunavera parks the car on a side street, exiting the vehicle before locking the doors of the incognito car.
  1377. Malachi:
  1378. (since I'm waiting anyways, brb)
  1380. Lunavera:
  1381. Can't deny the view is nice from here.
  1383. Chrysanthemum:
  1384. Yeah, it's sweet. I'd take drinks off the veranda if I wasn't afraid of falling in.
  1385. * Lunavera chuckles.
  1386. VinnyDonuts:
  1387. Well, you'd probably bounce off the side of the tree a few times.
  1388. VinnyDonuts:
  1389. That is, if there wasn't a forcewall preventing people from falling out.
  1391. Lunavera:
  1392. Well come on then. The bar won't be open proper, but we can still speak with the employees.
  1394. Chrysanthemum:
  1395. ...Oh, darn, why did I think that people would be here? Ugh.
  1396. * Lunavera heads over to the bar proper, knocking upon the doors.
  1397. Indeed, the bar is closed. It's 9:30 in the morning.
  1398. * Chrysanthemum follows her over anyways.
  1399. Nothing happens from knocking on the door.
  1400. Try again?
  1402. Chrysanthemum:
  1403. Hmmm.
  1404. * Lunavera knocks once more.
  1406. Chrysanthemum:
  1407. Well, we could come back later, or...since it's kind of important that we find out about this guy, I've got another idea.
  1408. After a couple minutes, someone approaches the door.
  1409. FoxtrotTango:
  1410. hey it's that girl
  1411. VinnyDonuts:
  1412. i needed a token and this was laying around
  1413. Malachi:
  1414. (ok, back)
  1415. * Tapper's Den Owner yells through the glass and points at the sign saying "closed". It's hard to make out what he's saying.
  1417. Chrysanthemum:
  1418. (Oh, good, I wasn't too keen on picking a lock in broad daylight.)
  1419. He's also wearing rather brave clothing for a man.
  1420. Especially for 9 in the morning.
  1421. * Lunavera flashes his badge towards the owner.
  1422. FoxtrotTango:
  1423. What, you mean a cleavage window with no cleavage?
  1424. * Chrysanthemum looks over at Luna, thinking that this sort of thing is more her expertise.
  1425. * Tapper's Den Owner stops and hesitates, looks at the back, and then comes to the door.
  1426. * Tapper's Den Owner talks through the glass.
  1428. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1429. What do you want?
  1430. FoxtrotTango:
  1431. Let me check through mah skillz to see what killz here
  1433. Lunavera:
  1434. I just need a few minutes of your time. I'm looking into a case concerning a missing individual that frequented this bar. I just wanted to see if one of your workers may have seen him in the past few days.
  1435. VinnyDonuts:
  1436. Also, unlawful entry into a business is probably going to look bad on a police officer.
  1437. FoxtrotTango:
  1438. Probably
  1439. FoxtrotTango:
  1440. But you know, she's only a step or two away from going rogue
  1441. FoxtrotTango:
  1442. *snrk*
  1443. VinnyDonuts:
  1444. gm me a diplomacy roll, Luna
  1445. Avara:
  1446. GMing rolls: the best way to gamble with fate
  1447. * Witch rolls secretly to you: 1d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
  1448. * Tapper's Den Owner glances at the back again, and then sighs and unlocks the door. However, he steps outside, instead of letting Chrys and Luna in, and blocks the door by leaning on it.
  1449. * Lunavera takes a slight step back in an accomodating manner.
  1451. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1452. We see dozens of kids a day. I don't think we'll recognize whoever it is.
  1454. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1455. Besides, I'm the only one here right now.
  1456. * You roll secretly: 1d20+6 => 7 + 6 = 13
  1458. Lunavera:
  1459. His name is Gardenia. One of those loner types who's usually only around with his girlfriend.
  1461. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1462. Doesn't ring a bell.
  1463. * Lunavera describes Gardenia's appearance to the owner, watching carefully for any signs of awkwardness or hesitance.
  1464. FoxtrotTango:
  1465. Rolling the Sense Motive
  1466. FoxtrotTango:
  1467. « 1d20 + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
  1468. Witch:
  1469. Rolling both Perception and Sense Motive on the Owner. « 1d20+9 = 12 + 9 = 21 » « 1d20+9 = 20 + 9 = 29 »
  1470. FoxtrotTango:
  1471. I'll go ahead and throw in a Perception too.
  1472. FoxtrotTango:
  1473. « 1d20 + 5 = 6 + 5 = 11 »
  1474. FoxtrotTango:
  1475. Both of said skills are the same level for me so Sense Motive is first.
  1476. * Chrysanthemum brightens up with a friendly smile.
  1478. Chrysanthemum:
  1479. Oh, then you don't mind if we come in, right?
  1480. FoxtrotTango:
  1481. I wonder if that would be a Bluff or Diplo.
  1482. FoxtrotTango:
  1483. She's basically saying it in a cheery, inviting way, too.
  1485. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1486. I, uh... Do you have a warrant?
  1487. FoxtrotTango:
  1488. This sounds like Bluff territory.
  1490. Lunavera:
  1491. No, ma'am. Is there a reason we would need one?
  1492. VinnyDonuts:
  1493. Luna has the right idea.
  1494. FoxtrotTango:
  1495. Ooh, nice.
  1497. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1498. I... I guess not, uh...
  1500. Chrysanthemum:
  1501. Yeah, I mean, it's just you in here, after all. Nothing to hide but the dust on the counter!
  1502. * Tapper's Den Owner hesitates, and opens the door.
  1504. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1505. Alright, officers, have a seat...
  1506. * Tapper's Den Owner says this a little louder than you'd expect.
  1508. Chrysanthemum:
  1509. (Yeah, go ahead and toot it out, why don't you?)
  1510. * Lunavera smiles and nods to the owner, playing along.
  1511. * Chrysanthemum also walks in, making a note to keep an eye on the door.
  1512. * VinnyDonuts locks the door, and pulls out a table for the officers.
  1513. VinnyDonuts:
  1514. fuck
  1515. * Tapper's Den Owner locks the door, and pulls out a table for the officers.
  1516. * Lunavera takes a few steps into the bar, looking around the place as he does so. « 1d20+9 = 13 + 9 = 22 »
  1517. * Lunavera looks to the owner after a minute, pointing up to one of the cameras nearest the bar itself.
  1519. Lunavera:
  1520. Excuse me, your cameras work, don't they?
  1522. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1523. ... Huh? Oh, yeah.
  1525. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1526. Do you want the tapes?
  1528. Lunavera:
  1529. Would you mind if I asked for the footage of the front of the house for the past 2 weeks?
  1530. * Chrysanthemum takes a discreet look-around, masking it with a yawn.
  1532. Chrysanthemum:
  1533. « 1d20 + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
  1535. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1536. ... Yeah, that's fine. I'll get that for you, officer.
  1538. Chrysanthemum:
  1539. Oh, um, where's the bathroom?
  1540. * Tapper's Den Owner points you in the direction of the bathroom before she ducks into the back.
  1541. * Chrysanthemum nods as she departs, then shoots Luna a quick look.
  1542. * You roll secretly: 1d20+5 => 19 + 5 = 24
  1543. VinnyDonuts:
  1544. Can i get perception checks?
  1545. FoxtrotTango:
  1546. Sure thing.
  1547. FoxtrotTango:
  1548. Also, what's the check to discreetly pantomime something? Sleight of hand?
  1549. FoxtrotTango:
  1550. « 1d20 + 5 = 16 + 5 = 21 »
  1551. VinnyDonuts:
  1552. Aye.
  1553. FoxtrotTango:
  1554. GM roll?
  1555. VinnyDonuts:
  1556. I suppose so
  1557. * Witch rolls: 1d20+9 => 9 + 9 = 18
  1558. FoxtrotTango:
  1559. « 1d20 + 17 = 10 + 17 = 27 »
  1560. VinnyDonuts:
  1561. Is that luna's perception?
  1562. Witch:
  1563. Yep
  1564. FoxtrotTango:
  1565. My first roll was Percep, second was Sleight of hand
  1566. VinnyDonuts:
  1567. The both of you notice the smell of insence.
  1568. * Chrysanthemum surreptitiously indicates that something smells suspicious in the back of the house.
  1569. VinnyDonuts:
  1570. It's pretty strong.
  1572. Chrysanthemum:
  1573. (If they've got strong incense, they've gotta be covering something.)
  1575. Chrysanthemum:
  1576. I'm gonna head to the bathroom, Luna. Should be back in a few.
  1577. * Lunavera simply nods.
  1578. FoxtrotTango:
  1579. « 1d20 + 11 = 6 + 11 = 17 »
  1580. * Chrysanthemum departs for the restroom.
  1581. FoxtrotTango:
  1582. So, quick question.
  1583. FoxtrotTango:
  1584. Does it share a wall with the back?
  1585. VinnyDonuts:
  1586. Yes, it does, though it's solid wood.
  1587. FoxtrotTango:
  1588. Where are the ventilation shafts?
  1589. VinnyDonuts:
  1590. In the ceiling.
  1591. VinnyDonuts:
  1592. They look too small for you to crawl through.
  1593. VinnyDonuts:
  1594. I can tell you that without a perception check.
  1595. FoxtrotTango:
  1596. You say to someone wearing a Corset of the Vishyanka.
  1597. VinnyDonuts:
  1598. Well, I suppose I'll have to eat my words.
  1599. FoxtrotTango:
  1600. Of course, I don't exactly have a warrant to crawl in for the drugs.
  1601. * VinnyDonuts prepares the special sauce
  1602. FoxtrotTango:
  1603. Buuuuut...
  1605. Chrysanthemum:
  1606. (She's got drugs in there, I know it. I could probably squeeze through the vents, but...)
