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versioning example.

a guest
Jul 28th, 2023
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  1. So how does it work?
  2. Versioning starts at ​​0.0 and should be at 0.1 once it’s usable and ready for the public.
  4. Major releases
  5. Every time you release a new major update, you increment the second number in the version by one. So for example : 0.1 turns into 0.2, 0.2 turns into 0.3 and so on…
  7. The first number in the version is unused and is there purely for looks. Do not change it, as it will not look good.
  9. Minor releases
  10. Have you written a couple of new functions or fixed one or two bugs here and there and decided to release a minor release? Well that’s just great!
  12. There are two ways to mark minor versions.
  14. The first way is to add a hyphen, followed by the character “R” and the minor release number. (Minor release numbers start from 1)
  15. For example, let’s say the current version is 0.1. If you were to release your first minor release it would become 0.1-R1. Pretty straight-forward, right!?
  17. The second way is to add a letter at the end of the version if it’s not present already, and increment it if it is. So 0.1 with a patch becomes 0.1a. 0.1a with another patch becomes 0.1b.
  18. However, the English alphabet only contains 26 letters. What do I do once I reach “z”?
  19. Well, that’s pretty simple. Append another new letter to the end. Thus, 0.1zwill become 0.1za and so on…
  21. Lets say you had issues learning the alphabet back in primary school, you can simply skip almost the entire alphabet and go from “d” to “x”. This is also perfectly valid.
  23. Now, which one should I choose?
  24. The answer is very simple, choose whatever you want. And feel free to switch between the two whenever you want, this won’t cause any confusion what so ever. If you feel like it, you can even use both at the same time (0.3zb-R28). All of this is perfectly valid. Personally, I prefer using both. As that way you can make sure that people who don’t know the alphabet will know what the current minor release is and vice versa.
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