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Jan 27th, 2020
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  1. Best foosball table for kids: Foosball tables are fun whether you are a kid or not. Having said that, kids need a few special features. Here's our top 3 when it comes to foosball tables with a winner.
  3. Tournament Choice Foosball tables: Looking for a tournament choice foosball table that will serve the purposes? Look no further as we picked 3 of the best in the market and reviewed them in this guide.
  5. Best home foosball table: Is it even a home if you don't have a foosball table? Here's our top 4 picks for a foosball table for your home. Read now.
  7. Foosball table dimension: What is the dimension of a foosball table? What should be the ideal length and what should you keep in mind while getting one? Here's what we think.
  9. Human Foosball Rules: Do you know the rules of foosball? It might look simple, however, foosball is a tough sports to play if you don't know the rules. Here's a complete guide.
  11. How to Make ....Cardboard: Looking to create a foosball table out of cardboards with some DIY magic? Well, this guide is all you need to make that happen. Read and get started now.
  13. How much...foosball table: How much is a foosball table? While the prices vary a lot, there are a few key things which remain unchanged when deciding the price. Here's our complete guide.
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