  1607. VinnyDonuts:
  1608. Another perception check.
  1609. FoxtrotTango:
  1610. « 1d20 + 5 = 1 + 5 = 6 »
  1611. Witch:
  1612. For who?
  1613. VinnyDonuts:
  1614. For chrys.
  1615. FoxtrotTango:
  1616. I passed mine to Vin
  1617. VinnyDonuts:
  1618. Carry on.
  1619. FoxtrotTango:
  1620. And remember, parentheses are her thinking, not whispering.
  1621. VinnyDonuts:
  1622. I know.
  1624. Chrysanthemum:
  1625. (...Mmmm, not sure if it would be a good idea to squeeze in there anyways. We're not really here for the drugs.)
  1626. * Chrysanthemum makes up her mind, and goes over to the toilet, presses the flusher, hits the sink for a few moments, then turns it off, grabs a paper towel or hits the hand dryer, waits a bit, then walks out.
  1627. VinnyDonuts:
  1628. Chrys hears banging coming through the vents as she's bout to leave.
  1630. Chrysanthemum:
  1631. ...?
  1632. VinnyDonuts:
  1633. It sounds kind of like gunshots to her.
  1634. VinnyDonuts:
  1635. Luna doesn't hear this.
  1637. Chrysanthemum:
  1638. ...!
  1639. FoxtrotTango:
  1640. Should I roll Will?
  1641. VinnyDonuts:
  1642. They're not shooting at her, so no.
  1643. You have disconnected.
  1644. Malachi has connected.
  1645. Luminous Lead has connected.
  1646. Witch has connected.
  1647. Avara has connected.
  1648. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  1649. FoxtrotTango:
  1650. welcome back
  1651. * Witch rolls secretly to you: 1d20+9 => 1 + 9 = 10
  1652. FoxtrotTango:
  1653. Should I roll Will or did you do that?
  1654. * Chrysanthemum hurries out of the bathroom with a blanched face and returns to the table.
  1655. Vinny_Donuts:
  1656. You should not.
  1657. Vinny_Donuts:
  1658. And scratch what I said. Luna hears gunshots through the vents too.
  1660. Chrysanthemum:
  1661. (whispers) I thought I heard gunshots... Do you think...?
  1662. * Lunavera stands up from the table, drawing a gun as he does so. One that looks notably bigger than the standard issue 9mm.
  1664. Lunavera:
  1665. Follow me.
  1666. * Chrysanthemum recoils back a bit. "S-Stela..."
  1667. * Lunavera proceeds to the back, gun drawn and aimed upwards.
  1668. Witch:
  1669. *aimed forwards, I should sa
  1670. Witch:
  1671. *say
  1672. Witch:
  1673. bleh
  1674. * Chrysanthemum tries to contain her nervousness, following while pulling her hood over her head and withdrawing her sap.
  1675. FoxtrotTango:
  1676. Stealth roll
  1677. FoxtrotTango:
  1678. « 1d20 + 19 = 7 + 19 = 26 »
  1679. Witch:
  1680. And yeah, a Stealth roll as well here. Got distracted for a moment
  1681. * Witch rolls secretly to you: 1d20+13 => 7 + 13 = 20
  1682. * You roll secretly: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  1683. FoxtrotTango:
  1684. And don't worry if the door's locked. I got that down pat.
  1685. Vinny_Donuts:
  1686. The door is unlocked.
  1687. * Chrysanthemum stacks up on one side of the door, ready to push through at any moment, but trusting the gunner to go first, even if that gun gives her the willies.
  1689. Lunavera:
  1690. Twists the knob to let it open slightly and then kneels before slowly pushing it the rest of the way open in order to get a good look at what's going down.
  1691. * Lunavera twists the knob to let it open slightly and then kneels before slowly pushing it the rest of the way open in order to get a good look at what's going down.
  1692. Witch:
  1693. guuuuh
  1694. FoxtrotTango:
  1695. It's alright
  1696. FoxtrotTango:
  1697. Chrys is also squeezing herself against the wall so her form past the door frame doesn't give her away.
  1698. Vinny_Donuts:
  1699. The back is a hallway with five doors. Office, Private Lounge, Kitchen, what looks to be a closet, and what looks to be the door outside.
  1700. Vinny_Donuts:
  1701. The insence smell is coming from the lounge.
  1702. * Chrysanthemum looks over at Luna and whispers very softly.
  1703. Vinny_Donuts:
  1704. You figure that if the owner was getting the tapes he'd be in the office.
  1706. Chrysanthemum:
  1707. (whispers) There's drugs in the Lounge, I don't think we should worry about them right now, though...
  1708. * Lunavera moves to the office door first, testing the knob and opening it if it was unlocked.
  1709. Vinny_Donuts:
  1710. The owner is sitting inside, getting the tapes.
  1711. Vinny_Donuts:
  1712. As if nothing was wrong.
  1713. * Chrysanthemum follows Luna quietly, knowing that she wouldn't be that long getting the tapes. She's buying time...
  1715. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1716. Fucking finally.
  1717. * Tapper's Den Owner takes the tapes out and stands up, turning towards the door.
  1719. Chrysanthemum:
  1720. !
  1721. FoxtrotTango:
  1722. Sounds like a reaction command is in order.
  1723. * You roll secretly: 1d20+2 => 18 + 2 = 20
  1724. FoxtrotTango:
  1725. WHAT DO
  1726. FoxtrotTango:
  1727. UMM
  1728. FoxtrotTango:
  1729. UMMMMMM
  1730. FoxtrotTango:
  1731. Wait does the door lock on this side
  1732. Vinny_Donuts:
  1733. No.
  1734. Vinny_Donuts:
  1735. Yes.
  1736. Vinny_Donuts:
  1737. Yes it does.
  1738. Vinny_Donuts:
  1739. It needs a key though.
  1740. FoxtrotTango:
  1741. GOT IT
  1742. Vinny_Donuts:
  1743. If she's walking towards the door, you do not have time to pick the lock.
  1744. FoxtrotTango:
  1745. Who said I was picking it?
  1746. FoxtrotTango:
  1747. I'll tell you my plan on Skype
  1748. FoxtrotTango:
  1749. Ah fudge, my plan may not work.
  1750. FoxtrotTango:
  1751. But...still.
  1752. FoxtrotTango:
  1753. Shoot, I'm not a good cop. I'm gonna let him open it.
  1754. FoxtrotTango:
  1755. Luna, you got a plan?
  1756. * Lunavera stands up and looks into the office of the tiefling.
  1758. Lunavera:
  1759. Ma'am, are you alright in here?
  1760. * Chrysanthemum nods at Luna and then waits on the side of the door with her sap ready in case things go bad.
  1761. Vinny_Donuts:
  1762. Is Luna in the frame?
  1763. FoxtrotTango:
  1765. Witch:
  1766. About half in, half out
  1767. Vinny_Donuts:
  1768. So gun's not visible.
  1770. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1771. Huh? I told you I'd go get the tapes.
  1773. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1774. Whatever. Here it is.
  1775. * Tapper's Den Owner notices Luna using the correct pronoun and seems a little happier for it.
  1776. * Tapper's Den Owner approaches to hand the tape over.
  1777. * Chrysanthemum watches Luna's eyes for a sign.
  1779. Lunavera:
  1780. I need you to stay back, ma'am. My partner and I heard gunshots in this vicinity. We need to case the area to make sure that no one is in danger.
  1782. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1783. ... Gunshots?
  1784. * Lunavera gestures for Chrys to take the tape.
  1786. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1787. ... Oh, OH!
  1789. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1790. That's the ventilation.
  1792. Lunavera:
  1793. Yes. Stay right here. My partner will stay with you.
  1795. Lunavera:
  1796. I must still insist on checking, ma'am.
  1797. * Chrysanthemum looks a bit annoyed that her cover's blown and stands up, putting the sap away and taking the tapes.
  1798. * Lunavera moves towards the lounge next, clearly putting a bit of pressure on the Owner while nearing the door and reaching towards the knob.
  1800. Chrysanthemum:
  1801. Sorry, ma'am. Either you've got an infestation or something else doesn't smell right and is making a lot of noise.
  1802. * Tapper's Den Owner starts to object, but realizes she's pretty much helpless in this situation.
  1804. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1805. The ventilation's a peice of shit and makes banging whenever the fan starts up. The music usually covers it, but some of my friends tell me it sounds like gunshots.
  1806. FoxtrotTango:
  1807. That's probably a lie
  1809. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1810. I can't hear it, though.
  1811. FoxtrotTango:
  1812. Ain't even gonna dignify that one with a Sense Motive
  1813. Vinny_Donuts:
  1814. Well, sense motive.
  1815. FoxtrotTango:
  1816. Well, okay
  1817. FoxtrotTango:
  1818. But only because it's you
  1819. FoxtrotTango:
  1820. « 1d20 + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13 »
  1821. Malachi:
  1822. Ok, guys, let's not get weird here
  1823. Malachi:
  1824. Do it on your own time
  1825. Avara:
  1826. this is their own time
  1827. * Lunavera meanwhile turns the knob on the lounge, attempting to open the door.
  1828. * Chrysanthemum seems somewhat relieved.
  1830. Chrysanthemum:
  1831. You might want to get the bolts tightened.
  1832. Vinny_Donuts:
  1833. The door to the lounge is locked.
  1835. Chrysanthemum:
  1836. Luna, if I may?
  1837. Vinny_Donuts:
  1838. But it's still open.
  1839. Vinny_Donuts:
  1840. Looks like whoever locked it forgot to close it.
  1842. Chrysanthemum:
  1843. Oh, well, that's luck.
  1844. Witch:
  1845. welp
  1846. FoxtrotTango:
  1847. So push open the door?
  1848. Witch:
  1849. Indeed
  1850. * Chrysanthemum keeps attending to the bar's owner, making sure both her and Luna are in her sight.
