
Elle Character Sheet

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. Character Sheet
  2. Name: Elle
  3. Age: ~5 Months
  4. Appearance:
  5. Species: Blessed Orb-Weaver Arachne
  6. A vaguely diamond shaped rear end, and colourful patterns are the mark of this breed of arachne. White, black, orange and yellow are all present across her shell. Her hair is a silky pale blonde. Adventurers across town are baffled at how something as colourful as Elle could ever ambush them, but it keeps happening.
  8. Family:
  9. Parents: Nialla (Mom), Erics (Dad)
  10. Sisters: Lyra, Aria, Sara
  11. Brothers: Ephram, Zach
  13. Level 1: Confused hatchling
  14. Level 6: Not too sure about heights
  15. Level 19: Busy Webweaver
  16. Level 32: Lazy Hunter
  17. Level 47: Craftmistress
  18. Level 58: Eight-legged Hatter
  19. Level 69: Crafty Web Weaver
  20. Level 72: More than a Little Lazy, yes?
  21. Level 97: If the spider sleeps in the forest, can you hear it snoring? Yes. Yes you can.
  22. Level 99: Hunting, helping, dragging Ari around cause she can't move.
  23. Level 100: A Very Sedate Evolution
  25. Level 1: Oh, this isn't too bad.
  26. Level 12: BETTER SILK
  27. Level 15: Under-what? Where? There isn't anything under there.
  28. Level 17: Lace spider-panties.
  29. Level 18: Festivals! Festivals mean fancy clothes!
  30. Level 24: Dressesandstockingsandunderthingsand- NO YOU CAN'T STOP ME I'LL WEAVE EVERYTHING
  31. Level 31: Elves make much better models.
  32. Level 32: Half-what? No, I don't care. Put your arms out.
  33. Level 33: Moths make silk? Please continue.
  34. Level 34: Corset?
  35. Level 54: GET BACK HERE LYRA
  36. Level 59: Bandages? That's all? You woke me up for bandages. This must be some sort of nightmare.
  37. Level 63: Currently in training to become a merchant
  38. Level 68: Currently plotting to overthrow the entirety of the fashion industry and replace it with a fashion dictatorship.
  39. Level 69: Theresa is helping.
  40. Level 71: With these hands, I shall- Ooh, lace!
  41. Level 80: What? No, I do not care what kind of adventurer you are, yes. Put on the dress.
  42. Level 81: I made a nest in the stone tree. It is easier to spot people not wearing my clothes from there.
  43. Level 86: The guild has decided that avoiding me is some sort of test?
  44. Level 89: Noone has passed the test yet.
  45. Level 91: Lann has technically passed the test, but she doesn't count.
  46. Level 94: The wolves don't care for dresses?
  47. Level 95: All of the wolves are wearing dresses.
  48. Level 97: Someone asked how much money I was making and apparently I am very rich?
  49. Level 97: Volunteers are good, too. There was a line outside today.
  50. Level 99: The town is getting larger.
  51. Level 100: A larger town means more adventurers...
  53. Level 1: You've just evolved, and already, volunteers! How kind.
  54. Level 3: The old man is helping today!
  55. Level 7: I caught all the guards. Two were too busy laughing at the old man in a dress, but one started running right away.
  56. Level 9: He ran into the web I made to catch people who tried to run.
  58. Level 13: Apparently only the bride wears a wedding dress, but the unicorn told me all the dresses are beautiful.
  59. Level 16: Nobles keep visiting my house?
  60. Level 16: They keep saying they are nobles over and over again? I do not understand.
  61. Level 17: One was saying the sparkle in my eye has won his heart, but he did not know which eye was sparkling. And he passed out when I tried to give him a better look.
  62. Level 18: Theresa has informed me that the nobles are trying to marry me.
  63. Level 19: I could not decide what kind of dress I wanted for my own wedding.
  64. Level 19: Theresa has told me I am too young to marry, and it is for when I am older and in love.
  67. Abilities:
  68. Arachne Combat: Rank 5
  69. Used to fighting without a weapon.
  71. Crossbow Combat: Rank 6
  72. Combat is a strong word. She traps things and then shoots them. Or shoots them to get them to run into traps.
  73. She gave Lann the crossbow, and doesn't miss it much.
  75. Web Weaving: Rank 9
  76. Fast and strong.
  78. Web Crafting: Rank 14
  79. Learning all sorts of things from Mom, and even trying her own. She's got books, she's got dye, she's got a dream. Started making lace and dresses and all sorts of complicated things. Is looking into making her own thread, as she's becoming very dissatisfied with what she has.
  80. A devout seamstress, Elle's evolution has raised her craft yet again.
  82. Hunting: Rank 12
  83. A solid hunter, just lazy. She sits atop her webs. Ambushing people in order to clothe them has necessitated a change in style. Covered burrows, decoys and laying still on top of the guild until someone comes out are all valid strategies. Coincidentally, the centaur in town refuses to travel anywhere there is a differently coloured piece of ground.
  84. With an advance in her own silks, she prowls the town, a multicoloured menace.
  86. Sneaking: Rank 11
  87. She can remain perfectly still, but moving is a bit harder. Turns out, remaining perfectly still is a pretty great skill to have.
  89. Teamwork: Rank 6
  90. Used to playing a supporting role. Unusually apt at helping via web.
  92. Strong Silk: Rank MAX+
  93. Elle can weave this far faster than her sisters. Now further enhanced by Evolution!
  94. Elle evolved again.
  95. Oh dear.
  97. Sewing: Rank 15
  98. Different from simply weaving. Elle has become adept at making both thread and clothing. Elle's dedication to her craft has advanced her leaps and bounds! Able to sew even while her model struggles puts her at the forefront of fashion related power!
  99. Lace and dresses and so much more.
  101. Smooth Talker: Rank 7
  102. Unusually able to convince her captives/volunteers to accept their new clothing, even to the point of taking pride in it.
  103. Possibly based in her own kindness and honesty.
  107. Specials:
  109. Arachne Language
  110. Sharp Armoured Limbs
  111. Spiderwalk: Nearly any surface is climbable.
  112. Venomous Fangs: Biting people doesn't really take skill. But it certainly is effective!
  113. Webs & Silk+: Capable of producing fantastically strong materials.
  114. Inhuman Strength
  115. Enhanced Vision
  116. Tremorsense
  117. Nightvision/ Lowlight vision
  118. Forest Language
  119. Plainspeech: A standard human language.
  120. Literate: No daughter of Mom's is going to be illiterate.
  122. Blessings:
  124. Blessing of the God of the Loom
  126. Property:
  127. She's got a collection of woven bits and pieces.
  128. Woven tunic+: Made with love.
  129. Woven Bags: Elle made her own!
  130. Sun Hat: A wide brimmed hat- She uses it to nap in the sun.
  131. Lace: Elle's made a variety of complex clothing, copying sketches and descriptions from Mom's collection of books. She's smart enough not to wear them while hunting.
  132. Sewing supplies & Design book: Gifts from her sister! She's already planning to make herself a proper dress- Scratch that. She's made more than one dress.
  133. Crossbow: Made by Arachne, For Arachne. A spider's crossbow- This season... Get spinning.
  134. Seriously though, a human wouldn't be able to draw the bow.
  135. More clothing than you could shake a giant spider at.
  136. Sun dress: A nicely dyed dress for an informal occasion.
  137. Wedding Dress: Elle is obsessed.
  138. A home with a view: A rather large home for Oakring, complete with a stone tree.
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