  1851. The lounge is full of pillows and smells like insence and drugs. The insence is burning on a burner, and the room is empty.
  1852. FoxtrotTango:
  1853. They're in the pillows.
  1854. FoxtrotTango:
  1855. Callin' it.
  1856. Malachi:
  1857. Check for hookahs
  1858. FoxtrotTango:
  1859. If you fail your Perception roll, I'll go in there and cut open a pillow.
  1860. Malachi:
  1861. and/or bongs
  1862. There's evidence of drug use- Hookahs, bongs, etc. but no actual drugs.
  1863. Malachi:
  1864. never mind
  1865. Avara:
  1866. i read hookah as hooker
  1868. Lunavera:
  1869. Hookahs, bongs... Ma'am... Is there anything that you want to tell us now?
  1871. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1872. I, uh...
  1874. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1875. My friends like to smoke back there and get strippers.
  1877. Chrysanthemum:
  1878. Uh-huh... By the smell of that incense, your friends must be packing some pretty good stuff.
  1880. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1881. I- Look, man, I don't do any of it, I just own the place...
  1882. * Lunavera takes a good look around the room before looking back at the owner once more.
  1884. Lunavera:
  1885. Are you sure that's all you want to tell us, ma'am? Nothing concerning Mr. Gardenia?
  1887. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1888. I don't know anything about that kid! If he came here, then he'll be on the tapes!
  1889. * Chrysanthemum nods, thinking that she's probably telling the truth on that one.
  1891. Chrysanthemum:
  1892. So you said your friends are still on the premises?
  1894. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1895. No, they already left-
  1897. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1898. shit
  1899. * Chrysanthemum nods, keeping her face impassive even though she's proud of herself for a moment.
  1902. Chrysanthemum:
  1903. I hope you understand we'll have to check the place top to bottom for signs of drug use. Some of the smokables in this city aren't exactly street-legal and we want to make sure there that what you and your friends are dipping into isn't the deadly stuff.
  1904. FoxtrotTango:
  1905. sure that*
  1906. * Lunavera holsters his gun before stepping over towards Chrys and the owner of the club.
  1908. Lunavera:
  1909. Ma'am... I'd suggest you get some better "friends".
  1910. * Lunavera takes the tape and gestures for Chrys to follow after.
  1912. Lunavera:
  1913. Come on, Chrys. They aren't worth our time.
  1914. Vinny_Donuts:
  1915. Also, would you like to roll to identify the drug that was being used?
  1916. Vinny_Donuts:
  1917. Knowledge: Nature or Local would do the trick.
  1918. * Chrysanthemum nods and follows out, nodding to the owner as they leave.
  1920. Lunavera:
  1921. But I'd... strongly suggest that you clean up the act before you end up being worth someone else's time.
  1922. FoxtrotTango:
  1923. Will do.
  1924. * Witch rolls: 1d20+8 => 15 + 8 = 23
  1925. Witch:
  1926. Local
  1927. FoxtrotTango:
  1928. Oh right, gm rolls
  1929. FoxtrotTango:
  1930. « 1d20 + 11 = 3 + 11 = 14 »
  1931. Vinny_Donuts:
  1932. Well, Lunavera correctly identifies what was being smoked as Rainbowleaf, a ylldinian plant that causes intense hallucinations when ingested. Evidence suggests they were smoking it, which instead makes everything pleasantly psychedelic and leaves the user kind of dreamy.
  1933. Vinny_Donuts:
  1934. Impressive that they were able to leave quietly while under the effects of it, but maybe it hadn't kicked in yet.
  1935. FoxtrotTango:
  1936. In other words, I didn't ID it, but I know at least that it had to be something strong.
  1937. Vinny_Donuts:
  1938. If they're driving, they won't be driving well. It's technically illegal because of the effect it has in large doses, but most cops don't bother unless there's bricks of the stuff laying around.
  1939. FoxtrotTango:
  1940. Chrys has decided to let sleeping dogs lie on this one.
  1941. * Lunavera heads out the back door of the joint, looking for tracks on where the group had run off to.
  1942. FoxtrotTango:
  1943. She won't push the investigation toward the drugs, though her criminal side wonders just who they got them from.
  1944. Witch:
  1945. So let's see, that'd be Survival
  1946. Vinny_Donuts:
  1947. Probably the Briars.
  1948. Vinny_Donuts:
  1949. Knowing what you know.
  1950. * Witch rolls: 1d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
  1951. Witch:
  1952. bleh
  1953. FoxtrotTango:
  1954. Luna knew that much too, so I need not mention.
  1955. * Chrysanthemum follows her there, commenting "They probably stashed 'em in the pillows..."
  1957. Tapper's Den Owner:
  1958. ... right.
  1959. FoxtrotTango:
  1960. She's not talking to the owner
  1961. FoxtrotTango:
  1962. And she waits until the owner's like, away to say that.
  1963. Vinny_Donuts:
  1964. that was a reply to luna
  1965. FoxtrotTango:
  1966. Ah
  1967. FoxtrotTango:
  1968. Fair enough, just so we're sure
  1969. * Chrysanthemum says, when they're alone again...
  1971. Chrysanthemum:
  1972. Found anything yet?
  1973. * Tapper's Den Owner says nothing as the officers leave.
  1974. Vinny_Donuts:
  1975. Well, how about this: While Lunavera follows these guys' trail, we go back to the university
  1976. Vinny_Donuts:
  1977. To meet Dr. Mint
  1979. Lunavera:
  1980. Likely, but truly not worth our time. At any rate... This alley's too cluttered to properly tell. Come on, to the car.
  1981. FoxtrotTango:
  1982. Oh, I'm gonna have Chrys do a quick check too.
  1983. Witch:
  1984. And cut there for those two
  1985. FoxtrotTango:
  1986. « 1d20 + 7 = 12 + 7 = 19 »
  1987. Witch:
  1988. or ft can do a thing yeah
  1989. Malachi:
  1990. Rooki, you there?
  1991. FoxtrotTango:
  1992. Just sent a check for myself.
  1993. Vinny_Donuts:
  1994. Survival, FT?
  1995. FoxtrotTango:
  1996. Yep
  1997. Vinny_Donuts:
  1998. Well, Chrys thinks she's got a trail.
  1999. Vinny_Donuts:
  2000. But let's talk about that later.
  2002. Chrysanthemum:
  2003. ...Huh. Hold on a sec. I think I might have something...
  2004. FoxtrotTango:
  2005. And transition.
  2006. Vinny_Donuts:
  2007. Let's take a ten-minute break first
  2008. FoxtrotTango:
  2009. This good idee
  2010. FoxtrotTango:
  2011. Save the logs just to be certain
  2012. Malachi:
  2013. Rooki seems to be away at the moment anyways
  2014. FoxtrotTango:
  2015. I like to be careful with the server's connectivity being as it's been
  2016. Avara:
  2017. beep
  2018. Malachi:
  2019. Heya
  2020. Malachi:
  2021. In ten, it's back to us
  2022. Avara:
  2023. cool story
  2024. Malachi:
  2025. bro
  2026. Avara:
  2027. don't taze me sis
  2028. Malachi:
  2029. Anyways, I'll make use of this break and grab some more water
  2030. FoxtrotTango:
  2031. This is a fun game, I like it.
  2032. FoxtrotTango:
  2033. It's been a while since I got to feel nice and roguey.
  2034. Avara:
  2035. kind of worried i'm going to fuck up, honestly
  2036. FoxtrotTango:
  2037. Everybody comes at the cop game from a different angle. Don't worry about it. You'll be the best in your own way.
  2038. FoxtrotTango:
  2039. You've got the delegation down, that's for sure.
  2040. Avara:
  2041. i'm da chief of da party
  2042. Avara:
  2043. i guess
  2044. Malachi:
  2045. And I'm back
  2046. Avara:
  2047. welcome back pally-din
  2048. Vinny_Donuts:
  2049. I'm back.
  2050. Vinny_Donuts:
  2051. With mint tea and white chocolate cake.
  2052. FoxtrotTango:
  2053. DR. MINT TEA
  2054. Avara:
  2055. yay~
  2056. Vinny_Donuts:
  2057. you two ready?
  2058. Malachi:
  2059. I believe I am
  2060. Malachi:
  2061. Rooki?
  2062. Avara:
  2063. yeah
  2064. * Joseph Solvin has been humming a song to himself as he waits.
  2065. It's 10:12, and the students are streaming out of the lecture hall. It sounds like the lecture went a little longer than anticipated.
  2066. * Heather looks for anyone who looks familiar, or might match the info from Gardenia's profile about Ariel. (which i'd sort of expect there to be a picture or description)
  2068. Messy Student:
  2069. Sheesh, Dr. Mint doesn't know where to stop...
  2070. You have disconnected.
  2071. Vinny_Donuts has connected.
  2072. Malachi has connected.
  2073. Luminous Lead has connected.
  2074. Witch has connected.
  2075. Avara has connected.
  2076. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  2077. Vinny_Donuts is disconnected.
  2079. Messy Student:
  2080. Sheesh, Dr. Mint doesn't know where to stop...
  2082. Tired Student:
  2083. Well, it's important material for the test...
  2084. VinnyDonuts:
  2085. The students mill about among themselves and the lecture hall empties. You don't see anyone matching Ariel's description.
  2086. VinnyDonuts:
  2087. You do, however, see Dr. Mint packing up her stuff.
  2089. Joseph Solvin:
  2090. Hmm... don't see Ariel, do you?
  2091. * Heather approaches Dr. Mint, flashing her badge. "Excuse me, Dr. Mint? You teach the students looking for Masters degrees in Alchemy, correct?"
  2092. * Doctor Mint looks up and is surprised.
  2093. You have disconnected.
  2094. VinnyDonuts has connected.
  2095. Malachi has connected.
  2096. Luminous Lead has connected.
  2097. Witch has connected.
  2098. Avara has connected.
  2099. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  2100. Vinny_Donuts:
  2101. this needs to stop
  2102. VinnyDonuts is disconnected.
  2103. * Doctor Mint looks up and is surprised.
  2105. Doctor Mint:
  2106. Oh, hello, officers! Why, yes, I do, as well as Doctorates~
  2108. Doctor Mint:
  2109. If you're looking to enrol, though, I'm not the one to talk to!
  2111. Joseph Solvin:
  2112. Oh no, we're actually looking for someone
  2114. Heather:
  2115. "We're looking for one of your students, Ariel. I'd guess her work's been suffering lately, if that helps."
  2117. Doctor Mint:
  2118. Oh, is that so... Oh, Ariel! What for, officers~? I didn't know police worked as part time tutors~
  2119. Malachi:
  2120. oh god the tildes are back
  2122. Heather:
  2123. "Her boyfriend's gone missing. We need to talk with her, hopefully get some clues."
  2124. * Joseph Solvin looks around, making sure not to touch anything.
  2125. FoxtrotTango:
  2126. Everyone loves a good tilde~
  2128. Doctor Mint:
  2129. Oh, is that so? She really hasn't been paying attention in our tutoring sessions recently, but she hasn't said anything on the matter. She's quite the smart girl but she just hasn't been paying attention~
  2131. Doctor Mint:
  2132. If that's the case, then I suppose I know why now~ As luck would have it, We have a tutoring session at 11 today. She usually shows up quite early, so maybe you can talk to her then!
  2133. * Doctor Mint seems oddly cheerful about this news, and talks rather quickly.
  2134. Malachi:
  2135. And the time is?
  2137. Heather:
  2138. "That would be helpful, thank you."
  2139. Vinny_Donuts:
  2140. 10:15
  2141. Malachi:
  2142. Gotcha
  2143. Heather: (( sense motive mint. « 1d20+14 = 13 + 14 = 27 » ))
  2144. Malachi:
  2145. I shall also sense the motives
  2146. Malachi:
  2147. GM?
  2148. Vinny_Donuts:
  2149. Yeah.
  2150. Malachi:
  2151. gm: d20 + 8
  2152. Malachi:
  2153. ...
  2154. Malachi:
  2155. Um
  2156. Malachi:
  2157. Ok, what's the command again?
  2158. Vinny_Donuts:
  2159. square brackets, mal
  2160. Malachi:
  2161. danke
  2162. Malachi:
  2163. both you and Rooki
  2164. Malachi:
  2165. « d20 + 8 = 2 + 8 = 10 »
  2166. Malachi:
  2167. Did it work then?
  2168. Vinny_Donuts:
  2169. I got it, chief
  2170. * Joseph Solvin thinks to himself (They weren't kidding when they said the doctor gets distracted easily.)
  2172. Doctor Mint:
  2173. My, my, I do think I recognize your face, officer~
  2175. Doctor Mint:
  2176. You remind me of a lovely performer I saw the other day~
  2177. FoxtrotTango:
  2178. Now class, I'd like you to open your books to page 427. 427, that's a number that's close to 420, and that reminds me, kids, it's time to blaze it! I hope you brought the good shit!
  2179. Malachi:
  2180. wait, which one is she talking to again?
  2182. Doctor Mint:
  2183. Ah, but he's a man, isn't he~ Ah, never mind me~
  2185. Doctor Mint:
  2186. I'm sorry, officer~
  2187. Malachi:
  2188. which one is she talking to?!
  2190. Heather:
  2191. "That's interesting. I didn't think I'd looked that manly." « 1d20+14 = 8 + 14 = 22 » ((bluff to discourage thinking of the similarities))
  2192. Heather: (( she's referring to primrose ))
  2193. Vinny_Donuts:
  2194. Heather.
  2195. Malachi:
  2196. I'm so confused!
  2197. Malachi:
  2198. HOKAY
  2199. Avara:
  2200. ft, it's alchemy class. they'd be COOKING the good shit
  2201. Avara:
  2202. grading based on how good of a high it gives the teacher
  2204. Doctor Mint:
  2205. I'm sorry to offend you, officer~ How about I treat you to some tea while you wait~
  2206. FoxtrotTango:
  2208. FoxtrotTango:
  2209. I mean, no, it's tea leaves, how silly of me
  2211. Heather:
  2212. "I'd appreciate the tea, but don't worry. I'm not really offended; I kind of get that a lot."
  2214. Doctor Mint:
  2215. Ah, then follow me to my office~
  2216. Malachi is disconnected.
  2217. Vinny_Donuts:
  2218. whoopsie doodle
  2219. Malachi has connected.
  2220. Malachi:
  2221. OK, I'M BACK
  2222. Malachi:
  2224. Malachi:
  2225. ok, back
  2226. * Doctor Mint leads the officers to her office, which has a nice view of outside. She prepares you some tea.
  2227. Malachi:
  2228. Last thing was heather saying that she'd appreciate the tea
  2229. Avara: (( only missed the doctor offering to lead them to the office ))
  2230. * Heather holds the door open to let Solvin pass, and takes a seat once everyone's settled in.
  2231. The tea smells like... Mint. Huh.
  2233. Joseph Solvin:
  2234. Thank you kindly, Heather.
  2235. * Joseph Solvin also takes a seat.
  2237. Doctor Mint:
  2238. Alchemy really is quite the complex science~
  2240. Doctor Mint:
  2241. A blending of mundane Chemistry and Magic~ It takes a lot of concentration, so if you could help out Ariel, I'm sure she'd be grateful~
  2243. Doctor Mint:
  2244. She really is a good student~ I don't think she's ever missed a single class, even when she really should~
  2246. Heather:
  2247. "Do you happen to know anything about her and her boyfriend Gardenia? Anything come up during tutoring sessions?"
  2249. Doctor Mint:
  2250. Ah, she doesn't like to talk about her personal life, at least not with me~ Though from what I hear from the other students, she's quite the party animal~
  2252. Doctor Mint:
  2253. It's impressive that she's able to keep up with her work and go to the bar every saturday~
  2255. Joseph Solvin:
  2256. Which bar? If I may?
  2258. Doctor Mint:
  2259. Ah~ Which one was popular with the students again~? The Trapper's Den?
  2260. FoxtrotTango:
  2261. Tapper's Hideout
  2263. Doctor Mint:
  2264. Oh, no, it's the TAPPER's Hideout~
  2265. Vinny_Donuts:
  2266. I did it on purpose that time.
  2267. FoxtrotTango:
  2268. I know~
  2269. Vinny_Donuts:
  2270. -1 brownie point
  2272. Joseph Solvin:
  2273. Yes, that one is quite popular from what I hear.
  2274. FoxtrotTango:
  2275. Awwwwwwww
  2276. FoxtrotTango:
  2277. So mean
  2278. Vinny_Donuts:
  2279. You hear a knocking on the door.
  2280. * Heather stands up and opens the door.
  2282. Ariel:
  2283. Dr. Mint, I'm-
  2284. * Joseph Solvin also stands up and looks toward the door.
  2286. Ariel:
  2287. ... Hello?
  2288. FoxtrotTango is disconnected.
  2289. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  2290. FoxtrotTango:
  2291. Back
  2292. Malachi:
  2293. You missed nothing
  2295. Joseph Solvin:
  2296. Ariel, I presume?
  2297. Two elves are in front of the door. One fits Ariel's description- Light green hair and fair skin, while the other has fiery-red hair. She looks like she was about to leave.
  2299. Ariel:
  2300. ... Hello?
  2301. * Heather steps back to let her in, sweeping her arm to gesture them in.
  2303. Ariel:
  2304. I mean.
  2306. Ariel:
  2307. Yeah. I'm Ariel.
  2309. Heather:
  2310. "Hello. YCPD, we'd to speak with you about Gardenia."
  2312. Ariel:
  2313. What's going on?
  2314. * Joseph Solvin pulls out his badge to show Ariel. "It's about your boyfriend. I'm Officer Solvin, this is my partner, Officer Heather."
  2316. Joseph Solvin:
  2317. We'd like to ask you some questions, if that's alright.
  2318. FoxtrotTango is disconnected.
  2319. As soon as Heather says YCPD the orange-haired elf perks right up
  2321. Calendula:
  2322. No, it's not alright.
  2324. Calendula:
  2325. Come on, Ariel, let's go.
  2327. Heather:
  2328. "We're not here to arrest Ariel. Or take her to the station."
  2330. Calendula:
  2331. Then we're free to leave, right?
  2332. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  2334. Joseph Solvin:
  2335. Of course. But I would personally like to see her reunited with her boyfriend.
  2337. Joseph Solvin:
  2338. To do that, we need to find out what she knows about him.
  2340. Calendula:
  2341. Well, she doesn't feel like getting dragged in for whatever you pigs are trying to pin her for.
  2343. Calendula:
  2344. Let's go.
  2346. Heather:
  2347. "I understand if you're not comfortable with the police, but Gardenia's reported as being missing for at least a week. The more information you give us now, the more likely it is he comes back alive."
  2348. * Calendula starts dragging Ariel off, who's meekly protesting.
  2349. * Heather follows.
  2351. Doctor Mint:
  2352. Oh me oh my~
  2353. FoxtrotTango:
  2354. "pigs", that's a sign of a criminal if ever I heard one
  2355. Vinny_Donuts:
  2356. Or just someone who doesn't like cops.
  2358. Heather:
  2359. "Ariel, speak up for yourself. Do YOU want to speak with us, or no? I swear that I won't be charging you with anything if you talk with us."
  2360. FoxtrotTango:
  2361. Trust me, I'm a criminal too
  2362. FoxtrotTango:
  2363. She's a criminal.
  2364. FoxtrotTango:
  2367. Calendula:
  2368. Ariel, you don't want to talk with these guys.
  2370. Calendula:
  2371. Right?
  2372. FoxtrotTango:
  2373. I'll be good
  2374. Malachi:
  2375. FT, please
  2377. Ariel:
  2378. Uh...
  2380. Heather:
  2381. « 1d20+12 = 14 + 12 = 26 » (diplomacy check)
  2383. Ariel:
  2384. ... Cal, maybe it'd be for the best-
  2385. Malachi:
  2386. I am also diplomacying
  2387. FoxtrotTango:
  2388. Hold on, Vinneh, they's rollin'
  2389. Malachi:
  2390. « d20 + 5 = 20 + 5 = 25 »
  2391. Vinny_Donuts:
  2392. hot damn
  2393. Vinny_Donuts:
  2394. well
  2395. Vinny_Donuts:
  2396. say your peice, sir knight
  2398. Joseph Solvin:
  2399. Please, we wish neither of you any harm and we certainly aren't here to arrest you. I'm assuming that you two are close friends and I respect that you're trying to protect your friend. But I believe Ariel misses her boyfriend. She's been missing class, after all, when once she was diligent. That's not a good sign. I know you don't want her to suffer more and I certainly don't. All I wish for is answers.
  2401. Joseph Solvin:
  2402. And as long as she is allowed to speak for herself, you can even stay with her.
  2404. Calendula:
  2405. ...
  2407. Calendula:
  2408. Fine. Whatever.
  2410. Calendula:
  2411. But I'm staying with her.
  2413. Joseph Solvin:
  2414. That's perfectly fine with me.
  2416. Joseph Solvin:
  2417. Heather?
  2418. * Ariel looks a little thankful that Joseph was able to defuse the situation.
  2420. Heather:
  2421. "I see no problem with it, so long as you let her speak for herself."
  2423. Joseph Solvin:
  2424. Alright then.
  2425. * Calendula says nothing, and corsses her arms.
  2427. Heather:
  2428. "Now, can we please go back to the office for the comfort of seating?"
  2430. Ariel:
  2431. ... Alright.
  2433. Doctor Mint:
  2434. Oh, my~ I'll have to make more tea!
  2435. Dr. Mint goes about making more tea as everyone shuffles into the office. Ariel sits down politely, while Calendula slumps down in a chair and scoots to the back of the room.
  2436. * Calendula mumbles something to Ariel.
  2438. Heather:
  2439. "Alright. Ariel, again, you have my word that I'm not here to pin you with anything, or whatever terms you want to put to it."
  2441. Calendula:
  2442. You could at least tell her your names before you go interrogating her.
  2444. Heather:
  2445. "We did. You ran off before we could finish."
  2447. Heather:
  2448. "I'm Heather, and this is Joseph Solvin."
  2450. Joseph Solvin:
  2451. A pleasure.
  2452. * Ariel recognizes the name Heather.
  2453. * Joseph Solvin seems unperturbed by Calendula's attitude.
  2455. Ariel:
  2456. Is... Are you... Heather from magic school?
  2457. * Ariel has her previously gloomy disposition brighten quite a bit.
  2459. Heather:
  2460. "Yes. I recognized your name, as well."
  2462. Ariel:
  2463. It's so good to see you after all this time!
  2465. Ariel:
  2466. I...
  2467. * Ariel looks like she has mixed feelings about the past.
  2469. Ariel:
  2470. I'm sorry for how... I might have acted in the past.
  2472. Ariel:
  2473. I mean... I guess, we're not here for a reunion, though...
  2475. Heather:
  2476. "I'm trying not to think about it. If you want to catch up on lost time, though..." she rattles off her number.
  2478. Doctor Mint:
  2479. I have cake~
  2481. Joseph Solvin:
  2482. Oh, that would be lovely, Dr. Mint, thank you.
  2484. Heather:
  2485. "Thank you, Doctor."
  2487. Ariel:
  2488. Thank you.
  2489. * Ariel smiles warmly.
  2491. Calendula:
  2492. ... Thanks.
  2494. Heather:
  2495. "So, Ariel. Your boyfriend, Gardenia, was pretty tight-lipped about what his thesis would be about towards his family. Could you tell us what it was?"
  2496. * Calendula picks at her slice while the others talk.
  2498. Ariel:
  2499. He...
  2500. * Ariel looks downcast again.
  2501. * Calendula gives Ariel a glance.
  2503. Heather:
  2504. "Ariel, I don't care if it was illegal. That's not my department, case, or job. My only concern is seeing him brought home, and if his thesis could be related to why he went missing then it'll help."
  2506. Ariel:
  2507. It wasn't illegal.
  2508. * Ariel says quickly, in his defense.
  2510. Heather:
  2511. "Then what was it? Help me out here, please."
  2513. Ariel:
  2514. He... He was very passionate about our city, and what might happen to it if war would break out with Ulvine.
  2516. Ariel:
  2517. So, he was studying a way to make an anti-magic shield around Ylldinia, and, well...
  2518. * Ariel looks upset.
  2520. Joseph Solvin:
  2521. Take your time.
  2522. * Heather reaches over to put a comforting hand on Ariel's hand or shoulder, whichever's closer.
  2524. Ariel:
  2525. He didn't trust anyone else with it, and he confided in me, and then, one night at the bar, I...
  2527. Ariel:
  2528. I blabbed about it and everyone was there and now he's gone and it's my fault!
  2529. * Ariel breaks into tears.
  2530. * Heather sings a small, melodic lullaby to help sooth Ariel's emotions, rubbing gently. « 1d20+14 = 3 + 14 = 17 »
  2531. * Joseph Solvin rubs her back, letting her cry. "Let it out, it's alright, Ariel."
  2532. Vinny_Donuts:
  2533. Can I get perception from you two?
  2534. Malachi:
  2535. Urgh
  2536. Malachi:
  2537. You CAN
  2538. Malachi:
  2539. Just not going to be very good
  2541. Heather:
  2542. « 1d20+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 »
  2543. Malachi:
  2544. « d20 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13 »
  2545. Avara:
  2546. 1d20+8
  2547. * Joseph Solvin looks at Calendula "Are you alright?"
  2549. Calendula:
  2550. ...! I'm fine!
  2551. * Heather raises an eyebrow at Calendula.
  2552. * Calendula puts her tough-gal act back on and goes back to eating her cake.
  2554. Heather:
  2555. « 1d20+14 = 18 + 14 = 32 » (sense motive)
  2556. * Joseph Solvin raises his hands to mean no harm. "You merely seemed worried, that's all."
  2557. Malachi:
  2558. I'll sense the motives, too
  2560. Calendula:
  2561. Yeah.
  2562. Malachi:
  2563. « d20 + 8 = 12 + 8 = 20 »
  2565. Joseph Solvin:
  2566. Very well.
  2568. Heather:
  2569. "Alright. We already have officers looking into Tappers for leads, don't worry about that."
  2570. * Ariel calms down after a bit.
  2572. Ariel:
  2573. O-okay. I'm sorry.
  2575. Joseph Solvin:
  2576. It is nothing to apologize about
  2578. Heather:
  2579. "It's going to be alright, Ariel."
  2581. Joseph Solvin:
  2582. Though, if I may ask, when was the last time you saw your boyfriend?"
  2584. Ariel:
  2585. Last time was eight days ago. Cal and I went out for a party, and I dragged him along to make him feel better, and we both got really drunk at the party...
  2587. Ariel:
  2588. Cal and I had to crash there, and he was gone, so I thought he'd found a way home.
  2590. Ariel:
  2591. But I haven't seen him since...
  2592. * Heather raises an eyebrow at Cal again, but doesn't say anything else, focusing on Ariel. "Do you remember who you told about the thesis?"
  2593. * Joseph Solvin nods slowly and sips the tea. He then looks at Dr. Mint. "This is very good tea, Doctor."
  2595. Ariel:
  2596. No, I don't. I can't remember anything that night.
  2598. Doctor Mint:
  2599. Ah, thank you~ But poor Ariel's cake is ruined~ Ah, I'll have to get her another slice~
  2600. * Doctor Mint scoots along to get another slice of cake.
  2601. * Heather shifts her gaze over to Cal. "Since you opted to participate in the conversation, do you have any memories of that night that'll help?"
  2602. Malachi:
  2603. ninja'd
  2604. FoxtrotTango:
  2605. Nice
  2606. * Calendula says nothing and keeps eating cake.
  2607. FoxtrotTango:
  2608. It's a shame that she's being a tough nut
  2609. * Heather looks to Ariel questioningly, after the utter silence from her friend.
  2611. Ariel:
  2612. I do remember whose house we went to...
  2614. Calendula:
  2615. Come on, she doesn't have anything to do with this, Ariel.
  2617. Calendula:
  2618. Don't drag her into this.
  2620. Heather:
  2621. "Miss, if Ariel wants to provide information that's her choice."
  2623. Ariel:
  2624. Well, even if she doesn't, then it'll help, right?
  2626. Joseph Solvin:
  2627. It certainly couldn't hurt
  2629. Ariel:
  2630. If whoever took him was there, then I think they deserve whatever they get.
  2631. * Calendula slumps back in her chair and attempts to continue stuffing her mouth, but finds that she's finished her cake. She looks dissapointed at this.
  2633. Joseph Solvin:
  2634. Do you wish for another slice... Cal, was it?
  2636. Calendula:
  2637. I'm fine.
  2639. Joseph Solvin:
  2640. Are you sure? I'm finding that I'm not as hungry as I thought I was. You are welcome to my slice.
  2642. Calendula:
  2643. I don't want it.
  2645. Joseph Solvin:
  2646. Very well
  2648. Ariel:
  2649. We went to a girl's place. Her name is Cherry.
  2651. Ariel:
  2652. I'll give you the adress...
  2654. Heather:
  2655. "Thank you."
  2656. You notice that it's a bit lower in the tree than most students up here would probably dare to venture.
  2658. Calendula:
  2659. Hey, you know, I really have to go...
  2660. * Calendula hands her plate over to joseph.
  2662. Heather:
  2663. "Ariel, is there anything else you can think of that'd help? Any guests that night, or... anything?"
  2665. Joseph Solvin:
  2666. *takes the plate and sets it on the desk* Before you go, here... *takes out two pieces of paper and writes a number down.* This is my phone number. If you think of anything else or you just wish to speak with someone in confidence, by all means, call it. *he offers both of these numbers to Ariel and Cal.*
  2668. Calendula:
  2669. Sure, thanks, bye,
  2670. Malachi:
  2671. the numbers on both of the cards...
  2672. * Calendula rushes out the door.
  2673. Malachi:
  2674. That.
  2675. Vinny_Donuts:
  2676. She took the card.
  2677. * Heather waits until Calendula is gone.
  2678. Vinny_Donuts:
  2679. Sorry, I forgot to say.
  2680. Malachi:
  2681. s'cool
  2683. Heather:
  2684. "Ariel, do you trust me?"
  2686. Ariel:
  2687. Well, I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?
  2688. * Ariel smiles weakly.
  2690. Heather:
  2691. "Not as an officer. As a person."
  2693. Ariel:
  2694. Well, I haven't talked with you in years...
  2696. Ariel:
  2697. So I guess I can't really say?
  2699. Heather:
  2700. "That's fair. But... I'm going to say something that'll be hard to hear, and all I want is for you to give it some serious thought."
  2702. Heather:
  2703. "You're on a dangerous path, judging by what I've seen so far. Just... promise me you'll think about where you are and where you're going, and try to stay on level. It's not my job to investigate and arrest you or whatever. Don't make it my job, that's all I'm asking."
  2704. * Heather stands up, looking to Joseph. "Are you ready?"
  2705. * Ariel is a little taken aback.
  2707. Joseph Solvin:
  2708. I am.
  2709. * Joseph Solvin offers his slice of cake to Ariel. "Do you want some?"
  2711. Ariel:
  2712. ... Alright.
  2714. Ariel:
  2715. I... I didn't finish telling you about Gardenia's thesis.
  2717. Joseph Solvin:
  2718. Oh?
  2719. * Heather sits back down. "Alright."
  2721. Ariel:
  2722. But, uh...
  2723. * Ariel looks at Doctor Mint.
  2725. Doctor Mint:
  2726. Oh me oh my~ I can take a hint~
  2728. Doctor Mint:
  2729. Kicking me out of my own office! Such a bold student~
  2730. FoxtrotTango:
  2731. Mint hint
  2733. Joseph Solvin:
  2734. It will be but a moment
  2735. * Doctor Mint politely waits outside.
  2737. Heather:
  2738. "She's kind of a cute professor," Heather mumbles to herself as the door closes.
  2740. Ariel:
  2741. Thank you, Dr. Mint.
  2743. Ariel:
  2744. Um, his thesis...
  2746. Ariel:
  2747. I told you about how he wanted to make a shield, right?
  2749. Ariel:
  2750. An anti-magic shield?
  2752. Heather:
  2753. "An anti-magic barrier, yes."
  2755. Ariel:
  2756. Well, he said he had an error in his calculation, but it resulted in what he thinks would've been the biggest anti-magic field spell in the world.
  2757. * Heather feels her heart sink.
  2759. Ariel:
  2760. Big enough to shut down Yllldinia completely. And he wasn't sure how long it'd last.
  2762. Ariel:
  2763. But it'd be weeks at the least.
  2765. Heather:
  2766. "W-we'll.... um. Thanks." She's pretty shaken by this, visibly affected.
  2768. Ariel:
  2769. He destroyed his notes on it, but he... He couldn't bear it on his conscience, so he told me...
  2770. * Ariel wipes away her tears.
  2771. * Joseph Solvin merely nods solemnly
  2773. Ariel:
  2774. I'm so sorry for causing all this.
  2776. Ariel:
  2777. I just want my Gardenia back.
  2779. Joseph Solvin:
  2780. It is quite alright.
  2782. Joseph Solvin:
  2783. And we will do our best to get Gardenia back
  2785. Heather:
  2786. "I already promised, Ariel. It's going to be okay. We'll do everything necessary to bring him back."
  2787. * Ariel nods quietly.
  2789. Heather:
  2790. "I'll personally plant a bullet in the head of whoever's behind this if I have to." She has a bit of a growl to her voice as she speaks.
  2791. Vinny_Donuts:
  2792. Whoa!
  2793. FoxtrotTango:
  2794. And you guys thought Luna got mad
  2795. * Joseph Solvin looks at Heather warily.
  2796. Vinny_Donuts:
  2797. We got a badass over here!
  2798. * Ariel feels a little uncomfortable.
  2800. Joseph Solvin:
  2801. Officer, do you have any more questions for Ariel?
  2803. Doctor Mint:
  2804. Oh me oh my~ Can I come back in~
  2806. Heather:
  2807. "..." she takes a deep breath, steadying herself. "Right. Sorry, I'm... protective of my city."
  2809. Joseph Solvin:
  2810. We can be protective of those we love.
  2812. Ariel:
  2813. Yes, professor.
  2815. Heather:
  2816. "Ariel, if there's anything else you need, you can call me, Joseph or the station."
  2818. Heather:
  2819. "Joseph, I'm ready to leave if there's nothing else."
  2821. Doctor Mint:
  2822. Oh me oh my~ It's almost 11:30~
  2824. Heather:
  2825. "I'm sorry we took so long."
  2827. Doctor Mint:
  2828. Looks like we'll have to skip our tutoring session for today~ But that's alright, sometimes a good cry is for the best~
  2829. Malachi:
  2830. Can you please wait for me?
  2832. Doctor Mint:
  2833. With this weight off her conscience, I'm sure Ariel will be able to work on her co-science! Ohoho!
  2834. Vinny_Donuts:
  2835. done
  2837. Joseph Solvin:
  2838. There is one last thing.
  2840. Joseph Solvin:
  2841. Have you noticed anything different about your friend, Cal, lately?
  2843. Heather:
  2844. "..."
  2846. Joseph Solvin:
  2847. Your friend seemed very worried about something.
  2849. Ariel:
  2850. No, she's always been this difficult. But she's just looking out for me, is all.
  2851. * Joseph Solvin nods.
  2853. Joseph Solvin:
  2854. Ok then.
  2856. Joseph Solvin:
  2857. Please get some rest and don't forget about your studies.
  2859. Ariel:
  2860. Alright. Thank you for your help, officers.
  2862. Joseph Solvin:
  2863. Call either myself, Heather or the station if you think of anything.
  2865. Joseph Solvin:
  2866. Oh
  2868. Heather:
  2869. "Have a good day, Ariel, Doctor. Don't hesitate to call if something comes up. I promise I'll call you once I have some free time, but I plan to put in extra hours for this."
  2870. * Joseph Solvin turns to Dr. Mint.
  2872. Joseph Solvin:
  2873. And thank you for your hospitality.
  2875. Doctor Mint:
  2876. Not one of you laughed at my pun~ Oh, what a world~
  2877. * Joseph Solvin bows to the Doctor before walking out the door.
  2879. Doctor Mint:
  2880. Have a nice day, officers~!
  2881. * Heather nods to Dr. Mint. "Yes, thanks. I'm glad that you were willing to let us use your office for privacy and comfort while discussing this." She heads out, calling the other team.
  2882. FoxtrotTango:
  2883. Ahahaha
  2884. FoxtrotTango:
  2885. No worries, me and Luna are talking to Vinny about our progress.
  2886. * Joseph Solvin seems deep in thought as Heather calls the other members of their team
  2887. FoxtrotTango:
  2888. Which one are you calling? Chrys or Luna?
  2889. Avara:
  2890. hm...
  2891. Avara:
  2892. « 1d2 = 1 »
  2893. Avara:
  2894. luna
  2895. * Lunavera picks up the phone after a moment.
  2896. Vinny_Donuts:
  2897. Luna is the one driving. How irresponsible.
  2899. Lunavera:
  2900. Do you have something?
  2901. FoxtrotTango:
  2902. Nah, they're already in the middle of "discussions"
  2903. Witch:
  2904. bluetooth
  2906. Heather:
  2907. "We just got finished interviewing Ariel and her friend, 'Cal'. Is there somewhere we can meet up to discuss privately?"
  2908. * Chrysanthemum is looking in the back, making sure that their new friends are doing ay-okay.
  2910. Lunavera:
  2911. Meet back at the station. We're tracking down some perps now to see if they know anything about Gardenia. We received tapes for the last 2 weeks from the bar.
  2912. They're currently looking at the pretty colors. They seem intently focused on a brick wall.
  2914. Lunavera:
  2915. Or rather, we'll be hearing what they have to say after we bring them in.
  2916. They have been for the last two minutes.
  2918. Lunavera:
  2919. They're doped up right now.
  2921. Chrysanthemum:
  2922. That three copper for that small art painting was a good buy.
  2923. Vinny_Donuts:
  2924. .e To note: they're catfolk.
  2925. Vinny_Donuts:
  2926. fuck
  2927. Vinny_Donuts:
  2928. well you still got it so whatever
  2929. Malachi:
  2930. damnit felix
  2932. Chrysanthemum:
  2933. You'd think they'd stare at their hands or something.
  2935. Heather:
  2936. "Thank you. We'll be there as soon as possible."
  2937. * Chrysanthemum shrugs and kicks back in the car, feeling considerably positive about things for the moment.
  2938. Witch:
  2939. H'okay, so back to the precinct
  2940. * Heather hangs up. ONWARD TO THE STATION.
  2941. FoxtrotTango:
  2942. BROOM
  2943. FoxtrotTango:
  2945. FoxtrotTango:
  2946. Don't forget to pull your tokens back to the station.
  2947. FoxtrotTango:
  2948. On the world map, anyways
  2949. Vinny_Donuts:
  2950. So, Chrys and Luna are following these chuckleheads to their base, or arresting them?
  2951. FoxtrotTango:
  2952. We picked them up in the car.
  2953. Vinny_Donuts:
  2954. Alright.
  2955. FoxtrotTango:
  2956. But not before interrogating them just a bit.
  2957. FoxtrotTango:
  2958. We tried to get what we could out of them before the Rainbowleaf took hold.
  2959. FoxtrotTango:
  2960. So, do we make rolls for that?
  2961. Vinny_Donuts:
  2962. It got them way before you got to them, sadly.
  2963. FoxtrotTango:
  2964. Ah, fair enough.
  2965. FoxtrotTango:
  2966. So we just tossed them in the back, bought them a pretty picture to focus on, and headed back to the station.
  2967. Witch:
  2968. So now they're arrested and being taken in to await questioning while sobering up.
  2969. Vinny_Donuts:
  2970. The interrogation consisted mostly of them feeling your face and marveling at how smooth it is.
  2971. FoxtrotTango:
  2972. If nothing else, we kept them from getting run over by someone else.
  2974. Chrysanthemum:
  2975. Damn druggies. They must be pretty light if they go catnip for just a bit of smoked leaf. At least I can think of worse drugs to wake up from.
  2976. Vinny_Donuts:
  2977. They must've taken a pretty good hit of rainbowleaf if they're this goofy.
  2978. * Chrysanthemum goes ahead and gives them their little cheap picture.
  2980. Lunavera:
  2981. Hm. Must have been smoking quite a bit before we arrived.
  2983. Chrysanthemum:
  2984. Still say we shoulda cut those pillows. Knowing the owner, though, she'll probably dump out the stuff before we can get back.
  2986. Lunavera:
  2987. Like I said, waste of time.
  2989. Chrysanthemum:
  2990. Oh well, these guys will wake up in a cell and not plastered to the road. That's a thing.
  2991. Heather: (( let me know when we arrive? ))
  2993. Joseph Solvin:
  2994. Right, they're probably in holding somewhere. Let's go find them.
  2996. Lunavera:
  2997. Well regardless, if these two don't know anything either, they won't be our problem. This minor stuff will suffice for getting them to talk, but little else.
  2999. Chrysanthemum:
  3000. Glad I was able to follow their footprints, at least. Hard to notice them under kicked-over trash cans, but I know what to look for.
  3002. Chrysanthemum:
  3003. Anyways, Heather and that other guy should be here soon.
  3004. Malachi:
  3007. Joseph Solvin:
  3008. You rang?
  3009. * Lunavera looks behind himself as he hears footsteps.
  3011. Lunavera:
  3012. Good timing.
  3014. Briar Thug:
  3015. this flooooooor
  3017. Briar Thug:
  3018. is made
  3020. Briar Thug:
  3021. of purple.
  3023. Briar Drunkard:
  3024. nooooooooo. ooooo.
  3026. Briar Drunkard:
  3027. ooooooooooooohhhhhhh.
  3029. Joseph Solvin:
  3030. ...
  3032. Chrysanthemum:
  3033. Darn it, you have a habit of startling me.
  3035. Lunavera:
  3036. Yes, as purple as your hair.
  3038. Joseph Solvin:
  3039. I'm guessing these are the people are you picked up?
  3041. Briar Drunkard:
  3042. it'sssss greeeen
  3043. * Lunavera casually says to the druggies
  3045. Briar Thug:
  3046. my hair
  3048. Briar Thug:
  3049. is puuuurple?
  3051. Chrysanthemum:
  3052. ...And yeah, they took tickets on the Rainbowleaf Express.
  3054. Briar Thug:
  3055. nooooohhhhhhhh
  3057. Briar Thug:
  3058. i didn't wanna dye itttttt
  3060. Joseph Solvin:
  3061. I see.
  3063. Briar Thug:
  3064. you said you weren't gonna dye it purpleeeee
  3066. Briar Drunkard:
  3067. noooo i said
  3069. Heather:
  3070. "I guess they're seeing all the colors of the wind now."
  3072. Lunavera:
  3073. At any rate. *Holds up tape.* Let's get to watching, shall we?
  3075. Joseph Solvin:
  3076. Well... we spoke with Ariel and her friend Cal.
  3078. Briar Drunkard:
  3079. i wouldn't die
  3081. Chrysanthemum:
  3082. Perfectly harmless to others, they might have a bit of a taste problem when they come out of it, but they'll be fine otherwise.
  3084. Briar Drunkard:
  3085. if you had purple hair
  3087. Joseph Solvin:
  3088. Actually, you may want to hear this
  3090. Lunavera:
  3091. Hm?
  3093. Heather:
  3094. "Joseph, please handle the report. I still need some time to calm down."
  3095. * Chrysanthemum walks over and leans casually against the wall, interested.
  3096. Vinny_Donuts:
  3097. The two continue prattling on about purple.
  3099. Joseph Solvin:
  3100. Apparently, Garendia was very passionate about his city and worried about Ulvine causing a way with Ylldinia.
  3102. Chrysanthemum:
  3103. ...Oh. Seems like you found out something important. Yeah, go on.
  3105. Joseph Solvin:
  3106. He planned on creating an anti-magic barrier to defend Ylldinia against intruders.
  3108. Lunavera:
  3109. Quite the grand scale project.
  3111. Joseph Solvin:
  3112. However, he made an error in calculations, resulting in what could theoretically be the largest anti-magic barrier in existence.
  3114. Joseph Solvin:
  3115. Enough to cover Ylldinia and shut it down
  3117. Heather:
  3118. "Field."
  3120. Joseph Solvin:
  3121. For weeks, at least
  3123. Heather:
  3124. "Anti-Magic Field."
  3126. Joseph Solvin:
  3127. Um... yes, my mistake.
  3128. Vinny_Donuts:
  3129. Anyone want to make a Know: Arcane to know just how bad that is?
  3131. Joseph Solvin:
  3132. I'm afraid my knowledge of magic is limited
  3134. Lunavera:
  3135. ...Hm. And this Ariel knew about it? Who else?
  3137. Heather:
  3138. ((can i know: bard?))
  3139. Vinny_Donuts:
  3140. Know: Arcane.
  3141. * Chrysanthemum is completely clueless on how big of a threat this is.
  3143. Heather:
  3144. « 1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
  3145. Vinny_Donuts:
  3146. Bardic Lore may help, though.
  3148. Chrysanthemum:
  3149. Don't look at me, guy, the only magic I know is the stuff in my clothes.
  3151. Joseph Solvin:
  3152. That's the thing. Apparently, she, Cal and Garendia went to a party and as you might imagine when one gets inebriated, Ariel let it slip
  3153. Malachi:
  3154. Do we really need the roll?
  3155. Malachi:
  3156. I'd imagine the way it was explained to us that it's pretty fucking bad
  3157. Vinny_Donuts:
  3158. This certainly sounds bad to you all. For one, all the power would shut down in the city, you'd figure all of the airships in the airport would shut down and crash, potentially killing hundreds right out the gate.
  3160. Joseph Solvin:
  3161. Afterwards, Garendia disappeared...
  3163. Chrysanthemum:
  3164. ...Oh, right. Yeah, that's...damn.
  3166. Lunavera:
  3167. And I'm guessing the party wasn't at the bar after all?
  3169. Joseph Solvin:
  3170. I also believe this Cal knows more than she lets on
  3172. Joseph Solvin:
  3173. It was at a house of a woman by the name of Cherry
  3174. * Heather texts Luna the address. "Party was here."
  3175. * Joseph Solvin then gives the address they were given
  3176. Vinny_Donuts:
  3177. ... But thinking upon it more, it dawns on you just how bad something like this would be for Ylldinia. None of the lights would work, and the entire inside of the tree would be pitch-black.
  3179. Chrysanthemum:
  3180. And he disappeared right after this got out? I hope none of the Ulvanians overheard and took him. You know how the gang situation is in this place...
  3181. Avara:
  3182. there's a reason heather flipped for a second, yes.
  3184. Joseph Solvin:
  3185. mmm...
  3186. Avara:
  3187. she realizes that it's basically an ylldinian apocalypse.
  3188. * Chrysanthemum goes quiet after a moment, then remembers herself and nods at Joseph.
  3190. Chrysanthemum:
  3191. N-No offense meant...
  3193. Joseph Solvin:
  3194. It's alright...
  3196. Joseph Solvin:
  3197. It worries me, though.
  3198. Vinny_Donuts:
  3199. Not to mention that the reason people are able to breathe at all in the branches is because of magic. People would suffocate.
  3201. Joseph Solvin:
  3202. Someone was so afraid Ulvine would attack to go to such drastic measures...
  3204. Joseph Solvin:
  3205. Regardless
  3207. Chrysanthemum:
  3208. I know good people are from Ulva, I just...I know how it is down here, you know? All it takes is one day to lose...
  3210. Joseph Solvin:
  3211. Garendia destroyed his notes.
  3212. * Chrysanthemum goes quiet again, frowning and looking away.
  3214. Joseph Solvin:
  3215. Thus, the only way to get at the information would be to kidnap him
  3217. Lunavera:
  3218. Civil war from what I hear. But that's rumors.
  3219. * Lunavera says in passing before shaking his head.
  3221. Lunavera:
  3222. Regardless. That's not our concern right now.
  3224. Joseph Solvin:
  3225. Indeed
  3227. Chrysanthemum:
  3228. ...Y-Yeah. And he's gone. So...what should we do next?
  3230. Joseph Solvin:
  3231. Ulvan or not, such information could prove disastrous
  3233. Joseph Solvin:
  3234. Well
  3236. Lunavera:
  3237. This Cal certainly sounds suspicious, but right now we need to find this Cherry. I still think it's a good idea to watch the tape as well. Gardenia may very well have gone to drown his sorrows before being taken.
  3239. Joseph Solvin:
  3240. *nods* I agree, let's watch the tapes, then follow our lead to this Cherry person
  3241. Vinny_Donuts:
  3242. Once you're done with the tapes, you should submit them to Evidence.
  3243. Malachi:
  3244. Danke for the reminder
  3246. Heather:
  3247. "Is there anything else to discuss presently?"
  3249. Chrysanthemum:
  3250. Mmm...I might grab lunch for us while you guys are doing that. If that's okay, I mean.
  3252. Heather:
  3253. "You don't want to watch as well?"
  3255. Lunavera:
  3256. Go ahead.
  3258. Joseph Solvin:
  3259. I certainly wouldn't mind, Chrys, thank you
  3260. Vinny_Donuts:
  3261. It's almost half past noon by now. You could use lunch.
  3263. Chrysanthemum:
  3264. Well, I could, but it's close to noon and it's not like we won't have enough eyes on the tapes, right?
  3266. Heather:
  3267. "I'll go with you, Chrys. I can look over the tapes later if I need to."
  3269. Chrysanthemum:
  3270. Er...yeah, sure.
  3272. Lunavera:
  3273. You and I then, Joseph. Let's see what we have to watch.
  3274. Avara:
  3275. how much longer are we going for this sesh?
  3276. * Joseph Solvin nods. "Very well. After you."
  3277. Vinny_Donuts:
  3278. You can investigate Cherry, then I'm out of material.
  3279. Avara:
  3280. alright.
  3281. * Chrysanthemum bites her lip, she wanted to get more than lunch while she was out, but she decides to deal with it. After all, Heather seems like a good egg.
  3283. Heather:
  3284. ".. Are you alright, Chrys?"
  3285. Witch:
  3286. H'okay. So Luna and Joseph go to an IT Room to watch the tapes and then the other two grab lunch and go to Cherry?
  3288. Chrysanthemum:
  3289. Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm just not used to riding. I usually like exploring the city on foot.
  3291. Commissioner Niel:
  3292. I'm sure she's just thinking about Joseph.
  3294. Heather:
  3295. "I can walk with you, then. Exercise doesn't hurt."
  3297. Heather:
  3298. "Hello, Commissioner."
  3299. Malachi:
  3300. Where's the IT room...
  3302. Chrysanthemum:
  3303. Oh, hey Neil!
  3304. FoxtrotTango:
  3305. Next to the Com's Off
  3306. Malachi:
  3307. ohai
  3308. Malachi:
  3309. thanks
  3310. Vinny_Donuts:
  3311. Also next to the break room.
  3312. FoxtrotTango:
  3313. There's one near Dispatch too.
  3314. * Chrysanthemum smiles at Neil, though the nerves are coming back to her. The timing of him coming around the corner seemed a little too...timely.
  3316. Commissioner Niel:
  3317. I heard you had some success. Brought in a couple suspects?
  3319. Joseph Solvin:
  3320. Hello, commisioner.
  3322. Joseph Solvin:
  3323. Well... *looks at the catfolk*
  3325. Chrysanthemum:
  3326. Yeah, um, we found a couple of dopers at the Tapper's Hideout.
  3328. Joseph Solvin:
  3329. It'll be some time before they're up for questioning
  3331. Commissioner Niel:
  3332. Ah, they're not suspects yet. I've got you.
  3333. * Lunavera nods.
  3335. Commissioner Niel:
  3336. In any case, good to hear you've got a lead already. Keep up the good work.
  3338. Heather:
  3339. "There's a suspicious location or two, and a couple people we may need to keep eyes on. I'd also like to r--"
  3341. Chrysanthemum:
  3342. Yeah. We also have the tapes. Me and, um, Heather are gonna go walking out fo-
  3344. Heather:
  3345. "..."
  3347. Chrysanthemum:
  3348. ...Uh?
  3350. Chrysanthemum:
  3351. Does he do that all the time?
  3352. Vinny_Donuts:
  3353. He's a busy man.
  3354. * Lunavera shrug
  3356. Lunavera:
  3357. Our line of work is busy, people.
  3358. FoxtrotTango:
  3359. I know some bosses like that.
  3361. Lunavera:
  3362. Now let's get to it.
  3363. FoxtrotTango:
  3364. They're like, "hey, how are ya, keep up the good work", out.
  3365. * Lunavera heads off to an IT room.
  3367. Chrysanthemum:
  3368. Right...any ideas for lunch then, Heather?
  3369. * Joseph Solvin heads to the IT room and sits by Luna.
  3371. Heather:
  3372. "Mm." She nods. "Alright, Chrysa. Lead the way. If you have any concerns, let me know. It sounded like you had something in mind?"
  3374. Chrysanthemum:
  3375. Maybe we can, um, discuss the case while we're getting it?
  3376. Malachi:
  3377. Oh, assume he has his suitcase with him.
  3379. Chrysanthemum:
  3380. Oh, um, I was just gonna grab something cheap. I don't exactly have much on me.
  3382. Heather:
  3383. "I'll treat."
  3385. Chrysanthemum:
  3386. (You don't have to... Oh well.)
  3388. Chrysanthemum:
  3389. Alright, then you get to pick the place.
  3390. Vinny_Donuts:
  3391. know: local for a good takeout place?
  3392. FoxtrotTango:
  3393. « 1d20 + 11 = 11 + 11 = 22 »
  3395. Heather:
  3396. « 1d20+12 = 2 + 12 = 14 »
  3397. FoxtrotTango:
  3398. I just made my roll~
  3399. Heather: (( hoping for a place with specialty donuts and coffee ))
  3400. FoxtrotTango:
  3401. If this was Blade Runner, I'd hope for a nice Chinese place
  3402. FoxtrotTango:
  3403. But it isn't, so whatever works
  3404. FoxtrotTango:
  3405. There's something to be said about pizza too.
  3407. Heather:
  3408. "Hm.... if you don't mind subpar coffee, there's a good donuts place down that way."
  3409. FoxtrotTango:
  3410. All-night takeaways~
  3412. Chrysanthemum:
  3413. Oh, yeah, donuts. I guess I'm not much of a cop yet, it still don't sound as tasty as a good sandwich. I know a place nearby that has really good ingredients for the girl on a burdget.
  3415. Chrysanthemum:
  3416. They take a bit, even when they're slow, but I swear it's worth it.
  3417. FoxtrotTango:
  3418. Just like my local Subway.
  3420. Heather:
  3421. "Aww. I was hoping to indulge in the stereotype, but a sandwich does sound pretty good. I guess I should be keeping in mind to stay healthy, too."
  3422. FoxtrotTango:
  3423. I've been there at like, 8 AM getting a sandwich with my coworkers when no one else was in the building, and it was almost the end of our lunch break just by the time we got back with them.
  3424. Vinny_Donuts:
  3425. Well, a sandwich drenched in sauce isn't the healthiest, but all the same.
  3426. Vinny_Donuts:
  3427. It sure is tasty.
  3429. Chrysanthemum:
  3430. It's not far, come on! Let's run for it!
  3431. * Heather runs with Chrys.
  3432. FoxtrotTango:
  3433. More nutritious than a donut.
  3434. Vinny_Donuts:
  3435. Fair!
  3436. FoxtrotTango:
  3437. Even when you French Dip it
  3438. Avara:
  3439. you don't have to order sauces, either.
  3440. FoxtrotTango:
  3441. Maybe less so, but...
  3442. Vinny_Donuts:
  3443. but the sauces are so good
  3444. FoxtrotTango:
  3445. Nothing's as unhealthy as suffering a dry sammie.
  3446. Avara:
  3447. i don't like sauces on my sammiches
  3448. Witch:
  3449. Vinny, look at Skype.
  3450. FoxtrotTango:
  3451. I think that's a good point for us to cut it out, unless you guys wanna go a little longer.
  3452. Avara:
  3453. ^
  3454. Witch:
  3455. I'm good to stop
  3456. FoxtrotTango:
  3457. That's more meat for a session than I thought I'd be seeing at once, admittedly.
  3458. Vinny_Donuts:
  3459. I could go for a little more if you guys want, but I'm fine with stopping here.
  3460. Avara:
  3461. this's been going on for four hours longer than i'm used to
  3462. Malachi:
  3463. To be fair, server disconnects have been hounding us
  3464. Malachi:
  3465. But yeah, I'm cool for whatever
  3466. Avara:
  3467. okay, accounting for d/cs, three hours longer
  3468. FoxtrotTango:
  3469. Pfff
  3470. FoxtrotTango:
  3471. I think this was a good 'un, either way
  3472. Avara:
  3473. agreed
  3474. FoxtrotTango:
  3475. Nice initial bonding session.
  3476. Avara:
  3477. i still feel like i probably screwed up / am not ready in terms of coppitude
  3478. FoxtrotTango:
  3479. Nah, you're doing fine
  3480. Malachi:
  3481. If we want to do off-session rping, do we do it on the MG or the Skypes?
  3482. FoxtrotTango:
  3483. That's a very good question.
  3484. Vinny_Donuts:
  3485. I'd rather not any off-session rping happen unless it's something very specific.
  3486. Avara:
  3487. alright.
  3488. Malachi:
  3489. K
  3490. FoxtrotTango:
  3491. Understood
  3492. Witch is disconnected.
  3493. Avara is disconnected.
  3494. Malachi:
  3495. logs saved?
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